just setup a 2nd layer of DNS servers that are outside of the US, just use Canadian or European servers.
also something like tor (would just need to make sure the exit point is not in the states) would prolly bypass all the restrictions on SOPA, there is no lock that cant be broken and that is even more true when it comes to IT.
There is some who mentioned something that makes sense to me, that SOPA is just a fundraising for politicians, as soon they got their 'donations' (aka legalized bribe), they will put the bill away and make a little one instead, so later on they can do the same again.
There is some who mentioned something that makes sense to me, that SOPA is just a fundraising for politicians, as soon they got their 'donations' (aka legalized bribe), they will put the bill away and make a little one instead, so later on they can do the same again.
yes. i think this mostly the case. But i think the companies that are pushing for this REALLY want it. especially mainstream media, they'll be able to lie to people even more.
This isn't directly related, but it does deal with a lot of the same themes. Have any of you ever read Little Brother? I think it was written around 2006. It's YA science fiction (frighteningly close to fact) about a crackdown on personal liberties in the wake of another terrorist attack in San Fransisco. The main character, a 17yr old high school student because this is YA fiction, goes to war against the department of homeland security using all kinds of interesting hacks and even builds a secondary internet using his xbox and scrambled connections, encryption, etc.
In regards to SOPA, I've signed every petition I could find and even called my rep, but I still don't feel like anything I believe in, fight for, or even vote for matters. I'm kind of on the side of "let it all go to hell, we'll pick up the pieces after" just because I feel so ineffectual
No matter, Reddit is in the top 100 websites of the internet, and it along with others are going to start their black outs tomorrow, instead showing a page that explains what SOPA is.
It's great to see the huge sites doing this. Hopefully google will do it for a day as well, just so everybody can get the message. Maybe if a congressman can't google his morning bullshit he'll understand what's going on beyond the cash he's getting to vote yes. Also I think there's a very relevant quote for this legislation, coming from the game Alpha Centauri:
As the Americans learned so painfully in Earth's final century, free flow of information is the only safeguard against tyranny. The once-chained people whose leaders at last lose their grip on information flow will soon burst with freedom and vitality, but the free nation gradually constricting its grip on public discourse has begun its rapid slide into despotism. Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master.
Google: putting a black bar over the logo, is not enough. I think it would really wake people up, if google were to shut down. Even if it were for an hour or so.
part of me wanted to vomit when i read the LA Times' coverage of the blackout, the other part of me wondered what i expected from a newspaper owned by the same companies that introduced the bill in the first place.
Google: putting a black bar over the logo, is not enough. I think it would really wake people up, if google were to shut down. Even if it were for an hour or so.
THIS. It's like they are not trying to do much about the new bills that will effect Google users the most since it is the most visited website in the world. What a shame.
1) It unbars the gates to internet censorship.
2) It provides a pathway for stifling competition and progress.
3) It doesn't actually solve the problem AT ALL, let alone work properly.
gah...I feel like we need a bit of China rules and have some IQ limits for life, if you too stupid, back into the ground with you....geez, some of those people really live with their head up their arses.
What i see with all this, is that this "freedom to share" is equal to freedom to keep piracing. Things must change, like in Spain that our goverment approved the Sinde Law.
USA is the second country in the world behind china in piracy, and something must be done. I don't approve the SOPA law at all. It needs to be modified and i hope so.
Don't think anyone is really pro piracy, but the legislation under consideration and the general state of copyright law just doesn't allow for a sane solution that would both stop meaningful piracy while at the same time providing freedom of expression and sharing.
Fine, block torrent sites and take measures against clear profit eroding piracy, but why block the youtube AMV with eminem music, and create an environment where even legit sites like wikipedia could be sued? Copyright law in general needs to be altered in a way that makes non-profit usage of media and information completely legal. This would allow growth and development online (and keep it a decent place) while still making sure businesses don't get screwed by piracy.
Currently you can't use copyright material at all, which is absurd. That's like you lending your friend a toaster and a legal team sending you a cease and desist because it's patented.
Maddox... and he's right. Nothing will change until people get off of their ass and are willing to lose something for change. I sincerely hope those opposed to SOPA actually did have a conversation with their local representative. Preferably "before it was cool" (ie yesterday).
I would love to see that, i mean the reason people don't care is usually partly due to the internet and/or cell phones (gadgets and gizmos). So, i would love to see the reaction in some of these people.
apart from that, i honestly think,
we need to have more faith in the judicial system, most of these piracy cases would be solved in civil courts. This is just Hollywood's bid to control the internet.
Hell spain has 2x the software piracy rate of the US in most studies.
We can even look at stuff like this: http://www.havocscope.com/music-piracy-losses-by-country/ Which would make you think OMFG USA PIRATES EVERYTHING!!! But the fact of the matter is, the US still BUYS the majority of music worldwide(40% of music sales worldwide!), so while we may pirate more than any other country, we also legitimately buy much much more than any other country.
Then you look at a country like china, which pirates the 2nd most amount of music, but is likely spending 1% or less on legitimate music.
hehe yeah, 237m. Had an extra zero in there, that messes up my math there on that last bit then, lol USA NUMBER 1!! We download 10x more mp3s than other countries per computer user, fuck that is a lot.
I wonder how they get that number, for instance we've got 5 computers +2 smart phones, and a bluray/xbox so... 9 Internet connected devices to a household of two people. That 76% number was as of 2004 too, here is some more recent data from 2010 showing 79% as well as a massive boost in internet use in china since 2004.
In spain we are only ~45 million of people counting the inmigrants, and we are behind USA in piracy. Spain is the most pirate european country and it's a fact, very sad.
USA is the second. One thing is clear, the piracy is massive. USA forced our goverment to take measures against online piracy with the polemic sinde law, and now... they don't take measures. I feel all this very ironic.
really there are easier ways
just setup a 2nd layer of DNS servers that are outside of the US, just use Canadian or European servers.
also something like tor (would just need to make sure the exit point is not in the states) would prolly bypass all the restrictions on SOPA, there is no lock that cant be broken and that is even more true when it comes to IT.
Apparently all of the people who oppose SOPA don't matter, that guy is such a damn puppet.
The text:
yes. i think this mostly the case. But i think the companies that are pushing for this REALLY want it. especially mainstream media, they'll be able to lie to people even more.
In regards to SOPA, I've signed every petition I could find and even called my rep, but I still don't feel like anything I believe in, fight for, or even vote for matters. I'm kind of on the side of "let it all go to hell, we'll pick up the pieces after" just because I feel so ineffectual
No matter, Reddit is in the top 100 websites of the internet, and it along with others are going to start their black outs tomorrow, instead showing a page that explains what SOPA is.
SOPA is about to get 20x more opponents tomorrow.
and read this if you have the time:
Wiki's down today :?
Twitter's boss response is a bit shit..
yeah google is so far behind lol
I didn't see it at first because the site isn't actually blacked out, it was just that noscript was blocking the javascript for that special page.
1) It unbars the gates to internet censorship.
2) It provides a pathway for stifling competition and progress.
3) It doesn't actually solve the problem AT ALL, let alone work properly.
Giant Bomb is the new Wikipedia.
gah...I feel like we need a bit of China rules and have some IQ limits for life, if you too stupid, back into the ground with you....geez, some of those people really live with their head up their arses.
Lol yes, i infringed the © of a guy called Alberto XDD
What i see with all this, is that this "freedom to share" is equal to freedom to keep piracing. Things must change, like in Spain that our goverment approved the Sinde Law.
USA is the second country in the world behind china in piracy, and something must be done. I don't approve the SOPA law at all. It needs to be modified and i hope so.
Fine, block torrent sites and take measures against clear profit eroding piracy, but why block the youtube AMV with eminem music, and create an environment where even legit sites like wikipedia could be sued? Copyright law in general needs to be altered in a way that makes non-profit usage of media and information completely legal. This would allow growth and development online (and keep it a decent place) while still making sure businesses don't get screwed by piracy.
Currently you can't use copyright material at all, which is absurd. That's like you lending your friend a toaster and a legal team sending you a cease and desist because it's patented.
apart from that, i honestly think,
we need to have more faith in the judicial system, most of these piracy cases would be solved in civil courts. This is just Hollywood's bid to control the internet.
Hell spain has 2x the software piracy rate of the US in most studies.
We can even look at stuff like this: http://www.havocscope.com/music-piracy-losses-by-country/ Which would make you think OMFG USA PIRATES EVERYTHING!!! But the fact of the matter is, the US still BUYS the majority of music worldwide(40% of music sales worldwide!), so while we may pirate more than any other country, we also legitimately buy much much more than any other country.
Then you look at a country like china, which pirates the 2nd most amount of music, but is likely spending 1% or less on legitimate music.
Edit: removed some fubar math
I'm actually surprised it's as low as 76%. I would think it would be up in the 90s, but I'm probably just being optimistic.
I wonder how they get that number, for instance we've got 5 computers +2 smart phones, and a bluray/xbox so... 9 Internet connected devices to a household of two people. That 76% number was as of 2004 too, here is some more recent data from 2010 showing 79% as well as a massive boost in internet use in china since 2004.
Speak, and ye shall be heard.
In spain we are only ~45 million of people counting the inmigrants, and we are behind USA in piracy. Spain is the most pirate european country and it's a fact, very sad.
According to:
USA is the second. One thing is clear, the piracy is massive. USA forced our goverment to take measures against online piracy with the polemic sinde law, and now... they don't take measures. I feel all this very ironic.
MegaUpload is the first victim