Well I like the fact it is an all in one type of service. As for Google knowing everything, they probably sniffed all our info from FB. As long as you don't add any personal stuff, they can't know anything about you.
But I would like to add people from Polycount here and create a circle of artist acquaintances. You can add me at fouadk13@gmail.com
I get added by so many people I've never even heard of. Like 40-50% of ads I have no clue who.
I feel like I shouldn't mind as much as at Facebook, where the friend request requires mutual agreement and so, but still, where do these people find me lol. They all see my email on my site or something ?
yeah its a bit strange that I have a lot of folks on G+ that are add's from polycount that I have never met, whereas on FB everyone on my list I have met in person...I guess that its just the nature of G+
yeah its a bit strange that I have a lot of folks on G+ that are add's from polycount that I have never met, whereas on FB everyone on my list I have met in person...I guess that its just the nature of G+
yeah its a bit strange that I have a lot of folks on G+ that are add's from polycount that I have never met, whereas on FB everyone on my list I have met in person...I guess that its just the nature of G+
think that is a lot due to circles, i got a polycount circle with 60ish people in it that i have never met one of. and i got multiple circles that have friends that i met in RL, which isnt as big as what i got on FB but that is due to g+ really only getting tech savvy people sofar since it is still so new.
I guess as Passerby said it, the circle thing is easier to manage, so we're willing to allow to friend more people, even if we will never comment on any of their work or stat updates.
Yeah, circles are responsible. Just the word 'friends' made Facebook inherently awkward. 'Friends' is not a category I would apply to the majority of people I want to connect with.
But now I can circle anyone without worries; people I'm blindly following like an RSS feed, professional contacts, other indie developers, my actual friends, family, random people who circled me first and I can't even categorize ('Unknown').
It's just not awkward to connect and interact with people now. It's almost like its... its... social or something.
though i do have 1 feature request that i wish Google would do, is allow you apply different tags to yourself that certain circles can see. since in most game art forums and music production forums i use Passerby as a tag, but im sure most people when they see Chris Cunningham on G+ they got no clue who that is on PC/"name site here".
i made note of who i am on my G+ profile page but if it could throw a tag in brackets beside people names that would be sweet when you got a circle full of mostly people from a forum site and things like steam friends.
though i do have 1 feature request that i wish Google would do, is allow you apply different tags to yourself that certain circles can see. since in most game art forums and music production forums i use Passerby as a tag, but im sure most people when they see Chris Cunningham on G+ they got no clue who that is on PC/"name site here".
i made note of who i am on my G+ profile page but if it could throw a tag in brackets beside people names that would be sweet when you got a circle full of mostly people from a forum site and things like steam friends.
I think this is one of the road-maps issues they were going to tackle. Don't take my word for it though, but I recall them giving the option of some sort of namer nickname tag.
What is up with these "Shared" posts? I'm not talking about the posts that people who I'm following share... I'm talking about this massive amount of stuff that is being shared on my feed, from people who aren't in any of my circles.
I made a tiny little Chrome extension to get rid of that evil red box behind the G+ notifications. It's so distracting it drives me nuts, especially when trying to read GMail.
It's my first extension but it's super simple and lightweight; doesn't do anything besides change the HTML/CSS to get rid of that background box. Let me know if you like it or if you have issues.
I honestly like it getting my attention, but the extension will be cool for those who it also annoys. I'd recommend offering changing the color. It would be cool to change the color to something that still gets your attention, but is a little less harsh of a color.
Added most of you (will have to update as there are some new entries here).
Here is mine: gplus.to/martinszeme
I am 3d artist, doing arch viz stuff, but working on an indie game and generally interested in game art. Feel free to add me.
Now with configurable options and you can put the number of unread notifications in the page title on the tab bar. Great for keeping a G+ tab open and being able to see when you have updates.
I know I am late to the game, but does anyone possibly have an invite to spare? This looks like an amazing way to network and get to put faces behind the fantastic work here on polycount.
But I would like to add people from Polycount here and create a circle of artist acquaintances. You can add me at fouadk13@gmail.com
Maybe a future project collaboration?
I feel like I shouldn't mind as much as at Facebook, where the friend request requires mutual agreement and so, but still, where do these people find me lol. They all see my email on my site or something ?
Same here.
think that is a lot due to circles, i got a polycount circle with 60ish people in it that i have never met one of. and i got multiple circles that have friends that i met in RL, which isnt as big as what i got on FB but that is due to g+ really only getting tech savvy people sofar since it is still so new.
On my facebook, I barely had 10.
I guess as Passerby said it, the circle thing is easier to manage, so we're willing to allow to friend more people, even if we will never comment on any of their work or stat updates.
But now I can circle anyone without worries; people I'm blindly following like an RSS feed, professional contacts, other indie developers, my actual friends, family, random people who circled me first and I can't even categorize ('Unknown').
It's just not awkward to connect and interact with people now. It's almost like its... its... social or something.
i made note of who i am on my G+ profile page but if it could throw a tag in brackets beside people names that would be sweet when you got a circle full of mostly people from a forum site and things like steam friends.
You know what to do
I still have some invite, pm me your email if you want to join teh circle..
You should have a public circle
It's my first extension but it's super simple and lightweight; doesn't do anything besides change the HTML/CSS to get rid of that background box. Let me know if you like it or if you have issues.
If you don't want to see those feeds, just don't click on Incoming
If you're using your real name on G+, that's the coolest freaking name ever.
Here is mine: gplus.to/martinszeme
I am 3d artist, doing arch viz stuff, but working on an indie game and generally interested in game art. Feel free to add me.
Dude it wasn't! It was the default stream. haha. It is back to normal now though.
This is a good video explaining circles for people who don't understand the benefit.
I'm at http://gplus.to/benedictapuna add me if you want to.
Now to add everyone from the thread thus far...
Now with configurable options and you can put the number of unread notifications in the page title on the tab bar. Great for keeping a G+ tab open and being able to see when you have updates.