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Marmoset Toolbag 1.10 Official support thread



  • GetAwesome
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    GetAwesome polycounter lvl 14
    Yeah, what Andy said ->
    What were the swizzle setting in xNormal? It should be X+Y+Z+ for marmoset. Have you tried flipping the green channel?

    It's also worth mentioning that when using a tangent space normal map, enabling the "object space normals" tickbox on the material palette should never be done and will not resolve any lighting errors in your viewport.

    **This is more of a shoutout to anyone browsing this forum as it appears to be an oft made misconception***
  • EarthQuake
    Right, and to put in into perspective; clicking object space with a tangent space map loaded is akin to loading a b&w bump/height map into your normals slot. It is just an entirely different data set, and will *never* produce correct results.
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    another thing worth checking when shading looks odd is the tangent basis (under view tab: reference). when exporting the mesh from max via obj that screwed up for me pretty quickly. if it's broken in your case, use (a recent) fbx exporter, triangulate the mesh and check 'tangents and bi-normals' on export.
  • SnowInChina
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    SnowInChina interpolator
    having the same problem

    low poly mesh, no maps applied, just the standart grey diffuse marmoset has as default
    left : tangent
    right: object space
    all tris

    same mesh in unity online player

    exported from blender as obj. (recent build)
  • SnowInChina
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    SnowInChina interpolator
    so, no one any clue why this is happening ?
  • metalliandy
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    metalliandy interpolator
    having the same problem

    low poly mesh, no maps applied, just the standart grey diffuse marmoset has as default
    left : tangent
    right: object space
    all tris

    same mesh in unity online player

    exported from blender as obj. (recent build)

    If your map is tangent space, then ignore any results that you get by selecting object space in Marmoset as you shouldnt be using it anyway ;)

    It looks like you have overlapping geo due to duplicated verts/faces to me...is it on your bake?

    The current .obj exporter in Blender 2.5 is Beta so its not yet 100%. Make sure you export with Normals and High Quality Normals checked...That seems to fix errors that i have had with Blender in the past. :)
    If you want to post the mesh and maps, i would be happy to check it out here.
  • TheDarkKnight
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    TheDarkKnight polycounter lvl 15
    Fixed mine, in Max needed to go to Normals / Unify Normals in the modifier panel
  • SnowInChina
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    SnowInChina interpolator
    thanks andy
    iam going to remodel the low poly tomorrow
    i will check the export settings and if all fails iam going to take you up on your offer :)
  • metalliandy
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    metalliandy interpolator
    thanks andy
    iam going to remodel the low poly tomorrow
    i will check the export settings and if all fails iam going to take you up on your offer :)

    Np man.
    Hope it works :)
  • Avanthera
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    Avanthera polycounter lvl 10
    I was having weird issues like this,

    It ended up being a face that had been flipped earlier, but had the normals locked previously, so the face normals was facing opposite the actual direction of the face, resulting in a constantly flickering and bright polygon.

    so the fix in maya was to unlock all normals, unify normals, and re-export. ugh, plagued me for months.
  • SnowInChina
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    SnowInChina interpolator
    checking normals & high qualitiy normals fixed the problem
    thanks again andy, this was bugging me for quite some while
  • metalliandy
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    metalliandy interpolator
    No worries man :)
  • Arkadius
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    Arkadius polycounter lvl 13
    Hey guys I was wondering if anyone has encountered this issue. I'm getting a nasty seam in my mesh but it wasn't like this before and its a symmetrical model. The seam just doesn't make sense.

  • Wiktor
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    Wiktor polycounter lvl 11
    I'm wondering if there is a poly limit in Marmoset toolbag? I've tried importing meshes with over 1 million tris (Not game art ^^) and the model won't load. It doesn't crash, it just freezes, forcing me to shut down the process.

    Has anyone had high poly models in Marmoset? Did it take long to load?

  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16
    Toolbag is not meant to do that, as far as I know. Sorry :/
  • Karaoke_Warrior
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    Karaoke_Warrior polycounter lvl 13
    Disting wrote: »
    I'm wondering if there is a poly limit in Marmoset toolbag? I've tried importing meshes with over 1 million tris (Not game art ^^) and the model won't load. It doesn't crash, it just freezes, forcing me to shut down the process.

    Has anyone had high poly models in Marmoset? Did it take long to load?


    I've tried importing a model with 116,099 tris and it imported fine.
  • gilesruscoe
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    gilesruscoe polycounter lvl 10
    Im getting this error with my mesh...
    The spec map imports just fine, and works. But when i load up the difuse map, i get this:


    It's tiled the difuse map around the model and made it greyscale... any idea what is happening? never had this issue before :/
  • jeffdr
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    jeffdr polycounter lvl 11
    Disting wrote: »
    I've tried importing meshes with over 1 million tris and the model won't load. It doesn't crash, it just freezes, forcing me to shut down the process.

    There is no hard set limit, but in practice the limit will likely be something in the neighborhood of 100M+ triangles (just for memory reasons). A 1M poly model should load, and my guess is that it *is* loading, but if you're using the .obj loader it can be quite slow (obj files are text, which is slow to interpret, and require a lot of data reordering which is slow for big models). If you can import as .fbx or .mesh that may work faster. The wait on a 1M poly .obj file could be many minutes, though once saved as .mesh, it should load quite quickly.
  • DeathFlail
    Just wanted to throw a feature request out there: Relative file paths.

    I'd like to be able to zip up my marmoset scene assets and send them to other people without much hassle.

    Thanks for the great tool. Can't wait for the next release.
  • EarthQuake
    DeathFlail wrote: »
    Just wanted to throw a feature request out there: Relative file paths.

    I'd like to be able to zip up my marmoset scene assets and send them to other people without much hassle.

    Thanks for the great tool. Can't wait for the next release.

    Create a folder inside /base/(in your toolbag dir), and bam, relative paths.(Unless this has changed from older versions).

    Then simply tell your buddy to extract to /base/.
  • DeathFlail
    EarthQuake: Ah okay didn't know that. I'm hoping 8monkey adds in a feature for making paths relative to scene files.. Right now I'm doing some contract work where the client just has me save stuff on dropbox. I know if they can't just open the file from the dropbox folder they won't even bother.. instead they'll just open the max scene, which just doesn't look nearly as good in realtime.

    Hmm.. This gives me an idea that could help promote Toolbox and address that problem. It would be cool if artists had the option to package up an executable that would contain your model and current scene setup. Then (without requiring a toolbox install) anyone can run this exe, rotate/move around the model, and rotate the lighting. But they couldn't load up their own assets or change the skybox. A little marmoset logo in the corner could link to the site.

    I think that would be a great way to promote and use Toolbag. Only thing better might be an iPad version :D

    Thanks for the info though, EarthQuake. Really good to know.
  • EmJaeR
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    EmJaeR polycounter lvl 10
    Hey Everyone! I was looking on the 8monkeys site and I saw that they have speedtree integration for grass.... Does anyone know how this works or how to go about it?

  • mindrot
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    mindrot polycounter lvl 7
    I decided to give Marmoset a go over the weekend. I got some pretty good results. However I'm having some odd issues with alpha maps for hair: they display quite nicely, without any issues, in the viewport but when I do a screengrab the alpha isn't captured. It has however been been put into the alpha channel of the TGA.

    Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
  • metalliandy
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    metalliandy interpolator
    mindrot wrote: »
    I decided to give Marmoset a go over the weekend. I got some pretty good results. However I'm having some odd issues with alpha maps for hair: they display quite nicely, without any issues, in the viewport but when I do a screengrab the alpha isn't captured. It has however been been put into the alpha channel of the TGA.

    Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

    iirc, thats a known bug which 8ML are working on. For the moment the workaround is to use PrintScreen.
    Hope that helps :)
  • mindrot
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    mindrot polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks metalliandy. A bit of a pain though as I wanted 2-4k screengrabs.
  • metalliandy
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    metalliandy interpolator
    NP. Hopefully they will implement a fix soon :)
  • mindrot
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    mindrot polycounter lvl 7
    NP. Hopefully they will implement a fix soon :)

    That would be ace :)
  • GetAwesome
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    GetAwesome polycounter lvl 14
    @mindrot - Just to clarify, alpha testing and alpha blending in screenshots is not broken (although alpha blend mode has it's own set of limitations). If you are using alpha-to-coverage, there will certainly be a bug present in your screenshots exported from Toolbag.

    I assume you are enabling alpha-to-coverage? If not, please let us know what your system specs and material settings are.
  • metalliandy
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    metalliandy interpolator
    Sorry for the confusion. I should have been more specific :P
  • mindrot
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    mindrot polycounter lvl 7
    @mindrot - Just to clarify, alpha testing and alpha blending in screenshots is not broken (although alpha blend mode has it's own set of limitations). If you are using alpha-to-coverage, there will certainly be a bug present in your screenshots exported from Toolbag.

    I assume you are enabling alpha-to-coverage? If not, please let us know what your system specs and material settings are.

    Yup. I have alpha-to-coverage enabled.

    Thanks for your help :thumbup:
  • mindrot
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    mindrot polycounter lvl 7
    Sorry if this has already been asked here, but is there any way to enable anti-aliasing within Marmoset?

  • Millenia
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    Millenia polycount sponsor
    Just take a huge-ass picture and scale it down
  • mindrot
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    mindrot polycounter lvl 7
    Millenia wrote: »
    Just take a huge-ass picture and scale it down

    Problem is, I can't output latge images, as there's a known bug: when I do a screengrab the alpha isn't captured (hair for example).
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    what i've done for screengrabs from marmoset with alpha is to rotate my widescreen monitor and desktop 90 degrees and set up the shot for this kind of aspect ratio to give me more vertical resolution at the expense of horizontal one - tends to work well for whole characters... unless you want to take screengrabs of donkey corpses, i imagine. ;)

    but yeah, marmoset should add a tiled-shot capability that just plain works.
  • mindrot
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    mindrot polycounter lvl 7
    thomasp wrote: »
    what i've done for screengrabs from marmoset with alpha is to rotate my widescreen monitor and desktop 90 degrees and set up the shot for this kind of aspect ratio to give me more vertical resolution at the expense of horizontal one - tends to work well for whole characters... unless you want to take screengrabs of donkey corpses, i imagine. ;)

    but yeah, marmoset should add a tiled-shot capability that just plain works.

    Hey Thomas...

    I was thinking that a while back when trying some shaders in Max. Might give that a go. Thanks for the reminder... no donkey corpses here :poly108:
  • barri allen
    I gave toolbag a try, and after some hardness (never used it before) I obtained this result with a prop of mine:


    As you can see, aliasing is awful, and I don't find any way to mend this (my fault no doubt). Can anyone help?

    Ops... seen above post. REALLY BIG images solve the problem.
    BTW, this new toolbag rocks for fast presentations. I think it is worth its price.
  • mindrot
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    mindrot polycounter lvl 7
    Since installing the latest NVidia drivers a few minutes ago I have noticed that everything appears to now be anti-aliased :poly142:
  • beartraps
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    beartraps polycounter lvl 8
    the specular of the complex refraction shader doesn't seem to work correctly if using lights, it only works with the skybox lighting active. A slot for reflection would be awesome with this shader too, as getting a good glass-like reflective material is not possible in the toolbag...
  • bloodmoon
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    bloodmoon polycounter lvl 8
    Having a problem with a model modeled in Maya. One patch is showing up in a diffrent color. I have fixed this kind of issue before but I cant remember what I did last time hehe. So I need some pointers if anyone has help to offer.

  • michaelbas
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    michaelbas polycounter lvl 13
    Is possible to use animated textures in marmoset toolbag v1.02,
    im making a room and i want to add a fire place with animated fire texture with alpha map. is this possible?
    if not then is there any other way?
  • gizmo1990
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    gizmo1990 polycounter lvl 9
    Posted already about this but not getting any answers. :( Hopefully it might catch someones eye here.

    Premultiplied alpha - can soft gradients off to black be achieved using this blend mode? I need to use premultiplied to achieve that punchy glowy effect when it overlays one another but my alpha isn't behaving how I thought it should. Parts where it fades off to black (transparent) are all hard and all seem to be at only 50% transparency..?

    Could someone educate me why this is and perhaps how I can achieve the effect I want? Punchy over layed tranparencies that fade off at their edges.

    Any advice much appreciated.


    Might be worth mentioning too that when I set the blend mode to 'alpha' the edge fade works perfectly, so there's nothing wrong with the texture..
  • dwgagner
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    dwgagner polycounter lvl 7
    Getting an access violation error when I load the .skel file for my animated mesh.

    Work flow atm is this: I modeled, rigged and animated in 3ds max before I knew that you can only import animated meshes to marmoset from Maya. I exported as FBX from max with bake animation on. Loaded up in maya just fine, used the stooge script to export with: "Write Tangents/Bitangents / Write Rig File / Write Bone Weights and Skeleton" All enabled, everything else is unchecked.

    Ended up with 3 files, a .mesh .skel and .rig, went into marmoset, loaded mesh just fine, everything was in the right spot. As soon as I attempt to load the .skel file it gives me an access violation error and crashes.

    Has anyone run into this issue? I feel like I'm missing a step or am exporting from Maya wrong. The animation plays fine in Maya when I import from Max.

    Any advice would be great, also I updated my graphics drivers just in case as well as updated the FBX plugin for both maya and max to latest versions and made no difference.
  • Ben Apuna

    Just a guess, but maybe check the bone names in Maya for strange characters or spaces. I've seen that cause issues in other apps.
  • gizmo1990
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    gizmo1990 polycounter lvl 9
    More alpha woes. So I take it Marmosets spotlights ignore alphas? I've got a lot of alpha hair on my character using simple planes. I added a nice rim light and voila, the transparent parts of the polys are showing up as semi-transparent!

    Could someone tell me if this is correct or am I missing some check box?
  • GetAwesome
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    GetAwesome polycounter lvl 14
    @bloodmoon - Most likely a UV's issue. Check your UV layout for the polygon faces in that area of the mesh for any UV's that are welded or overlapping and should not be.

    @dwgagner - Marmoset's animation system does have a hard limit of 50 joints per mesh chunk. Be sure you meet that requirement. One quick way to check is that the maya export window should spit out an error for that if you are over the limit.

    Also, do you have any meshes or mesh chunks in your Maya scene that do not have vertex skinning? If so, that could cause such a crash when loading the .skel in Toolbag. It's a little bit of a nuisance, but just make sure all objects have skinning or delete them from the scene prior to exporting your animation.
  • dwgagner
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    dwgagner polycounter lvl 7
    @bloodmoon - Most likely a UV's issue. Check your UV layout for the polygon faces in that area of the mesh for any UV's that are welded or overlapping and should not be.

    @dwgagner - Marmoset's animation system does have a hard limit of 50 joints per mesh chunk. Be sure you meet that requirement. One quick way to check is that the maya export window should spit out an error for that if you are over the limit.

    Also, do you have any meshes or mesh chunks in your Maya scene that do not have vertex skinning? If so, that could cause such a crash when loading the .skel in Toolbag. It's a little bit of a nuisance, but just make sure all objects have skinning or delete them from the scene prior to exporting your animation.

    The skinning thing might be it, my eyes aren't skinned to anything cause they are just objects linked to the head, any idea how to handle the eyes? Should I make a bone for each of those and skin them to that so they can still be animated?

    Also I have a weapon in scene that is not skinned to anything. I'm guessing I need to make bones for this as well and skin them?
  • Jbird
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    Jbird polycounter lvl 7
    Yo, I can't get my alphas to cast shadows... sent my files and had a friend test it and for him they cast shadows.. thats pretty random and I think my videocard should be able to handle that since its not a heavy process and works fine in UDK. anyone know what might be the problem?

    Here's a screen of my alpha settings and the viewport
  • EarthQuake
    dwgagner wrote: »
    The skinning thing might be it, my eyes aren't skinned to anything cause they are just objects linked to the head, any idea how to handle the eyes? Should I make a bone for each of those and skin them to that so they can still be animated?

    Also I have a weapon in scene that is not skinned to anything. I'm guessing I need to make bones for this as well and skin them?

    Yes, anything that is in your scene needs to be skinned and linked to bones, it doesn't matter if its rigid deforming or not, doing things like linking with no skining is only something your 3d app understands, when exported to a game engine there is no way it would know what to do with that. This should be the case with any engine, not just marmoset. The engine needs skinning data to know what to do with the entire mesh.

    As far as adding bones to the eyes, you could just skin the eyes to the head bone or whatever, if you dont need eye animations, but yeah otherwise give the eyes bones.
  • aaronmwolford
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    aaronmwolford polycounter lvl 8
    Hey guys having a small problem here, but it's hindering my progress. I'm working on a model with alphas applied to it and they display properly in the viewport, however when I take a screen shot some of the parts of the model are not being displayed. Specifically support beams underneath of a catwalk. The walkway is grated metal with holes in it. Any thoughts?

    Oh btw. I should mention that if I look at the model from underneath I can render it and see the supports...
  • Piflik
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    Piflik polycounter lvl 12
    rrgg...wrong thread...sorry..
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