We'll start by just drawing a piece everyday, and it can be digital or traditional. Then we'll start to work in some sweet themes to challenge ourselfs! ex. robots, chicks etc.
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Excuse the cucumber space monster with the metal face .. I don't know what that is. It just kind of emerged from noodling. :P
I like the big undetailed areas against the exposed detailed machinery.
I am right-handed, but currently can't do much with the right hand because of a minor injury. I really itched to draw though so I tried doodling with the other hand that is very poor at jobs requiring dexterity. Drawing as much as a straight line was darn hard! Funny enough, it was both frustrating and enjoyable at the same time that the style of the sketches felt different compared to my main hand sketches. I wonder if other drawers here have similar experiences?
Go ahead and post some of your "weaker hand" sketches!
Work in progress ->
I thought the Felix Baumgartner jump was the shit. So I drew a picture.
(Did not make this one with them though ^^)
Color poop from mind. I tend to either go really saturated or really bland when I don't compare the colors to real-world stuff throughout a painting.
I'll try to tackle some more mech bits tomorrow.
EDIT: To avoid double-posting:
Old biker dude
A few fantasy weapon-things
+ 1 more step of the Blood Elf