The internet will always be a warzone. I just hope they manage to craft a law that will benefit our industry, without becoming yet another tool for the corrupt and powerful.
There's not a great deal to be done JFletcher, there's this: it isn't getting much coverage obviously, and it'll be an inconvenience at best.
Whatever shall happen, our western nation governments, in league with the corporations are totally out of all democratic control and have been for a long time. There isn't a way back, we should have torn down everything in the 80's at the very latest.
You were warned. But didn't listen. (Demographic populace)
I've just looked up some of the ACTA stuff about Europe, and it seems they have been negotiating about this matter for quite some time now (3 years or so?) and the European Parliament is demanding more transparency about the matter, before comitting to the regulation. They have demanded more transparency earlier as well (2010) and received it, but after a few versions where made public, it all sneaked behind closed doors again (according to the article I read mainly due to the influence of America :O).
Spooky stuff! Wondering where this will go.
I just had a thought. Would any of this "copyright infringement" affect us artists and the work we do. What i'm getting at it is.
Say I do a sculpt or a drawing of Spiderman. Would I be allowed to share it freely online? Images or the model itself. Would Fan art become a form of copyright infringement?
Will I even be able to save copyrighted images to my computer that are for reference purposes only?
Sounds extreme, but alot of the policies in these treaties sound extreme. And the people carrying out the checks and enforcing the policies aren't going to care whether its art or not. They'll just see it as me trying to share an image of copyrighted character.
I'm no expert on whats in these treaties. I've kinda been watching from the side lines. So forgive I've misunderstood whats going on.
Technically, 'fan art' could already be construed as copyright infringement and wind someone up in a spot of trouble (it's a really grey area). The reality is that chasing after your fans with legal action doesn't tend to be the best business model. Someone might chase you if you cross an invisible line in th sand though; it has happened in the past.
I just wonder how ISP will check among ALL COPYRIGHTED mp3's that one being transmitted is illegal.
I have no problem with fighting piracy, hell, they can close all goddamn torrent sites and megavideos they want. Still, I really hate this whole ACTA shit.
I just wonder how ISP will check among ALL COPYRIGHTED mp3's that one being transmitted is illegal.
I have no problem with fighting piracy, hell, they can close all goddamn torrent sites and megavideos they want. Still, I really hate this whole ACTA shit.
the most messed up part was it said that even quoted copyrighted content in emails and documents could be considered infringing.
so if it goes that far how are people supposed to research anything or make arrangements when they cant even quote there source.
I'm confused as to ACTA.... if they pass it, does the site have to think its copyrighted or the government? cause either way I can't see how they can monitor EVERYBODY.
I'm confused as to ACTA.... if they pass it, does the site have to think its copyrighted or the government? cause either way I can't see how they can monitor EVERYBODY.
hard to say, it is really hard to get any information based on fact at all with this> seems all information involving it has a very big bias on it, and cant really be trusted.
like in the last video that was linked, parts of it must be outright wrong or exaggerated.
Sen. Bernie Sanders has proposed a constitutional amendment that would overturn the Supreme Court decision in a case called Citizens United vs. FEC.
The Saving American Democracy Amendment states that:
Corporations are not persons with constitutional rights equal to real people.
Corporations are subject to regulation by the people.
Corporations may not make campaign contributions or any election expenditures.
Congress and states have the power to regulate campaign finances.
"But most importantly Acta does not change any EU laws, it simply levels the playing field so that other countries match our standards. There is no threat to internet freedom or privacy. Everything you can do legally today in the EU, you would be legally able to do if Acta is ratified."
And therein lies the problem. Most of what we do online isn't legal. That music video? Infringement. That funny meme pic? Infringement. That fanart? Infringement.
I'd rather things stay nice and illegal as they are instead of letting companies run roughshod over us.
True, they should be legal, but when you create a mechanism that requires no due process to target users and terminate their accounts, you'll see targeting of "legal" material pursued aggressively. Kind of how companies love to send out cease and desist letters currently even though there's no legal reason to.
seems Canada is next with bill c-11, but sofar from what i read of the document it isn't half as bad as acta, still should be fought off all the same though.
are memes really illegal? doesn't that fall under fair use
Unfortunately fair use is an US-american legal concept that does not have a direct counterpart in most european countries.
Since ACTA is an international agreement, there's bound to be trouble.
Ireland and the EU signed the document, now it can be voted for turning into law in the European Parliament. So there's still a chance it's rejected before it can actually affect us if us EU folk petition our country's MEPs to distance themselves from ACTA and effectively vote against it.'s-role
Unfortunately, from what I gathered; the majority of EU residents don't give two flying fucks about this horrible piece of future legislation, or haven't heard about it. And it doesn't help a lot of members of EU parliament are corporate bootlickers.
THE SECRET TREATY: ACTA and Its Impact on Access to Medicines
"ACTA is part of the enforcement agenda advanced by rich countries outside of multilateral norm-setting institutions. ACTA would impose limits on price-reducing generic competition and jeopardize the free flow of legitimate medicines across borders. These enforcement efforts enhance the rights of pharmaceutical companies at the expense of poor patients"
I guess it's too bad they made so much money off of pirated IP
It's a bit long but really well worth it.
The internet will always be a warzone. I just hope they manage to craft a law that will benefit our industry, without becoming yet another tool for the corrupt and powerful.
hahahah "Anonymous! Anonymous is coming!"
This is getting really fucking pathetic now. Slipping this in under all the SOPA rage and not giving people time to react or debate.
Literally getting signed tomorrow, so what the fuck can people do about it? it isn't getting much coverage obviously, and it'll be an inconvenience at best.
Whatever shall happen, our western nation governments, in league with the corporations are totally out of all democratic control and have been for a long time. There isn't a way back, we should have torn down everything in the 80's at the very latest.
You were warned. But didn't listen. (Demographic populace)
all i want is for 2012 to bring me a job and Bioshock Infinite. that's it. to hell with freedom. I give up.
Spooky stuff! Wondering where this will go.
Say I do a sculpt or a drawing of Spiderman. Would I be allowed to share it freely online? Images or the model itself. Would Fan art become a form of copyright infringement?
Will I even be able to save copyrighted images to my computer that are for reference purposes only?
Sounds extreme, but alot of the policies in these treaties sound extreme. And the people carrying out the checks and enforcing the policies aren't going to care whether its art or not. They'll just see it as me trying to share an image of copyrighted character.
I'm no expert on whats in these treaties. I've kinda been watching from the side lines. So forgive I've misunderstood whats going on.
I say we nuke everything and be done with it. This whole "humankind" thing is obviosuly not working.
I just wonder how ISP will check among ALL COPYRIGHTED mp3's that one being transmitted is illegal.
I have no problem with fighting piracy, hell, they can close all goddamn torrent sites and megavideos they want. Still, I really hate this whole ACTA shit.
the most messed up part was it said that even quoted copyrighted content in emails and documents could be considered infringing.
so if it goes that far how are people supposed to research anything or make arrangements when they cant even quote there source.
everything will have to be cited, even in personal emails. I really can't see that happening. But who know whats going to happen.
Someone needs to invent the next step in global communication fast! Anyone know anything on what the next step might be?
hard to say, it is really hard to get any information based on fact at all with this> seems all information involving it has a very big bias on it, and cant really be trusted.
like in the last video that was linked, parts of it must be outright wrong or exaggerated.
A Petition to Support the Saving American Democracy Amendment
Sen. Bernie Sanders has proposed a constitutional amendment that would overturn the Supreme Court decision in a case called Citizens United vs. FEC.
The Saving American Democracy Amendment states that:
Corporations are not persons with constitutional rights equal to real people.
Corporations are subject to regulation by the people.
Corporations may not make campaign contributions or any election expenditures.
Congress and states have the power to regulate campaign finances.
Negotiations over a controversial anti-piracy agreement have been described as a "masquerade" by a key Euro MP.
Kader Arif, the European Parliament's rapporteur for the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (Acta), resigned over the issue on Friday.
He said he had witnessed "never-before-seen manoeuvres" by officials preparing the treaty.
it seems they arent all crooked afterall..
And therein lies the problem. Most of what we do online isn't legal. That music video? Infringement. That funny meme pic? Infringement. That fanart? Infringement.
I'd rather things stay nice and illegal as they are instead of letting companies run roughshod over us.
Since ACTA is an international agreement, there's bound to be trouble.
Ireland and the EU signed the document, now it can be voted for turning into law in the European Parliament. So there's still a chance it's rejected before it can actually affect us if us EU folk petition our country's MEPs to distance themselves from ACTA and effectively vote against it.'s-role
Unfortunately, from what I gathered; the majority of EU residents don't give two flying fucks about this horrible piece of future legislation, or haven't heard about it. And it doesn't help a lot of members of EU parliament are corporate bootlickers.
The only press release for example was posted in the 'Agriculture And Fisheries Meeting report' - in hope nobody would even bother to read it.
"ACTA is part of the enforcement agenda advanced by rich countries outside of multilateral norm-setting institutions. ACTA would impose limits on price-reducing generic competition and jeopardize the free flow of legitimate medicines across borders. These enforcement efforts enhance the rights of pharmaceutical companies at the expense of poor patients"
Peaceful protest against ACTA in London (and other place across europe) this saturday.
Here is to hoping this gets noticed seriously.