We'll start by just drawing a piece everyday, and it can be digital or traditional. Then we'll start to work in some sweet themes to challenge ourselfs! ex. robots, chicks etc.
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Quick figure drawing practice from imagination... need to start using reference and actually learn some shit
fun sketch for cghub
Loving the style daphz
Here's a quickie.
And a random Foxgirl
Hey, the main thing I believe is the perspective looking kind of skewed, leaning to the left. Think the core shadow (left-side/bottom) should be darker too, along with the bit below the stem.
Here's a practice one I did a while ago, although it took me a little over an hour..
I rendered without a camera in the scene.
but still, I didn't communicate that properly in the painting. Loving the colours and lighting in yours!
edit: oops, posted in wrong place.
did some photostudys today
Edit: PLing, that is lovely! Her face is endearing
roomate gave me a ton of help on composition
lunch time cyberness. Time: 50mins
EDIT: lol, just looking back at my previous sketch, the radio soldier dude. His crotch is way to low and to add to that he seems to be camel toeing a bit! hehe...
My original painting I'm designing from.
I love the composition stickadtroja