retopo'ed this face
hopefully better! I couldn't find a lot of good sources of lower end face topo, most of the great models you guys post don't show face closeups, so I had to guess and mess around a bit.
Don't remember how far I was when I posted this last, but I painted hair today so you get it again xP
I made a smoke brush today and felt like checking it out to make hair.. this is what the smoke was for - storyboarding attempt, hopefully it is 'kosher' enough to draft them with 3D help
With the release of the awesome new UDK and its directx 11 support I decided that it would probably be beneficial to make the scales on this dino pop a little bit more for a more effective displacement map. Enjoy!
Dudeman95, what you're doing makes me cringe, just because i know the pains of sculpting scales. I really don't want to encourage you spending so much time doing that, but those new scales on his nose really do look better
@ chadabees - Looking alot cleaner and defined most definately. The Orange lighting towards the ceiling is lacking some depth, but youre on the right path for sure!
Gone from Whitebox stage - to getting the visual meshes in UDK - Quick play with
lighting and basic shaders (no cubemap or reflections yet) Loooonng way to go!
homes44 (my homie): It's Gordan in the GoW universe! loving the character, dude!
krisCrash: Cool character, liking the proportions. Head looks like it should be longer/thiner, though, to match the body.
LOOM: Loving the lighting and colors, bro
So this is bad. And quite frightening. I think I just modeled a furry. and a kinky one at that.
I'm sure when I add the mechanical limbs and blood, it won'd be so much. I hope.
o.o Woah, that catface looks great. I'll be, er, interested to see how the full body turns out.
I've been away for a long time, so here are a couple lil pieces I made recently.
I've been trying to learn more tricks for digital coloring, and I'm only just now getting around to trying out airbrushes. I'm hoping to make more comics once school lets up, but I'll be working on a 3D animation project for class until then.
Helooo00ooo my friends. My first WoW trading card that I painted a few months back was just recently published so i can show it yaaayyyy! here's a process thingy:
first time i'm posting my work. I have just entered the world of hard surface modelling and baking
currently apply this technique to my dissertation
one of my maps is a co-op horde match set in a diner in a desert
the coffee maker is still WIP and I need to scale and alter it abit
i LOOOVE baking. the flare gun will be edited in photoshop aha. critiques welcome :0)
homes, chad: pretty sweet
mak: matching the concept pretty good so far. finish this one, for once! (jeez!) looking forward to the cyborg bits
true: also very cool.
Can't the top of the hat be alpha'd? It seems like it could be smoother and might be wasting polies. Whatever, dat texture is sooooooo good. I love the non-filtered look.
truedejia: Loving those, especially the last one, great expression
Murph: Pure awesome, grats on getting your first card printed
Makkon: I don't think you need to worry too much about it looking like a furry, it's already miles ahead artistically (based on what I've seen from the other side anyway..urgh..) and as you said, once you add all the robot-limbs it should mix better.
I'm sure if you made a cat eye with tits and a robot leg, furries would find it attractive
Your truck looks really good. On future textures you might want to try and use more large scale tonal variation. Right now all the texture information is small and medium scale and there isn't much to grab your attention from a distance or help lead your eyes around.
Haha, for a sec I was worried that people would think I were referring to something posted above :poly122: Was referring to the chromaticz Aberration post effect!
I've been sleeping while modelling today, I'm not joking. I thought I'd been dreaming when I woke up in my bed, had to go and check on my comp... Scaaary
NoctyQ: that chromatic aberration is over the top tbh, its almost making me dizzy looking at it. but i also agree with TDub that the red hue isn't doing your blue door any justice. looks much nicer in the paintover. regardless, its a nice looking door
Haha I shall never write/post when I'm tired!:poly136:
What I meant was that I were aware of that the post effects and colour tint made the object look terrible! Might have come across like I was defending it though, which wasn't my intention.
Very much thanks for the awesome feedback TDub & Yevin!
The plan is to make one blue door every day of the week and so forth getting better at zbrush! :poly142:
@ Free_fall
That halftrack is sick so far! I've been playing Men of War like crazy for the last week! My top secret nazi sniper squad will soon fit perfect in it..
@imijatov Awesome work but she is a major butterface imo
hopefully better! I couldn't find a lot of good sources of lower end face topo, most of the great models you guys post don't show face closeups, so I had to guess and mess around a bit.
Don't remember how far I was when I posted this last, but I painted hair today so you get it again xP
I made a smoke brush today and felt like checking it out to make hair.. this is what the smoke was for - storyboarding attempt, hopefully it is 'kosher' enough to draft them with 3D help
i second that :P
Off to Mudbox for some painting now
Cross post from because I know some people like to check the WAYWO.
im rooting and pittying you all at the same time
Gone from Whitebox stage - to getting the visual meshes in UDK - Quick play with
lighting and basic shaders (no cubemap or reflections yet) Loooonng way to go!
krisCrash: Cool character, liking the proportions. Head looks like it should be longer/thiner, though, to match the body.
LOOM: Loving the lighting and colors, bro
So this is bad. And quite frightening. I think I just modeled a furry. and a kinky one at that.
I'm sure when I add the mechanical limbs and blood, it won'd be so much. I hope.
I've been away for a long time, so here are a couple lil pieces I made recently.
I've been trying to learn more tricks for digital coloring, and I'm only just now getting around to trying out airbrushes. I'm hoping to make more comics once school lets up, but I'll be working on a 3D animation project for class until then.
sometimes i just start at the beginning of this thread and burn hours look through everything, awesome stuff everyone.
so i've been recording my zbrush sketches and putting them on youtube, heres a couple:
Youtube Videos
and some random doodles:
currently apply this technique to my dissertation
one of my maps is a co-op horde match set in a diner in a desert
the coffee maker is still WIP and I need to scale and alter it abit
i LOOOVE baking. the flare gun will be edited in photoshop aha. critiques welcome :0)
Low Poly Fountain Asset for a Scene, water geometry excluded.
Mudbox Viewport Render
mak: matching the concept pretty good so far. finish this one, for once! (jeez!) looking forward to the cyborg bits
true: also very cool.
A little quickie. Might as wel give the lass some polypaint later on.
Can't the top of the hat be alpha'd? It seems like it could be smoother and might be wasting polies. Whatever, dat texture is sooooooo good. I love the non-filtered look.
"Post-apocalyptic mutations"
It's a little dark to read right now, but I still have a long way to go (armor, weapons.maps, retopo...etc.)
..and a whole lot more paint.
murph: great paints
homes: great concept , wanted to try recreate it in 3d so i started some blocking out in zbrush
hope you don't mind
@Murph: Love it, do you work for Blizzard, because you should!
Murph: Pure awesome, grats on getting your first card printed
Makkon: I don't think you need to worry too much about it looking like a furry, it's already miles ahead artistically (based on what I've seen from the other side anyway..urgh..) and as you said, once you add all the robot-limbs it should mix better.
I'm sure if you made a cat eye with tits and a robot leg, furries would find it attractive
Your truck looks really good. On future textures you might want to try and use more large scale tonal variation. Right now all the texture information is small and medium scale and there isn't much to grab your attention from a distance or help lead your eyes around.
Raven! this is rad, i'm flattered. can't wait to see where you go with it. looks like you made some improvements on the design too
forgot to post this earlier, i'm having some terrible stretching on the chest so i'm not sure what i'll be doing with this one
I've been sleeping while modelling today, I'm not joking. I thought I'd been dreaming when I woke up in my bed, had to go and check on my comp... Scaaary
I don't care too much for the chromo, but the overall red hue should definetaly go..
Color Correction of NoctyQ's work. Not mine.
Much more pleasing to look at, and you can see the real colors.
What I meant was that I were aware of that the post effects and colour tint made the object look terrible! Might have come across like I was defending it though, which wasn't my intention.
Very much thanks for the awesome feedback TDub & Yevin!
The plan is to make one blue door every day of the week and so forth getting better at zbrush! :poly142:
@ Free_fall
That halftrack is sick so far! I've been playing Men of War like crazy for the last week! My top secret nazi sniper squad will soon fit perfect in it..
(ps: this is my first post! hi friends!)