But seriously now, I agree to all who believe this "polyamorous" is Jim, since in email Mr. Jim was very defensive about his crap that he is trying to shove down the pro gamers throat. He is practically doing the samething here.
Forget Snake Takes. I dont think he knows, how soon he will start crying over his own reputation while being here.
Your only two posts ever are devoted to trying to convince the forums that this whole thing is a big joke put on my a creative mastermind? Troll on, troll.
I find Snake Takes' existence completely absurd, but completely believable. The sucky reality is that there are people out there so stubborn and foolhardy to sink thousands of worthwhile dollars into damned fairytales, and even more disappointing that they take bamboozled kids down with them.
I'm no Jim and I'm no troll. I admit I have never posted before, but as anyone can see I believe, I joined this forum a year ago. I've never posted anything because I'm no pro like you guys, I'm just a guy with a copy of Max who likes to push vertex once in a while. The only reason I'm posting now is that I can't believe you are all taking this seriously. Come on, people this looks like one of egoraptor's awesome series spoof!
No one would go to this much trouble just to troll. I went to school with several people who were even more ridiculous than the Snake Takes guy. Many people who want to be game designers are oblivious and incompetent. This guy just got some attention.
@Oniram He said "Art Assets are now at 75% of full game completed, with 35 Characters" in April 2009? This just keeps getting more messed up.
If I were Mr. Jim (or perhaps if he is reading this now), I'd take serious consideration to what all the people are saying here. Alot of pros on these boards, and trying to convince people this thread is a troll attempt is not going to help the already fractured reputation of the company/CEO... wink wink
Best course of action would be a complete 180 from past business practices, ASAP
@Oniram He said "Art Assets are now at 75% of full game completed, with 35 Characters" in April 2009? This just keeps getting more messed up.
yeah. thats pretty much the point that the project is still at today. people on this thread found somewhere (maybe in the interview video) that it was scheduled for release on 11.11.11 (Next friday) which i dont think will be the case.
also. i just noticed that the videos posted of gameplay and the interview on the first page have been removed.. and reuploaded 2 days ago. ...hmmm.
I know people at Crytek read this forum. It must be eerie for them to see what it would be like if everybody working there suffered chronic brain trauma.
You peeps shouldn't be so mean. I think this game looks quite alright really. Especially seeing as some students were involved in the production.
It's clear they spent quite a lot of time and effort on it, so sure, they probably didn't spend 100 000 hours on that character or whatever it now was, but look here... they even have figurines, a comic book, the storyboard and synopsis for a movie.. and music that'd go great with a racing game and a dance party... eh, wait... no nvm.
It really reminds me of one of my top games of all time to be honest, 'Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing' that is. And while I think this might not be the best game ever, it's clear that they put a lot of effort and thought in to it, which means it was executed rather well. So might not be perfect, but overall really solid.
I think my favorite part of it is the lens flares.
i saw another model on their page which looked somewhat acceptable
i think either way the're going down by mismanagement, lecal actions because of cancer money malversation or they grow up and actually become a medicore studio
Per that extreme example mentioned, I've seen enough incompetent "<company> Chairman, President and CEO" and "game designers" to know that this guy isn't a troll attempt... it's very believable as real.
I can't find anything about the game being released on snaketakes.ca or eotbgame.com, however I did find this image, dated Feb 12, 2011. Why would they use that Zbrush blob in all of their promo images when they have a decent looking version from 9 months ago? Maybe this is the new version and they're replacing all of the images of the other one. I can't find the "10000 man hours" quote anywhere. It looks like they removed that part.
Always thought that SnakeTakes might go viral on some scale.
I can't say whether that email is true or not but considering the experiences of myself, close friends, and friends of friends it would not surprise me in the slightest bit. While Mr. Yake remained professional in his conversations with myself, he became quite insulting after a friend very politely told him that he could not work for free (and shortly thereafter was hired by a real videogame company). There are many more stories like this but I will leave it to others to elaborate if they choose to.
Their jobs page is hilarious... The animator post is just a bunch of big words for "I don't know what im talking about". Its basically telling you what an animator is and does. Not what you will be doing at that specific company. Animators 101. The fact they list off the principles of animation is just very noob to me.
Their jobs page is hilarious... The animator post is just a bunch of big words for "I don't know what im talking about". Its basically telling you what an animator is and does. Not what you will be doing at that specific company. Animators 101.
Thanks, that'll be a helpful read for some of the people from my old uni course who claimed they wanted to direct some 'wicked amination' for Pixar :poly142:
Lower hardware requirements is only half the story. Probably less, even. A large part is gameplay variety and simplicity. You can play Mario with 3 controls: Move, Jump, Shoot. And 'move' is very self-explanatory. Current games have Move, Run, Duck, Cover, Shoot, Swap weapon, Reload weapon, Iron sights, Map, etc. You don't just pick that up in one sitting. It takes some training to understand that.
Im beginning to like these guys. After reading the artist bios I think I might have to apply for a job. With standards this low, and and few choice nothings like "raising the bar, redefining the genre, and ofc, anamorphic lens flare," well, I could probably spend 8 hours a day doing nothing, playing pinball, drinking whiskey, and maybe once a day high fiving my way round the office in an orgy of self congratulatory collective smugness.
Forget ID, Blizzard etc....this is the fcking dream bros, can you imagine how easy crunch time would be? Knock up a few boxes, stretch some kind of gaudy neon scaled up photo on as texture and its home time. Talk about smashing it!
And no need to worry about art leads of directors cramping your style or calling you back from a boozy three hour lunch.....apparently there arent any!!
Yeah, shit, this is a winner. No talent needed, no standards, only a demonstrable ability to make games from 2011 look like 1991. Its just like being a teacher, but without the students!
This may sound like a bad question, but would any of the employees be 'blacklisted' due to their work on this?
I mean, surely the ones ...strange(?) enough to put this abortion in their portfolio are going to get skipped (and possibly laughed at), and the head guy will never see another dollar from the industry (I can hope).
But if I was looking for team members and found out someone had worked on this for months of their own accord, personally I wouldn't touch them with a 10,000tri barge pole, simply because I'd lay awake at night in a permanent state of distrust of said person.
Am I being unreasonable, and if so, how do industry vets treat people who were in an abortion of a project (either voluntarily or not)?
I'd treat them based on their portfolio. A paid gig is a paid gig, after all. I'd seriously question their sensibilities if they weren't getting paid however.
I wouldnt say this would blacklist anyone. But the guys working there are probably all straight outta school, so it probably affects their ego, thinking they are top shit cause they got a job straight outta school when alot of their friends didnt. But when it comes to find a new job, they`ll be screwed, i feel, just because of their portfolio.
As for what ambershee said, about their sensibilities if they arent getting paid. well, alot of people take unpaid internships. Or do unpaid mod work. IF they arnet getting paid, they were probably promised lots of great experience that will help build their portfolio.
As for what ambershee said, about their sensibilities if they arent getting paid. well, alot of people take unpaid internships. Or do unpaid mod work. IF they arnet getting paid, they were probably promised lots of great experience that will help build their portfolio.
Unpaid internships of any real length shouldn't exist, and whilst they are a valuable learning experience for the intern, they are still exploitation on the part of company. 'Minimum wage' or equivalent should suffice for interns; work should not go unpaid and everyone needs to put bread on the table. You can't reasonably expect someone to be able to do that if they're working full time unpaid. Mod work (or unfunded indie work) is a different kettle of fish, because there's no commercial gain involved, and in the cases of the indie work, I'd expect the intern gets their fair share when the time comes around. It's also not necessarily expected to be a full-time commitment like an internship implies.
In any case, I'd question their sensibilities, because if they aren't getting paid, there are much better applications of their time which don't require you to give up your ability to work. If you've wasted hundreds of hours of your life lacking the common sense to see that what you are doing is really going nowhere and gaining you nothing but accruement of debt (or costing someone else), then I don't want to risk that you're going to waste hundreds of hours on payroll and wasting tens of thousands of dollars in the process.
You have to assess each individual in turn, but it can count against them. If their portfolio is strong, and they interview well, then it's much less of a worry.
Bieber is that you?
lol, Wow
But seriously now, I agree to all who believe this "polyamorous" is Jim, since in email Mr. Jim was very defensive about his crap that he is trying to shove down the pro gamers throat. He is practically doing the samething here.
Forget Snake Takes. I dont think he knows, how soon he will start crying over his own reputation while being here.
Sadly, its very true.
i find it interesting how this was posted in 2009..
@Oniram He said "Art Assets are now at 75% of full game completed, with 35 Characters" in April 2009? This just keeps getting more messed up.
Best course of action would be a complete 180 from past business practices, ASAP
yeah. thats pretty much the point that the project is still at today. people on this thread found somewhere (maybe in the interview video) that it was scheduled for release on 11.11.11 (Next friday) which i dont think will be the case.
also. i just noticed that the videos posted of gameplay and the interview on the first page have been removed.. and reuploaded 2 days ago. ...hmmm.
Oh wait... that's 168 years worth of 8-hour business days...
That must mean this guy must have a time machine or a Hyperbolic Time Chamber! Imagine the possibilities!
The toy figures look nothing like the game models.
1:09 is my favorite part
I'd imagine they're all action figure customizations or something.
I know people at Crytek read this forum. It must be eerie for them to see what it would be like if everybody working there suffered chronic brain trauma.
If they achieve their goal.. i quit gaming.
It's clear they spent quite a lot of time and effort on it, so sure, they probably didn't spend 100 000 hours on that character or whatever it now was, but look here... they even have figurines, a comic book, the storyboard and synopsis for a movie.. and music that'd go great with a racing game and a dance party... eh, wait... no nvm.
It really reminds me of one of my top games of all time to be honest, 'Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing' that is. And while I think this might not be the best game ever, it's clear that they put a lot of effort and thought in to it, which means it was executed rather well. So might not be perfect, but overall really solid.
I think my favorite part of it is the lens flares.
i think either way the're going down by mismanagement, lecal actions because of cancer money malversation or they grow up and actually become a medicore studio
I don't know man, can you really compare it to the best game ever made?
can you get me a job with them as cfo? they have a cancer fund they gotta be making some money if they're able to give some away :P
God, let it die man. lol
So instead games today should be low resolution versions of newer games?
*pulls out a pen and notepad*
I can't say whether that email is true or not but considering the experiences of myself, close friends, and friends of friends it would not surprise me in the slightest bit. While Mr. Yake remained professional in his conversations with myself, he became quite insulting after a friend very politely told him that he could not work for free (and shortly thereafter was hired by a real videogame company). There are many more stories like this but I will leave it to others to elaborate if they choose to.
Also, lol.
I laughed first, but then I was thinking of all those innovative, often retro styled, indie games... I think you're onto something here
Edit: At least it's not brown.
How I laughed.
Needs more chromatic aberration.
They have a Jr. Lead Character Modeller.
Oh my. It's so surreal how 20+ people refuse to even try to compare their work to what's out there. Or refuse to see, I dunno.
it would be curious to study how this works psychologically.
Progress: 0/15
it was the only thing I could think of looking at those screens.
Thanks, that'll be a helpful read for some of the people from my old uni course who claimed they wanted to direct some 'wicked amination' for Pixar :poly142:
Good way to cover up incomplete environment art I guess lol.
I cant wait till this comes out on steam, I am buying this for sure.
Actually, lower res games sell more than high res because they can work on more computers than just them powerful ones rich people has.:poly142:
Forget ID, Blizzard etc....this is the fcking dream bros, can you imagine how easy crunch time would be? Knock up a few boxes, stretch some kind of gaudy neon scaled up photo on as texture and its home time. Talk about smashing it!
And no need to worry about art leads of directors cramping your style or calling you back from a boozy three hour lunch.....apparently there arent any!!
Yeah, shit, this is a winner. No talent needed, no standards, only a demonstrable ability to make games from 2011 look like 1991. Its just like being a teacher, but without the students!
Im applying, lets see how much theyll pay me
I mean, surely the ones ...strange(?) enough to put this abortion in their portfolio are going to get skipped (and possibly laughed at), and the head guy will never see another dollar from the industry (I can hope).
But if I was looking for team members and found out someone had worked on this for months of their own accord, personally I wouldn't touch them with a 10,000tri barge pole, simply because I'd lay awake at night in a permanent state of distrust of said person.
Am I being unreasonable, and if so, how do industry vets treat people who were in an abortion of a project (either voluntarily or not)?
As for what ambershee said, about their sensibilities if they arent getting paid. well, alot of people take unpaid internships. Or do unpaid mod work. IF they arnet getting paid, they were probably promised lots of great experience that will help build their portfolio.
Unpaid internships of any real length shouldn't exist, and whilst they are a valuable learning experience for the intern, they are still exploitation on the part of company. 'Minimum wage' or equivalent should suffice for interns; work should not go unpaid and everyone needs to put bread on the table. You can't reasonably expect someone to be able to do that if they're working full time unpaid. Mod work (or unfunded indie work) is a different kettle of fish, because there's no commercial gain involved, and in the cases of the indie work, I'd expect the intern gets their fair share when the time comes around. It's also not necessarily expected to be a full-time commitment like an internship implies.
In any case, I'd question their sensibilities, because if they aren't getting paid, there are much better applications of their time which don't require you to give up your ability to work. If you've wasted hundreds of hours of your life lacking the common sense to see that what you are doing is really going nowhere and gaining you nothing but accruement of debt (or costing someone else), then I don't want to risk that you're going to waste hundreds of hours on payroll and wasting tens of thousands of dollars in the process.
You have to assess each individual in turn, but it can count against them. If their portfolio is strong, and they interview well, then it's much less of a worry.