Tuesday, March 6th, 6:00pm and Thursday, March 8th, 6:00pm
Lefty O'Doul's Restaurant and LoungeGoogle Maps directions and location.
Lefty O'Doul's is a restaurant and bar, so it's open to people under 21.
For anybody curious about the parking situation in the general vicinity of the Moscone Center, you may want to
check out their site and have a look at this map:

In general, parking is somewhere between $2-$4 per hour and they charge you by the half hour. Overnight parking is usually in the range of about $25-$40, depending upon how close you park to something important.
If the hotel/motel/hostel/cardboard box you're staying at doesn't have its own parking, make sure to consider this in your budget.
The Game Developers Conference® (GDC) is the world's largest professionals-only game industry event. The conference commemorated its 25th edition in 2011, making it also the longest-running event of its kind.
Game Developer's Conference 2012 is fast approaching.
I'm going to be there with one of my coworkers and I know at least one other person who's planning on attending. I know there have been rumblings from a couple of other Polycounters about going this year, so is anybody interested in a Polycount meetup during the conference?
I'd love to meet some of the people from around here and have a beer or three.
Those days are over I hate u all!
Also attending a tutorial session for the first time, Level Design in a Day: Best Practices from the Best in the Business. How are the tutorials? Anyone been to one before?
thinking about volunteering to get a free pass because I need to go if its the last thing I dooooo.....
Can't wait for GDC.
I'll also be at the IGDA party.
IGDA party happening During GDC, was pretty fun last year (was chill) and I've already notice we got a couple polycounters signed up.
Who else is interested in going?
@moose: if you go we need to have beer since I missed you last time you were at BG.
That IGDA meetup thing is on a Tuesday though so I could see possibly making it to that!
That's not much of an exaggeration depending upon where you park. My girlfriend lives within walking distance of the Moscone Center and it's $25 for overnight parking at the garage on her block. It's one of the cheaper places to park in the area, too.
If you're planning on driving up, I'd suggest carpooling if you know anybody else who's going so you can split the cost. There really isn't any affordable parking in the city unless you're willing to skip between supermarket parking lots on a regular basis.
If anybody's looking to do a meetup, the IGDA party would probably be a great time for that. Before or after the party on same day would be pretty good as well if there are any people under 21 who want to meet. I'm going to be in and around the city for the whole week, so I'm okay with meeting up basically any time.
Mmmm that could work. Its so rough, please don't kill the messenger but this will be GDC no.11. This is how it kinda goes.
Monday - Usually totaly free
Tuesday - Free except that this for many years has been the "Indie Party" which some times has been awesome.
Wed - Many people are gonna go to the Awards show. This is concidered the party night to not battle with. All the biggest parties are on Wed night. So people are at the Blizzard party, or the Sony one, or whatever. Total mess.
Thursday - More parties. Probably safer than Wed. But more parties.
Friday - Nobody gives a shit. Sadly either people are burnt or they are already going home. Hanging out with some people in hotels is common for those who are not sleeping or home already....
So yeah I always want to hook up with people but the turns out always vary cause people get blizzard party stuff or all their friends are getting them to go to some stupid M$ party where you can't even hear each other talk at all. This is why the Indie Party was put on Tuesday - to not even try to compete with Wed/Thu.
But after the awards is awesome. I've heard of so many gatherings during it.... but after the awards when everybody (from it) is getting dinner but before like everybody is retarded drunk.
There will be polycounters in or near San Francisco who won't be going to GDC so I would prefer having a PC meeting outside of the convention.
I'll be going too btw and I've already fixed a ticket for the IGDA party. I'm not sure how we would be able to have a pc gathering in the IGDA party though? Do we walk around and ask people if they're polycounters? Or will people be wearing name tags?
Edit: Is this Blizzard party invite only?
Im nervous!
Will be looking to meet up with polycounters at every possible turn!
For me i've never gone to the awards show in the past, but if we end up hearing about other parties that night, it might be better to have it thursday?
Am I out of line in possibly having two meetups for people who cant come to one/the other...
I would go to both for sure
Would love to meet you guys!
And yeah, I'm paying out of my own pocket to fly out from South Africa. Oh yeah.
[edit] I'm staying at a hostel too, hurr.
Will be there Wed - Sat. 3rd year in a row for me.
A meet up on Thurs. would be nice
There's a ton of shit to do and places to go around the Moscone center since it's right in downtown SF.
I thought these ones looked really interesting:
Subtracting to Add - Environment Optimization Techniques
Kevin Johnstone (EpicGames)
Wed 11:00AM
The Art of Dear Esther
Robert Briscoe (thechineseroom)
Thurs 12:05PM
The Art of Diablo 3
Christian Lichtner (Blizzard Entertainment)
Thurs 2:30PM
The Tricks Up Our Sleeves: A Walkthrough of the Latest Techniques Behind FX of Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
Keith Guerrette (Naughty Dog, Inc.)
Thurs 4:00PM
The Art of Uncharted 3
Robh Ruppel (Naughty Dog)
Fri 12:05PM
I know they usualy do a game career expo and some of the talks on wed-fri are open to all passes.
Doesn't look like it. You can check what talks are open to Expo passes by unchecking most of the boxes on the right side of that scheduler Swizzle linked.