and yes, many foreigner go there to shop lots of them. as real as it get
When I was in Singapore (2001) I was at a mall and walked into an electronics store. It was filled with movies, pirated software, everything. I could literally buy windows xp and all the addons for 2.50! Adobe sweet for the same. It was insane.
These places exist but not in mainstream AMERICA and that is what this bill is supposedly being created for.
"Despite the fact that Congress was supposed to be out of session until the end of January, the Judiciary Committee has just announced plans to come back to continue the markup this coming Wednesday. This is rather unusual and totally unnecessary. But it shows just how desperate Hollywood is to pass this bill as quickly as possible, before the momentum of opposition builds up even further."
Sounds like it's going to happen one way or another.
It still has to go through the full house and then the senate and then to the president which said he'll veto anything that will violate net neutrality, also Joe Biden is against this bill so it will be interesting to see. On the other-hand Obama says a lot of things and never does them...ehem NDAA... We'll see. Hopefully the Oregon Rep Wyden (I believe that's his name) will Filibuster this thing, he said he will. I'm praying this doesn't happen (Literally)
70 year old men deciding the fate of USA and violating the very foundation of it, while setting it up as a standard for other countries? Color me surprised, but seriously, what the hell?
Edit: You knows what BS? Half of those people supporting the bill don't have any reason to support it. Last I checked, sporting events, weight lose videos and beauty products don't have anything to do with Internet related IP and Piracy.
"Despite the fact that Congress was supposed to be out of session until the end of January, the Judiciary Committee has just announced plans to come back to continue the markup this coming Wednesday. This is rather unusual and totally unnecessary. But it shows just how desperate Hollywood is to pass this bill as quickly as possible, before the momentum of opposition builds up even further."
Even if this passes couldn't the next president (Hopefully Paul) repeal it?? I don't think this will pass, but what do I know, they've attempted this idk how many times under different names, but it is scary that they keep trying. I have faith.
Or the Supreme Cort rules them unconstitutional. With the way some of the Republican candidates are talking about going after "activist judges" (read: anyone who doesn't view things their way).
I wouldn't be surprised if they finally get to remove that little road block. Some people call it a delicate set of checks and balances that keep one branch of our government from growing too powerful but other people say they're finishing what they started 8-10 years ago...
That system of "checks and balances" is completely pointless if you ask me. It's supposed to make sure one branch doesn't get too powerful. But really all it does is make sure one branch isn't any MORE powerful than the others. So over time all you get is that all branches become more powerful together. Big whoop.
Yea this bill isn't even out of committee yet so it has such a long road to go before being signed into law.
Some idiot gets a hair brained idea and scribbles it down on a cocktail napkin, or across the ass cheeks of a lobbyist/hooker.
House Committee: Amendments and changes by a handful of "experts"
House Floor Debate: Everyone in the house has at the bill
House Vote: If it passes it goes onto...
Senate debate: Possible changes
Senate Vote: If it passes it goes onto...
President: Signs it and technically its law, or veto's it and the game resets.
However congress does things like cut funding, muddy the rules, fail to approve overseers and enforcers, so it could end up without teeth.
If it does manage to bite someone, they normally sue stating its unconstitutional.
If they win the law is struck down (and then appealed again and again until it hits the supreme court)
If they lose, they appeal (and appeal and appeal until it gets to the supreme court)
Depending on who appointed how many justices to the supreme court and when, they kill the law, change it or uphold it.
Also... you have OPEN and PIPA to worry about. But honestly this is bill is at step two and considering the internet shit-storm has managed to slow down the fast track the committee chairman put on the bill, they might be able to apply enough pressure to kill it before it gets out of committee where most bills die naturally.
Apparently now its BACK to NEXT YEAR part of the email I got from demandprogress:
"Wow -- That was close: After threatening to hold a vote this week, the House Judiciary Committee just cancelled tomorrow's hearing on SOPA!
WASHINGTON POST: The House Judiciary Committee confirmed Tuesday that it will delay continuing debate on the Stop Online Piracy Act until after Congress returns from its winter recess. In January of one year ago it looked like Internet censorship legislation could pass in a matter of months. But then Demand Progress members stepped in: We've pushed the legislation back a full year, and now it's on the ropes."
"In days, over 1 million of us worldwide signed a petition opposing a scandalous bill that would give the US government the right to shut down any website -- targeting sites like WikiLeaks, YouTube, even Avaaz!
President Obama’s team responded, and Avaaz organized a 1 hour meeting with top White House officials to deliver the petition.
We’ve now been told privately that Obama is likely to oppose the bill as it stands. When we started, insiders all told us the bill could not be stopped, now they’re all telling us the bill may soon be dead in its current form -- that’s people power!"
From what I've gathered (by reading too much reddit), some interesting things are going on.
It became known that GoDaddy was supporting SOPA and people were wanting to boycott it. A statement said "Go Daddy has received some emails that appear to stem from the boycott prompt, but we have not seen any impact to our business." However later on they announced that they no longer support SOPA. Wikipedia and possibly Imgur (not 100% on this) have stated that they will no longer be using GoDaddy.
Guess I'll spread this as well, although it is just a game of "spot the hypocrite" instead of an actual solution and explanation of why SOPA is wrong.
Meh, still an interesting video.
Honestly, I don't know what to say about all this shit that hasn't been said already. There seems to be enough force against it (although it needs to remain strong for a long time) but I can't help but think of how things would actually be if this got passed...
We can all petition and say it's shit, and it may not get passed, but as someone else mentioned, it's just going to creep back up (hell, like it's doing in January) and it's just going to be a constant fight..
My real worry is that the only way to solve this permanently, once and for all, is to actually let it happen...and trigger a massive *real* reaction from people.
Otherwise they're just going to keep trying...until there's real damage and not just petitions.
As long as a small group of greedy people can attempt to control something (in this case, the internet) and make money off of others then it is, and will always be a constant fight. Those people won't give up as long as it's in their best interest to keep on trying so we can't give up either.
SOPA is just the newest frontline in the war on freedom that has been going on forever.
I agree, all branches couldn't get too powerful, they would be stepping on each others toes. I don't hear anyone complaining about recent Supreme Court rulings.
I agree, all branches couldn't get too powerful, they would be stepping on each others toes. I don't hear anyone complaining about recent Supreme Court rulings.
What about the Troy Davis case? It was luckily brought to light, but there are man similar cases that never get that kind of public attention.
I agree, all branches couldn't get too powerful, they would be stepping on each others toes. I don't hear anyone complaining about recent Supreme Court rulings.
Yeah I never hear anyone complain about the Citizen's United ruling.
So the ESA is supporting SOPA? That is kind of bullshit. Anybody know anyone who can express to them that that is a bad idea?
Since I am an indie, I don't have much to do with the ESA. I respect that they have lobbied hard to protect games as first amendment speech, but this shit is just sad.
When I was in Singapore (2001) I was at a mall and walked into an electronics store. It was filled with movies, pirated software, everything. I could literally buy windows xp and all the addons for 2.50! Adobe sweet for the same. It was insane.
These places exist but not in mainstream AMERICA and that is what this bill is supposedly being created for.
Victory (for now)?
Yeah for now haha.
A) To think people will forget by the time the get to it, so they have less opposition.
C) Make another bill with a different name
what exactly is in the digital bill, i live in Canada, but i do have webservers in London UK, and wondering how i would be effected.
Their basically the gist of it. I dont think they still know what they are doing with it though, they have yet to implement anything in it.
I think its funny how blatant the corruption and toadying is exposed with these things and yet nothing is done about it.
It still has to go through the full house and then the senate and then to the president which said he'll veto anything that will violate net neutrality, also Joe Biden is against this bill so it will be interesting to see. On the other-hand Obama says a lot of things and never does them...ehem NDAA... We'll see. Hopefully the Oregon Rep Wyden (I believe that's his name) will Filibuster this thing, he said he will. I'm praying this doesn't happen (Literally)
[ame=" wait. It won't do that at all.
Edit: You knows what BS? Half of those people supporting the bill don't have any reason to support it. Last I checked, sporting events, weight lose videos and beauty products don't have anything to do with Internet related IP and Piracy.
Looks like the petition is gaining traction. Over a million so far
(from Reddit)
It was definitely a sneaky move to try to move the bill while a lot of the opposition is not there. Seems like it's pissing off a lot of people
(Unless they're Rick Perry)
Sooo the congress repeal the laws?
I wouldn't be surprised if they finally get to remove that little road block. Some people call it a delicate set of checks and balances that keep one branch of our government from growing too powerful but other people say they're finishing what they started 8-10 years ago...
I don't see the balance of having Ron Paul - a tea party prez and congress? The government would just be owned (or owned more) by the Koch brothers.
Right lol RIGHT!!!
- Some idiot gets a hair brained idea and scribbles it down on a cocktail napkin, or across the ass cheeks of a lobbyist/hooker.
- House Committee: Amendments and changes by a handful of "experts"
- House Floor Debate: Everyone in the house has at the bill
- House Vote: If it passes it goes onto...
- Senate debate: Possible changes
- Senate Vote: If it passes it goes onto...
- President: Signs it and technically its law, or veto's it and the game resets.
- However congress does things like cut funding, muddy the rules, fail to approve overseers and enforcers, so it could end up without teeth.
- If it does manage to bite someone, they normally sue stating its unconstitutional.
- If they win the law is struck down (and then appealed again and again until it hits the supreme court)
- If they lose, they appeal (and appeal and appeal until it gets to the supreme court)
- Depending on who appointed how many justices to the supreme court and when, they kill the law, change it or uphold it.
Also... you have OPEN and PIPA to worry about. But honestly this is bill is at step two and considering the internet shit-storm has managed to slow down the fast track the committee chairman put on the bill, they might be able to apply enough pressure to kill it before it gets out of committee where most bills die naturally.
I suppose this one has enough signatures though an overwhelming amount couldn't hurt.
I signed that one maybe not even a hour or so ago and it got 500 more signatures... crazy i'm glad people are taking a stand for once.
"Wow -- That was close: After threatening to hold a vote this week, the House Judiciary Committee just cancelled tomorrow's hearing on SOPA!
WASHINGTON POST: The House Judiciary Committee confirmed Tuesday that it will delay continuing debate on the Stop Online Piracy Act until after Congress returns from its winter recess.
In January of one year ago it looked like Internet censorship legislation could pass in a matter of months. But then Demand Progress members stepped in: We've pushed the legislation back a full year, and now it's on the ropes.",-again?detail=hide
"In days, over 1 million of us worldwide signed a petition opposing a scandalous bill that would give the US government the right to shut down any website -- targeting sites like WikiLeaks, YouTube, even Avaaz!
President Obama’s team responded, and Avaaz organized a 1 hour meeting with top White House officials to deliver the petition.
We’ve now been told privately that Obama is likely to oppose the bill as it stands. When we started, insiders all told us the bill could not be stopped, now they’re all telling us the bill may soon be dead in its current form -- that’s people power!"
You gotta shoot'em in the head. Double tap.
It became known that GoDaddy was supporting SOPA and people were wanting to boycott it. A statement said "Go Daddy has received some emails that appear to stem from the boycott prompt, but we have not seen any impact to our business." However later on they announced that they no longer support SOPA. Wikipedia and possibly Imgur (not 100% on this) have stated that they will no longer be using GoDaddy.!/jimmy_wales/status/150287579642740736/?reddit
Guess I'll spread this as well, although it is just a game of "spot the hypocrite" instead of an actual solution and explanation of why SOPA is wrong.
Meh, still an interesting video.
Honestly, I don't know what to say about all this shit that hasn't been said already. There seems to be enough force against it (although it needs to remain strong for a long time) but I can't help but think of how things would actually be if this got passed...
We can all petition and say it's shit, and it may not get passed, but as someone else mentioned, it's just going to creep back up (hell, like it's doing in January) and it's just going to be a constant fight..
My real worry is that the only way to solve this permanently, once and for all, is to actually let it happen...and trigger a massive *real* reaction from people.
Otherwise they're just going to keep trying...until there's real damage and not just petitions.
As long as a small group of greedy people can attempt to control something (in this case, the internet) and make money off of others then it is, and will always be a constant fight. Those people won't give up as long as it's in their best interest to keep on trying so we can't give up either.
SOPA is just the newest frontline in the war on freedom that has been going on forever.
I agree, all branches couldn't get too powerful, they would be stepping on each others toes. I don't hear anyone complaining about recent Supreme Court rulings.
What about the Troy Davis case? It was luckily brought to light, but there are man similar cases that never get that kind of public attention.
Since I am an indie, I don't have much to do with the ESA. I respect that they have lobbied hard to protect games as first amendment speech, but this shit is just sad.,news-13742.html