The Google +1 button should be the new default in Gogle Reader, instead of the like system it uses, and the share should also link to the share in Googleplus.
Adding them into a circle is the way you add them to your stream. Don't think of it as the Facebook "friends" system, but more like Twitter's "follow" system, with the ability to put people into groups.
Don't be shy to follow people you're interested in It doesn't have to be mutual.
It kind of is, in the same way twitter, or blogs are.
But, by adding someone to one of your circles (groups), you can choose to publish posts to them, or omit them from seeing your posts. It's pretty decent in that regard.
The same goes with your profile information and your photos/videos you upload.
is there still space for another one? i thought the invites were on hold for now... but if someone can share one as well, i would be grateful.
Apparently anyone with a google account can join, but only when Google open the doors.
They opened sign ups last night, but they must have hit their limit. There's probably a twitter account, or their blog you can subscribe to, to stay up to date with them opening it up again.
Adding them into a circle is the way you add them to your stream. Don't think of it as the Facebook "friends" system, but more like Twitter's "follow" system, with the ability to put people into groups.
Don't be shy to follow people you're interested in It doesn't have to be mutual.
Oh that makes sense. Ugh.
I feel like that might be weird down the road. I don't know.
My thought is that it feel stalkerish. I'll try to explain.
Facebook and Twitter are different. You can have both and it will be fine. My interest in Plus is to replace Facebook. I'm sick of it. Not the idea... the name.
The reason I like facebook is that there are connections. So you know who is looking... and people know you are looking at them. But say you find them annoying... haha. So you don't follow them. But you still want to "bookmark" them. So that you can search them... and they know you may search them.
It is hard to explain but I feel like there is an issue there. I feel like they are trying to do both facebook and twitter... but facebook is already facebook and twitter... if that makes sense.
EDIT: To add on to what I was saying. The reason I liked facebook was that it was people that I knew. Like we mutually knew eachother. For the most part.
Just like wave, I'm not sure how much I'll use this, until/unless things pick up. I honestly don't see people moving from Facebook now, unless google offers a 'quick move' kind of option, where it could import my profile from FB.
Plus does seem like a much better product than wave was, and also seems better than FB, once you learn the ropes. It offers many things that people complain about with FB. Better, and up front, security/privacy and no farmville spam.
It's nice to have an alternative if you really hate Facebook. Just like I wish there was an alternative to eBay (you hear me google?).
No circles isn't sharing your stuff... it is following people. The only difference is that you can look at feeds of certain circles. It is sort of like tweet deck if you ever used that.
Also it is sort of open right now I think. No invite needed.
It's both. You put people in circles (like a circle of friends). Then, when you make a post, you choose which circles can see that post. Same with your other content. That way, you can control your privacy better (unlike facebook).
I really like this feature, because on FB, I have my kids, and several of my real life friends' kids as 'friends'. So, I tend to watch what I say/post on FB, because I don't want me kids to see certain things, or offend my rl friends. With 'circles', I can put kids in a separate circle, and then not share certain posts with them.
parkar: invite sent. You'll probably get the message saying they are full right now. Just keep checking, especially at odd times. Even though you have an invite, it doesn't mean google lets you in. Make sure to tell them to 'let you know', so you get on the waiting list.
The main reason I don't post much stuff on my facebook is that it's such a mixed set of people I have as friends. Never feels like anything I might post really is relevant for most of the people. Not to mention the mixed languages, some know only Swedish or English some both. Feels like the circles thing should solve those issues.
Odd, whenever I've updated firefox, I've never lost my login info. BTW, + did not 'make' you update You could have used a different browser to access it.... like chrome :P
Odd, whenever I've updated firefox, I've never lost my login info. BTW, + did not 'make' you update You could have used a different browser to access it.... like chrome :P
Well yeah but i figured updating the one browser i use would be easier than installing a new one. I was wrong
Oh, also, I wonder how Facebook and Zynga will take this new social portal...
Remember how nice Facebook was when it started? Pretty exclusive, no app spam, simple interface...
you should have recieved a mail ?
Tsss tsss. :P
Your picture is exactly why you wont see me on these. Even though most of my company is on it already.
whats funny is now facebook and skype are bringing voice to fb...... lol
Don't be shy to follow people you're interested in
But, by adding someone to one of your circles (groups), you can choose to publish posts to them, or omit them from seeing your posts. It's pretty decent in that regard.
The same goes with your profile information and your photos/videos you upload.
They opened sign ups last night, but they must have hit their limit. There's probably a twitter account, or their blog you can subscribe to, to stay up to date with them opening it up again.
Oh that makes sense. Ugh.
I feel like that might be weird down the road. I don't know.
My thought is that it feel stalkerish. I'll try to explain.
Facebook and Twitter are different. You can have both and it will be fine. My interest in Plus is to replace Facebook. I'm sick of it. Not the idea... the name.
The reason I like facebook is that there are connections. So you know who is looking... and people know you are looking at them. But say you find them annoying... haha. So you don't follow them. But you still want to "bookmark" them. So that you can search them... and they know you may search them.
It is hard to explain but I feel like there is an issue there. I feel like they are trying to do both facebook and twitter... but facebook is already facebook and twitter... if that makes sense.
I'm here btw.
EDIT: To add on to what I was saying. The reason I liked facebook was that it was people that I knew. Like we mutually knew eachother. For the most part.
My profile link:
Just like wave, I'm not sure how much I'll use this, until/unless things pick up. I honestly don't see people moving from Facebook now, unless google offers a 'quick move' kind of option, where it could import my profile from FB.
Plus does seem like a much better product than wave was, and also seems better than FB, once you learn the ropes. It offers many things that people complain about with FB. Better, and up front, security/privacy and no farmville spam.
It's nice to have an alternative if you really hate Facebook. Just like I wish there was an alternative to eBay (you hear me google?).
Basically instead of choosing who you want to follow you choose who you want to share stuff with?
P.S. If anyone has a bunch of invites left I wouldn't mind one. My gmail account is parkar82.
Also it is sort of open right now I think. No invite needed.
I really like this feature, because on FB, I have my kids, and several of my real life friends' kids as 'friends'. So, I tend to watch what I say/post on FB, because I don't want me kids to see certain things, or offend my rl friends. With 'circles', I can put kids in a separate circle, and then not share certain posts with them.
Really liking it. The interface is pleasing and circles are pretty great although I'm really missing some sort of public circles.
The main reason I don't post much stuff on my facebook is that it's such a mixed set of people I have as friends. Never feels like anything I might post really is relevant for most of the people. Not to mention the mixed languages, some know only Swedish or English some both. Feels like the circles thing should solve those issues.
Profile Link:
Odd, whenever I've updated firefox, I've never lost my login info. BTW, + did not 'make' you update
Well yeah but i figured updating the one browser i use would be easier than installing a new one. I was wrong
loving the integration with other gmail apps.
EDIT: Got it, cheers!