its already been confirmed the Lazarus pit will make an appearance and Liam Neeson has some type of role in the movie, either flashbacks or Ra's will come back at some point. I think that could be where they are all chanting with all the stone steps in the trailer, the Lazarus pit. who knows though, nolan likes to get wild speculation going on.
I saw the opening sequence before MI as well, it was interesting, couldnt understand half the shit bane was saying but it was still pretty dope. from this new trailer, it looks like there is a lot happening during daytime which is kinda new for a batman movie, he is never really out during the day, things must be utter shit in gotham for him to do that.
stoked for this film, only thing that makes me worried is the overall lack of batman in the trailer, which was my one gripe with the dark knight, wish there was a bit more of batman in it.
Was that other hot chick supposed to be Talia Al Ghul??
Judging from pics of her astride one of Banes tumblers in some very asian looking clothing, yes.
Looks like Bane and Talia are in cahoots, Bane being Ras' disciple that Bruce Wayne musnt have met for some reason. Thats where I'm guessing Wayne is during the chant part of the trailer, there's some flashbacks in the movie, even Liam Neeson shot stuff I believe.
Anyone got a link to the first 8 minutes that leaked online that still works?
New trailer in front of The Avengers apparently. Maybe not in Europe, but I'm hoping so. Not a huge Marvel fan myself but that movie looks like full-on cg porn so will be checking it out this Friday.
Damnit, I've been avoiding the trailers, because I'm already sold on seeing this movie. I plan on seeing the Avengers this weekend, and I know they play the trailer before the movie. I don't want to see a huge spoiler (thus the reason I'm avoiding trailers). Stupid hollywood
Nolan said he would never do Robin in his films... but other people have worn the cape and cowl when Wayne has been grieviously injured, or when he died. Hope to christ he's not Robin.
my guess is he will be nightwing... or perhaps even replace batman... I feel a really dark ending with Wayne being gravely injured or killed and Levitt picking up the reins as Batman..
These look awesome! Again the phrase "The Legend will End" leads me to believe with what I said earlier about Wayne becoming hurt beyond repair or killed and someone taking over for him.
How does Bane get access to tumblers?
Who is that fighting on Batmans side in the first image? Police?
By the time the film starts, Talia Al Ghul (Raz/Liam Neeson's daughter) has been infiltrating Wayne Corp. for 9 years. Bane seems to be the new leader of the league of Shadows; so she must use her security clearances and the fact that she and Bane know full well who Bruce Wayne really is to her advantage. (You've seen lots of Talia in the trailers. She's the french chick who plays Leo's wife in 'Inception'.)
I saw the opening sequence before MI as well, it was interesting, couldnt understand half the shit bane was saying but it was still pretty dope. from this new trailer, it looks like there is a lot happening during daytime which is kinda new for a batman movie, he is never really out during the day, things must be utter shit in gotham for him to do that.
stoked for this film, only thing that makes me worried is the overall lack of batman in the trailer, which was my one gripe with the dark knight, wish there was a bit more of batman in it.
Judging from pics of her astride one of Banes tumblers in some very asian looking clothing, yes.
Looks like Bane and Talia are in cahoots, Bane being Ras' disciple that Bruce Wayne musnt have met for some reason. Thats where I'm guessing Wayne is during the chant part of the trailer, there's some flashbacks in the movie, even Liam Neeson shot stuff I believe.
Anyone got a link to the first 8 minutes that leaked online that still works?
This is a very promising vibe to get.
Batman: The Recession
Tis' seeping into a lot of media it seems.
Yeah...I mean I feel like I know a huge chunk of the story now. I could have gone with not seeing that and been more surprised.
I don't know what to think of this trailer though. More confused than anything. Well, I guess I'll just have to trust Nolan.
EDIT: not Justin Long, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, thats who :P
where did you get justin long from??
I still didn't watch the trailer, so I don't know what the character looks like.
Who knows though... Still stoked to see this!
(I get what you mean.)
How does Bane get access to tumblers?
Who is that fighting on Batmans side in the first image? Police?
By the time the film starts, Talia Al Ghul (Raz/Liam Neeson's daughter) has been infiltrating Wayne Corp. for 9 years. Bane seems to be the new leader of the league of Shadows; so she must use her security clearances and the fact that she and Bane know full well who Bruce Wayne really is to her advantage. (You've seen lots of Talia in the trailers. She's the french chick who plays Leo's wife in 'Inception'.)
So bring a few pee bottles.
holy shit...
I love how one of the posters has Christopher Nolan.
................... cat woman?