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The Dark Knight Rises



  • Sculptaur
    Just got back from TDKR. I thought it was absolutely awesome! :):)

    I will have to go watch it again, and soon cause I missed the damn Man of Steel trailer because apparently they are't launching that til tomorrow here!!!!! :poly127:
  • Paul Pepera
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    Paul Pepera polycounter lvl 9
    Just came out of the midnight showing. I enjoyed it. Was a good film, but not great. Going to see it again on Sunday and see how I feel about it after a second viewing.
  • Snacuum
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    Snacuum polycounter lvl 9
    The only bit I thought was really bad was a scene where a cop died and it was just 3 cuts of "There he is, now he's got a gun, oh wait he's dead."
  • PhattyEwok
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    PhattyEwok polycounter lvl 9
    I couldn't stand how they revealed Robin at the end. I mean you have four names to choose from and you go with the literal name Robin.

    That fan-boyish comment aside, I felt the beginning of the movie was a mess juggling so many character story-lines but the film eventually gets back on track. The ending does a nice job of sewing up quite a few questions raised in the first and second acts. Other than a few nitpicks mostly about comic/film discrepancy I thought the movie was pretty great. Oh and we all know Alfred wouldn't
    just abandon Bruce like that
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    Best of the series, Joker was a better villain, but Bane had a more interesting story to work with and
    Talia's reveal while obvious was still good to finally see
    Blake as a composite Robin worked well, they took Dick Grayson as a cop, Tim Drake figuring out who Batman is and part of Jason Todd's origin. Don't think we'll see it, but a Nightwing spin-off... I'd be up for that
    would abandon Bruce, he's done it before for the same reason

    Liked the ending
    giving Bruce a happy ending was good to see, was expecting Nolan to keep it ambiguous
    Loved all the references,
    DKR with old Bruce coming out of retirement, Bane breaking Bruce's back, Green Arrow with Bruce practicing his archery while he had his goatee. And as was pointed out on Bleeding Cool Bruce running off with a big ass bomb was in the Adam West movie
    Cast was great and Hatheway was much better than I'd expected.

    Hopefully Warner won't immediately reboot, just make a new Batman movie with out giving us another origin story, new cast, add in the more comic book stuff and I'll be happy. But please, give it at least a decade before attempting it.
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    I didnt like it, it was rubbish. Was too predicated on depressing events, and there was no triumpalism that lifted it out of that.
  • Snacuum
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    Snacuum polycounter lvl 9
    Calabi wrote: »
    I didnt like it, it was rubbish. Was too predicated on depressing events, and there was no triumpalism that lifted it out of that.

    I like to know what movies you do like then...
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    Snacuum wrote: »
    I like to know what movies you do like then...

    I like Batman the Dark Knight.
    Spirited Away.
    District 9.

    ...and many other movies. Just not this one.
  • ironbearxl
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    ironbearxl polycounter lvl 18
    Just got back from the 9:30am show, only a handful of people there. However on exit, there was a huge line of people and channel 7 news outside.
  • dpaynter26
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    dpaynter26 polycounter lvl 11
  • Paul Pepera
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    Paul Pepera polycounter lvl 9
    Some more thoughts after sleeping on it for 4 hours.

    Since this film is out in theaters now I'm not going to use spoiler tags and assume if people do not want spoilers they will not click on this thread.

    Things I did not like:

    - I wish the film had more Batman in it. At times it felt like it was the Joseph Gordon Levitt show.

    - The climactic finale was convoluted and disappointing. I was more compelled by the struggle of Batman versus Bane. As soon as it turned into an explosion filled truck chase scene I lost a lot of interest. I thought the truck chase in The Dark Knight was more exciting.

    - Relying on so many flashbacks, especially in the middle of the most climactic parts of the film, was a weakness in the storytelling. Considering what a great story teller Nolan is I found this to be very disappointing.

    - There was no real closure to the Bane character. They gave him a lot of depth and he kind of just disappeared without anyone caring.

    - Marion Cotillard was a big miscast as Talia. I know Nolan loves her but I just do not think she is that great of an actress, at least not for this role.

    - The editing/pacing was jarring at times.

    Things I liked/loved:

    - Tom Hardy as Bane. Not as compelling of a villain as Ledger's Joker but he was great.

    - Hathaway as Selena Kyle was a pleasant surprise. I wasn't expecting much from her but she was one of the more memorable parts of the film.

    - Apart from the final truck chase I thought the action scenes were all very well done - the assault on the stock exchange and the subsequent bike chase, the opening airplane hijacking, the first fight between Batman and Bane. Excellent stuff.

    - The musical score was brilliant.

    Despite its flaws the experience was great and that is ultimately and fundamentally what I want out of a film. My opinions on it will certainly change upon repeated viewings once the excitement and hype dies down.
  • HitmonInfinity
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    HitmonInfinity polycounter lvl 11
    Bane's voice did turn out to be 100% fail. The accent, the clarity, and more importantly the sound quality. Whether he was in small room, a football field, or broadcasted on tv the acoustics sounded EXACTLY the same.
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    @HitmonInfinity... and you still couldnt understand him.

    The weird thing about Bane as well is why did they even cast Tom Hardy they could have just gone with a generic wrestler and it would have been alot cheaper. You only see his face once.
  • Shiniku
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    Shiniku polycounter lvl 14
    Calabi wrote: »
    The weird thing about Bane as well is why did they even cast Tom Hardy they could have just gone with a generic wrestler and it would have been alot cheaper. You only see his face once.
    Because most generic wrestlers can't act worth a darn? Acting isn't all about seeing the face, you know.

    Anyway, I thought Hardy did a great job, and I didn't have too much trouble understanding him, except when the music got a little too excited and got louder than all the dialogue.
  • MasteroftheFork
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    MasteroftheFork polycounter lvl 18
    I agree with Shiniku, even though you couldn't see bane's face, Hardy brought a lot of subtle character to him. I also liked his strange pitch changing accent, although there were definite parts I had no idea what he said.
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Yea I had a hard time understanding him too at some points, besides the tragedy in colo(their is a topic for that discussion) I could say that I will enjoy It more at home when its released but for now I think It was a great movie, everyone should go see It if they get a chance.

    I disliked how Marion Cotillard (Miranda) died in the car with the bomb, her acting on that part kind of killed It for me, I was let... thinking really, really, really... :( wasn't a super awesome ending to a bad guy at least her father went out with a huge bang.
  • Snacuum
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    Snacuum polycounter lvl 9
    Calabi wrote: »
    I like Batman the Dark Knight.
    Spirited Away.
    District 9.

    ...and many other movies. Just not this one.

    hmmm, I generally ask such questions because by finding out what people like I can pretty much understand why they didn't like something else but in your case I'm mighty confused.

    I really enjoyed Bane though, the confidence in his voice was just phenomenal.
  • Dataday
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    Dataday polycounter lvl 8
    Call me crazy but I thought it was a horrible movie.
    Too many inconsistencies. Bad character development, choices made that dont reflect the character's past, a whiny emo version of bruce wayne, it got dragged on for longer than it needed to be. I mean you could have cut out a good hour of the film and still didnt feel like you missed anything.

    Jon Blake reveals is first name is Robin at the end of the film... obviously saw where that was going. Robin was never a jon blake or a cop.

    When batman was climbing out of the pit, all the inmates were chanting. The older guy was like, "in our language it means to rise" but the chant is actually english and its saying "this is gotham, gotham, gotham" over and over. Did Chris Nolan think we are that dumb?

    Bane isnt supposed to have known Talia Al Gul as a little girl much less be her lover friend thing. They dont explain why he even needs a gas mask. IN the comics his strength and problems come from an addiction to a chemical known as Venom. He is supposed to be south american, but not in the movie.

    Talia is supposed to be a ninja like assassin, instead shes the new ceo of waynecorp. She reveals herself and then dies in a car crash. Well done Chris Nolan! Kill off batman characters like they dont even matter, might as well you ruined their backstory anyhow.

    Wayne manor turns into an orphanage and bruce wayne is no longer the owner of any of his heritage, he is fine with this and sips coffee in a cafe in some other city.

    It just got ridiculous.... slow...lots of pointless explosions, mopy batman, odd editing (supposedly 3 months pass without really making it feel like time has passed).
    I just think it was a bad film with a lot of money thrown into it, then again I tend to notice things most wont in a film.
  • Baj Singh
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    Baj Singh polycounter lvl 9
    Not the best film ever, not even a great one but I enjoyed it nonetheless.

    My main issue with it though was that it despite its length, it managed to rush through so many story elements and jump around so much that they barely had to elaborate anything. I think if they hadn't have crammed so many story arcs it would have been a better movie.

    Still, I did enjoy it as it was and I still recommend seeing it.
  • Snacuum
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    Snacuum polycounter lvl 9
    Dataday wrote: »
    Call me crazy but I thought it was a horrible movie.
    Too many inconsistencies. Bad character development, choices made that dont reflect the character's past, a whiny emo version of bruce wayne, it got dragged on for longer than it needed to be. I mean you could have cut out a good hour of the film and still didnt feel like you missed anything.

    Jon Blake reveals is first name is Robin at the end of the film... obviously saw where that was going. Robin was never a jon blake or a cop.

    When batman was climbing out of the pit, all the inmates were chanting. The older guy was like, "in our language it means to rise" but the chant is actually english and its saying "this is gotham, gotham, gotham" over and over. Did Chris Nolan think we are that dumb?

    Bane isnt supposed to have known Talia Al Gul as a little girl much less be her lover friend thing. They dont explain why he even needs a gas mask. IN the comics his strength and problems come from an addiction to a chemical known as Venom. He is supposed to be south american, but not in the movie.

    Talia is supposed to be a ninja like assassin, instead shes the new ceo of waynecorp. She reveals herself and then dies in a car crash. Well done Chris Nolan! Kill off batman characters like they dont even matter, might as well you ruined their backstory anyhow.

    Wayne manor turns into an orphanage and bruce wayne is no longer the owner of any of his heritage, he is fine with this and sips coffee in a cafe in some other city.

    It just got ridiculous.... slow...lots of pointless explosions, mopy batman, odd editing (supposedly 3 months pass without really making it feel like time has passed).
    I just think it was a bad film with a lot of money thrown into it, then again I tend to notice things most wont in a film.

    Holy crap, you're entitled to your opinion but it sounds like you didn't watch the first two movies of this trilogy. Maybe you did, maybe you didn't but you're exclusively picking on elements that this separate Batman story did intentionally different than the comics/shows and I'm sorry but I thought that was a lot of the point of this trilogy: to be a different Batman story.

    edit: I do agree with the pacing, it just moved so erratically. It's is a part of Nolan's style to have branching non-linear stories, which was pulled off beautifully in Batman Begins, but has been dialled back to just jumping simultaneous stories between characters.
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    Dataday wrote: »
    Jon Blake reveals is first name is Robin at the end of the film... obviously saw where that was going. Robin was never a jon blake or a cop.
    dick became a cop when he moved to bludhaven in the comics
    When batman was climbing out of the pit, all the inmates were chanting. The older guy was like, "in our language it means to rise" but the chant is actually english and its saying "this is gotham, gotham, gotham" over and over. Did Chris Nolan think we are that dumb?
    it's deshi basara. hans zimmer, the guy who composed the music, released the chant last year and asked for people to submit themselves chanting it.
    Bane isnt supposed to have known Talia Al Gul as a little girl much less be her lover friend thing. They dont explain why he even needs a gas mask. IN the comics his strength and problems come from an addiction to a chemical known as Venom. He is supposed to be south american, but not in the movie.
    bane was set to take bruce's place as ra's heir in the comics, and was betrothed to talia, this version served as talia's ubu. the gas mask was explained, he's in permanent pain we hear this from the guys in the prison and are shown later on when batman rips the tubes out while fighting him. bane's father is the english villain king snake in the comics, his mother is santa priscan.
    Talia is supposed to be a ninja like assassin, instead shes the new ceo of waynecorp. She reveals herself and then dies in a car crash. Well done Chris Nolan! Kill off batman characters like they dont even matter, might as well you ruined their backstory anyhow.
    she was the head of lexcorp for a while, before selling it to wayne enterprises, and she's always been the femme fatale, she has the league of assassins to do the dirty work for her.
    Wayne manor turns into an orphanage and bruce wayne is no longer the owner of any of his heritage, he is fine with this and sips coffee in a cafe in some other city.
    he gave up his heritage to leave a legacy for gotham
  • peanut™
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    peanut™ polycounter lvl 19
    Just a note to myself here.

    As much as i like cartoons and superheroes, there is a time in life where you need to grow up and let all this behind. I certainly do not condone reading a comic here and there, but it seems like there is way to much young adults and teens that refuse to let go of the role playing found in those.
  • Snacuum
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    Snacuum polycounter lvl 9
    peanut™ wrote: »
    Just a note to myself here.

    As much as i like cartoons and superheroes, there is a time in life where you need to grow up and let all this behind. I certainly do not condone reading a comic here and there, but it seems like there is way to much young adults and teens that refuse to let go of the role playing found in those.

    On a forum about making video games?
  • Stormie
    peanut™ wrote: »
    Just a note to myself here.

    As much as i like cartoons and superheroes, there is a time in life where you need to grow up and let all this behind. I certainly do not condone reading a comic here and there, but it seems like there is way to much young adults and teens that refuse to let go of the role playing found in those.

    “Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”

    C.S. Lewis
  • PhattyEwok
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    PhattyEwok polycounter lvl 9
    Oh you guys need to move past your computers and get real jobs. After all video games are childish.
  • Shiniku
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    Shiniku polycounter lvl 14
    peanut™ wrote: »
    As much as i like cartoons and superheroes, there is a time in life where you need to grow up and let all this behind. I certainly do not condone reading a comic here and there, but it seems like there is way to much young adults and teens that refuse to let go of the role playing found in those.

    Comics are just another storytelling medium dude. If you're going to write them off as childish, you should say the same thing about video-games, movies, and books.
  • peanut™
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    peanut™ polycounter lvl 19
    peanut™ wrote: »
    Just a note to myself here.

    It was a note to myself after all. XD
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    peanut™ wrote: »
    It was a note to myself after all. XD

    That you posted on a public forum.... lol
  • peanut™
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    peanut™ polycounter lvl 19
    That you posted on a public forum.... lol

    LMAO!! indeed i didn't do it on purpose, nevermind any of this, oh the irony :D
  • Dataday
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    Dataday polycounter lvl 8
    Marine wrote: »
    dick became a cop when he moved to bludhaven in the comics

    it's deshi basara. hans zimmer, the guy who composed the music, released the chant last year and asked for people to submit themselves chanting it.

    bane was set to take bruce's place as ra's heir in the comics, and was betrothed to talia, this version served as talia's ubu. the gas mask was explained, he's in permanent pain we hear this from the guys in the prison and are shown later on when batman rips the tubes out while fighting him. bane's father is the english villain king snake in the comics, his mother is santa priscan.

    she was the head of lexcorp for a while, before selling it to wayne enterprises, and she's always been the femme fatale, she has the league of assassins to do the dirty work for her.

    he gave up his heritage to leave a legacy for gotham

    If this is true, then I clearly dont know about the franchise as much as I lead myself to believe.

    Either way, the movie was still fairly boring to me. I know many others enjoyed it though and all the more power too them.
  • Shiniku
  • peanut™
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    peanut™ polycounter lvl 19
    hahaha !! you guys crank me up ! XD
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    Dataday wrote: »
    If this is true, then I clearly dont know about the franchise as much as I lead myself to believe.

    or i know waaaaay too much :D
  • lincolnhughes
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    lincolnhughes polycounter lvl 10
    I wasn't the biggest fan of the movie. Nothing felt real..The biggest thing I liked about the first 2 movies were that they both felt almost grounded in reality. Batman could actually be real! In this one there were just soo many little things that seemed so fake.
    -For the 1st half of the movie, they spent alot of time really making you feel like Bruce was damaged goods; all of his joints had no cartilage in them, he needed a cane, his knee was fucked. And then Bane breaks his fucking back and puts him in the pit. After three months of having his spine punched by that doctor dude / having a rope hold him up, he's magically wayyy more powerful than he ever was before haha. Just seemed so fake.

    -Catwoman magically being a master of the bat bike after having never rode it before

    -Talia Al Ghul's horrible death acting. "I'm blowing up the city for my father, even though I hated him, uggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh" eyes close, dead lol.

    -Not being able to understand 1/2 the shit bane was saying.

    -Bane suddenly getting killed out of nowhere with almost no build up, and then never getting mentioned again for the rest of the movie.

    -Where the fuck was Alfred for the majority of the movie?? He was like one of the best lead actors in the other movies, but now it's time to exile him and cut him out for the last 2/3rds of the movie..

    -That blonde cop that's supposed to take over Gordon's place as commissioner. Just brutal acting / horrible dialogue.

    While there were alot of cool elements in the movie, and I still really enjoyed other parts of it, I'd probably say it's definitely the weakest movie in the trilogy by far.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I really enjoyed it. My only complaint was Bane's voice. As it has already been stated, it's hard to understand at times, and the overpowering level of his voice, no matter the room, was a bit odd. I think the level of his voice was intentional, but I don't get why. Otherwise, I really liked Tom Hardy for Bane.

    I don't know why people were so adverse to Anne Hathaway. I knew, per usual, people were overreacting to the choice of her as catwoman. I thought she was great.

    I did find a few things predictable, but I think partially because I already knew some of the characters.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Just got home from seeing it. I enjoyed it overall, but as others have mentioned, it's not without its problems. It kinda feels like two movies worth of plot crammed together, but manages to hold together reasonably well, even if there are elements that ultimately wind up being slightly anticlimactic because of it, particularly towards the end. There are a few points where I wonder whether the kind of dodgy editing that some have blamed for the issues with Prometheus (haven't seen it yet, myself) cropped up here too.

    I also think they'd have been better to make Bane's head gear a lot less restrictive. The wrap around mask things looks impressive, but a different design could have helped with his physical acting as well as allowing for easier to understand speech. Regardless, Hardy did a great job with the character despite the difficulties from the costume.

    There's a lot to like as well - some great performances, good action and a few iconic scenes. Despite the few relatively minor flaws, it makes for a very decent conclusion to the trilogy. Will be very interesting to see where Warner Brothers takes the already announced reboot now that Nolan and Bale are moving on. I'm kinda hoping for something entirely different. They're going to have a tough time topping Nolan's movies and I feel like we've pretty much done the dark and gritty Batman, so perhaps a Silver Age movie might be a smart direction. I don't think it'll happen, but it'd certainly be interesting.
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    Enjoyed it. I think it's really obvious there was a lot of pressure to cram as much as possible into the film and have it all make sense. It's definitely more fantastical and action driven than the more thriller-like dark knight but overall he did a commendable job.

    If the movie was made in two parts, it may have been better and more of the characters, their backstories and relationships could have been established, but alas it had to be all done in one film.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    A lot of people seem to accept the ending shots of Bruce and Alfred as being real, not Alfred's fantasy. But, Bruce died in that explosion. Otherwise, why would Alfred be so cut up at his funeral if it was a rouse? What's the point of begging two corpses for forgiveness? It wasn't a show, only his close friends were there. It wasn't 'he's alive, but he lost all his money' because the characters are really not that shallow. Bruce Wayne died in that explosion. The last shot was just Alfred's memory of Bruce occupying his fantasy. Which was a very sweet dream to have for Bruce, I must say. Overall I was very pleased with how the film turned out.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Smelt like the result of focus testing to me.
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    Andreas wrote: »
    A lot of people seem to accept the ending shots of Bruce and Alfred as being real, not Alfred's fantasy. But, Bruce died in that explosion. Otherwise, why would Alfred be so cut up at his funeral if it was a rouse? What's the point of begging two corpses for forgiveness? It wasn't a show, only his close friends were there. It wasn't 'he's alive, but he lost all his money' because the characters are really not that shallow. Bruce Wayne died in that explosion. The last shot was just Alfred's memory of Bruce occupying his fantasy. Which was a very sweet dream to have for Bruce, I must say. Overall I was very pleased with how the film turned out.
    Lucius Fox is informed that the batwing was indeed updated with autopilot control functions prior to the final events of the film. I would have rather had batman die, it would have made the film that much more powerful
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Oh! I wondered what they meant by that. Ah shite. Yeah, I would much prefer if he had bitten the atomic bullet too. Nolan pussied out worse than J.K. Rowling!

    Ah well. At least catwoman seems very bendy (yoga I'm guessing) so we should be happy for him.
  • CordellC
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    CordellC polycounter lvl 11
    Andreas wrote: »
    Oh! I wondered what they meant by that. Ah shite. Yeah, I would much prefer if he had bitten the atomic bullet too. Nolan pussied out worse than J.K. Rowling!

    Ah well. At least catwoman seems very bendy (yoga I'm guessing) so we should be happy for him.
    Also, Alfred did not know of his survival at the time of his funeral. He really thought he was dead.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    I wonder what the point of the whole 'your middle name is Robin' thing was. Surely everyone knew that that would only piss people off. Nobody ever wanted a Robin in this story, Nolan (lied) stated he would never feature a Robin, Bale said he would refuse to shoot a movie with Robin in it... if Wayne has gone off to knock boots with Selina Kyle in Florence for the rest of his life, why not just let it be unsaid that he will take the cape and cowl? I don't understand the need for that inclusion. I can't see it doing anything but pissing people off.
  • slipsius
    best... tan lines... ever....

  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Who said no one ever wanted Robin? I wouldn't mind Robin, as long as it was done right. And he didn't actually have 'Robin' in it. Just future Robin
  • PhattyEwok
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    PhattyEwok polycounter lvl 9
    Andreas wrote: »
    I wonder what the point of the whole 'your middle name is Robin' thing was. Surely everyone knew that that would only piss people off. Nobody ever wanted a Robin in this story, Nolan (lied) stated he would never feature a Robin, Bale said he would refuse to shoot a movie with Robin in it... if Wayne has gone off to knock boots with Selina Kyle in Florence for the rest of his life, why not just let it be unsaid that he will take the cape and cowl? I don't understand the need for that inclusion. I can't see it doing anything but pissing people off.

    It's not that no one didn't want robin they just didn't want the catastrophe that was batman and robin in the nineties.
  • Dylan Brady
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    Dylan Brady polycounter lvl 9
    hated the movie.
    The convoluted plot felt like it spent the first half setting up a contrived scenario in which the cops/members of government/the good guys were oppressed by a "occupy" style group, only misrepresented as violent, bigoted and tyrannical. another absurd contrivance was the idea that the military took what bane said at face value and assumed the bomb would go off if they let anyone leave/enter, even when the bomb was about to go off anyways (AS THE MILITARY WAS AWARE OF FROM THE SCENE IN THE BALLPARK)
    Cat woman was a walking cliche and just generally annoyed me.
    I could go on
    and don't tell me that how it happened in the comics/other movies/Idontcarewhat I don't follow batman and cant be arsed too. I'm just taking this movie on face value as anyone could.
    EDIT: wow after watching that vidoe Sub posted I've been put off the entire series.
    I think I just really liked heath ledgers performance in the Dark Knight and that gave me rose tinted glasses for the whole thing. I am legitimately regretful that I wasted my money on a ticket for this garbage
  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    Nobody ever wanted a Robin in this story
    Nobody said he was Robin. Maybe Nolan is skipping Robin and going straight to Nightwing?

    Also, before the movie I was kinda hoping we would see this happen...inference to Robin without actually having him in it. I definitely wanted a Robin in this story and I was pleased, personally.
  • Shiniku
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    Shiniku polycounter lvl 14
    Yeah, I don't think the inclusion of this 'Robin' will piss too many people off. One, Nolan really didn't include Robin, in any traditional sense, just a successor to Batman. But, he gave the guy the name Robin as a way to kind of appease fans of the character who really wanted him in this series. I think it works fine.

    Also, although i suppose we'll never know since this was the end, I don't think this character was ever intended to turn into Robin or Nightwing or whatever, but rather he would just become Batman. Remember how Bruce has been saying throughout the series that Batman is a symbol, something that can't be killed? He even mentions this in a car ride with Blake. I don't think he'd throw that away by taking a new persona - I think he would just become Batman - kind of like how Robin (Dick Grayson) became Batman after Bruce Wayne had supposedly died in the comics.
  • The Mad Artist
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    The Mad Artist polycounter lvl 13
    I love how the spoiler tags have just gone right out the window..regardless, spoilers below...

    I think people are reading a bit too much into the whole Joseph Gordon Levitt character being Robin, particularly calling out Bale and Nolan for "lying" about not doing a movie that had Robin in it. They took traits of the Robin characters, past and present, and gave them to the Blake character, but that's all. He is not supposed to be Robin, the DC character, verbatim. I think his birth name was just a little wink. The movie has an open ended conclusion to some degree, showing that Bruce feels that he can finally walk away from his mission, but also shows that Blake more than likely will be the one to take over as the "symbol" that Batman is. People seem to forget the conversation they had in the car where Bruce is explaining to him what he meant Batman to be and what he represented, that anyone could be Batman.

    I think the trilogy ends in a way that you can draw your own conclusions as to what happens next, while at the same time having a finality to it. Beyond that, people are reading waaaay too into it.
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