We'll start by just drawing a piece everyday, and it can be digital or traditional. Then we'll start to work in some sweet themes to challenge ourselfs! ex. robots, chicks etc.
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Some environment pen-sketches.
Original pen-sketches for the prop-slices I painting last week.
Daven : Awesome oO
started this during lunch break
Doing character designs based off of people I saw at the grocery store. Trying to keep a faster pace when doing these, but the second one with the headphones just dragged and no amount of noodling was helping much so, moving on.
refraction - I'm noticing a pattern in who you seem to notice at the grocery store. Hmm...
some 2d relaxation, a redo of a previous work. it was erking me.
Not too sure why, but that drawing really stuck out to me. I really like the rendering technique on the face, would like to see more like this
Here's some environment thumbnails
Selaznog, sweet thumbs Especially liking the top left and bottom left. The other two seem a little unbalanced by the dark masses; maybe too foreground-centric?
I can't seem to sleep anymore. Guess I'll just paint!
Paint Tool SAI
Day 1
ca 38 min
Took me a bit longer then I expected, but I like the outcome.
Day 02
Here we present you the result from our live session we did yesterday :
for all those who couldn't attend it we've uploaded the video here : CGPT Team Live Session
We hope it's helpful for you .
Sometimes I vary and start with a greyscale image and only add colour via those layer modes, other times I start off with a greyscale, do my layer modes, then merge everything together and colour pick away.
EDIT: Found an old sketch describing my process, same concept.
Creature of the day.
Day 03
Now I just hate looking at this piece as it reminds me of what I lost. Perhaps one day I'll return to it with a greater vengeance
(might even bring you some new and interesting id
I haven't done a gas mask soldier in a while, and I suck at guns.
EDIT:3am, time for bed.
Creature of the day
Day 4
Trying to improve my rendering.
Dado: Sick sketches!
ljabli: Really great designs. I'd love to see you push the silhouette more, but the organic details are wonderful.
Allen-p: Nice designs
Erik: Your sketches are really coming along, keep it up!
Yes Makkon, very nice work, loved to see your theories behind it all ^^
Here is another one from me!
(Spent a little less time on this one, quite hectic with all the projects in school)
fun to see your workflow, I better get back to practising, practice practice practice
Otherwise there's no reason why I drew this.
Morning sketch with my son. Have a long way to go with my 2D art.
amon amarth + skyrim = v
Skylebones: I absolutely love love love that design
Dado: Love that smirk!
A death knight!