I am constantly finding myself enjoying the game here.
Retarded AI, bugs, flickers, inconsistent graphical standard and a lacklustre story be damned; I am loving this.
The gameplay is just right, weapons feel great and the controls are responsive, a few tweaks to mouse settings and FOV (being able to use a higher FOV without the game bugging out) and it'll be just right.
The patch sounds great, and I hope it works on all DX 11 cards, not just Nvidia or something :P
If there is ONE gripe that STILL gets to me though: that they've tuned back destruction and that I still can't make ragdolls dance by shooting them, or throwing corpses at my enemies.
I know it's made in Germany and Germany has some utterly retarded laws in regards to pretend violence. But still, you can already kill people, why not kill more using their fallen comrades
Ahhhhhh bugs.
How I love thee.
Nothing Satisfy's more than sneaking up to stealth kill an enemy, only to have another one spawn on top of you, t-pose and all, and and because you bumped into him, he launches a rocket in your face.
Thank-you bugs...
There's a real love/hate thing here between awesome spectacle and punch-you-in-the-nuts for trying to have fun gameplay. I dunno. The chruch was pretty cool, and the next bit where you enter the tunnels and come out on a roof... ? ....
Oh and the loosing your nano-catalyst between levels/lives? thats pretty fucking classy there crytek.
maybe with the DX11 update, if they sneak-in some of the tech-demo stuff they left out or there's physics options included in the new options menu. I seem to remember being able to adjust how destructable stuff was in C1 and while I get that since the boxes (ps3 and 360) probably can't handle it they left it out of PC as well, for consistancies sake. I don't have to be happy about it though.
I loved Crysis 1 and thoroughly enjoyed Warhead so I really Really want to like this one too, they just aren't making it easy.
confirmation we'll get an update soon Cooking some great DX11 tech bits for C2 fans, be patient guys. All I can say, is that we have 16 ms or more to have fun with pc hardware... http://twitter.com/CRYTEK_TIAGO
Congrats on shipping the game guys. I'm a few levels in and things look really nice so far. Good lighting, no major glitches anywhere, the narrative is on par with that of any Chuck Norris film = Maximum enjoyment.
man i totally missed meeting ANY polycounter at the party besides the ones i already know, dammit
was a nice time, played the game the morning after for a short time, from what i saw - very nice jobs everyone, didn't see any hardcore bugs, which where tooo annyoing, AI sometimes glitched, but i don't see this as a huge issue. It was fun to play und looked very nice, great jobs guys!
I'm trying really hard to like this game, but it sure is testing me... I'm around 2 hours in at the moment and so far it hasn't made we want to play it in any large sessions... First the AI is retarded... I'm sorry but it is. Stealth in the game has a very limited use as when you take a "Stealth" tactical advantage route, as soon as I you enter it, you hear the enemy "HE'S IN THERE!" and they start throwing grenades after you. Second, comming out of a sewer in stealth trigger helicopters to start firing at you as soon as you pop up.. And the tanks that even though their turret is the other way arround, will one shoot you when you stand behind them...
Crysis 2 will have the best AI in gaming history
Really? Because I killed all the guys below here using the stealth takedown, while everyone else were either watching or standing with their back turned 1 foot away.
They also trampled their fallen comrades corpses for some seconds before finally deciding to get down, ask them if they were dead a few times and then announce to everyone that their comrade was dead, without anyone really reacting.
"He's dead! Full alarm!" "eh, there's nothing here, forget about it"
Yes I'm sure his throat slit itself and there is no reason to be on alarm CONSTANTLY.
"SNIPER! THERE IS A SNIPER! Look at all the people he killed in this area! Let's use the same path as everyone else!" "Oh shit my friend just got his head blasted right infront of me, I better walk out into the open and CHECK IF HE IS DEAD."
This was all on Post-Human Warrior.
This is why I preferred Metro 2033s AI, if you sat in the dark and a guy walked by you he would hear if you switched weapons or reloaded your gun, and once you'd been spotted or if they saw a corpse; they would hunt and be in alert mode till they were dead. Metro 2033s AI was hit and miss in combat though, sometimes it was genuinely difficult as they took cover properly and flanked you, other times they just ran around like headless hens.
Does anyone know how to get the cheats working. I've finished the game and would now like to take some screenshots of it. I've set the launcher to -devmode and I've opened the console, none of the commands listed on the internet work. They all comeback as unknown commands. Any help?
Quick search showed people claiming that the commands were disabled due to multiplayer since they didn't want those cheats working in multiplayer. Which if true, is quite disappointing since way back to the days of half-life and before console commands could be disabled for multiplayer.
I can't help but madly wish for a game where you're dropped into combat by air and you fall through an explosive fest similar to the start of that video, just, awesome visuals.
The AI is absolutely horrible. I'm finding that 95% of people have the same oppinion on this game.
You really need somebody to tell you to keep going. Because it gets better. It really does. But everybody thinks the first 3 hours (thats a long time) is boring. And the uncanny valley is horrible. not the one where a face kinda looks real. but the one where your totaly in this new york world and then a guy is running up against a wall. others are dead but standing there.. some float above the ground while lying dead. Shoot a guy and watch him stand there. People in the next room have NO clue whats going on either. Its just.. bizaroo.
I liked Crysis 1 on PC better. But I need to not compair. I need to just take this as a new game. When I do its pretty cool. I enjoyed it. But man does it have its problems.
Those big robots... you just TOUCH the trigger for the swarm and his head SNAPS around.. snaps into place. thats unnacceptable and sad. Amazing visuals and you have this Ed 209 thing snapping its head into position instantly. Not fast. But like half a frame snap. You feel so cheated. All that work to get him pre-occupied with something else only to have it take hits to the face because the AI says "if somebody is aiming at you and fires.. turn to look instantly"
Edit: I forgot about seeing enemies spawn until this thread. Lol. just spawning right in.
Yeah, AI is crap. I stealth kill the shit out of them. Someone investigates. They also get stealth killed. They don't change tactics when attacked. I'd prefer it if they stayed in groups, were actually on the LOOK OUT for me, and attacked en mass from flanking positions. They just seem to kind of stand around, separated from one another, or wander around aimlessly.
So far it's been pretty easy, but very beautiful. The weapons are great, too. It truly is a great looking game, I just wish it was a litter harder, especially considering how powerful your character is.
The more I think back on the game, the more it just doesn't sit with me. Are we still talking about water effects? like it makes a good game... I still liked the game. I was saying 9 out of 10. But looking back the spectacle has wore off and I just don't recall what was so great. And I also compare it to Crysis 1 on the PC which was f'ing magical in a lot of ways. I can't help but to compare. I'm trying not to.
Finished the single player last night. That whole last part of the game where it's a huge warzone, you're fighting WITH soldiers against the monsters, and then Central Park. Wow-wee. If only the whole game was like that instead of the first half of the game being so dead and full of those silly military guys. "Huh? Hello? Who's there? Wu? It's nothing."
Bought it a few nights ago got bored after an hour and a half in doesn't mean much as I don't play many fpss these days as im a bit bored of them but Will continue now I've read the comments here
Although I think the art is technically awesome there are issues. Picking out enemies against the litter is really hard the scenes are too busy picking out a detailed armoured enemy against a scene which is all detail is like where's wally. Just think compositionally they could have worked better. Only an hour and a half in though
Been playing it on 360, 8ish hours in or so. The first part was rather slow, but really enjoying it now. Thankfully my wife and I just bought a new LED right before it came out, 120hz frame interpolation for the win.
whereas Crysis really encourages you to hit the head, .
Ever try to snipe a head shot on an unaware crouched figure in crysis 1 single player?
crosshair on crouched low figure> figure pops up> crosshair on head now popped up on crouched figure> figure pops down again etc etc...
Not all the time but still...
Look on any game's forum and there will always be an army of naysayers but the sting of no directX11 really has me wanting to return ( a PC game )
I actually found on the second playthrough the visual quality was more impressive. Maybe I rushed through it the first time
Noticed when watching my nephew play a multiplayer map I had not seen before.
The Visuals seemed strikingly better than I had remembered ( hoping they are slowly rolling in the pron with patches )
Jonathan, thats actually very interesting. The framerate on 360 is pretty slow, around 30ish per second I'd say and it gives me a mild headache every time I play past the one hour mark. Interpolation would be welcome!!! Source games running at full speed on PC never do that to me for instance. Here it's getting ... physically painful!
Jonathan, thats actually very interesting. The framerate on 360 is pretty slow, around 30ish per second I'd say and it gives me a mild headache every time I play past the one hour mark. Interpolation would be welcome!!! Source games running at full speed on PC never do that to me for instance. Here it's getting ... physically painful!
Yes, I know what you mean. It's hard to watch movies anymore with it turned off as well. The only downsize, if the game drops framerate a lot, the effect isn't as good, however, when running around the 30s, it often reminds me of playing on the PC with a much higher framerate.
Jesus, feel late to the party here and not in a fashionable way, more like a go home were sleeping kind of way. So yeah, just got it tonight for xbox360 (don't hate, I have the first one on pc ) Looking forward to some "boom headshot" moments but you guys seem to be saying the ai isn't too hot, hope that doesn't affect the experience too much.
comparison vid of the massive update for the PC version with DX 11 new features, tesselation and displacement maps looks blooming mental, particle shadows and water are looking gorgeous, theres tons of new features going on aswell.
Fantastic work guys I wish I had a DX11 compatible card so I could see it all in action. Maybe in a year
What I do find hilarious is that mycrysis.com still has plenty of naysayers who zoom in on some low-priority assets, take screenshots and then declare the whole patch to be crap. I've been a PC gamer all my life, but at times like this I feel embarrassed.
I like how the tessellation is clearly just fan service The tech looks great, but it's funny to see it applied on assets clearly not made for it (the tire tracks on the muddy terrain, and the concrete panels with their reverse seam hehe). Yay for brick walls!
The reflections, accurate shadows and bokeh all look great!
Although I still don't understand why Tesselation is thrown in everywhere like that, wouldn't a Sub-D modeling be much better for certain part, like the pipes for example?
Although I still don't understand why Tesselation is thrown in everywhere like that, wouldn't a Sub-D modeling be much better for certain part, like the pipes for example?
Oh well, fan-service I guess.
The amount of tessellation shown is procedural and dependent of viewing distance. The closer you get, more geo is rendered on a mesh via the tessellation. Its all dynamically optimised for maximum performance vs rendering cost.
this adds so much more to shapes... i wonder when this will become a standard to be implemented. I don't see this being part of most games for a while. Are there any games that will handle this that will be coming out? i'll google it right now. But it would be nice to talk about that since this is becoming a tool that is part of the new batch of updates in most big engines.
Pretty graphics right? Gotta see that. Downloading now.
Retarded AI, bugs, flickers, inconsistent graphical standard and a lacklustre story be damned; I am loving this.
The gameplay is just right, weapons feel great and the controls are responsive, a few tweaks to mouse settings and FOV (being able to use a higher FOV without the game bugging out) and it'll be just right.
The patch sounds great, and I hope it works on all DX 11 cards, not just Nvidia or something :P
If there is ONE gripe that STILL gets to me though: that they've tuned back destruction and that I still can't make ragdolls dance by shooting them, or throwing corpses at my enemies.
I know it's made in Germany and Germany has some utterly retarded laws in regards to pretend violence. But still, you can already kill people, why not kill more using their fallen comrades
How I love thee.
Nothing Satisfy's more than sneaking up to stealth kill an enemy, only to have another one spawn on top of you, t-pose and all, and and because you bumped into him, he launches a rocket in your face.
Thank-you bugs...
There's a real love/hate thing here between awesome spectacle and punch-you-in-the-nuts for trying to have fun gameplay. I dunno. The chruch was pretty cool, and the next bit where you enter the tunnels and come out on a roof... ? ....
Oh and the loosing your nano-catalyst between levels/lives? thats pretty fucking classy there crytek.
Not to mention being unable to pick up any nano-catalyst at all
Also on the topic of Crysis 1, think this is possible in cryengine 3?
Cause man does it look awesome.
I loved Crysis 1 and thoroughly enjoyed Warhead so I really Really want to like this one too, they just aren't making it easy.
Cooking some great DX11 tech bits for C2 fans, be patient guys. All I can say, is that we have 16 ms or more to have fun with pc hardware...
was a nice time, played the game the morning after for a short time, from what i saw - very nice jobs everyone, didn't see any hardcore bugs, which where tooo annyoing, AI sometimes glitched, but i don't see this as a huge issue. It was fun to play und looked very nice, great jobs guys!
It's so hard for me to love this game :<
Really? Because I killed all the guys below here using the stealth takedown, while everyone else were either watching or standing with their back turned 1 foot away.
They also trampled their fallen comrades corpses for some seconds before finally deciding to get down, ask them if they were dead a few times and then announce to everyone that their comrade was dead, without anyone really reacting.
"He's dead! Full alarm!" "eh, there's nothing here, forget about it"
Yes I'm sure his throat slit itself and there is no reason to be on alarm CONSTANTLY.
"SNIPER! THERE IS A SNIPER! Look at all the people he killed in this area! Let's use the same path as everyone else!" "Oh shit my friend just got his head blasted right infront of me, I better walk out into the open and CHECK IF HE IS DEAD."
This was all on Post-Human Warrior.
This is why I preferred Metro 2033s AI, if you sat in the dark and a guy walked by you he would hear if you switched weapons or reloaded your gun, and once you'd been spotted or if they saw a corpse; they would hunt and be in alert mode till they were dead. Metro 2033s AI was hit and miss in combat though, sometimes it was genuinely difficult as they took cover properly and flanked you, other times they just ran around like headless hens.
According to the moderators on the mycrysis forums. That report was bogus.
Do not expect dx11
Quick search showed people claiming that the commands were disabled due to multiplayer since they didn't want those cheats working in multiplayer. Which if true, is quite disappointing since way back to the days of half-life and before console commands could be disabled for multiplayer.
In the meantime, sexy explosions and effects in Crysis 1:
I can't help but madly wish for a game where you're dropped into combat by air and you fall through an explosive fest similar to the start of that video, just, awesome visuals.
You really need somebody to tell you to keep going. Because it gets better. It really does. But everybody thinks the first 3 hours (thats a long time) is boring. And the uncanny valley is horrible. not the one where a face kinda looks real. but the one where your totaly in this new york world and then a guy is running up against a wall. others are dead but standing there.. some float above the ground while lying dead. Shoot a guy and watch him stand there. People in the next room have NO clue whats going on either. Its just.. bizaroo.
I liked Crysis 1 on PC better. But I need to not compair. I need to just take this as a new game. When I do its pretty cool. I enjoyed it. But man does it have its problems.
Those big robots... you just TOUCH the trigger for the swarm and his head SNAPS around.. snaps into place. thats unnacceptable and sad. Amazing visuals and you have this Ed 209 thing snapping its head into position instantly. Not fast. But like half a frame snap. You feel so cheated. All that work to get him pre-occupied with something else only to have it take hits to the face because the AI says "if somebody is aiming at you and fires.. turn to look instantly"
Edit: I forgot about seeing enemies spawn until this thread. Lol. just spawning right in.
RTS's and MMO's are still a major part of the industy and are essentially only on PC.
Also, there's a huge modding community for the PC. And most indie dev's cant afford to go on consoles so they only do PC.
@DKK: you should honestly know better.
So far it's been pretty easy, but very beautiful. The weapons are great, too. It truly is a great looking game, I just wish it was a litter harder, especially considering how powerful your character is.
Although I think the art is technically awesome there are issues. Picking out enemies against the litter is really hard the scenes are too busy picking out a detailed armoured enemy against a scene which is all detail is like where's wally. Just think compositionally they could have worked better. Only an hour and a half in though
and of course this sucks.:(
Ever try to snipe a head shot on an unaware crouched figure in crysis 1 single player?
crosshair on crouched low figure> figure pops up> crosshair on head now popped up on crouched figure> figure pops down again etc etc...
Not all the time but still...
Look on any game's forum and there will always be an army of naysayers but the sting of no directX11 really has me wanting to return ( a PC game )
Noticed when watching my nephew play a multiplayer map I had not seen before.
The Visuals seemed strikingly better than I had remembered ( hoping they are slowly rolling in the pron with patches )
can someone tell me how to extract some textures from the game? i wanna take a closer look
Yes, I know what you mean. It's hard to watch movies anymore with it turned off as well. The only downsize, if the game drops framerate a lot, the effect isn't as good, however, when running around the 30s, it often reminds me of playing on the PC with a much higher framerate.
comparison vid of the massive update for the PC version with DX 11 new features, tesselation and displacement maps looks blooming mental, particle shadows and water are looking gorgeous, theres tons of new features going on aswell.
I didn't work on the DX11 patch myself, but the guys did a really good job considering the tight deadline, hope you guys enjoy.
Game DX9 vs DX11
What I do find hilarious is that mycrysis.com still has plenty of naysayers who zoom in on some low-priority assets, take screenshots and then declare the whole patch to be crap. I've been a PC gamer all my life, but at times like this I feel embarrassed.
The reflections, accurate shadows and bokeh all look great!
Although I still don't understand why Tesselation is thrown in everywhere like that, wouldn't a Sub-D modeling be much better for certain part, like the pipes for example?
Oh well, fan-service I guess.
Check this video out
Im very impressed with the ultra patch and textures...awesome work