The Brief
Four ruggedly handsome Polycount members started chest bumping, things got out of hand and they decided to settle their feud the old fashioned way: Create a character that looks more awesome than the others.
To keep things civilized, the four have decided to work with the common theme Shadowrun and to make a hero character that would fit comfortably in that fictional world.
No prizes, just mutual respect and envy of each others art.
The SpecsThe four members will create a final image showing their hero character using these budgets:
-20,000 Triangles (This includes character, weapons, gear, mounts, FX, etc.)
-1 2048x2048 Material (Any and All texture types: Normal, Diffuse, Spec, Gloss, Glow, SSS, etc.)
-For the final image, anything capable in realtime rendering is allowed, this means
anything like custom materials and post processing FX are permitted as long as it acceptable by todays standards in the games industry.
-Character models must be posed and can be posed via any method the artist chooses (game rig, adjusting the actual model, transpose master, etc.)
-Pedestals are optional and have no limit.
-Well documented work in progress shots are greatly encouraged, a true gentleman shows his work.
The DeliverablesMultiple images are encouraged to show the creation of the hero character and multiple angles of the final model, but these images are required:
-A final beauty image showing the posed hero character
-A construction image showing the wireframe and texture sheets of the hero character
The RestricitonsOr lack thereof:
-Mounts of any kind are allowed (motorcycles, mutated horses, dinosaurs with laser eyes, etc.)
-Characters must look as if they would fit into a Shadowrun game
-Gore and nudity is kind of expected
-Obviously, everything created by the artist must be original. Base meshes are allowed, as it is common practice in the industry, but the character itself must be created for this purpose.
-All work in progress for the four members will just be posted in this one thread, following this post. No reason to manage 4 different threads.
Soft DeadlineWere all busy posting lolcats in GD and giving man hugs, but will aim for this completion date:
March 7th, 2011
More info:What is Shadowrun?
Shadowrun is a role-playing game set in a near-future fictional universe in which cybernetics, magic and fantasy creatures co-exist
In the backstory of the game, magic and mythological beings returned to the world in 2011. Additionally, some humans "Goblinize" into orks, trolls, while human children begin to be born as elves, dwarves and even more exotic creatures
The Shadowrun world is cross-genre, incorporating elements of both cyberpunk and urban fantasy. Unlike in a purely cyberpunk game, in the Shadowrun world, magic returns in 2011. Among other things, this causes humankind to split into subtypes, also known as metatypes. Some of these metatypes take the form of common fantasy races. Likewise, some animals have turned into familiar monsters of past fantasy and lore and both monsters and human magicians have regained magical powers. By the second half of the 21st century, in the time the game is set, these events are accepted as commonplace. Man, machine, and magic exist in a world where the amazing is among the most common and technology has entered into every facet of human (and metahuman) life.
Stay Tuned!
My money's on slipgate! Double or nothing!
Have fun ^_^
THIS is what contest were and should always be.
Uh huh.
I see how it is.
Also, I need to change my trousers.
@Slum : Good question. I realize it's not really about prizes/winning, but still, it has to be judged somehow right? ...4-way tie perhaps as long as everyone finishes or what?
The winner in my book will be whoever adds the most awesomeness to my inspiration folder.
I too have high hopes for Slipgate as I love his work.
no idea what its gonna be, probably a girlish girl again, not sure.
but, I must say, 20k is the shit, this is gonna be fun
starting as soon as I'm done with my new year sickness
Is this something that's open for all, or just you 4?
Penis tanks are alright, but butts are necessary.
Bonus points if it's a gnarly monster butt.
and it shall be epic!!
really looking forward to it!
shotun's image could've totally been a ref image from hazardous
please someone think about the hardware!
otherwise i can't wait to feast on this eyecandy to come
Spent the better part of the day so far reading up on the Shadowrun Universe, classes, characters etc and have come up with some pointnotes defining her character. Also threw together a few pages of inspiration, one of which ill post up here.
(Thanks Gav! for linking me some awesome refs!)
Zestia Nox
Elf Female, 24 Half Vampire.
8 Years ago, St. Carvers High school was attacked by Nosferatu in a recruitment drive. At age 16, Zestia, along with many other teenagers were inflicted with the Bruckner-Langer strain of HMHVV (Human Meta-Human Vampiric Virus)
Zestia received 6 years of highly classified experimental Aztechnology treatment to save her life and revert much of the external Nosferatu transformation. Only the vampiric canines remain.
Her extremely wealthy and Mega-Corp connected parents requested a complete memory wipe after treatment ceased, in order to begin her life anew. This was only partially successful..
Reintegration into society was fine at first, though it was clear to her that she was being treated differently. She fled from her upper class lifestyle, her family and friends, believing she did not belong, and has never looked back.
Zestia is now a Face for EVO corporation, a highly charismatic elite shadowrunner whose specialties lie in social manipulation and negotiation, though when words fail she is more than capable of settling disputes or conducting infiltrations with calculated precision.
Her whereabouts are currently unknown, though associates say she is always there when she needs to be.
Her favourite weapons are a Mako Blade and dual Macrocorp Crossbows, but she
has also been spotted wielding an enormous firearm of unknown manufacture.
Abilities gained from Bruckner-Langer HMHVV + experimental treatment:
Enhanced regenerative abilities.
Enhanced reflexes, night sight and hearing.
Explosive burst strength.
Side effects:
Sensative to bright lights.
Requires doses of life essence to maintain long periods of high body stress.
Vampire Canines.
TL/DR: I'm doing a Elf Vampire Chick with a Massive Hand Cannon!
Alright, onward to some concepts!!!
you all owe me $375 each.
I accept paypal.
Shadowrun is awesome, I have a Darwven Hacker figure on my desk.:)
Can't wait to see what you guys come up with.
I really love Paul Bonner's "Cyber Pirates" image and will be creating a big burly Ork pirate character. Body shape and character reference sheet:
Captain Beefheart
(and his pet "Crackers")
-Leader of a ruthless cyber pirate crew who assists corporations in exploiting the Ivory Coast.
-Left arm has been rebuilt into a hook like weapon after losing his hand in battle.
-Never seen without his companion "Crackers", an overly intelligent pet vulture.
-"Gear" is a combination of items acquired through previous raids, giving Beefheart a fairly eclectic look
Will develop more as I get onto the concepts!
only I'm sitting...
and it felt pretty good coming out so it's probably not "awe" I'm sitting in anymore...
We will do a larger scale Civil War in 2011 I am sure. If you guys would like to organize your own smaller ones in the mean time, feel free!
Dudes: Great group and eagerly await the results. I'll get this posted in News once I'm home on Sunday.