As far as the PS3 version goes it has possibly the worst enemy AI I've ever seen in a videogame. It's not just one or 2 random occurrences either. The enemy are consistently stupid. Pretty sure Cervat Yerli said it would be the best in videogame history too
positive: visually, the game is amazing. and the story is not bad for a video game. new suit perks are great too.
neutral: the gameplay is much more linear and CoD like (regarding enemy placment and map structure). I preffered the free roaming crysis 2.
bad: PC controls SUCK! (no on/off toggle zoom or crouch options?). I want strength and speed mode back. I don't want it to be auto. The AI seems way more primitive than the AI in crysis 1. 1 in 5 enemies dont even realize im there. And they all completely ignore you if you're in a car. Seriously, the AI is retarded. Also, many scenery objects are upside-down, so I can see right through them. The physics have really been dumbed down (trees?). The middle click selection wheel is now useless (yet it worked so well in crysis 1). This is ridiculous. This game was NOT ready for release.
Overall: I think the game could have looked and played way better if it stayed a PC exclusive, or if they at least spent a little more time porting the damn thing. Things like tree physics are gone, the AI is plain broken and less fun to fight, and there's very little destructible scenery. Its an embarrassment that the only way crysis 2 is better than crysis 1 is in the graphics department. The rest is actually WORST!!!
How in gods name could they no at least make the AI as good as in the first one? The answer is probably that the consoled cant support AI as complex as crysis 1.
Also, most sites are giving this game 9.0!!! How? With gameplay this broken, I wouldn't give it an 8.0... and that's mainly because of the incredible environment art.
about 6 hours into it, really getting into it now! Was having a hard time keeping my attention for the first hour or so, but that has changed Definitely an achievement in visuals, I don't think Times Square has ever looked that good in a game, ever. Has also gotten really immersive, digging it!
my only complaint would be the sometimes jarring cuts between missions. I know the map-cam does most of the explaining, but wasn't a fan of getting in a sweet jeep with a rad gun, mission ending, then being in some completely different environment.
Also not a huge fan of the MP, but that isn't why I'm playing it
I still don't understand that DirectX9/DirectX11 outrage thing.
We know that DX11 tessellation requires a very specific asset authoring pipeline (it is not a magic button thing), so we can count this out since Crytech is not going to rebuild all their assets for that.
Also someone mentioned earlier that DX11 can render pre-calculated lightmaps straight to 3D space instead of 2D, but obviously the Crysis2 engine wasn't build that way in order to be ported easily to multiple platforms, so we can count that out too.
So what exactly are people talking about when they request a DX11 patch ? A new sticker to put on the box ?
Again I am not trying to stir shit - I just genuinely don't get it.
I still don't understand that DirectX9/DirectX11 outrage thing.
Probably just people parrotting the marketing that is being fed to them.
Or the general quest for the holy nitpick/bash opportunity. People will find a fly in every soup if they want to.
@Entity :
From what i heard it's not included. I'd be very surprised if they don't patch it in later tho.
I really enjoy it so far, just like rooster said, the ai is weird.
Sometimes they seem to stand around forgetting that you are there to kill them.
They can shoot you from almost every distance.
Often they try to shoot through things which are in their sight, despite having no chance of hitting me.
Almost every grenade they throw ever gets to me.Either they donยดt throw far enough or they throw it against a wall if iยดm standing above them.
my issue with that is: crysis 1 pushed the limits of DX9 pretty much as far as they could go. and while it's clear that crysis 2 has optimised a lot better than the first did, it's a shame that they didn't push the DX11 features people were expecting of them. it would have been great to see what could have been made.
i agree with Pior that adding DX11 as an afterthought is pretty pointless.
gameplay is... meh. i'm at the same point as cholden was in his post, playing through on veteran, and it feels fairly tame so far. i like that the speed function was integrated into regular play, i dislike that strength was also integrated. i also dislike the relatively claustrophobic feeling of the city. while crysis 1 had a set path you had to follow, just as crysis 2 does, crysis 1 at least hade the sense of massive spaces to explore while you went down that path.
all in all, it's a very polished game, but obviously consoles came first, which is a big big let-down. not being able to customise just how "hardcore" i want my system settings to be, not being able to toggle zoom, ai that my 7 year old daughter would laugh at...
So I picked up the steam version at launch, had a few issues on the install and getting MP working but its all good now sooo...
Game is awesome! I would consider myself a pretty die-hard crysis fan I loved the original as well as warhead and played the multiplayer a fair bit. While I do miss alot of the huge open levels from the first game they honestly did not add alot to the actual gameplay, it was fun for the time but I am definitely not against this more linear approach (even though everything provides ample options and play-styles to get through). The suit streamlining is nice as well. Strength was useful for quick jump escapes or adding accuracy to your gun but it did muck up the flow of gameplay time to time.
The thing I love in crysis 2 is the feel of gunplay and movement which has been nailed for me, everything just feels 'right'. The audio with the armor mode is badass as you actually feel heavier and can hear the bullets bounce off and chip fragments and such. The environment design is awesome with some amazing POI's that is even more impressive considering they made a real world environment feel so otherworldly and impressive. The alien re-design is a bit jarring at first coming from the original but it makes sense considering it was always alot more fun fighting the ground based opponents versus the flying squids (though they did look awesome) so the focus to introduce them as ground based infantry supports the gameplay in a really positive manner.
The engine is obviously impressive I think considering its scalability and overall performance, not to mention the awesome lighting.
I can understand people not caring for 2 versus the original though but overall it was awesome to see alot of effort put forth for the complaints on the original being more a tech demo than game.
On the topic of DX 11 and such: I based my expectations on the visuals of the first realtime render screenshots, such as this:
Judging by the PC demo, screenshots and videos the game does not look like that, I can't even customize my settings beyond "high", "very high" and "EXTREEEEME".
Crysis 1 was and still is a graphical benchmark, most PC users expected the sequel to follow suit.
While the game looks great, it's not mindblowing from what I've seen.
The UE 3.9734 GDC tech demo was way more impressive technically and visually, and was honestly the level of "mind blown" I was expecting from Crysis 2.
No offence to Crytek or anything, I was just expecting the next Crysis game to pound my PC into submission on the highest settings, making me look forward to future upgrades :P
Also, Metro 2033 got DX 11 implemented late in development, and while it didn't fully utilize it, it still used it to good effect on characters and monsters, selling the PC version as different/better.
Anyway these are just the reasons I have for not pre-ordering it or being super duper hyped about it. I play my FPS on PC and this game isn't set up properly for the platform compared to most other PC FPS, imo.
Yeah, I would agree with what's been said so far. I was a little worried at the beginning of the game, because I was having a hard time getting into it, but it's definitely picked up. The AI is pretty funny at points, but honestly this is true in most games. The only thing I'm pissed at right now is the multiplayer. I keep going into lobbies full of people just sitting around waiting for a game that never starts. That's really lame.
You do note though that the ue3 techdemo ran on 3 gtx 580, right?
Also what pior said
Yeah.. that is honestly exactly what I want. Hardware pushed to the extreme limits for truly mindblowing visuals. That's what Crysis 1 was to me.
The option for a truly demanding high setting is what entices people to keep playing a game across different hardware and thus, for a longer time, after all, well that and gameplay of course.
when i built my current pc, i built it knowing in the back of my mind "crysis 2 is coming out in a couple of months, i'd love to see it in all it's glory". looking back, i wouldn't have even needed a new machine to run the game, the same machine that can run crysis 1 can run crysis 2.
and that's where my problems (visually) lie, it feels like (visually) they haven't made any progress between the two games, other than there being a crap-ton more bloom in this one :P
The thing I love in crysis 2 is the feel of gunplay and movement which has been nailed for me, everything just feels 'right'
this is the thing that put me off both Crysis and Crysis 2, it still feels wooley and very imprecise oh and 3/4 a clip to kill someone /yawn more spray than most FPS out there really.
Unfortunately all this game has going for it is it's looks, they dumped it down for the console market and plays just like a CoD game in terms of corridor shooters . I was so psyched for this game pre-launch and now having played it I feel completely let down.
this is the thing that put me off both Crysis and Crysis 2, it still feels wooley and very imprecise oh and 3/4 a clip to kill someone /yawn more spray than most FPS out there really.
Unfortunately all this game has going for it is it's looks, they dumped it down for the console market and plays just like a CoD game in terms of corridor shooters . I was so psyched for this game pre-launch and now having played it I feel completely let down.
You seem too used to CoD gameplay. Crysis is a different animal, albeit same species. The ammo use is about the same per encounter, but there are different amounts of guys to take care of.
CoD is more forgiving if you don't aim properly, whereas Crysis really encourages you to hit the head, especially late game. Gun customization goes into play here as well.
I found Crysis fun because I was pressured to THINK. I got along fine without thinking, but I had a ton more special and creative opportunities if I just used my head a bit.
All I can add as a owner of Crysis and warhead in discussion about 2 being good.
The game is definitely enjoyable to be best put. I think the designers had perfect intentions when it came to porting usable concepts to the console market with this title. Though as a PC gamer of the Original in the series. I have to say the controls for this game are a very big issue for me to enjoy the game to a large extent.
Hands down the original Crysis had this going in the right direction when it came to changing the modes of the nano-suit. Whereas in Crysis 2 the control scheme of handling hotkeys for suit functions have literally made things very confusing and often halt my thinking on the fly when in intense combat situations with my enemies on screen. Which lead to many often deaths and replayed scenarios over and over because it wasn't like the originals simplicity of "hold middle mouse button and drag your mouse to the suit function as desired".
Where now you have no core functions in the moment, or at the least to say...early in the game[I haven't finished it yet]. So anytime you need them, you now have to activate them.
This is a problem to me in the concept of it, because I remember and enjoyed when i can run through an entire level in a set suit function without it draining to "no-suit" function. Which kept me aware more of my health and not whether my suit function's "energy" was getting drained. Because as far as I'm concerned it is very difficult to pay attention to the two at the same time.
The game itself is quite enjoyable as I previously put. The environments are bravo at best said. While imho, the characters look a bit bland this time around. Mainly the civilians you see quite often. Which would have been nice to see a better texture job added on top of their casual everyday clothing, plus a higher res normal map for what parts I will not spoil that they all appear to be deceasing into.
The game is overall like a half-life 2 remake using nano-suit technology and actual aliens. So nothing expansively new. Though having another crytek game that is full of action and fun. Is once again best put...Simply enjoyable.
You seem too used to CoD gameplay. Crysis is a different animal, albeit same species. The ammo use is about the same per encounter, but there are different amounts of guys to take care of.
CoD is more forgiving if you don't aim properly, whereas Crysis really encourages you to hit the head, especially late game. Gun customization goes into play here as well.
I found Crysis fun because I was pressured to THINK. I got along fine without thinking, but I had a ton more special and creative opportunities if I just used my head a bit.
Not especially, I am a veteran gamer (from the quake era in fact) so I've gone from game to game getting used to each individually and none comes across as off putting as the feel that Crysis 2 gives me when playing, I don't know if it's my rig being slightly decrepit (although it can run crysis wars fine) or something I'm setting up wrongly but it just feels very very awkward to me. And I would say in terms of multi-player, C2 is far far far more forgiving than Call of duty is/was. It must be the fact I just don't get on well with the Crytek engines in general really, always felt awkward and unwieldy to me (and really random sometimes too).
Don't get me wrong I like the game and the single player (of what I've played) is quite engaging but the change from a bit of free roaming approaching to taking out bad guys to switch to a poor mans on-rails shooter strikes me as trying to clone another well known FPS out on consoles. I can live with the bugs in graphics glitches massive AI fubar and sometimes slow performance for looks like these but it just doesn't engage me as a entire product still.
One thing that has put me off the single player is that they've added the infinitely spawning enemies in between each checkpoint. E.g. I can clear a room, march into the next section to snipe a guy down the corridor, and then start getting shot in the back from the room I just cleared..
It's weird to me because the way the gameplay is structured seems to me like they're pushing you towards scoping out an area, planning out how you're going to take out the enemies, and THEN moving through. The way it functions now, you can take out the enemies, only to find that another squad spawned in right behind you and you're out in the open
So I have no idea where the rumour originated from but, really?
If true it's kind of dirty but, damn, gotta hand it to Nvidia, at least they directly support PC game development one way or another.
I just finished the game. Overall, it was a very enjoyable experience. My arguments about the gameplay and controles being dumbed down still stand. But the visuals are the best ive ever seen, and the story is not bad at all.
the AI glitches seemed to stop later on in the game, and there were way less technical issues.
They should still fix the issues with the selection wheel. Its very hard to select an option in one movement. Strange, considering how well the crysis 1 selection wheel worked.
Overall, its an amazing looking and sounding game that I feel was held back by the need to make the PC version EXACTLY like the consoles version.
Finished it tonight as well, about 9hrs on normal, and i died a lot. Felt satisfied afterwards. Really had no fucking clue what happened, but I like blowing shit up I never finished Crysis 1, so maybe that is my problem, hehe.
some really awesome visuals, just wish there was more
bridge blowing up sequences, and alien tubes shooting up from pavement sequences
Fun game, its one to be proud of! Fun and exciting throughout! woo inc Crysis 3 in 3 years?
So hmm, why I am supposed to blow up these soldiers again ? At the beginning I was like, oh cool I have some reinforcements, they will sure help me when it comes to shooting aliens! But then they started to shot at me for no reason ?
Some stuff looks great, but I find myself relying on nanovision waaaay too much to be fun. I just cannot tell the enemies from the background. And the story telling is terrible ... meh.
just finished it. it was a great game. it felt good being able to easily switch between different powers without the radial menu. the ending was awesome but by that time i was kind of bored of fighting and just wanted to finish it. lol. some parts had me really into the game.. i actually felt worried for alcatraz during some of the cinematics. the ending was awesome.. i love when games end on one liners that make you shit yourself waiting for the next one. time to hop into multiplayer and give that one a go.
So I caved in and bought the game on Steam due to positive reviews from everyone and the mention of a big patch and shit.
Spend 4 hours downloading, install it, set up my settings and enter the campaign on the highest difficulty, I am greeted with this:
What the shit? I know there are supposed to be a bunch of gruffy marines animating in accordance with the sound being played here, none of the character models have loaded in. I restarted it a few times, same shit. Going to try a Steam verification now, see if that solves it.
For the record all my drivers are up to snuff and I have no trouble with other games. The only default option I turned off was V-Sync.
Tequila ain't good for Crysis 2.
EDIT: Verifying the game showed "nothing wrong brohan", despite this it has started downloading a 855 mb "update". Putting the blame on Steam for now.
i played the campaign a bit and I am quite underwhelmed so far tbh. i second piors comments about storytelling. i just dont see myself give a shit about any of the guys in the game I like the lighting alot and i dig the shortcuts for the powers as well.. Most of the character art is pretty weak though.. quite a downgrade from the first crysis.
Looking forward to the multiplayer since i enjoyed that quite a bit in the demo.
overall its ok so far. I think i will up the difficulty and im sure it will get better later on.
games pretty good. i agree with all the numerical reviews out there that are around 80-85% (360 here). the game is BUGGY. it's really buggy. i went through the second level, through a good portion.....went back to the beginning of it.......and saw a t-pose of the nano suit hovering in the air. not the whole suit was present.....just the arms. also, the AI chars are dying for no reason like nobodies business. problems's good. looks nice. one last point: respawning enemies in games are horrible. dev's, please stop doing this. thanks.
The game runs smooth as butter, I just had to stop playing until a patch and/or driver update because for some reason my mouse starts to "judder" every so often even though the frame rate is still smooth... Actualy makes me feel quite ill to play
Finished it yesterday, 10hrs in total, which is not bad for todays games. Homefront is like 3.
I enjoyed the game for what it's worth, but when i compare it to the original i'm pretty disappointed with game tbh after being spoiled by Cryteks original games that were designed just for the PC.
The game is full of bugs/glitches that i'm amazed how these passed through QA. Gaps in levels, lights/shadow flickering, floating NPC and the worst is the AI. Stuck in walls, blatantly running past you and not even noticing you. Some of the textures are really bad as well.
You pretty much know when the game has been designed for console when the graphics options are low, medium and high with no other graphical tweaks exposed. Considering Cryteks PC heritage, this really puzzles me.
The nano-suit is much more streamlined, which is good for consoles, yet i prefer the old radial menu still.
Although the concrete jungle of New York is really well rendered in the engine, it still doesn't compare to Crisis's jungles. You don't get that vast openness that wants you to explore, probably because you can't in Crysis 2.
I'm playing on Post-Human-Warrior diffuculty and it's still one of the easiest damn games I've ever played. Rarely more than 5 or 6 guys at a time and they like to stand out in the open for my godly predator skillz. I've noticed some HORRIBLE AI bugs where I've been hidding crouched, in a darkened stairwell with my cloak on and a guy will be walking by only to suddenly turn around and shoot me in the face even though I haven't moved and he couldn't see me when he was facing me. the only respawning I've witnessed was after I went into a souvenier shop and guys kept running past the store from the section I just cleared. It was more funny and weird cause I could pop out and headsot em as they went passed.
Also had a couple times where I'd come out of a cutscene and not have any weapons, not just invisible but gone altogether which really sucks when you're cloaked so you don't notice until you try to shoot someone.
Haven't really decided on the game as a whole yet, as I think I'm still early (just got to Gould's lab). It is vera vera pretty, and I can kinda sense some greatness to come, but it's not making me stop to watch the sunrise like the first one did. As much as I liked the way they handled the openess of the first game I don't think it would really work in NY and given the nature of the game I think that's ok. There isn't a ton of ways to approach things but there's certainly more than a lot of people realise. But then there's no Quicksave to make trying some things worth it.
Not too sure about the new Aliens, the movement animations a very fluid and well done but the visual design was just so much more interesting before.
I'm running Wasdie's advanced graphics program to get a bit more control/options. Not everything seems to work (crouch and zoom toggles) for me but some of it does and helps to balance out a bit more of the Extreme graphics setting.
Overall I wouldn't say that Crytech dropped the ball, but they sure as heck threw it on the neighbors roof.
I too am playing on Post-Human Warrior and the AI in the first levels so far is hilarious.
I killed 7 guys with stealth kills, all of them in the same area, just with their backs turned to each kill. Every single time they would walk over a corpse, wait a minute then go "Oh my god, he is dead!" immediately followed by "everything is fine go back on patrol".
Also firing the cannon into the face of a soldier and having his buddy keep walking his patrol as if NOTHING happened made me laugh.
Also, the silenced pistol+cloak is god damned overpowered. 1 shot kill head shots and cloak doesn't wear off when you use it? Damn. I've cleared out entire groups with that tactic.
The game is kind of fun though, despite it's shortcomings so far I am enjoying it, it is a competent shooter albeit a slightly dumb one, and the fun is what matters right? I just wish the AI would function properly :P
Also, the silenced pistol+cloak is god damned overpowered. 1 shot kill head shots and cloak doesn't wear off when you use it? Damn. I've cleared out entire groups with that tactic.
I just noticed that lon the little dock area when I ran out of sniper bullets, it was like Damnnnnn son, where you bin since Halo 1?!?
I'm trying to play it a little more agressively to see if that ups the challenge, going Terminator mode with a Turret and Active Armour, but I kinda feel like it shouldn't be my job to make the game harder.
Did a little recording of my ventures in the early levels, it is a pretty game for sure, fun too.
Also why can't I pick up the radio I want to be invisible and freak out the guard with it.
Does anyone know how to get the cheats working. I've finished the game and would now like to take some screenshots of it. I've set the launcher to -devmode and I've opened the console, none of the commands listed on the internet work. They all comeback as unknown commands. Any help?
neutral: the gameplay is much more linear and CoD like (regarding enemy placment and map structure). I preffered the free roaming crysis 2.
bad: PC controls SUCK! (no on/off toggle zoom or crouch options?). I want strength and speed mode back. I don't want it to be auto. The AI seems way more primitive than the AI in crysis 1. 1 in 5 enemies dont even realize im there. And they all completely ignore you if you're in a car. Seriously, the AI is retarded. Also, many scenery objects are upside-down, so I can see right through them. The physics have really been dumbed down (trees?). The middle click selection wheel is now useless (yet it worked so well in crysis 1). This is ridiculous. This game was NOT ready for release.
Overall: I think the game could have looked and played way better if it stayed a PC exclusive, or if they at least spent a little more time porting the damn thing. Things like tree physics are gone, the AI is plain broken and less fun to fight, and there's very little destructible scenery. Its an embarrassment that the only way crysis 2 is better than crysis 1 is in the graphics department. The rest is actually WORST!!!
seriously? no toggle zoom? wtf!!!
Also, most sites are giving this game 9.0!!! How? With gameplay this broken, I wouldn't give it an 8.0... and that's mainly because of the incredible environment art.
my only complaint would be the sometimes jarring cuts between missions. I know the map-cam does most of the explaining, but wasn't a fan of getting in a sweet jeep with a rad gun, mission ending, then being in some completely different environment.
Also not a huge fan of the MP, but that isn't why I'm playing it
I'll still be waiting for patch notes and screenshots of DX 11 before I commit.
All the good reviews should give some good sales though
We know that DX11 tessellation requires a very specific asset authoring pipeline (it is not a magic button thing), so we can count this out since Crytech is not going to rebuild all their assets for that.
Also someone mentioned earlier that DX11 can render pre-calculated lightmaps straight to 3D space instead of 2D, but obviously the Crysis2 engine wasn't build that way in order to be ported easily to multiple platforms, so we can count that out too.
So what exactly are people talking about when they request a DX11 patch ? A new sticker to put on the box ?
Again I am not trying to stir shit - I just genuinely don't get it.
Probably just people parrotting the marketing that is being fed to them.
Or the general quest for the holy nitpick/bash opportunity. People will find a fly in every soup if they want to.
@Entity :
From what i heard it's not included. I'd be very surprised if they don't patch it in later tho.
The story and character development is much to be desired.
Sometimes they seem to stand around forgetting that you are there to kill them.
They can shoot you from almost every distance.
Often they try to shoot through things which are in their sight, despite having no chance of hitting me.
Almost every grenade they throw ever gets to me.Either they donยดt throw far enough or they throw it against a wall if iยดm standing above them.
my issue with that is: crysis 1 pushed the limits of DX9 pretty much as far as they could go. and while it's clear that crysis 2 has optimised a lot better than the first did, it's a shame that they didn't push the DX11 features people were expecting of them. it would have been great to see what could have been made.
i agree with Pior that adding DX11 as an afterthought is pretty pointless.
gameplay is... meh. i'm at the same point as cholden was in his post, playing through on veteran, and it feels fairly tame so far. i like that the speed function was integrated into regular play, i dislike that strength was also integrated. i also dislike the relatively claustrophobic feeling of the city. while crysis 1 had a set path you had to follow, just as crysis 2 does, crysis 1 at least hade the sense of massive spaces to explore while you went down that path.
all in all, it's a very polished game, but obviously consoles came first, which is a big big let-down. not being able to customise just how "hardcore" i want my system settings to be, not being able to toggle zoom, ai that my 7 year old daughter would laugh at...
the music, however. is fucking phenominal.
Game is awesome! I would consider myself a pretty die-hard crysis fan I loved the original as well as warhead and played the multiplayer a fair bit. While I do miss alot of the huge open levels from the first game they honestly did not add alot to the actual gameplay, it was fun for the time but I am definitely not against this more linear approach (even though everything provides ample options and play-styles to get through). The suit streamlining is nice as well. Strength was useful for quick jump escapes or adding accuracy to your gun but it did muck up the flow of gameplay time to time.
The thing I love in crysis 2 is the feel of gunplay and movement which has been nailed for me, everything just feels 'right'. The audio with the armor mode is badass as you actually feel heavier and can hear the bullets bounce off and chip fragments and such. The environment design is awesome with some amazing POI's that is even more impressive considering they made a real world environment feel so otherworldly and impressive. The alien re-design is a bit jarring at first coming from the original but it makes sense considering it was always alot more fun fighting the ground based opponents versus the flying squids (though they did look awesome) so the focus to introduce them as ground based infantry supports the gameplay in a really positive manner.
The engine is obviously impressive I think considering its scalability and overall performance, not to mention the awesome lighting.
I can understand people not caring for 2 versus the original though but overall it was awesome to see alot of effort put forth for the complaints on the original being more a tech demo than game.
-end fanboy post ^_^
Judging by the PC demo, screenshots and videos the game does not look like that, I can't even customize my settings beyond "high", "very high" and "EXTREEEEME".
Crysis 1 was and still is a graphical benchmark, most PC users expected the sequel to follow suit.
While the game looks great, it's not mindblowing from what I've seen.
The UE 3.9734 GDC tech demo was way more impressive technically and visually, and was honestly the level of "mind blown" I was expecting from Crysis 2.
No offence to Crytek or anything, I was just expecting the next Crysis game to pound my PC into submission on the highest settings, making me look forward to future upgrades :P
Also, Metro 2033 got DX 11 implemented late in development, and while it didn't fully utilize it, it still used it to good effect on characters and monsters, selling the PC version as different/better.
Anyway these are just the reasons I have for not pre-ordering it or being super duper hyped about it. I play my FPS on PC and this game isn't set up properly for the platform compared to most other PC FPS, imo.
Also what pior said
The option for a truly demanding high setting is what entices people to keep playing a game across different hardware and thus, for a longer time, after all, well that and gameplay of course.
and that's where my problems (visually) lie, it feels like (visually) they haven't made any progress between the two games, other than there being a crap-ton more bloom in this one :P
this is the thing that put me off both Crysis and Crysis 2, it still feels wooley and very imprecise oh and 3/4 a clip to kill someone /yawn more spray than most FPS out there really.
Unfortunately all this game has going for it is it's looks, they dumped it down for the console market and plays just like a CoD game in terms of corridor shooters
the pc shooter market needs something amazing to happen, and soon =[
You seem too used to CoD gameplay. Crysis is a different animal, albeit same species. The ammo use is about the same per encounter, but there are different amounts of guys to take care of.
CoD is more forgiving if you don't aim properly, whereas Crysis really encourages you to hit the head, especially late game. Gun customization goes into play here as well.
I found Crysis fun because I was pressured to THINK. I got along fine without thinking, but I had a ton more special and creative opportunities if I just used my head a bit.
The game is definitely enjoyable to be best put. I think the designers had perfect intentions when it came to porting usable concepts to the console market with this title. Though as a PC gamer of the Original in the series. I have to say the controls for this game are a very big issue for me to enjoy the game to a large extent.
Hands down the original Crysis had this going in the right direction when it came to changing the modes of the nano-suit. Whereas in Crysis 2 the control scheme of handling hotkeys for suit functions have literally made things very confusing and often halt my thinking on the fly when in intense combat situations with my enemies on screen. Which lead to many often deaths and replayed scenarios over and over because it wasn't like the originals simplicity of "hold middle mouse button and drag your mouse to the suit function as desired".
Where now you have no core functions in the moment, or at the least to say...early in the game[I haven't finished it yet]. So anytime you need them, you now have to activate them.
This is a problem to me in the concept of it, because I remember and enjoyed when i can run through an entire level in a set suit function without it draining to "no-suit" function. Which kept me aware more of my health and not whether my suit function's "energy" was getting drained. Because as far as I'm concerned it is very difficult to pay attention to the two at the same time.
The game itself is quite enjoyable as I previously put. The environments are bravo at best said. While imho, the characters look a bit bland this time around. Mainly the civilians you see quite often. Which would have been nice to see a better texture job added on top of their casual everyday clothing, plus a higher res normal map for what parts I will not spoil that they all appear to be deceasing into.
The game is overall like a half-life 2 remake using nano-suit technology and actual aliens. So nothing expansively new. Though having another crytek game that is full of action and fun. Is once again best put...Simply enjoyable.
Not especially, I am a veteran gamer (from the quake era in fact) so I've gone from game to game getting used to each individually and none comes across as off putting as the feel that Crysis 2 gives me when playing, I don't know if it's my rig being slightly decrepit (although it can run crysis wars fine) or something I'm setting up wrongly but it just feels very very awkward to me. And I would say in terms of multi-player, C2 is far far far more forgiving than Call of duty is/was. It must be the fact I just don't get on well with the Crytek engines in general really, always felt awkward and unwieldy to me (and really random sometimes too).
Don't get me wrong I like the game and the single player (of what I've played) is quite engaging but the change from a bit of free roaming approaching to taking out bad guys to switch to a poor mans on-rails shooter strikes me as trying to clone another well known FPS out on consoles. I can live with the bugs in graphics glitches massive AI fubar and sometimes slow performance for looks like these but it just doesn't engage me as a entire product still.
It's weird to me because the way the gameplay is structured seems to me like they're pushing you towards scoping out an area, planning out how you're going to take out the enemies, and THEN moving through. The way it functions now, you can take out the enemies, only to find that another squad spawned in right behind you and you're out in the open
If true it's kind of dirty but, damn, gotta hand it to Nvidia, at least they directly support PC game development one way or another.
the AI glitches seemed to stop later on in the game, and there were way less technical issues.
They should still fix the issues with the selection wheel. Its very hard to select an option in one movement. Strange, considering how well the crysis 1 selection wheel worked.
Overall, its an amazing looking and sounding game that I feel was held back by the need to make the PC version EXACTLY like the consoles version.
some really awesome visuals, just wish there was more
Fun game, its one to be proud of! Fun and exciting throughout! woo inc Crysis 3 in 3 years?
Some stuff looks great, but I find myself relying on nanovision waaaay too much to be fun. I just cannot tell the enemies from the background. And the story telling is terrible ... meh.
I just finished and it felt really long.
Spend 4 hours downloading, install it, set up my settings and enter the campaign on the highest difficulty, I am greeted with this:
What the shit? I know there are supposed to be a bunch of gruffy marines animating in accordance with the sound being played here, none of the character models have loaded in. I restarted it a few times, same shit. Going to try a Steam verification now, see if that solves it.
For the record all my drivers are up to snuff and I have no trouble with other games. The only default option I turned off was V-Sync.
Tequila ain't good for Crysis 2.
EDIT: Verifying the game showed "nothing wrong brohan", despite this it has started downloading a 855 mb "update". Putting the blame on Steam for now.
Looking forward to the multiplayer since i enjoyed that quite a bit in the demo.
overall its ok so far. I think i will up the difficulty and im sure it will get better later on.
I enjoyed the game for what it's worth, but when i compare it to the original i'm pretty disappointed with game tbh after being spoiled by Cryteks original games that were designed just for the PC.
The game is full of bugs/glitches that i'm amazed how these passed through QA. Gaps in levels, lights/shadow flickering, floating NPC and the worst is the AI. Stuck in walls, blatantly running past you and not even noticing you. Some of the textures are really bad as well.
You pretty much know when the game has been designed for console when the graphics options are low, medium and high with no other graphical tweaks exposed. Considering Cryteks PC heritage, this really puzzles me.
The nano-suit is much more streamlined, which is good for consoles, yet i prefer the old radial menu still.
Although the concrete jungle of New York is really well rendered in the engine, it still doesn't compare to Crisis's jungles. You don't get that vast openness that wants you to explore, probably because you can't in Crysis 2.
Also had a couple times where I'd come out of a cutscene and not have any weapons, not just invisible but gone altogether which really sucks when you're cloaked so you don't notice until you try to shoot someone.
Haven't really decided on the game as a whole yet, as I think I'm still early (just got to Gould's lab). It is vera vera pretty, and I can kinda sense some greatness to come, but it's not making me stop to watch the sunrise like the first one did. As much as I liked the way they handled the openess of the first game I don't think it would really work in NY and given the nature of the game I think that's ok. There isn't a ton of ways to approach things but there's certainly more than a lot of people realise. But then there's no Quicksave to make trying some things worth it.
Not too sure about the new Aliens, the movement animations a very fluid and well done but the visual design was just so much more interesting before.
I'm running Wasdie's advanced graphics program to get a bit more control/options. Not everything seems to work (crouch and zoom toggles) for me but some of it does and helps to balance out a bit more of the Extreme graphics setting.
Overall I wouldn't say that Crytech dropped the ball, but they sure as heck threw it on the neighbors roof.
I killed 7 guys with stealth kills, all of them in the same area, just with their backs turned to each kill. Every single time they would walk over a corpse, wait a minute then go "Oh my god, he is dead!" immediately followed by "everything is fine go back on patrol".
Also firing the cannon into the face of a soldier and having his buddy keep walking his patrol as if NOTHING happened made me laugh.
Also, the silenced pistol+cloak is god damned overpowered. 1 shot kill head shots and cloak doesn't wear off when you use it? Damn. I've cleared out entire groups with that tactic.
The game is kind of fun though, despite it's shortcomings so far I am enjoying it, it is a competent shooter albeit a slightly dumb one, and the fun is what matters right? I just wish the AI would function properly :P
I just noticed that lon the little dock area when I ran out of sniper bullets, it was like Damnnnnn son, where you bin since Halo 1?!?
I'm trying to play it a little more agressively to see if that ups the challenge, going Terminator mode with a Turret and Active Armour, but I kinda feel like it shouldn't be my job to make the game harder.
Did a little recording of my ventures in the early levels, it is a pretty game for sure, fun too.
Also why can't I pick up the radio