Whoa, haven't been here for a while. No excuses, been trying out some tutorials and been too lazy to upload! It seems like everyone's been busy, I'll have to browse and see and later on =D!
Slowly getting into values and colors and stuff. Saw that twoflower did a plank once and had to copy him. Was pretty fun, gonna explore some more cel shading techniques!
Erik: Badass dude is badass! like the gradient and the edge definition you have going on the gun and how his arm gives some really nice depth to the image.
Kinekun: Nice seeing you post here again^^ your line art stuff is looking really good, digg the beetle.
day 131 didnt have anything planed out to draw today so just started to doodle around. Think ill work some more on it tomorrow. it lacks a point of interest
I'm in vacation,and I have a really bad internet connection/speed...it took like 10 minutes to upload this image.I have more sketches but I don't want to wait 2 hours to upload them
Day 3
I had no idea how to make the forest,and I ended up with some really weird hills
From now on,I'll do only sketches until I improve my drawing/painting skills
Gah kickass image again erik, think her pose could be improved abit as it doesn't feel like she just beat the crap out of that big robot thingy. Really like the design of the character. Man im getting really jealouse over here of that loose sketchy style you have going on ^^
nice character erik! You're really good at values. But perhaps her pose could be a bit more "moving through the airy". Like, position her right arm a bit further back and behind her or something
Looking good kine! Try looking at fashion photos, I do that for both male and female clothes designs to get ideas
sweet ref practice TF! The light looks really good
Welcome Shara! Looks good! But with some more contrast in the foreground the depth would work better. There are some awesome tutorials linked further back in this thread on depth and stuff. I like the layout, you should continue with it!
This thread is so full of win it has inspired me to purchase a tablet once more. You guys have some serious talent. Even with regard to the "sloppy" paintings - I feel the emotional undertones. I've realized that painting with emotion is far more important than good proportions and line integrity!
Good start there Erik. i don't know if you just mistyped the texture res but you you should use 2048 instead of 2038
aioconx: your poses are really good, like the colors on the dragon aswell
day 129 some fanart for the game Superbrothers: Sword and Sworcery. if you like retro adventure games with awesome music and art you should check it out : )
very cool game I've been digging retro lately. It seems that artistic glory is most easily observed in what most people consider to be obsolete media. Oh, and bought it a little while after seeing this doodle. Albeit, I've been tempted to ever since I saw it on steam.
Erik: cool character. Like the harmony in the color palette.
aiconx: great start on the portrait. Think it could turn out really good if you polished it
Keres: cool^^ got caught up with irl stuff so still haven't finished sword and sworcery. Hopefully i get some spare time this weekend to complete it.
day 140 Bucketdude the savior of innocent sandcastles.
day 130
yo qman how you make that GIF?
Slowly getting into values and colors and stuff. Saw that twoflower did a plank once and had to copy him. Was pretty fun, gonna explore some more cel shading techniques!
Kinekun: Nice seeing you post here again^^ your line art stuff is looking really good, digg the beetle.
day 131 didnt have anything planed out to draw today so just started to doodle around. Think ill work some more on it tomorrow. it lacks a point of interest
wb kine! nice dalek!
really like that gunman erik
looks nice TF, but yeah some point of interest. i like those black pipe like things, maybe something with those?
Day 3
I had no idea how to make the forest,and I ended up with some really weird hills
From now on,I'll do only sketches until I improve my drawing/painting skills
aiconx: Awesome to see more poses from you, great practice!
Twoflower: Cool colors dude!
day 132
You should check out magic the gathering art -
Erik, vn dragon silhouette
It's late but I didn't want to not post anything. Or nothing not at all. So I made a googly-eyed froggie
lovely thumbs TF!
Just something I had in my head.
trying out some new stuff to quickly try out clothings
day 133 nothing fancy today. just a quick studie
sorry for sucking.
nice character erik! You're really good at values. But perhaps her pose could be a bit more "moving through the airy". Like, position her right arm a bit further back and behind her or something
Looking good kine! Try looking at fashion photos, I do that for both male and female clothes designs to get ideas
sweet ref practice TF! The light looks really good
Welcome Shara! Looks good! But with some more contrast in the foreground the depth would work better. There are some awesome tutorials linked further back in this thread on depth and stuff. I like the layout, you should continue with it!
ref practice and left hand character practice
TF: that's a really nice study man. All i'd like to see is some more grounding, maybe a gradation in the shadow or something like that!
aicon: Woof! really nice wolf.
Another study of planes in the face
aiconx nice wolf
kine: agreed
day 134
Cool wolf, man.
Interesting landscape there.
Agreed, I could probably do more work on my pic, thanks guys.
Here is a quick wamr up from me (original pic Mr Jack)
Will post the illustration I was warming up for tomorrow.
thanks guys!
really nice study there kine, gotta do some of those too
Here is a dragon from me, CHOMP CHOMP!
day 135
Awesome dragon erik!
day 136
Really like that fairy pic aiconx.
thanks guys!
Alchemy doodles:
Selfportrait 1
PLaying around with lighting. Need to get used using larger valueranges!
looking good guys
Awesome angle TF!
day 138
sweet elemental themed thumbs erik
day 139 way too saturated
Gonna do more thumbs tomorrow.
and i love ur sketch's ErikNilsson really inspiring
very cool game
aiconx: great start on the portrait. Think it could turn out really good if you polished it
Keres: cool^^ got caught up with irl stuff so still haven't finished sword and sworcery. Hopefully i get some spare time this weekend to complete it.
day 140 Bucketdude the savior of innocent sandcastles.
I'm not getting full of myself, I just joined some buddies who decided to draw a selfportrait every day
Aicon: As a btw, that portrait is really nice. I'm getting pressure now, dude!