Jaco - The chest is very cool, you know it.
One thing that bother me is size of the feet, its definatly should be shorter, and define the curve of the heel a little bit.CHeers!
jigatron: So freaking awesome! You sir, are my hero. Jaco: Excellent! Pretty cool character, although a tad too symmetrical for my taste, but that's just me. Also, the curve above her knee running upwards her inner thigh is freaking me out. That and the pretty high up knees are making her thighs look really small and thin. A bit too thin imho. Jocz: Gorgeous work as per usual! Loving Luigi, you should totally make a full character out of him.
due to some feedback i got here and on dA i decided to measure her face just to check if anything is completely off and aperently i guess what makes her less interesting now, is that i got way to close to the anatomybook without even wanting too. besides asymmetry which i usually add later once the lowpoly topology is there i think i should take a few steps back to make her look less generic
jigatron: very, very sweet work though it feels overall a little bit too greyish due to your lighting
jocz: awesome shapes as usual, especially the luigi is very cool
Neox: Great way to analyze the face! I find the Marquardt Beauty Analysis quite interesting to say the least.
Just one question though, what are those percentages of the golden ratio based on? I'm intrigued.
Artistically speaking, I would play around a bit with the zygomatic area, cheek dimple or puff, chin shape, nose shape, brow area. All subtle changes but I think it will give her a lot more character and break away from that generic look imho.
And of course, texturing can help a great deal in asym and variation.
Neox: Great way to analyze the face! I find the Marquardt Beauty Analysis quite interesting to say the least.
Just one question though, what are those percentages of the golden ratio based on? I'm intrigued.
on the golden ratio
61,8%+38,2% = 100%
and the 100% is phi, phi the golden ratio is 1.618
(a+b)/a = a/b = phi
61,8/38,2= 1,618
the golden ratio is always 1,618:1
and the funny thing is, i can't find the fucking page where i just read it, its not like i made those percentages up o_O
as for the artistical stuff, yeah i'm playing around already and not always using the calculator for that
due to some feedback i got here and on dA i decided to measure her face just to check if anything is completely off and aperently i guess what makes her less interesting now, is that i got way to close to the anatomybook without even wanting too. besides asymmetry which i usually add later once the lowpoly topology is there i think i should take a few steps back to make her look less generic
jigatron: very, very sweet work though it feels overall a little bit too greyish due to your lighting
jocz: awesome shapes as usual, especially the luigi is very cool
Whoa, that is an epic concept! I think you model is fairly close, but there's something in your face making him look sleepy, rather than mean. I think making his brow more pointed inwards would help.
@barnsey: you might need to inver the green channel of your normalmap or change the shader, but something seems off there
Okay - i think i'll keep her like that for now, still enoug stuff to do, i think i will redo her hair from scratch as lowpoly with texture, i need to add a small axe on her back and detail her pouch as well and add some other minor details. Also i still have an owl to do and besides some testing with feather placement and semi automatic wing rigs i have no clue how i'll tackle that beast convncngly enough
I kinda like her without the hair now that im seeing it. Gives a way more warrior look to her as a whole. Its different from what im used to seeing in female soldier models.
So just registered at 3Dmotive.com today because of the AMAZING tutorial that's featured on polycount right now by Tyson Murphy. It's absolutely amazing, and I learned so much JUST from browsing through a couple videos (didnt have time to sit down and watch them all yet). It's kinda funny, I learned something for modeling, unwrapping, but mostly texturing.
I hope it's ok I did this; I mean this tutorial is for learning, but I spent about 30-40 minutes trying to texture the same sword in the same painting style he used. I didn't get that far into it at all, but it was SUPER fun. I've never painted like this before and never knew how awesome that brush setting is. Feel free to give any critique (mine is on the left, his is on the right) but I just want to clarify again that this is NOT my model (it's Tyson's!) and I'm strictly doing it to better my skills. For never painting like this and never really doing a painterly style before, I think it's pretty badass
more practice for sure...I've never been this excited
Hey everyone!
I'm pretty new to the forum, posted only once so far and my post got lost in the middle of all your amazing work .
I wanted to post something i've been working of for about 3 days now. I'm no character artist at all but, at work right now its kinda slowing down so they ask me to use the free time I have to do some ''auto-training'' to do characters (since there is only one character artist in my company).
I've only made one other character in my life so far so im pretty new to this. I'm looking forward to have some nice critics and comments...
Obviously its not finish
Hey i almost for got to thank you guys tits and gillmeister74 for the helpful critiques. Tits your character is looking great, for a second i thought she had a bubble butt but the cloth just emphasized the curve other than that everything looks great i cant wait to see what her boots and gloves will look like. Thanks again guys.
One thing that bother me is size of the feet, its definatly should be shorter, and define the curve of the heel a little bit.CHeers!
Jaco: Excellent! Pretty cool character, although a tad too symmetrical for my taste, but that's just me. Also, the curve above her knee running upwards her inner thigh is freaking me out. That and the pretty high up knees are making her thighs look really small and thin. A bit too thin imho.
Jocz: Gorgeous work as per usual! Loving Luigi, you should totally make a full character out of him.
jigatron: very, very sweet work though it feels overall a little bit too greyish due to your lighting
jocz: awesome shapes as usual, especially the luigi is very cool
Just one question though, what are those percentages of the golden ratio based on? I'm intrigued.
Artistically speaking, I would play around a bit with the zygomatic area, cheek dimple or puff, chin shape, nose shape, brow area. All subtle changes but I think it will give her a lot more character and break away from that generic look imho.
And of course, texturing can help a great deal in asym and variation.
this is awesome
on the golden ratio
61,8%+38,2% = 100%
and the 100% is phi, phi the golden ratio is 1.618
(a+b)/a = a/b = phi
61,8/38,2= 1,618
the golden ratio is always 1,618:1
and the funny thing is, i can't find the fucking page where i just read it, its not like i made those percentages up o_O
as for the artistical stuff, yeah i'm playing around already and not always using the calculator for that
Any one got tips on making parts of armor?
Updates will be posted here and in the WIP Chronoshift Thread in "Pimping and Reviews".
that's a great reference pic ..thanks
Click for HUUUGE. Just don't try to steal it, I have the original sketches. :poly118:
And phone sizes, supposedly...
iPhone 3 and earlier
iPhone 4 and later
mr Jocz, your thing is so top notch
@neox good study! real human proportion is hard to learn to, funny that every theory out thare create a different result o_o///
@luke, noice lance, for my crits the handle uv texture seems little bit low res compare to the other part of the weapon
love the facet + paper texture,
nice design!
Jaco & wester good work! hard surface armor is nasty thing to work with, hopefully i can learn from your WIP ...
here's a Halloween doodle from me.
cross post from my wip thread...
More hand painted fun stuff for that scene I'm working on.
@spatz: thats one sexy cock you got there!
@barnsey: you might need to inver the green channel of your normalmap or change the shader, but something seems off there
Okay - i think i'll keep her like that for now, still enoug stuff to do, i think i will redo her hair from scratch as lowpoly with texture, i need to add a small axe on her back and detail her pouch as well and add some other minor details. Also i still have an owl to do and besides some testing with feather placement and semi automatic wing rigs i have no clue how i'll tackle that beast convncngly enough
and awesome job on translating that concept to 3d spatz
just finished my naruto fanart piece (Click for highres)
There are still loads of detail to do and a spec to do (it`s the diffuse with some brown added)
I kinda like her without the hair now that im seeing it. Gives a way more warrior look to her as a whole. Its different from what im used to seeing in female soldier models.
Thanks! I take it you know your heads then
here's mine, continuing on my mouse.
is it possible to embed in PC from vimeo? I've never been able to do it properly
Trying some rendering on Z4R2
I hope it's ok I did this; I mean this tutorial is for learning, but I spent about 30-40 minutes trying to texture the same sword in the same painting style he used. I didn't get that far into it at all, but it was SUPER fun. I've never painted like this before and never knew how awesome that brush setting is. Feel free to give any critique (mine is on the left, his is on the right) but I just want to clarify again that this is NOT my model (it's Tyson's!) and I'm strictly doing it to better my skills. For never painting like this and never really doing a painterly style before, I think it's pretty badass
more practice for sure...I've never been this excited
What does he use to paint in the tutorial? Just pure photoshop or something like 3d coat or mudbox?
Maya viewport : had to Prake it down to 2300 Tris - sadly many details gone now..
That gun's looking pretty good Free_fall, nice AO and normals bake
here's my update on my Captain America Re-work:
Working on the proportions atm, then just the gun holster/gun to finish.