Looks like a lot of folks are coming in on Tuesday and a lot of the rest of the week is taken up with various events that are tough to work around, so Tuesday may be the best day for it. Possibly in the evening once everyone's settled and knows what the hell they're doing.
I'm going to be there for the entire week, so just about any time is good for me. I'll be wearing a Greentooth pin and looking for jet-lagged nerds everywhere I go.
I think Tuesday makes alot of sence actually aswell, I'll be rushing to get unpacked and then get down to lefty's but its a great way to start my conference :P
so I'm down.
Okay, we need to figure out an exact time for this meetup. I vote sometime between 4:00pm and 7:00pm on Tuesday, March 6th. Earlier would probably be better if people are planning on going to the IGDA party (and I certainly know I am).
... so Tuesday may be the best day for it. Possibly in the evening once everyone's settled and knows what the hell they're doing.
I'm going to be there for the entire week, so just about any time is good for me. I'll be wearing a Greentooth pin and looking for jet-lagged nerds everywhere I go.
Tuesday will probably work Looking foward to GDC again. :poly142:
That also reminds me I need to get a Greentooth from the store. I will have that and an Oxhorn Shorts pin..yay Oxhorn.
P.S Does anyone know a good offline map app for the Ipod that I can draw a route on? Navigating around S.F and me dont get along well Don;t mind paying as long as its not too much.
There hasn't been much consensus on the exact time, so I propose Tuesday at 6:00pm. That'll let us hang out for a bit and then swing on over to the IGDA party once it's in full swing.
Planning on heading out on my lonesome. First time for me, so it should be interesting. Planning on being there the whole week, so I might put some faces to names.
For anybody curious about the parking situation in the general vicinity of the Moscone Center, you may want to check out their site and have a look at this map:
In general, parking is somewhere between $2-$4 per hour and they charge you by the half hour. Overnight parking is usually in the range of about $25-$40, depending upon how close you park to something important.
If the hotel/motel/hostel/cardboard box you're staying at doesn't have its own parking, make sure to consider this in your budget.
Im going to be staying with a friend in emeryville a quick question the i was planning on taking the rapid transit are the black rectangles there stops?
We need to make another huge ass Polycount meet up for mega beers. When I went in 2010 it was at Lefty's so I think it'd be good if we kept it there (as people have been saying in this thread)
Seems Thursday is a day that works best. I am leaving Friday night with all my coworkers.
I can only afford a hotel for 2 nights, currently have room for wed/thur night. I was thinkin about changing it to tues/wed so I could swing by and meet people.
Any chance of getting a solid consensus on what night the meet-up will be?
Probably wont be able to shift reservations around much after Friday.
I'll probably be wanting to grab dinner around that time on both days and I'm sure other people will want to as well, so having a couple of meetups doesn't seem like a bad idea. It'd also let people who are only there for a couple of days meet some fellow Polycounters if they can't make it to one meet or the other.
it would be hella cool to meet up with some of you guys before the IDGA party and I know others who wont be getting in till Wedsday. Double meet-ups sound pretty fantastic .:thumbup:
My Thoughts were that it would be a sick way to start my trip by getting in touch with you guys, and maybe meeting up during the day/sharing info during the rest of the show. @Elyaradine: the muni is $2 last time I rode it and it will take you anywhere you want to go.
First 1/5th of a mile: $3.10
Each additional 1/5th of a mile or fraction thereof: $0.45
Each minute of waiting or traffic delay: $0.45
Airport surcharge: $2.00
Passengers pay for bridge tolls.
For distances 15 miles or farther outside the city limits, taxis will charge 150 percent of the metered rate.
I'd advise you to walk everywhere if possible, and certainly never get in a cab during rush hour if you can help it since you'll be stuck in traffic for eternity.
Very much yes.
Looks like a lot of folks are coming in on Tuesday and a lot of the rest of the week is taken up with various events that are tough to work around, so Tuesday may be the best day for it. Possibly in the evening once everyone's settled and knows what the hell they're doing.
I'm going to be there for the entire week, so just about any time is good for me. I'll be wearing a Greentooth pin and looking for jet-lagged nerds everywhere I go.
Lefty O'doul's sounds good. Thursday night or Wednesday night?
"Reservation for 30 people please, last name Greentooth"
so I'm down.
Okay, we need to figure out an exact time for this meetup. I vote sometime between 4:00pm and 7:00pm on Tuesday, March 6th. Earlier would probably be better if people are planning on going to the IGDA party (and I certainly know I am).
I'd better register for the IGDA thing.
Tuesday will probably work
That also reminds me I need to get a Greentooth from the store. I will have that and an Oxhorn Shorts pin..yay Oxhorn.
P.S Does anyone know a good offline map app for the Ipod that I can draw a route on? Navigating around S.F and me dont get along well
All in favor?
Also got my Greentooh pins in the mail today
How do you get in on the IGDA party? Tickets?
You register here;
And then print out the ticket you receive. I think you have to show it at the entrance or something.
What about you? You and the studio you work for?
In general, parking is somewhere between $2-$4 per hour and they charge you by the half hour. Overnight parking is usually in the range of about $25-$40, depending upon how close you park to something important.
If the hotel/motel/hostel/cardboard box you're staying at doesn't have its own parking, make sure to consider this in your budget.
Seems Thursday is a day that works best. I am leaving Friday night with all my coworkers.
Any chance of getting a solid consensus on what night the meet-up will be?
Probably wont be able to shift reservations around much after Friday.
I'll probably be wanting to grab dinner around that time on both days and I'm sure other people will want to as well, so having a couple of meetups doesn't seem like a bad idea. It'd also let people who are only there for a couple of days meet some fellow Polycounters if they can't make it to one meet or the other.
it would be hella cool to meet up with some of you guys before the IDGA party and I know others who wont be getting in till Wedsday. Double meet-ups sound pretty fantastic .:thumbup:
@Elyaradine: the muni is $2 last time I rode it and it will take you anywhere you want to go.
Here's a map for y'all:
This page has info about taking cabs in the city. From my rather limited experience, it seems accurate.
I'd advise you to walk everywhere if possible, and certainly never get in a cab during rush hour if you can help it since you'll be stuck in traffic for eternity.
if anyone wants my contact infos, shoot me an email: maurymountain@gmail.com
What time?
Would love to put some faces to names