Hey Everyone, just another update on my character. I'm right at the cusp of completion I'm just working on presentation. I have not decided on a Beauty shot yet but I have a render and some construction shots to show you guys for now. Hope you enjoy
Dang. SO MUCH AWESOME WORK GUYS! I just finished doing the High for my dagger. And did some base colors. SUPER WIP stages. I can't wait to texture it tomorrow.
I love the character but not the spoon. There's so many polies in the bowl of the spoon. Do you think you could spare some to smooth out the edges? The sharp, low-poly edges of that spoon really detract from everything else
Nice table, but shouldn't it have CCCP on it instead of USSR?
I looked it up and I totally think your right. While although I don't believe the game is going for 100% historic accuracy that does seem like quite a big deal to get wrong. I will keep that in mind, thanks!
I had some free time today so i worked on some more Ivans stuff.
Hope you like it!
@razgriz...holy sheet nice job on the high poly 0.o.... idiotic question but did you use zbrush for the entire high poly or only for the damaged areas? :0
atm decided to try building a pilot-controlled robot....wanna practice more hard surface modelling! .....only finished with boots atm and grey piece is teh low poly for a test bake which came out good
I have a little problem, I can ask that here right?
I can't use the stamps from mudbox as brushes on imported object, I can use all the tools but if I use a stamp with it they stop working... but it works on the basic mudbox meshes.
Just finished work for my first 2nd year hand in at uni.
I put model sheets and construction in my sketchbook thread for anyone who is interested, I hope its useful.
Sketch thread - http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=80245
Started the first pass on a stone wall ill be using for an environment. Ive been video capturing the entire process and i'll have that up as well once the wall is done. Detail pass next.
@razgriz...holy sheet nice job on the high poly 0.o.... idiotic question but did you use zbrush for the entire high poly or only for the damaged areas?
Just for the damaged areas, and a couple other bevels - it was probably only the last 10% of actual time spent modeling.
Finished my female base mesh. Nothing fancy, I'm sure you guys have seen bucket loads of these things around here.
Will subdivide the thighs and other areas further once I get started on the actual project.
Critiques on topology, limb sizes, etc definately appreciated.
Didn't want to "cheat". But halfway through the body I ended up having to load up an old reference model since I had a rough time getting the hipbone and shoulders correct.
Which makes me wonder; Do you guys ever have to load up a reference model or ref images when making your human models? Or do you guys just knock it out based on experience?
helldiver: not bad man, I would work on the hands a bit more. the pose in particular seems unnatural with that pinky pointing out. try to relaxe the fingers
@Shrew really nice love the leather bindings around the grip! @Oniram can't wait for the vid you have some nice shapes there, will you texture it also?
Well I couldn't wait until the new year to start a new personal project. There is an old Nick Cave and The Bad Seed song Called Red Right Hand. I hadn't heard it in a while and it came up on my sketching shuffle and it got the wheels turning. So here is what came out of the sketch session. Can't wait to start this guy for sure!
fingers are spread unaturally like that so later on I have an easier time with the render to texture cages. Also, the AO once cast won't be so strong on the inside of the fingers. Will also be easier for me to weight the vertices to the finger bones on the low poly mesh
@OneLungLewis; can't wait to see this come to life. Gonna be using your hair card method (or something similar) on my current project. Seems to be the only way to do large volumes of hair while making it look believable.
Just built myself a new PC and decided to play around with it now that I finally got everything running properly after much hard work and frustration.
Did a zBrush sculpt thingy based on a caricature my friend Marcus Sakoda did of Beat Takeshi. I realize now I lined up all the proportions without Perspective turned on so everything is pretty off target. Bleh. I'll try to finish it in between finals the coming week.
Heres something i've been working on for a few months (inbetween skyrim and dragon age2) it's a viking village in the UDK. This is one of the more complete and interesting areas i have so far, a small corner of the village. Default udk lighting for now:
Still a long way to go, rivers, bushes, trees, flags, hanging clothing and more colour .
Highpoly of a gun I'm working on (XDM Compact)
I'm fairly new to SubD Modelling but learnt a lot whilst making this, still have some detailing left but it's almost ready to get retopped and textured 8)
Here's a bust I did for practice. I might push it further by turning him into a cowboy or something.
Hey nice work, like the style you've got there.
I love the character but not the spoon. There's so many polies in the bowl of the spoon. Do you think you could spare some to smooth out the edges? The sharp, low-poly edges of that spoon really detract from everything else
@TortillaChips: Thank you.
Here's a low poly ship I wrapped up this evening/morning
that's damn creepy stuff... but I like it
I looked it up and I totally think your right. While although I don't believe the game is going for 100% historic accuracy that does seem like quite a big deal to get wrong. I will keep that in mind, thanks!
I had some free time today so i worked on some more Ivans stuff.
Hope you like it!
Been mucking around trying to make a tiling wall texture for my ringfort. Is the tiling too obvious in this?
atm decided to try building a pilot-controlled robot....wanna practice more hard surface modelling!
floaters ftw!
I can't use the stamps from mudbox as brushes on imported object, I can use all the tools but if I use a stamp with it they stop working... but it works on the basic mudbox meshes.
Just create a thread here so it doesn't get overlooked in here. I don't know mudbox so I don't know the answer either.
Thats the coolest thing i ever seen!
Just finished work for my first 2nd year hand in at uni.
I put model sheets and construction in my sketchbook thread for anyone who is interested, I hope its useful.
Sketch thread - http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=80245
I'm thinking the gloves could use a bit more detail, but I'm not sure what to add to it...
Model and high poly by Sparkwire (what a dunkass).
Coupled with a revolver I made a while back.
Just a box:
Just for the damaged areas, and a couple other bevels - it was probably only the last 10% of actual time spent modeling.
It's not textured. That's just the high poly.
Will subdivide the thighs and other areas further once I get started on the actual project.
Critiques on topology, limb sizes, etc definately appreciated.
Didn't want to "cheat". But halfway through the body I ended up having to load up an old reference model since I had a rough time getting the hipbone and shoulders correct.
Which makes me wonder; Do you guys ever have to load up a reference model or ref images when making your human models? Or do you guys just knock it out based on experience?
Looking forward to what you'll be doing with that
@Oniram can't wait for the vid
Painting Timelaps
fingers are spread unaturally like that so later on I have an easier time with the render to texture cages. Also, the AO once cast won't be so strong on the inside of the fingers. Will also be easier for me to weight the vertices to the finger bones on the low poly mesh
@OneLungLewis; can't wait to see this come to life. Gonna be using your hair card method (or something similar) on my current project. Seems to be the only way to do large volumes of hair while making it look believable.
Did a zBrush sculpt thingy based on a caricature my friend Marcus Sakoda did of Beat Takeshi. I realize now I lined up all the proportions without Perspective turned on so everything is pretty off target. Bleh. I'll try to finish it in between finals the coming week.
Heres something i've been working on for a few months (inbetween skyrim and dragon age2) it's a viking village in the UDK. This is one of the more complete and interesting areas i have so far, a small corner of the village. Default udk lighting for now:
Still a long way to go, rivers, bushes, trees, flags, hanging clothing and more colour .
I'm fairly new to SubD Modelling but learnt a lot whilst making this, still have some detailing left but it's almost ready to get retopped and textured 8)