I've spent the past 2 days thinking the same thing.
It'll be the experience you make of it, guys. Just like twitter. If you don't really get involved, or follow people you're interested in, it'll be a boring experience for you.
It's certainly slow, as there aren't as many people using it, but it's definitely already better than Facebook, IMO.
My interest in Plus is to replace Facebook. I'm sick of it. Not the idea... the name.
Okay no offense but someone has to explain this to me. Really, it's all just about the novelty ? Or do you mean "name" is in, the corporation behind FB, the user agreement, and so on ?
Don't get me wrong, I am all for having multiple options for online services, but if its all the same but with a different name why bother switching ? Especially since it means rebuilding/importing connections, asking friends to move over, and so on...
The biggest thing for me is the security (and the cool interface).
You need Zuckerbergs brain just to be able to edit your privacy settings in FaceBook.
Now I'm not saying Google will never get compromised, and I'm sure they'll probably shop out everyones info to various bidders in time, but at least it's easier to determine who sees what.
Okay no offense but someone has to explain this to me. Really, it's all just about the novelty ? Or do you mean "name" is in, the corporation behind FB, the user agreement, and so on ?
Don't get me wrong, I am all for having multiple options for online services, but if its all the same but with a different name why bother switching ? Especially since it means rebuilding/importing connections, asking friends to move over, and so on...
Nope, you're right to question the mentality on WHY some people leave FB when it's serving fine so far for many people.
However, in my case, I find it annoying on how I manage my stuff through the account settings and the 'share info with XYZ' is a total clusterfuck. Account setting should be just that...account settings, not the determinants of what I can share, those things should be easy to see on the fly.
Also, HTTPS doesn't allow me to play games I wish, and I love me my security. I made the mistake of playing Dragon Age Legends a few month ago, and regretted ever since because it seems like EA is trying everything to get me on the 'harvesting' bandwagon where I literally get about a new message/email/update an hour on stuff I don't need nore have every specified I was interested.
All in all, FB is nice if you keeps things simple. Try and share something that isn't a video of cat that is play a piano, and it will begrudge for some reason.
Not really. Took me about 5 minutes max to completely overhaul my facebook privacy a while ago.
It's the fact that you have to opt out of being public, rather than opting into it. It's something that you have to spend time dicking about with, and it's something that Facebook has continually tried getting around with a majority of their updates, since it started. They've changed how you affect those changes, multiple times, too.
Google, on the other hand, have made it incredibly easy to make everything private, should you want to - Granted, it's in it's infancy and that may change - But their track record includes being the only search engine that turned the Bush Justice Dept down, when they were asked for access to their records.
Facebook have been sneaky and dirty numerous times. Google seem to operate differently. Neither are going to be perfect but, out of the two, I'd walk away from Facebook, as I probably will be doing if/when G+ picks up.
My rant isn't directed at you, but the dickish way Facebook handles and pushes it's users towards their own ends. Even the way they're repeatedly blocking their users from exporting their contact list, so that it can't be added to G+. It's terribly shady
Well invites are up again if anyone is interested still. I have a strong internet community that I joined with, which makes it a lot more enjoyable. The streaming feature of it seems to keep it a lot more relaxed and more like a mass chat situation. I'd like to have a strong polycount circle and pass information around with or whatever. Feel free to add me. https://plus.google.com/110328158516666136317/posts
Feel free to add. My Polycounters circle needs to grow.
Love the circles and that i get notifications when ever I'm in a google application.
I've spent the past 2 days thinking the same thing.
If anyone has a spare invite, I'd love to check it out if you're willing to shoot me an inv.
thomasjamesellis at gmail dot com
It'll be the experience you make of it, guys. Just like twitter. If you don't really get involved, or follow people you're interested in, it'll be a boring experience for you.
It's certainly slow, as there aren't as many people using it, but it's definitely already better than Facebook, IMO.
edit: Thanks!
Most awesome of you man, thank you.
Okay no offense but someone has to explain this to me. Really, it's all just about the novelty ? Or do you mean "name" is in, the corporation behind FB, the user agreement, and so on ?
Don't get me wrong, I am all for having multiple options for online services, but if its all the same but with a different name why bother switching ? Especially since it means rebuilding/importing connections, asking friends to move over, and so on...
Feel free to add http://gplus.to/vyas
You need Zuckerbergs brain just to be able to edit your privacy settings in FaceBook.
Now I'm not saying Google will never get compromised, and I'm sure they'll probably shop out everyones info to various bidders in time, but at least it's easier to determine who sees what.
Nope, you're right to question the mentality on WHY some people leave FB when it's serving fine so far for many people.
However, in my case, I find it annoying on how I manage my stuff through the account settings and the 'share info with XYZ' is a total clusterfuck. Account setting should be just that...account settings, not the determinants of what I can share, those things should be easy to see on the fly.
Also, HTTPS doesn't allow me to play games I wish, and I love me my security. I made the mistake of playing Dragon Age Legends a few month ago, and regretted ever since because it seems like EA is trying everything to get me on the 'harvesting' bandwagon where I literally get about a new message/email/update an hour on stuff I don't need nore have every specified I was interested.
All in all, FB is nice if you keeps things simple. Try and share something that isn't a video of cat that is play a piano, and it will begrudge for some reason.
Piano cat ... you mean ... KEYBOARD CAT!!
Not really. Took me about 5 minutes max to completely overhaul my facebook privacy a while ago.
It's the fact that you have to opt out of being public, rather than opting into it. It's something that you have to spend time dicking about with, and it's something that Facebook has continually tried getting around with a majority of their updates, since it started. They've changed how you affect those changes, multiple times, too.
Google, on the other hand, have made it incredibly easy to make everything private, should you want to - Granted, it's in it's infancy and that may change - But their track record includes being the only search engine that turned the Bush Justice Dept down, when they were asked for access to their records.
Facebook have been sneaky and dirty numerous times. Google seem to operate differently. Neither are going to be perfect but, out of the two, I'd walk away from Facebook, as I probably will be doing if/when G+ picks up.
My rant isn't directed at you, but the dickish way Facebook handles and pushes it's users towards their own ends. Even the way they're repeatedly blocking their users from exporting their contact list, so that it can't be added to G+. It's terribly shady
here's me
Feel the burn Zuckerberg! :P
Thanks for the Invites: Luigi,Dean and Nicolo
Chad Emond
Wow, so far this is very easy to use, I can specify down to the needle point what I can share and not share...nice!
Awesome, thanks dude!
I'm tempted somehow by this but I dont know, I think I must have been brainwashed or something. What is its uses?
Edit: And Tyler to.
I got rid of my facebook a while ago so I'm kind of curious to try this.
So far I'm liking it more than facebook