There's a ton of people out there who support IP-laws, copyrights, and general equilibrium on the internet but are still against SOPA.
I agree totally. I'm not a rabid "free internet" type of guy who thinks its ok to download anything and everything. I do think piracy eats into our industry and others like it, I don't think its the number one issue we face and no one has really come up with a good plan to combat it other than design around it. I think there are a lot of other things our industry should focus on instead of piracy.
I would probably support some rules and limitations if they where done well and in a transparent manner. Congress is anything but fair, effective and transparent so my gut reaction is to reject anything they serve up, I don't think they are technically capable of creating a way to combat piracy and anything written into law would line someones pockets otherwise it wouldn't be written.
So at some point in the future when congress isn't fucked, run by dithering white haired nightmares who have trouble stringing sentences together, there might be a law like this that I can get behind but right now, this is garbage.
No you idiot. You used a design owned by Capcom. You used logos owned by Staedtler and Milan. You modeled a concept by Splash Damage.
You are the true idiot here, imbecil. I did a fan artwork based on a concept doing modications, and as the author of the model i have the rights over my work, not the design. I have all the rights to show my work.
Too many shops use the logos of staedtler and Milan, and google is the first one showing photos with their logos. And if you have looked well... the model i modelled using the splash damage concept does not have any watermark.
Before you talk, think better what you say because you sounded as a total dick, you have a big mouth sir "snader", so GTFO.
You are the true idiot here, imbecil. I did a fan artwork based on a concept doing modications, and as the author of the model i have the rights over my work, not the design. I have all the rights to show my work.
Too many shops use the logos of staedtler and Milan, and google is the first one showing photos with their logos. And if you have looked well... the model i modelled using the splash damage concept does not have any watermark.
Before you talk, think better what you say because you sounded as a total dick, you have a big mouth sir "snader", so GTFO.
You clearly don't understand how copyright works or what SOPA/PIPA would do if they were approved.
MegaUpload was in compliance with the DMCA actually, removing all files that were reportedly infringed.
WSJ has a copy of the indictment up along with their article on the takedown; have a look at it. specifically, the emails included: they had a DMCA reporting function, but they capped the number of files they took down, regardless of how many valid takedown requests they got.
...what i wanna know is how they (the prosecutor) got those emails in the first place. echelon? room 419a?
You clearly don't understand how copyright works or what SOPA/PIPA would do if they were approved.
The SOPA is like the spaniard Sinde law, and i don't think it will be so bad as too many claim with some changes. Megaupload was closed and sopa weren't approved .
many shops use the logos of staedtler and Milan, and google is the first one showing photos with their logos.
Yes. And thus, Google is infringing on the copyright of Staedtler and Milan. And according to the presented SOPA law that you apparently like, this means that Staedtler or Milan could take the entire Google website down.
And no, that is not an exaggeration. They could literally take Google down.
Yes. And thus, Google is infringing on the copyright of Staedtler and Milan. And according to the presented SOPA law that you apparently like, this means that Staedtler or Milan could take the entire Google website down.
And no, that is not an exaggeration. They could literally take Google down.
Now do you understand why these laws are bad?
Snader, that's precisely because i don't support SOPA at all as i already said. They need to make changes. The actual SOPA/PIPA IS AN ABSURD.
fileserve and other similar webs such as megaupload are changing, they stopped paying their premium users per amount of downloads.
I personally use dropbox and icloud, so better to don't use the "cloud" as storage because this will be getting worse. In march our "SOPA" law will be applied.
here are some links for your interest:
Like SOPA, the Sinde Law can force ISPs to block sites
I am probably going to copy paste this here, since the other thread died:
In any case, although there are major brands of IT industry and Video Game Industry standing up against it, if this bill passes on successfully, people will find a way to get pirated stuff just like they found a way to get weed. <.<
RexM, that is just sick. Everyone knows the system is corrupt, but there are limits to how much of a bold faced asshole you can be. This fuckface needs to go down.
This thing has been more about the freedom of internet rather than the freedom of data, as a large amount of anti-sopa people might still not be pro-piracy.
But sure, I can always use more pictures with quotes of people who are financially independent and able to speak their heart without worry.
c'mon, everyone knows us visual artist make more money performing at concerts just like musicians! It's a direct 1 to 1 comparison.
that's a good point, but what some DRM and piracy protections are doing is criminal. Compared to real world, if i have a digital copy of a game, that i bought, shouldn't i have the same power as i do with a physical copy?
i mean, do i get to let my friends borrow it? no, just things like this is what worries me about the game industry.
I think what this industry is doing is more destructive than the music or movie ones want to do. Some games even have DRM on steam which is redundant, but most just make it feel like i don't own the game AT ALL.
Sharing is not criminal. Selling it, well that's when piracy starts. A line has to be drawn somewhere.
that's a good point, but what some DRM and piracy protections are doing is criminal. Compared to real world, if i have a digital copy of a game, that i bought, shouldn't i have the same power as i do with a physical copy?
i mean, do i get to let my friends borrow it? no, just things like this is what worries me about the game industry.
I think what this industry is doing is more destructive than the music or movie ones want to do. Some games even have DRM on steam which is redundant, but most just make it feel like i don't own the game AT ALL.
Sharing is not criminal. Selling it, well that's when piracy starts. A line has to be drawn somewhere.
For quite some time it's been pretty clear of what you have, you buy a license to play a game, you don't have any distributional rights to it, you don't own a copy of it. Much like paying for an account to an mmo, you don't own the game itself, you pay for a license to play it, and when you do it for a game you'll have a lifetime license to play that particular game.
Which would even potentially mean that even though it is most often illegal to bypass DRM, no one would care at all if you were to fetch a pirated copy of a game you owned, or one where the drm just wouldn't cooperate, as you already own a license to play that game.
And as Internet removes any concept of any physical owning of a game, there's little point to lending a game to someone, as the game does not exist, just your paid for rights to play that game.
Drm is not criminal in any way, but it is wrong in the sense that it only hurts the rightful owner of this license to play the game, which should be as seamless as possible.
Hunting down average-joe pirates and putting them in jail is not the right way to go about and won't fix anything, but this still doesn't validate piracy in any way.
Drm is not criminal in any way, but it is wrong in the sense that it only hurts the rightful owner of this license to play the game, which should be as seamless as possible.
yep, this makes more sense now, it's just absurd tho. They create the problems and then go about curing the issues that sprout up like they're playing wack-a-mole or wack-a-problem. Instead of actually alleviating it.
All of this crap because long ago the people making movies didn't want the government to step in with censorship and regulations so they made MPAA. Someday our kids will angry with the ESRB trying to takeover the world and bribing politicians...
Actually my suggestion is to not get "worked up" about ACTA, it's too easy to get tired of dealing with these things and have your resistance burn out that way. It's probably better to be cold, calculating, and relentless with your opposition.
RexM, all those sites are somehow connected to pirated movies and tv shows. Again, not SOPA shutting them down, but the sites being "oh shit! we're gonna get sued hardcore soon. get rid of the evidence!"
i still support file sharing website, it has so many function. many wikileaks and useful information can be spread out much faster with file sharing website.
great. the americans managed to bleed their version of hell to death, now we apparently have to join the party. at least the americans can put pressure on their government as a people. we can't, or at least, most europeans just don't care enough to do so.
(i just want to put into view here that my opinion of sopa is indeed very bleek, but that I am a very serious supporter of anti-piracy. this just isn't the way to do it. I buy all my games legally btw.)
we can't, or at least, most europeans just don't care enough to do so.
I think it's more that most are completely oblivious to the inner workings of European politics, largely because very little information is actually made available to anyone wh wants it without having to jump through real hoops to get hold of it.
that may be the case, but that doesn't change the fact that I don't see the european population stopping this. If this comes through, we'll be living like V in V for Vendetta, only we won't be blade masters wearing fancy masks with superhuman reflexes and endurance... we'll probably be more like the rest of the population of that film.
I would probably support some rules and limitations if they where done well and in a transparent manner. Congress is anything but fair, effective and transparent so my gut reaction is to reject anything they serve up, I don't think they are technically capable of creating a way to combat piracy and anything written into law would line someones pockets otherwise it wouldn't be written.
So at some point in the future when congress isn't fucked, run by dithering white haired nightmares who have trouble stringing sentences together, there might be a law like this that I can get behind but right now, this is garbage.
Around the 3:35 mark, it really sums up why congress shouldn't be writing laws relating to the internet
got the video on a other site, the vide is blocked in canada
try this link.
also blocked in canada, thanks for trying.
Edit: oops already posted :thumbup:
You are the true idiot here, imbecil. I did a fan artwork based on a concept doing modications, and as the author of the model i have the rights over my work, not the design. I have all the rights to show my work.
Too many shops use the logos of staedtler and Milan, and google is the first one showing photos with their logos. And if you have looked well... the model i modelled using the splash damage concept does not have any watermark.
Before you talk, think better what you say because you sounded as a total dick, you have a big mouth sir "snader", so GTFO.
This is a really good explanation here, that's put very simply. Please watch, and you'll understand Snaders point.
huh? All works are copyright from the moment of publication - when it's shown to the world, they don't need to put a copyright symbol on it.
...what i wanna know is how they (the prosecutor) got those emails in the first place. echelon? room 419a?
The SOPA is like the spaniard Sinde law, and i don't think it will be so bad as too many claim with some changes. Megaupload was closed and sopa weren't approved
Explain me how copyright works mr clever.
...and get Polycount shut down. Thanks alot
Yes. And thus, Google is infringing on the copyright of Staedtler and Milan. And according to the presented SOPA law that you apparently like, this means that Staedtler or Milan could take the entire Google website down.
And no, that is not an exaggeration. They could literally take Google down.
Now do you understand why these laws are bad?
Another proof that they are just stupid and don't know what are they doing.
Snader, that's precisely because i don't support SOPA at all as i already said. They need to make changes. The actual SOPA/PIPA IS AN ABSURD.
fileserve and other similar webs such as megaupload are changing, they stopped paying their premium users per amount of downloads.
I personally use dropbox and icloud, so better to don't use the "cloud" as storage because this will be getting worse. In march our "SOPA" law will be applied.
here are some links for your interest:
Sooner or later, USA will have something similar...
This thing has been more about the freedom of internet rather than the freedom of data, as a large amount of anti-sopa people might still not be pro-piracy.
But sure, I can always use more pictures with quotes of people who are financially independent and able to speak their heart without worry.
that's a good point, but what some DRM and piracy protections are doing is criminal. Compared to real world, if i have a digital copy of a game, that i bought, shouldn't i have the same power as i do with a physical copy?
i mean, do i get to let my friends borrow it? no, just things like this is what worries me about the game industry.
I think what this industry is doing is more destructive than the music or movie ones want to do. Some games even have DRM on steam which is redundant, but most just make it feel like i don't own the game AT ALL.
Sharing is not criminal. Selling it, well that's when piracy starts. A line has to be drawn somewhere.
For quite some time it's been pretty clear of what you have, you buy a license to play a game, you don't have any distributional rights to it, you don't own a copy of it. Much like paying for an account to an mmo, you don't own the game itself, you pay for a license to play it, and when you do it for a game you'll have a lifetime license to play that particular game.
Which would even potentially mean that even though it is most often illegal to bypass DRM, no one would care at all if you were to fetch a pirated copy of a game you owned, or one where the drm just wouldn't cooperate, as you already own a license to play that game.
And as Internet removes any concept of any physical owning of a game, there's little point to lending a game to someone, as the game does not exist, just your paid for rights to play that game.
Drm is not criminal in any way, but it is wrong in the sense that it only hurts the rightful owner of this license to play the game, which should be as seamless as possible.
Hunting down average-joe pirates and putting them in jail is not the right way to go about and won't fix anything, but this still doesn't validate piracy in any way.
It is not a direct 1 to 1 like you say, but I am not sure who has the advantage. A visual artist can make paintings and then sell them for example.
Game devs can also do live performances in a sense-- Nidhogg has only been available to play at live events as has Cactus' Tuning I believe.
yep, this makes more sense now, it's just absurd tho. They create the problems and then go about curing the issues that sprout up like they're playing wack-a-mole or wack-a-problem. Instead of actually alleviating it.
All of this crap because long ago the people making movies didn't want the government to step in with censorship and regulations so they made MPAA. Someday our kids will angry with the ESRB trying to takeover the world and bribing politicians...
Actually my suggestion is to not get "worked up" about ACTA, it's too easy to get tired of dealing with these things and have your resistance burn out that way. It's probably better to be cold, calculating, and relentless with your opposition. is no longer available in the US as well.
Either the shutdown of Megaupload scared them, or they are being warned behind the scenes..
Interesting comment in this article... although I cannot confirm the validity of it.
I never asked for this
Corporations have more power than the government
They'll never stop us though. I'll never stop looking.
they also have better defense :
i still support file sharing website, it has so many function. many wikileaks and useful information can be spread out much faster with file sharing website.
(i just want to put into view here that my opinion of sopa is indeed very bleek, but that I am a very serious supporter of anti-piracy. this just isn't the way to do it. I buy all my games legally btw.)
I think it's more that most are completely oblivious to the inner workings of European politics, largely because very little information is actually made available to anyone wh wants it without having to jump through real hoops to get hold of it.