We'll start by just drawing a piece everyday, and it can be digital or traditional. Then we'll start to work in some sweet themes to challenge ourselfs! ex. robots, chicks etc.
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Stinger88, I too prefer the bottom one, the first one is more bold in punk fashion but the more organic shapes covering her head make her seem mysterious to me. Curious to see where you go with one of these designs
Dado, did you sketch those dinos with wacom?
this is sexy!
quick lunch doodle
Dado: Thanks for showing those character concept sheets for the gnome, it's fun to see how many different ideas you were tossing around for the character!
Tacith, those eyes... wh-...
And in spirit of Halo 4...
I'm also liking this creepy teeth face thing going on here...
Some quick sketching from a PC google hangout a few minutes ago.
love these 'punch. top left. dude wants to be bust sculpted. . .
morning sketch
and a life thing
and this is what came out from two days there
Studied/sketched some animal parts today
( Ps. Warren, your dog is adorable!)
Ugh, I need to get better at values and forms...
Nice. You were doing those since I remember.
It looks really cool put together like this.
I'd be honoured if anyone felt like working with my drawing