getawesome13: yes i do have auto-reload checked but am not feeding it mesh-files but OBJ's from max. i take i'd have to export using your exporter and format from within maya to get this to work? anyway it is not a big issue for me right now.
on another note i had no success importing an FBX into marmoset - it came in (apparently) empty. do you have a recommended FBX version (e.g. FBX2010.2 - and required settings in the exporter for it to work)?
i am mostly interested in getting this to work to see if hand-tweaked vertex normals would carry over this way.
getawesome13: yes i do have auto-reload checked but am not feeding it mesh-files but OBJ's from max. i take i'd have to export using your exporter and format from within maya to get this to work? anyway it is not a big issue for me right now.
I seem to recall testing the auto-reload feature with obj files as well, I think it should work.
As for FBX I don't really know the version scheme, but we are using the most recent version of the SDK provided by autodesk, so just about any version should work.
Hello there,
Always have been too intimidated to join this place (Always too afraid that my work is crap) but since I downloaded the Marmoset trial and I saw that this place seems to be great to get help and advice I was wondering if anyone could help me.
I have been playing around with the Phong Double Layer Environment setting, however no matter what I do I cant seem to get two textures to blend together, I assume that how the texture blends depends on the texture I load in the "layer" slot. But no matter what I do it either displays only one texture or it displays both textures blended equally regardless of what I load on the "layer" slot.
Anyone have any clues what I may be doing wrong or may be missing? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Also sorry if this has been answered before but I tried looking around and couldnt find anyone with a similar issue.
Anyways cheers for reading.
I'm having this problem, too. I have tried having a black and white image, tried using the alpha channel and tried different colours for the blend (red, green, black, white, etc) and not getting anything useful. Is there a solution for this?
Wishlist item: Update all textures in all materials, not just the current one.
I like the auto update of textures, but it only seems to do it on the currently selected material in the "Mat" tab, so when having done texture changes across multiple materials I need to go through each one and reload the textures manually.
After the 40th preview in Toolbag when working on a texture you start to feel the seconds add up
Whre can I get this awesome tool
I searched for it on their site.
I think I need to purchase the tool.
Or is that an opensource tool?" if so, any one please let me know how can I get this tool!":)
Hello everyone. After searching online for sometime and not having any success I was hoping someone here might know what my problem is.
Im running the latest marmoset. When I open a mesh it appears solid black. Also, after applying a material it remains solid black. I also tried bringing in the sample meshes that come with marmoset and have the same result. Even when I do a render I get a complete black image.
Ive used Marmoset alot in the past but have not come across this before. Ive tried some various exports but I dont feel thats the problem since the sample meshes that come with the program have hte same issue.
Any thoughts or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
So, i just bought the toolbag and its pretty nice to use (and cheap!) i too am having problems getting softshadows working, resulting in me only use the skylight for lighting atm... if anyone can help me get soft spotlights working that would be great. Also is F12 supposed to bring up a render? or is it simply a print screen and what you have in the viewport is what you get?
@Millenia - Access Violation errors are typically graphics driver related. Try updating to the latest graphics drivers for your card and that should do the trick. By any chance are you running on an ATI card?
I love the toolbag, and i'm planning on buying it as soon as able, but I was using the trial version and kept coming up with a weird issue. When I import my model (.obj format) from maya, half the time it just doesn't show up, and the other half the time it gives me weird stuff like this:
Strange vertices that are shooting off in random directions. There's nothing wrong with the model in maya or when I bring it into 3dmax either, not sure what is causing this. Anyone have any ideas? Is it just problems with my graphics card, an aging geforce 7950 gt?
Just purchased Marmoset and i am really enjoying exploring its features.
I have one question regarding the Camera.Even if i reset it it still looks "fish Eye" Perspective.How can i get it to fit more Orthographic?
I have seen some artists do this in there renders even zooming in on body parts.
Many Thanks
I'm having some lighting trouble, when I add my own dynamic lights it doesnt seem to show the normals of my model correctly. But when I use one of the preset lighting modes it works fine.
Hi guys,
I have purchased Toolbag last year, and i have upgraded my machine. So my hardware fingerprint has changed. Is there any way to generate a new serial. I have mailed 8 monkey the problem but no answer so far. Thanks in advance.
I'm having some lighting trouble, when I add my own dynamic lights it doesnt seem to show the normals of my model correctly. But when I use one of the preset lighting modes it works fine.
I had this problem because I was inverting the green channel inside of toolbag, and when I added lights they didn't seem to render the inverted normals.
I fixed this by inverting the green inside photoshop. :P
Hi guys. I have purchased Toolbag last year. But a week ago i have upgraded my machine to a win7 64bit PC. Is there any way to get a new license for the new fingerprint? Thanks in advance.
That's not how i understood it, I thought he was saying it had inverted it by ticking the invert box and to correct that he switched back to normal in photoshop.
But I may be wrong, doesn't matter since it's fixed.
Hi guys. I have purchased Toolbag last year. But a week ago i have upgraded my machine to a win7 64bit PC. Is there any way to get a new license for the new fingerprint? Thanks in advance.
I'm curious about this too, apparently there's a tool to switch the license between machines? Could someone point me to a link on how to find / use this?
I'm curious about this too, apparently there's a tool to switch the license between machines? Could someone point me to a link on how to find / use this?
Marmoset Toolbag is intended to work on only one (1) computer at a time, and your Toolbag license key is locked to the hardware of that computer. However, you are free to transfer your license to a different computer as many times as you wish. This process uses your installed copy of Marmoset Toolbag to generate a new license key for the new computer and invalidate the old key.
You will need to retrieve the new computer's hardware fingerprint and use it to generate a new license key.
1. Install and run the free trial version of Marmoset Toolbag on your new computer that you wish to transfer your license to.
2. When presented with the Trial Reminder splash page, click the Enter Key‟ button.
3. Write down the Hardware Fingerprint presented to you in the dialog that pops up. This fingerprint identifies your new computer and will be used to generate a new license key. The fingerprint will be of the form XXXX-XXXX. Keep this dialog open as we will return to it soon.
4. On the old computer, run LicenseTransfer.bat out of the MarmosetToolbag\ directory. You will first be asked to confirm that you want to invalidate your old key and generate a new one. Click "Yes."
5. You will then be prompted for the Hardware Fingerprint (a.k.a. the "Hardware-Locking Code"). Enter the Hardware Fingerprint written down from Step 3 and click Ok. If successful, you will be presented with your name and new license key.
WRITE THIS NAME AND LICENSE KEY DOWN! If you accidentally click through without saving this information, you will have to contact technical support.
6. Go back to the computer you wish to transfer your license to and enter the name and license key, exactly as they appear, into the "Enter Key" window. It should be left open from Step 3, otherwise start the free trial version of Toolbag up again and click the "Enter Key" button.
Congratulations, you have transferred your full license of Marmoset Toolbag!
If the hardware components in your machine change too much, your Marmoset Toolbag license key may be invalidated. If this happens, feel free to contact us
I totally messed this stage up when transferring my licence from my laptop to my new pc, and the 8ML guys sorted it out pronto
im trying to get some nice renders of some iphone stuff and mipmaps are murdering them
Really? It's a bit surprising to me that mipmapping is causing that kind of problem. Generally, in conjunction with anisotropic filtering (which is always on in toolbag), it results in better images, not worse. If you have a good counter example (screen shot) I'd be interested to see it.
You can, in the texture preview tab, artificially *raise* the mipmap level for preview purposes, but we don't have any feature in place right now to put a maximum on it. It's not that hard to add if this is something folks would want, so let us know.
Mipmaps when used with smaller texture sizes (32-256px) generally blur out any sharp details you add and cause aplha planes to look a little fuzzy, also in these lower texture sizes the UV's are tightly packed which can result in some edge bleeding too! If its not too much of a hastle an option to disable the mipmaps would be very useful to me and im sure others too
having used toolbag over the last couple of weeks (and having taken quite a liking to it ) i thought i might add some feature suggestions with the hopes these might make it into a future release:
- ability to manage multiple meshes in a scene file (merge/replace/delete). the current set up requires a full export of a complete scene from max/maya. quite timeconsuming for every little mesh change
- 'take screenshot' should work with alpha mapped surfaces - right now the alpha channel seems to get omitted
- render turntable to frame sequence. the video stream isn't always smooth plus we're resolution-limited. just give us stills to feed into a compositor (for bonus points connect this to the screenshot function and let us output turntables at arbitrary size...)
- complex refraction material doesn't take dynamic lights into account
- render turntable to frame sequence. the video stream isn't always smooth plus we're resolution-limited. just give us stills to feed into a compositor (for bonus points connect this to the screenshot function and let us output turntables at arbitrary size...)
I have quite a high end PC (i7 950, gtx 460) and i have trouble rendering out a smooth turntable, so this would be a lifesaver
Mipmaps when used with smaller texture sizes (32-256px) generally blur out any sharp details you add and cause aplha planes to look a little fuzzy, also in these lower texture sizes the UV's are tightly packed which can result in some edge bleeding too! If its not too much of a hastle an option to disable the mipmaps would be very useful to me and im sure others too
Does the toolbag support two sided materials?
I have trouble viewing some foliages that I've done and it's either that or that I have trouble exporting the normals. Shouldn't be the normals though.
Does the toolbag support two sided materials?
I have trouble viewing some foliages that I've done and it's either that or that I have trouble exporting the normals. Shouldn't be the normals though.
You can turn off back face culling in the material panel at the top
does Marmoset allow for 2 sided materials? if not when?
There is support for double-sided lighting, if that's what you mean. There's just a checkbox in the material tab as I recall. In conjunction with disabled backface culling this should allow you to light both sides of a polygon correctly.
There is support for double-sided lighting, if that's what you mean. There's just a checkbox in the material tab as I recall. In conjunction with disabled backface culling this should allow you to light both sides of a polygon correctly.
I knew about the disable back face culling feature but I stil can't manage to get the light to react normally on both sides. I've tried everything adjusting every lever and flipping every checkbox in various combinations.
This is the result I've gotten thus far. I will get back and try some more but if someone could give me some input that would be delightful.
I knew about the disable back face culling feature but I stil can't manage to get the light to react normally on both sides. I've tried everything adjusting every lever and flipping every checkbox in various combinations.
Ok I wasn't quite right about there being a two sided lighting checkbox - there isn't one. Two sided lighting just happens by default (though you have to disable back face culling in order to see it). What this means is that for a given polygon, the normals on the "back" face will be flipped for the purposes of lighting. The result is what you'd expect for a flat opaque object, like a piece of construction paper or such. This can be useful but is not always exactly what's needed.
From your screen shots it looks like you're making grass sprites. Those can be challenging things to light in general, and it's a little hard for me to tell from your images what's going on. If you want to make sure two sided lighting is working, my advice is to try a simpler test case first maybe (like a flat gray quad), and see if that behaves as you expect before you start with normal mapped grass sprites and whatnot.
It might be nice if the emissive maps could be made to add even more to the bloom effect. Ramping the emissive intensity way up sort of works, but then I lose the color as it turns to white.
I would like to purchase a license but have two questions. First are upgrades free, or do you have to pay for them? Can you have the license locked to a flashdrive like Messiah 5 lets you do?
another thing that would be handy to have in toolbag is multiple user-definable cameras that get saved with their individual settings in the scenefile. best controlled through a dialog like you got for dynamic lights already.
BreaK-: dual screens shouldn't cause a crash as such? i'm running the software with the viewport spanning across screens which does not lead to issues.
another thing that would be handy to have in toolbag is multiple user-definable cameras that get saved with their individual settings in the scenefile. best controlled through a dialog like you got for dynamic lights already.
BreaK-: dual screens shouldn't cause a crash as such? i'm running the software with the viewport spanning across screens which does not lead to issues.
Hmmm, may just be my drivers....but they're up to date.
Another quickie, where do i add the gloss and spec maps? There is only 1 tab which covers both gloss and spec. Is it possible to add both? Currently I have Diffuse/Normal/Spec. With these results.
Hmmm, may just be my drivers....but they're up to date.
Another quickie, where do i add the gloss and spec maps? There is only 1 tab which covers both gloss and spec. Is it possible to add both? Currently I have Diffuse/Normal/Spec. With these results.
All the secondary maps are stored in the Alpha channels of other maps, so the Gloss map needs to be in the Alpha channel of the spec for it to work
For transparency the mask needs to be in the Diffuse maps Alpha channel and for Parallax the Alpha of the Normal map is used.
on another note i had no success importing an FBX into marmoset - it came in (apparently) empty. do you have a recommended FBX version (e.g. FBX2010.2 - and required settings in the exporter for it to work)?
i am mostly interested in getting this to work to see if hand-tweaked vertex normals would carry over this way.
I seem to recall testing the auto-reload feature with obj files as well, I think it should work.
As for FBX I don't really know the version scheme, but we are using the most recent version of the SDK provided by autodesk, so just about any version should work.
I'm having this problem, too. I have tried having a black and white image, tried using the alpha channel and tried different colours for the blend (red, green, black, white, etc) and not getting anything useful. Is there a solution for this?
I like the auto update of textures, but it only seems to do it on the currently selected material in the "Mat" tab, so when having done texture changes across multiple materials I need to go through each one and reload the textures manually.
After the 40th preview in Toolbag when working on a texture you start to feel the seconds add up
Whre can I get this awesome tool
I searched for it on their site.
I think I need to purchase the tool.
Or is that an opensource tool?" if so, any one please let me know how can I get this tool!":)
scroll down to the "Get started now" part and there you can download a 20 day trial, after that you will have to pay.
Im running the latest marmoset. When I open a mesh it appears solid black. Also, after applying a material it remains solid black. I also tried bringing in the sample meshes that come with marmoset and have the same result. Even when I do a render I get a complete black image.
Ive used Marmoset alot in the past but have not come across this before. Ive tried some various exports but I dont feel thats the problem since the sample meshes that come with the program have hte same issue.
Any thoughts or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
I'm getting a lot of crashes with 'access violation' with this
Strange vertices that are shooting off in random directions. There's nothing wrong with the model in maya or when I bring it into 3dmax either, not sure what is causing this. Anyone have any ideas? Is it just problems with my graphics card, an aging geforce 7950 gt?
I have one question regarding the Camera.Even if i reset it it still looks "fish Eye" Perspective.How can i get it to fit more Orthographic?
I have seen some artists do this in there renders even zooming in on body parts.
Many Thanks
Just narrow the field of view, and move the camera back.
I have purchased Toolbag last year, and i have upgraded my machine. So my hardware fingerprint has changed. Is there any way to generate a new serial. I have mailed 8 monkey the problem but no answer so far. Thanks in advance.
I had this problem because I was inverting the green channel inside of toolbag, and when I added lights they didn't seem to render the inverted normals.
I fixed this by inverting the green inside photoshop. :P
And +1 for that being fixed
But I may be wrong, doesn't matter since it's fixed.
Inverting it in photoshop worked with both.
Seems like a bug
I'm curious about this too, apparently there's a tool to switch the license between machines? Could someone point me to a link on how to find / use this?
Behold, the user manual!
I totally messed this stage up when transferring my licence from my laptop to my new pc, and the 8ML guys sorted it out pronto
Really? It's a bit surprising to me that mipmapping is causing that kind of problem. Generally, in conjunction with anisotropic filtering (which is always on in toolbag), it results in better images, not worse. If you have a good counter example (screen shot) I'd be interested to see it.
You can, in the texture preview tab, artificially *raise* the mipmap level for preview purposes, but we don't have any feature in place right now to put a maximum on it. It's not that hard to add if this is something folks would want, so let us know.
- ability to manage multiple meshes in a scene file (merge/replace/delete). the current set up requires a full export of a complete scene from max/maya. quite timeconsuming for every little mesh change
- 'take screenshot' should work with alpha mapped surfaces - right now the alpha channel seems to get omitted
- render turntable to frame sequence. the video stream isn't always smooth plus we're resolution-limited. just give us stills to feed into a compositor (for bonus points connect this to the screenshot function and let us output turntables at arbitrary size...)
- complex refraction material doesn't take dynamic lights into account
I have quite a high end PC (i7 950, gtx 460) and i have trouble rendering out a smooth turntable, so this would be a lifesaver
Filtering, or Mip mapping?
I have trouble viewing some foliages that I've done and it's either that or that I have trouble exporting the normals. Shouldn't be the normals though.
You can turn off back face culling in the material panel at the top
There is support for double-sided lighting, if that's what you mean. There's just a checkbox in the material tab as I recall. In conjunction with disabled backface culling this should allow you to light both sides of a polygon correctly.
This is the result I've gotten thus far. I will get back and try some more but if someone could give me some input that would be delightful.
Ok I wasn't quite right about there being a two sided lighting checkbox - there isn't one. Two sided lighting just happens by default (though you have to disable back face culling in order to see it). What this means is that for a given polygon, the normals on the "back" face will be flipped for the purposes of lighting. The result is what you'd expect for a flat opaque object, like a piece of construction paper or such. This can be useful but is not always exactly what's needed.
From your screen shots it looks like you're making grass sprites. Those can be challenging things to light in general, and it's a little hard for me to tell from your images what's going on. If you want to make sure two sided lighting is working, my advice is to try a simpler test case first maybe (like a flat gray quad), and see if that behaves as you expect before you start with normal mapped grass sprites and whatnot.
It might be nice if the emissive maps could be made to add even more to the bloom effect. Ramping the emissive intensity way up sort of works, but then I lose the color as it turns to white.
As far as I know, you can't lock it to a flashdrive/dongle. However, 8ml is very quick if you have to transfer a license.
Teeny tiny problem, more releating to my OCD really. The marmoset application icon keep dissapearing from my desktop and start menu.
Turns into the ugly "unkown program" icon. Any way to rectify this issue.
I also get a loud beeping sound and a crash occasionally. Something to do with running dual screens?
Thanks guys.
BreaK-: dual screens shouldn't cause a crash as such? i'm running the software with the viewport spanning across screens which does not lead to issues.
Hmmm, may just be my drivers....but they're up to date.
Another quickie, where do i add the gloss and spec maps? There is only 1 tab which covers both gloss and spec. Is it possible to add both? Currently I have Diffuse/Normal/Spec. With these results.
For transparency the mask needs to be in the Diffuse maps Alpha channel and for Parallax the Alpha of the Normal map is used.
File Tab> Mesh import scale
Love this program but after spending £30 on it I thought things like this would have been ironed out.