for those of you that have made v_ versions of the models for first person.. Do I seriously have to go in and repaint all of the weights for the arms or is there an easier was to just add my model?
for those of you that have made v_ versions of the models for first person.. Do I seriously have to go in and repaint all of the weights for the arms or is there an easier was to just add my model?
1. what program do you use?
2. Usually when you decompile a view_model and import it (for exemple 3dsmax) it will already have a skin modifier to it. Simply go in editpoly mode, delete the default weapon (for example the homewrecker) and attach/add/fuse/join your new weapon mesh to it. Then its just a matter of weighting your own weapon with the available bones (or add new ones if you want).
1. what program do you use?
2. Usually when you decompile a view_model and import it (for exemple 3dsmax) it will already have a skin modifier to it. Simply go in editpoly mode, delete the default weapon (for example the homewrecker) and attach/add/fuse/join your new weapon mesh to it. Then its just a matter of weighting your own weapon with the available bones (or add new ones if you want).
3Ds max. Well I had my mesh with skin modifier on attached to the weapon_bone... then imported the v model, and it auto moved my weapon into place. Then I just deleted the old weapon.. however if I attach my powerjack to the existing mesh the bone influences get messed up... is it fine to just keep the meshes separate and try that? I'm going to give it a test run
try this then: before joinning the two meshes together, delete the skin modifier mesh on your new model you want to add, then select the v_model and select the skin modifier, right click and cut. Then go in the edit poly mode than attach your new model, delete the old weapon. then get out of edit poly mode, and right click in the modifier window and select paste.
once that is done, click on the pasted skin modifier and add your weapons mesh vertices to the weapon_bone weight.
All you have to do is delete the weapon in the decompiled v_model, place your weapon in the same position as the previous one and add the weapon_bone to it. You don't have to attach it or anything. Also you'll have to add an edit poly on the hands and put smoothing on them as it gets messed up on decompile.
If you need a step by step I can help you out. I went through it step by step with Oobersli and it worked on the first try.
I see what you mean about the faceting on the hands. the model shows up in game but only after I swing it because something is eff'ed up with the bones. The weapon is way off of where it should be resting so the other hand is holding nothing lmao
You screwed up on compiling the view model. I guess you already know the process, so I suggest opening the idle file and looking thought the coordinates, the other animation coordinates are fine as I see, copy them
Are you using $includemodel in your QC or are you actually putting the $sequence lines in it? It's better to use $includemodel because decompiling could have messed up some of the animation sequences.
Looking good, good thing you washed out the blood more, looks more stained and old now, fits more with everything and makes the weapon look old but very strong.
Good luck with compiling.
when you are setting up your model.. what do you use as a reference if its going to be a c_ model now. I can't get the c models to decompile as they dont look the same in a text editor to decompile them.
notepad++ im talking about opening the .mdl c_pyro_fireaxe or whatever file because the mdldecompiler is unable to load the mdl to decompile.. usually you have to change something like ISDN0 to ISDN, I can't remember what characters they were. But I dont see that in the .mdl file of the c_ models
First person finally compiled. Weird faceting on the model but honestly it's good for all I was looking to just test it. I'm not gonna worry too much about getting everything compiled as all I am submitting is the models and textures anyways :P
Ohh, shiny or not, as the case may be. Bottom edge on the strap looks a little hard. (far left yellow)
Yeah I mentioned that :P "First person finally compiled. Weird faceting on the model.." it got rid of the smoothing groups on the model for some reason.
I just wanted to see it in first person. I already know it looks fine from the world view.. so I'm not gonna bother messing with the V_ files since it keeps getting all weird effects.
I don't like how many brush strokes the texture has. They should be a bit more subdued, IMO. It looks a bit too "checkered". Otherwise, the coloring is pretty cool. I'd love to use that weapon in-game. :O
Powerjack and The Attendant both working in game. Now I just need to UV and Texture the Degreaser and recompile. Then maybe tweak the powerjack texture some more
Love them! I'd definitely be tempted to play Pyro a bit more if I had that hammer. Wouldn't mind the degreaser either depending on what stats it would have.
I'm not going to mess with the stats but I would love if Valve did. I like the idea that people were having about the battery acid. It would be cool if the powerjack had the same sapper destruction as the homewrecker, but instead of the damage to building, have it do the acid thing to players which could inturn make them take minicrits from flames only or something... would be pretty cool. or even just damage over time :P But I just need to worry about UV'in and texturing :P
Looks great! I think I have a new favorite pyro hat. I still wish that The Attendant had the pyro logo like in your concept though. I think it's a much stronger design.
The more I see from this pack the more I think the Pyro's mumbling should be replaced with a heavy cockney accent. "Wotcha, guv. Would ya moind if ah set ya on fiah?"
if you had intended them from the beginning it might have worked, but they look pretty clearly tacked on.
p.s. if you've played since yesterday's update, there's an interesting little slip of information on that loadout screen that random suggests different classes to try out. Gilboron's idea really wouldn't work then
actually, the pyro is a genderless psycopath, so what If he/she/it wears flowers, are YOU going to tell him/her/it that their flowers are unmanly? he/she/it would care less about his/her/it's looks and more about frying you to a crisp.
1. what program do you use?
2. Usually when you decompile a view_model and import it (for exemple 3dsmax) it will already have a skin modifier to it. Simply go in editpoly mode, delete the default weapon (for example the homewrecker) and attach/add/fuse/join your new weapon mesh to it. Then its just a matter of weighting your own weapon with the available bones (or add new ones if you want).
3Ds max. Well I had my mesh with skin modifier on attached to the weapon_bone... then imported the v model, and it auto moved my weapon into place. Then I just deleted the old weapon.. however if I attach my powerjack to the existing mesh the bone influences get messed up... is it fine to just keep the meshes separate and try that? I'm going to give it a test run
once that is done, click on the pasted skin modifier and add your weapons mesh vertices to the weapon_bone weight.
If you need a step by step I can help you out. I went through it step by step with Oobersli and it worked on the first try.
1. for some reason the weapons intro animation is not working? so it just pops in when I switch instead of pulling it out.
2. the texture is picking up the red pyro arms even when I'm on the blue team
3. the powerjack isn't laying right in the left hand... obviously.
Any ideas?
Good luck with compiling.
Why are you skinning it with V and W models? All you need is the mdl, and the tf/scripts/items_game.txt
In that file look for the axetinguisher entry, and just replace the mdl line in the axetinguiser entry with your mdl file.
I keep seeing people skinning the hard way when you can do it in 1 minute with the items_game.txt file.
And to note, valve don't use V and W models anymore, they use C_Items, which is just one model for both in the fps view and the world view.
"name" "Unique Achievement Fireaxe"
"item_class" "tf_weapon_fireaxe"
"craft_class" "weapon"
"item_logname" "axtinguisher"
"item_iconname" "axtinguisher"
"item_type_name" "#TF_Weapon_FireAxe"
"item_name" "#TF_Unique_Achievement_FireAxe1"
"item_slot" "melee"
"image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_axtinguisher/c_axtinguisher_pyro"
"image_inventory_size_w" "128"
"image_inventory_size_h" "82"
Change this reference to your MDL ---> "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_axtinguisher/c_axtinguisher_pyro.mdl"
"attach_to_hands" "1"
"item_quality" "unique"
"propername" "1"
"min_ilevel" "10"
"max_ilevel" "10"
"pyro" "1"
"crit vs burning players"
"attribute_class" "or_crit_vs_playercond"
"value" "1"
"dmg penalty vs nonburning"
"attribute_class" "mult_dmg_vs_nonburning"
"value" "0.5"
"no crit vs nonburning"
"attribute_class" "set_nocrit_vs_nonburning"
"value" "1"
"mouse_pressed_sound" "ui/item_wood_weapon_pickup.wav"
"drop_sound" "ui/item_wood_weapon_drop.wav"
First person finally compiled. Weird faceting on the model but honestly it's good for all I was looking to just test it. I'm not gonna worry too much about getting everything compiled as all I am submitting is the models and textures anyways :P
Yeah I mentioned that :P "First person finally compiled. Weird faceting on the model.." it got rid of the smoothing groups on the model for some reason.
I just wanted to see it in first person. I already know it looks fine from the world view.. so I'm not gonna bother messing with the V_ files since it keeps getting all weird effects.
p.s. if you've played since yesterday's update, there's an interesting little slip of information on that loadout screen that random suggests different classes to try out. Gilboron's idea really wouldn't work then
Possible? That mate's a sheila.
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He puts the BANZAI into Bonsai.
But yes i agree in this pack the whole flower theme would not suit.