a lot of people seem to think he might be Freud, but the artist, on his Deviant art page say's the medic and soly were the only ones not specifically referenced. (i'll post the link when I find it again). Still might be a good place to start on the head.
This is kindof a left field idea, so i'm not sure if it'd fit with your vision for these, but have you though about downplaying the blue in the costumes a little bit? Tf2 has that clean retro-modern style about the outfits, but going back in time if i was approaching the problem conceptually i'd think those old-timey mercenaries wouldnt have such perfect red/blue jumpsuits -- maybe something more along the line of tfc, outfits that predominantly highlight their team colors but aren't totally uniform: http://www.g4g.it/phpnews/images/Team_Fortress_classic_01.jpg
@Swizzle Looks good overall, but the soldier's arms seem kind of amorphous. I am trying to imagine them being rigged or animated but there doesn't appear to be a clear elbow or arm shape under the tube sleeve.
@DKK I think you should rework the mid section of this guy. From his armpits, his torso moves towards the center, then at his hips moves out... It looks like he has female hips, like his body is female. Not to mention the wide crotch and elfy shoes... Also his forearms/hands should be thicker and manlier. Check out the Scout or Sniper for skinny character arms. The face is looking pretty solid though!
@Mico27 I expressed interest in doing the spy on the first page, so no, you didn't get dibs. Just kidding, here's a couple things: the overall anatomy is lacking, like swizzle's soldier's arms, you are losing the underlying anatomy to the hanging cloth. You should model a basic body shape underneath first for proportion and anatomy. Then model the jacket around that. The head, hands and feet are looking pretty small and the shoulders too slight. Overall the character is very thin and long but with really puffy clothing. Slow down a bit and nail the overall forms before getting too far into it.:)
@Scudz Doing pretty well with the proportions so far, not much to crit in this early state but it looks like it's getting there. The one big symmetrical fold on the vest looks weird.
I think I'm going to try and do some work on the spy when I get home. I am mucho inspired.:)
@Swizzle Looks good overall, but the soldier's arms seem kind of amorphous. I am trying to imagine them being rigged or animated but there doesn't appear to be a clear elbow or arm shape under the tube sleeve.
@DKK I think you should rework the mid section of this guy. From his armpits, his torso moves towards the center, then at his hips moves out... It looks like he has female hips, like his body is female. Not to mention the wide crotch and elfy shoes... Also his forearms/hands should be thicker and manlier. Check out the Scout or Sniper for skinny character arms. The face is looking pretty solid though!
@Mico27 I expressed interest in doing the spy on the first page, so no, you didn't get dibs. Just kidding, here's a couple things: the overall anatomy is lacking, like swizzle's soldier's arms, you are losing the underlying anatomy to the hanging cloth. You should model a basic body shape underneath first for proportion and anatomy. Then model the jacket around that. The head, hands and feet are looking pretty small and the shoulders too slight. Overall the character is very thin and long but with really puffy clothing. Slow down a bit and nail the overall forms before getting too far into it.:)
@Scudz Doing pretty well with the proportions so far, not much to crit in this early state but it looks like it's getting there. The one big symmetrical fold on the vest looks weird.
I think I'm going to try and do some work on the spy when I get home. I am mucho inspired.:)
check out the Scout or Sniper for skinny character arms eh? aparently you are not familiar with the Mac comic. FLEX!!! *admit one. Gunshow*
a lot of people seem to think he might be Freud, but the artist, on his Deviant art page say's the medic and soly were the only ones not specifically referenced. (i'll post the link when I find it again). Still might be a good place to start on the head.
I'll admit that concept wasn't super hot, but I'm glad you like where I'm taking this.
You're right! Now that you mention it, he does kind of look like Francis. I'm not terribly concerned about that Facepunch thread, honestly. I looked through everything after that page and nobody even started on a model or concept or anything.
The Scrub:
God, an expansion like that would be rad!
There's a couple of reasons for the satchels. First and foremost is that they help break up the silhouette and add interest to what could be fairly plain, symmetrical designs. Other than that, I've added them because the engie drawing had one and a picture I found of a Civil War officer had a binocular case similar to the one the soldier is wearing.
When you're sculpting, use the lowest subdivision levels possible and then, once you've pushed that subd level as much as possible, go to the next one. You'll get much better forms.
Tell that to Valve. Like, for serious.
I plan on revisiting the face for the engie and refining his features a little. I know he's based on Tesla, but I don't want to make him into a straight caricature of the guy. Now let's see that medic!
While I get what you mean, I don't think downplaying the team colors is such a hot idea. I agree that they probably wouldn't have as vibrant of colors realistically, but I think I'm already far enough from reasonable notions of reality that I'm not going to worry about it.
Definitely contribute! The more the merrier. Can't say I'm keen on the idea of TF1250, though; seems like it'd be a nightmare to come up with designs.
I've since changed the shape of the soldier's arms so they're less weird and puffy.
I actually think it's great that other people are joining in and making their own contributions to this. While I had originally planned to have this just be a little personal project, it's now suddenly blown up into something that a lot of people seem to enjoy and I think that's awesome. That said, I'm still going to do other classes, even if somebody's claimed them, simply because it's what I want to do.
I've put a touch more work into the soldier. His arms are less pillow-like now and I've laid down some base colors to make sure I'm heading in the right direction. I still need to get the normals for his clothing done, but that's not exactly a super pressing issue at the moment.
It's beautiful swizzle. Your ability to extract what it takes to bring a model to life from a small picture not even meant to be a concept is astounding.
You're doing some damn nice work here, Swizzle, and impressively quickly too. That said, I think you've got a ways to go to really nail the concept with the soldier.
At the moment your soldier has a similar square-ish physique to the original soldier with maybe a slight push towards realism. The 1890s concept has much smaller hips, giving him a pronounced triangular shape. Likewise the face looks like you've lost something in translating it to a slightly more realistic style. I think you really need to squash the face up so that his face is effectively a beard and a hat.
All round you just need to push the sylisation up to 11.
When you're sculpting, use the lowest subdivision levels possible and then, once you've pushed that subd level as much as possible, go to the next one. You'll get much better forms.
you mean you don't like mah poop-face? You wound me sir, grievously.
Nah I know, the zsphere base i put together has zero res in the head so i neeed to retop still before I can do anything at a lower level that even looks like a face;)
question, are you modeling your eye's seperately or just as part of the face? i'm just looking at the heavy's world model here and I see the eye's are just textured on.
I'm going to continue tweaking this until it's in a better state than it is currently (especially in regards to getting him more, uh, triangular), but I don't want to push it to be as stylized as the image from the comic. While those designs are really cool, they're waaaaaay more stylized than anything you'll see in TF2 and I want to go for something closer to established character models. I'm definitely not going for direct copies of the characters in that image; I want to make characters with a lot of the same features and design ideas, but a little more toned-down stylistically.
I'm building these as if they're for a completely new game, so no, the original soldier hats wouldn't fit him.
The eyes and face are all the same mesh, just like on the TF2 and HL2 characters. DKK's right about the eye shader.
Got the normal maps and updated AO going now. I still need to tweak some proportions like Jackablade mentioned, but the model's basically done now. Time to get to work on the textures; right now they're just solid base colors with some AO.
I couldn't help but dabble. I really don't think I matched the style, though. I can always use this as a base to exaggerate. I don't know if I will continue with it or not. I had some hair done but it looked stupid so it isn't shown.
Tell me what you think.:)
Edit: Image removed because it was embarrassingly far from the style of tf2. I didn't use enough ref; more of a speedsculpt.
I think I'm about ready to call this done. It still needs some small tweaks, but I'm pretty exhausted at the moment and I can't stomach the thought of working on him anymore right now. I'm going to move on to something else.
started working on the medic concept yesterday, here is what I currently have, at first I was thinking of doing ortho's based soley on the comic concept. But after looking trough some of the demo man character art I decided to stick to slightly more realistic proportions like we see in tf2.
I imagine if we stick to the same limits as the current characters we might be able to rig it and simply replace the model so all the animations would be able to work.
I'm building these as if they're for a completely new game, so no, the original soldier hats wouldn't fit him.
Oh darn, they looked like they could fit in TF2 pretty damn well :O
Aside from the time period though, for obvious reasons.
I also wonder about one of the things someone pointed out on FP, why did you give the Soldier gloves?
I would also like to add that I'm amazed that you're unemployed !!
Turned out great Swizzle! MOAR! Following through with this could get you a lot of awesome attention. I love how everyone is jumping in, keep it up guys!
I'd add some contrast and shading around the jacket on the soldier where he wraps it over to bring it out a bit and something on the belt bucket to make it less bland.
This thread is just so full of win it is really hard to comprehend. All of you guys are doing great work.
@swizzle: is the soldier's hat separate from the rest of his face? I mean, does he still have a face under that hat?
@Evil: I was part of the swamp theme pack released in the summer and updated earlier in the year, is this the sort of thing you meant? The swamp stuff has a lot of mediocre content, most of the models are my work, and I learnt to model about a week before starting on the first set for the swamp.
I was messing around and came up with a Abe Pyro like in the picture, should be noted that it is not at all original, I took pieces of the sniper/pyro/engi/spy and added a few little bits... so its more of concept than anything else but thought you guys might get a kick out of it
I've started on the heavy. This is just a rough sculpt to get the creative juices flowing, but it kind of shows the direction I'm headed in. The final model will have a little more definition in the facial features, helped of course by the textures.
Will probably do some bit of sculpting and probably some retopo.
This is kindof a left field idea, so i'm not sure if it'd fit with your vision for these, but have you though about downplaying the blue in the costumes a little bit? Tf2 has that clean retro-modern style about the outfits, but going back in time if i was approaching the problem conceptually i'd think those old-timey mercenaries wouldnt have such perfect red/blue jumpsuits -- maybe something more along the line of tfc, outfits that predominantly highlight their team colors but aren't totally uniform:
This is an awesome thread.
Wish there was a Team Fortress 1250 as well.
@DKK I think you should rework the mid section of this guy. From his armpits, his torso moves towards the center, then at his hips moves out... It looks like he has female hips, like his body is female. Not to mention the wide crotch and elfy shoes... Also his forearms/hands should be thicker and manlier. Check out the Scout or Sniper for skinny character arms. The face is looking pretty solid though!
@Mico27 I expressed interest in doing the spy on the first page, so no, you didn't get dibs. Just kidding, here's a couple things: the overall anatomy is lacking, like swizzle's soldier's arms, you are losing the underlying anatomy to the hanging cloth. You should model a basic body shape underneath first for proportion and anatomy. Then model the jacket around that. The head, hands and feet are looking pretty small and the shoulders too slight. Overall the character is very thin and long but with really puffy clothing. Slow down a bit and nail the overall forms before getting too far into it.:)
@Scudz Doing pretty well with the proportions so far, not much to crit in this early state but it looks like it's getting there. The one big symmetrical fold on the vest looks weird.
I think I'm going to try and do some work on the spy when I get home. I am mucho inspired.:)
I'll try to do as you said Frump, I was not sure how I'd go about making it.
(ho boy this'll be fun to skin).
I'm not sure that really counts Mico, it's two posts about modeling and 130 about sucking dick...:poly122:
I was just poking fun anyway, because there's no such thing as dibs on the internet. Anyone can do whatever they want.:D
@The Scrub Haha, true, however the actual model doesn't have impressive flex animations.
sidenote: Should we maybe move to the dedicated TF2 hats and stuff thread, instead of further hijacking Swizzle's thread?
Ill think of something later.
Here is her DeviantArt journal about the comic:
still working on the sketch for the medic, I hate having to go to work not enough time per day to spend some decent time on this.
I'll admit that concept wasn't super hot, but I'm glad you like where I'm taking this.
You're right! Now that you mention it, he does kind of look like Francis. I'm not terribly concerned about that Facepunch thread, honestly. I looked through everything after that page and nobody even started on a model or concept or anything.
The Scrub:
God, an expansion like that would be rad!
There's a couple of reasons for the satchels. First and foremost is that they help break up the silhouette and add interest to what could be fairly plain, symmetrical designs. Other than that, I've added them because the engie drawing had one and a picture I found of a Civil War officer had a binocular case similar to the one the soldier is wearing.
When you're sculpting, use the lowest subdivision levels possible and then, once you've pushed that subd level as much as possible, go to the next one. You'll get much better forms.
Tell that to Valve. Like, for serious.
I plan on revisiting the face for the engie and refining his features a little. I know he's based on Tesla, but I don't want to make him into a straight caricature of the guy. Now let's see that medic!
While I get what you mean, I don't think downplaying the team colors is such a hot idea. I agree that they probably wouldn't have as vibrant of colors realistically, but I think I'm already far enough from reasonable notions of reality that I'm not going to worry about it.
Definitely contribute! The more the merrier. Can't say I'm keen on the idea of TF1250, though; seems like it'd be a nightmare to come up with designs.
I've since changed the shape of the soldier's arms so they're less weird and puffy.
I actually think it's great that other people are joining in and making their own contributions to this. While I had originally planned to have this just be a little personal project, it's now suddenly blown up into something that a lot of people seem to enjoy and I think that's awesome. That said, I'm still going to do other classes, even if somebody's claimed them, simply because it's what I want to do.
I've put a touch more work into the soldier. His arms are less pillow-like now and I've laid down some base colors to make sure I'm heading in the right direction. I still need to get the normals for his clothing done, but that's not exactly a super pressing issue at the moment.
At the moment your soldier has a similar square-ish physique to the original soldier with maybe a slight push towards realism. The 1890s concept has much smaller hips, giving him a pronounced triangular shape. Likewise the face looks like you've lost something in translating it to a slightly more realistic style. I think you really need to squash the face up so that his face is effectively a beard and a hat.
All round you just need to push the sylisation up to 11.
If so... what will you do about the stash?
If you're just making the models with no intention of putting them in game, ignore this :P
you mean you don't like mah poop-face? You wound me sir, grievously.
Nah I know, the zsphere base i put together has zero res in the head so i neeed to retop still before I can do anything at a lower level that even looks like a face;)
question, are you modeling your eye's seperately or just as part of the face? i'm just looking at the heavy's world model here and I see the eye's are just textured on.
I'm going to continue tweaking this until it's in a better state than it is currently (especially in regards to getting him more, uh, triangular), but I don't want to push it to be as stylized as the image from the comic. While those designs are really cool, they're waaaaaay more stylized than anything you'll see in TF2 and I want to go for something closer to established character models. I'm definitely not going for direct copies of the characters in that image; I want to make characters with a lot of the same features and design ideas, but a little more toned-down stylistically.
I'm building these as if they're for a completely new game, so no, the original soldier hats wouldn't fit him.
The eyes and face are all the same mesh, just like on the TF2 and HL2 characters. DKK's right about the eye shader.
Got the normal maps and updated AO going now. I still need to tweak some proportions like Jackablade mentioned, but the model's basically done now. Time to get to work on the textures; right now they're just solid base colors with some AO.
Cool work man, Very fun idea!
We are not worthy.
Tell me what you think.:)
Edit: Image removed because it was embarrassingly far from the style of tf2. I didn't use enough ref; more of a speedsculpt.
I think I'm about ready to call this done. It still needs some small tweaks, but I'm pretty exhausted at the moment and I can't stomach the thought of working on him anymore right now. I'm going to move on to something else.
I imagine if we stick to the same limits as the current characters we might be able to rig it and simply replace the model so all the animations would be able to work.
Aside from the time period though, for obvious reasons.
I also wonder about one of the things someone pointed out on FP, why did you give the Soldier gloves?
I would also like to add that I'm amazed that you're unemployed
here the slightest of update
new face
sigh* I only have a few minutes of time at work, so I will finish the concept at home
Looks amazing though
@swizzle: is the soldier's hat separate from the rest of his face? I mean, does he still have a face under that hat?
@Evil: I was part of the swamp theme pack released in the summer and updated earlier in the year, is this the sort of thing you meant? The swamp stuff has a lot of mediocre content, most of the models are my work, and I learnt to model about a week before starting on the first set for the swamp.
I was messing around and came up with a Abe Pyro like in the picture, should be noted that it is not at all original, I took pieces of the sniper/pyro/engi/spy and added a few little bits... so its more of concept than anything else but thought you guys might get a kick out of it
Keep up the good work Swizzle :poly142:
The soldier does indeed have a face!
I've started on the heavy. This is just a rough sculpt to get the creative juices flowing, but it kind of shows the direction I'm headed in. The final model will have a little more definition in the facial features, helped of course by the textures.
I was just thinking about this the other day.
I would also like to put out that same request for the Grandpa engineer. Or possibly his goggles for the normal engie.