We'll start by just drawing a piece everyday, and it can be digital or traditional. Then we'll start to work in some sweet themes to challenge ourselfs! ex. robots, chicks etc.
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Thanks for the suggestion Erik. Looking forward to seeing your cool paintings too. Liking your dragon series.
A selfie.
Allan I like it! I think that you should structure up the thumbs and sketches a bit more so they dont come of as to messy, presentation and layout is key, keep it simple.
As for the concept, Some more polish on him would be nice, maybe make him less flat by tweeking/adding shadows and highlight, - show that his jaw is 3D
Cool concept and as always nice colors man.
Left and right hand sketches:
50 minutes. Drawed on Ipad (sketchclub) using a JotPro
Guess it was time for me to do a "future-bladerunner-police-chick-concept"
Will finish it some other day.
Digg the really loose/abstract scifi thingy Erik!
Been slacking on the uploading part as usual. A friend convinced me to watch Avatar the last airbender and i really liked it ^^
some other stuff
Continued with the thumbnails
Design and colors look rad, just make his crab arm longer and more dynamic! It should go bellow his knees man! Bellow his knees!
Anyway, More work on this one, still a WIP though:
Here's a creature sketch, I might push it further.
Daven- That guy is tough, I don't think I could get two words out if I took just one arrow to the head!
Eight- That is some nice looking poop!
ErikNilsson- Love that color comp.
Here's some more stuffss.
Currently drawing characters for a short dialogue based game.
Did some shitty decisions on mergin some layers in the second image so was kinda limited inhow i could move him without having to rework alot of stuff
Epic man,
some sketchy stuff from me:
These are from several pixelovely sessions btw.
Morning sketch.
Edit: updated hair
Edit: fixed proportions, fixed nose, etc
Edit: ninja edit.
Guys I'm getting better...