I think the eyes look alright, they're just a bit depressed (Emotionally) and very dark from the hair shadows. Also I just noticed the fingernails are brown which looks very strange. Does he have nail polish on or is that just a texturing choice?
i've been following this thread for a while and i love the final look of your link interpretation. the only thing that has been bugging me since the beginning is the shape of the shoe. i did a quick and dirty paint over to illustrate what i mean, hope you don't mind..
Liking it so far, might want to make the feet even a tiny little bit shorter imo.
Also what's with the brown nail on the thumb? :P
Thought about placing the model in UDK? It does alphas better and has it's own light properties for hair alphas now.
Haha, yeah, the nail got darker when I darkened the base skin layer, and then I brightened up the fingers, and forgot to brighten the nail along with it, so it's kinda dark at the moment. ^^
Yeah, I will put it in the UDK once I'm done. Got a friend who wants to animate it.
And eventually I will hopefully build an environment from Ocarina of Time and put that in as well.
@Disting I am so loving your model, in reference to the eyes tho: I don't think we're used to seeing an apathetic Link. He needs fire in his eyes and an "I'm gonna save the princess and kill you dead" expression.
This is a really great piece! I love the detail work. My main critique would be that the skin does not look alive. My suggestion would be to add a rose color to the cheeks and overlay a very subtle navy blue hue along the jaw and mouth. Great work, keep it up!
Thank you very much for your feedback! I really appreciate it!
Unless this update on the face looks better, I'm gonna have to redo it I think, because I just feel stuck..
I brightened up the area around his eyes, added some rose color to his cheeks and smoother that whole area out, added some blue to his chin line and overall just tried to liven the face up.
Please let me know if you think I'm on the right track!
I think you could get more spesific instructions on the face or even a paintover if you hide the hair, the hat and post a front- and side-view image of the face. Im no pro at paintovers so hoping someone else does that part
Why are the eyes sloped downward? Thats whats making them look really off to me, its like the entire top half of his head is angled differently to the bottom.
Drakon, he will have his hair this way all the time, and there won't ever be a closeup of his face. And the only part of his head that is modeled is the part that shows.
There's no head under the cap. xD
The eyes and face overall looks the way it does because I used manga faces as reference, and they look a lot like that.
Then I toned it down from there, and left that feature.
Manga faces really aren't suited for 3D, which I realized after modeling this, so I've tried to do the best I can with what I have.
I like the shape and features of it, but I'm having problems with the texture..
That's exactly what part of the problem is I think, it's just making the eyes so unusual and unsettling. Right now your eyes on his face (from a side view) are sitting like this /....flatten them out more to go with his head to they are like this |.....nevermind paintover time
ok here we go
As you see in this image, you still get the manga look to his eyes, yet he looks a looooot more normal, even with the huge eyes
Thank you SO much [SF]Three9!
That's exactly what I needed. I was really stumped on how to go along, but now I know.
It even looks like I can pull this off without having to re-UV and texture the whole thing. ^^
And thank you for that tutorial PolyHertz! I really appreciate it!
np at all! Really glad I can help....now go give me critique on ganons face! haha
No really though, don't try and match your eyes to a T to me (im sure you wouldn't anyway)....I don't think my paintover is perfect, but it gets the general idea of how it should look
ugggh, everytime I look at this I just want to work on Ganon...damn school! damn it to hell! I don't need a degree to go into the game industry anyway!...ugh lol
That face, its my only problem with this model! it ruins it!
Please take the crits about the face to heart and change it. It will look so much better with a good face, since that's the first thing a person sees when they look at a character model.
Its the attention grabber, and a horrible face can ruin all the work you put into the rest of the model.
That face, its my only problem with this model! it ruins it!
Please take the crits about the face to heart and change it. It will look so much better with a good face, since that's the first thing a person sees when they look at a character model.
Its the attention grabber, and a horrible face can ruin all the work you put into the rest of the model.
please consider it.
Yeah, absolutely!
I really don't hope it seems like I'm ignoring the crits I get!
I'm just really, really stumped because faces is what I fail at most. That and hands.
I've spent the last 2-3 days trying to get it right.. Been retexturing, remodeling and I still can't make it look good!
That's why I deleted the last picture. >.<
If I don't solve this soon I might have to put Majora's Mask on him. :P
Alright, I've taken the head into Zbrush to try and salvage it.
I fail at Zbrush, and at making faces, so yeah.. I know it's not great, but am I on the right path at least?
Goddamnit! I can't get this crap right!
Is it even worse now? I feel he has a lot more personality now at least.. Maybe I can tone down the warrior look..
The body has some really nice shape/color language but the face is really killing it. Yous should set this model aside for a bit and do some head sculpt studies. I understand your shooting for a manga stylization, but unless you understand the planes and anatomy of the face from a realism standpoint, how do you expect to deviate from it and have it still look grounded.
The body has some really nice shape/color language but the face is really killing it. Yous should set this model aside for a bit and do some head sculpt studies. I understand your shooting for a manga stylization, but unless you understand the planes and anatomy of the face from a realism standpoint, how do you expect to deviate from it and have it still look grounded.
Yeah, I guess you are right.
I hate working on things when all it brings is frustration.
I want to model other things from the Zelda universe too. ^^
Thanks for all your help so far, and hopefully I'll complete this bugger someday.
its almost there, keep it up man
How would you fix that?
I'm thinking that a specular highlight could be a remedy, but I dunno. ^^
Also changed his boots. Changed the curvature and made them shorter.
Also what's with the brown nail on the thumb? :P
Thought about placing the model in UDK? It does alphas better and has it's own light properties for hair alphas now.
Haha, yeah, the nail got darker when I darkened the base skin layer, and then I brightened up the fingers, and forgot to brighten the nail along with it, so it's kinda dark at the moment. ^^
Yeah, I will put it in the UDK once I'm done. Got a friend who wants to animate it.
And eventually I will hopefully build an environment from Ocarina of Time and put that in as well.
As is now he looks like stoned/tired which isn't like him
Unless this update on the face looks better, I'm gonna have to redo it I think, because I just feel stuck..
I brightened up the area around his eyes, added some rose color to his cheeks and smoother that whole area out, added some blue to his chin line and overall just tried to liven the face up.
Please let me know if you think I'm on the right track!
And about the face and eyes I actually think I'm happy with those as well..
I've really done my best with it now.
I really need to start texturing his fingers now and then re-skin and pose him.
I'm gonna complete this f*er this week, otherwise I know I won't ever do it.
Bash my freakin' head in with crits so I can get his face at least _acceptable_!
There's no head under the cap. xD
The eyes and face overall looks the way it does because I used manga faces as reference, and they look a lot like that.
Then I toned it down from there, and left that feature.
Manga faces really aren't suited for 3D, which I realized after modeling this, so I've tried to do the best I can with what I have.
I like the shape and features of it, but I'm having problems with the texture..
ok here we go
As you see in this image, you still get the manga look to his eyes, yet he looks a looooot more normal, even with the huge eyes
This link might be of some help (you'll need to log in if you have a gameartisans account to see all the images):
That's exactly what I needed. I was really stumped on how to go along, but now I know.
It even looks like I can pull this off without having to re-UV and texture the whole thing. ^^
And thank you for that tutorial PolyHertz! I really appreciate it!
No really though, don't try and match your eyes to a T to me (im sure you wouldn't anyway)....I don't think my paintover is perfect, but it gets the general idea of how it should look
ugggh, everytime I look at this I just want to work on Ganon...damn school! damn it to hell! I don't need a degree to go into the game industry anyway!...ugh
EDIT: Removed picture.
Will post update soon.
Please take the crits about the face to heart and change it. It will look so much better with a good face, since that's the first thing a person sees when they look at a character model.
Its the attention grabber, and a horrible face can ruin all the work you put into the rest of the model.
please consider it.
Yeah, absolutely!
I really don't hope it seems like I'm ignoring the crits I get!
I'm just really, really stumped because faces is what I fail at most. That and hands.
I've spent the last 2-3 days trying to get it right.. Been retexturing, remodeling and I still can't make it look good!
That's why I deleted the last picture. >.<
If I don't solve this soon I might have to put Majora's Mask on him. :P
speaking of which, this is completely relevant :x
I fail at Zbrush, and at making faces, so yeah.. I know it's not great, but am I on the right path at least?
Also added some more definement to the features.
I really, really hope I'm on the right track.. -_-
Here's another small update.
I feel the shape and anatomy is good enough, and I'm wondering if I should add more details and refinement or not.
Better? Worse?
Skip to 7:40 for topic: "Disney Eyes"
Is it even worse now? I feel he has a lot more personality now at least.. Maybe I can tone down the warrior look..
Yeah, I guess you are right.
I hate working on things when all it brings is frustration.
I want to model other things from the Zelda universe too. ^^
Thanks for all your help so far, and hopefully I'll complete this bugger someday.
I'm thinking about maybe making it quite different from the original one, but I really like the original, so maybe not.
I've rotated the hand guard on the screenshot just to present it better.
Here's what I have so far:
(I know, HORRIBLE magic wanding in photoshop! Sorry!)
There are some tiling issues with the patterns running around the main shape, but I'll fix that up!
It's on my to-do list.