Just pre-ordered it over Steam. Can anyone confirm if the game will ship with the editor on release?
Apparently this leak had the editor, so I think the release will :thumbup:
I have to say after finishing the first one I didn't have much hype about this second one until i saw these latest trailers, god damn, this looks interesting, hopefully it won't turn out to be very short and boring. The multiplayer looks interesting too :poly124:
They are really putting (IMHO) way too much emphasis in the suit, at least where the SP trailer content is concerned (cause the abilities will really come into their own in the MP). Surely 'the suit' was something that should have been featured this highly in marketing material for the first one?
They are really putting (IMHO) way too much emphasis in the suit, at least where the SP trailer content is concerned (cause the abilities will really come into their own in the MP). Surely 'the suit' was something that should have been featured this highly in marketing material for the first one?
The suit was marketed just as much for the original Crysis, Axis Animation even created a pre-rendered trailer for it: http://www.axisanimation.com/index.php?id=565&loc=GAMES. Maybe because it was PC only, it wasn't as popular with the mainstream market.
Idiots who played the leaked beta are running around the net spoiling the game.
So not only do they steal an unfinished game and judge it based on the unfinished version, they also spoil the story and fun for others.
I seriously see now reason why they should live >8(
Swedish site, it pretty much says the PC version of Crysis 2 will ship without DX 11 and that it will be implemented through a patch later down the road.
I am waiting for official confirmation on this but if it's true I won't pre-order
50% of the reason I am getting Crysis 2 is to experience incredible visuals not seen anywhere else. I only pre-order stuff where I know I will get the majority of what I want.
But yeah, if true I guess I'll buy it much later at a discount. Really hope it isn't true.
PC version runs circles around the 360 build, with the PS3 version being slightly worse than the 360 version (although so far comparisons have been through media released by them)
I don't mind the lack of DX11 support on release that much, because even on DX9 it's still looking very very good. What I am worried about is the editor..
So yeah guys, this is it, we launch today in the US and in a couple of days here in EU.
My first big title on the shelves, it's one hell of a feeling and I'm very proud of what we achieved. We'll see what the future brings now, I hope you folks enjoy the game.
It just looks awesome, congratulations on the launch. Ahh ive set aside an entire weekend this weekend to play it from launch. Stocking up on energy drinks and doritos!
Huge gratz to everyone how worked on it, so gratz HP! any other polycounters working at Crytek?. I bought my copy because of the incredible art you guys have accomplished.
EDIT: will we have the sandbox 3 editor as DLC
Just saw the review: looks fantastic! High five to all the guys at Crytek!
I'm already curios as hell about what you guys got going next.)
Meanwhile - happy celebration! I bet you all are already plastered)
Saw GT review and before that I played the Demo which was quite fun. I didn't really enjoy Crysis 1 back in the day so I never really gave number 2 much thought.
Honestly I may consider getting this game. I was going to see how much it was on Steam but it isn't even out for another 2 days over here. A shame cause I'll end up forgetting about it but beneficial since price will go down :P
just picked it up for 360. i only played a few levels of crysis 1, which was amazing. from what i played of crysis 2 at gdc (IN 3D!!!) it seemed to be soooooo much better. kk..opening cinematic.. here we go.
just grabbed mine on PC, sucks it doesnt come with the editor from what I read, but the cryengine/udk kinda thing this summer should help with that i guess.
well as expected.. some glitches have been found already. ive been fired upon through walls.. killed a guy, he fell through a wall then came back and shot at me. one of the aliens jumped at me and froze in mid air and started spazzing... and ive fallen underneath the world. :P. i saw some glitches at GDC when i played it there as well.. but again, some are expected and it doesnt take away from the game, i find them quite entertaining to be honest. here's me enjoying the underside of new york city.
I'm a big fan of the original, glad to to see such glowing reviews and that the SP campaign is lengthy compared to many shooters these days. Big congrats to the team, will be picking up the PC version soon!
Bought it last night! Haven't played it yet though. I actually just started playing through the first one again because I finally have a computer that can run it at very high settings... beautiful game. Can't wait to see how the second one plays!
I guess you are going to be at the party on friday?
You're coming as well?
Second AAA Ship for me, still kinda creepy to see Bus-Stops with C2 Advertisement (and kinda cool, sitting on the train and telling people to look on the adboards outside )
Just picked this up yesterday on PC and threw it up on my buddies big screen. We all just kinda stopped doing what we were doing to stare. Beautiful game and I love the quick hotkeys for suit powers! Really digging it. Can't wait to play more tonight! Who is going PC with multiplayer? I'm down!
woah why this crap popified version of the song? whyyyyy? xD
Ive had a bone to pick with all the SP trailers and the music choice, I don't reckon they fit at all and are very distracting. That kind of stuff is fine for MP videos but SP trailers I think should have music from the game. A buddy of mine worked on this and we don't see eye to eye on the trailer music issue so I made this to wind him up :P [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8g05xH2Fg5c[/ame]
Apparently this leak had the editor, so I think the release will :thumbup:
I have to say after finishing the first one I didn't have much hype about this second one until i saw these latest trailers, god damn, this looks interesting, hopefully it won't turn out to be very short and boring. The multiplayer looks interesting too :poly124:
Also, for them coming to consoles now after doing really only PC stuff, they did a great job.
I preferred these, they were far more intriguing.
It's all about the suit!
The suit was marketed just as much for the original Crysis, Axis Animation even created a pre-rendered trailer for it: http://www.axisanimation.com/index.php?id=565&loc=GAMES. Maybe because it was PC only, it wasn't as popular with the mainstream market.
So not only do they steal an unfinished game and judge it based on the unfinished version, they also spoil the story and fun for others.
I seriously see now reason why they should live >8(
I read somewhere that
Add me, ZacD
Swedish site, it pretty much says the PC version of Crysis 2 will ship without DX 11 and that it will be implemented through a patch later down the road.
I am waiting for official confirmation on this but if it's true I won't pre-order
50% of the reason I am getting Crysis 2 is to experience incredible visuals not seen anywhere else. I only pre-order stuff where I know I will get the majority of what I want.
But yeah, if true I guess I'll buy it much later at a discount. Really hope it isn't true.
So...is the PS3 version going to look even 'worse'? :S
I don't mind the lack of DX11 support on release that much, because even on DX9 it's still looking very very good. What I am worried about is the editor..
My first big title on the shelves, it's one hell of a feeling and I'm very proud of what we achieved. We'll see what the future brings now, I hope you folks enjoy the game.
I guess you are going to be at the party on friday?
EDIT: will we have the sandbox 3 editor as DLC
Neox: USA mainstream culture, man. Ugh. I can practically guarantee that bit of cookie-cutter pop is going to help move copies.
I tried Crysis2 Multiplayer though it was awesome!!
ohh yes it will. The game play, the graphics, even the storyline is awesome for me.
Congrats on the crysis 2 release and Keep up the good work.
I'm already curios as hell about what you guys got going next.)
Meanwhile - happy celebration! I bet you all are already plastered)
Honestly I may consider getting this game. I was going to see how much it was on Steam but it isn't even out for another 2 days over here. A shame cause I'll end up forgetting about it but beneficial since price will go down :P
I just hope a clever modder comes around and brings the crysis 2 controls back to how they were in crysis 1.
Also, an editor needs to get released.
You're coming as well?
Second AAA Ship for me, still kinda creepy to see Bus-Stops with C2 Advertisement (and kinda cool, sitting on the train and telling people to look on the adboards outside
indeed i am
I'm buying this game soon.
Ive had a bone to pick with all the SP trailers and the music choice, I don't reckon they fit at all and are very distracting. That kind of stuff is fine for MP videos but SP trailers I think should have music from the game. A buddy of mine worked on this and we don't see eye to eye on the trailer music issue so I made this to wind him up :P [ame]