Ok, textures are ready. I can't seem to get Maya's CGFX shader to work with either Brice or Kodde's shaders so you'll have to wait for monsieur Sparkwire to slot them into his file, if he'd be so kind.
I don't like that much. Mechanically the idea may have a little potential, but it doesn't have a very interesting appearance. Plus I'll get loads of people asking me why I'm giving the medic a screwdriver
My plan is to combine the blood letting and snake oil ideas into one device. Something that collects blood from enemies and processes it into a therapeutic elixir. Which is more or less what the Ubersaw does already, mine will just have a more elegant design with a decidedly different shape.
Spent some time fiddling about in Maya and came up with this.
It's mostly just cubes stuck together at the moment, but I think as a design it works reasonably well. I don't have a lot of time to ruminate so it might have to do. I'll work in a bunch of elements from existing antique medical tools along with a some inspiration from Doctor Grordbort's weapon designs.
EDIT: Got a few crits that the design is too complicated. might try to strip it back a bit.
Alright, the stabby thing mach 2.
Streamlined it down to the essentials. Still needs a few little bits and pieces- something to hold the boiler onto the main structure and perhaps a dial thing to sit on top.
The melee weapon seems to be coming along really nicely. Only thing I might suggest is to make the boiler a little bit less wide. Other than that it looks great.
On a side note, Are you going to have the bottle fill up with liquid? (like how the syringe on the ubersaw grows in proportion to your ubercharge)
Been thinking the design is a bit muddy and the purpose pf the device not really clear. I mean it's obvious that it's for poking people with but the other elements are a bit nebulous. I think the bottle needs to take centre stage.
I'll have a bit more of a think about it. Time wise, I'm probably going to have to go with something simpler anyway, so we'll see what happens.
Gah. Alright, things have just gotten more complicated. I won't bore you with the specifics, but I've suddenly got much, much less time to work on this thing. Time for desperate measures. I should be able to get the hat done. It's mostly modelled already care of a couple of lunch hours, but there's not sufficient time to finish the melee weapon. I think I'm going to have to go with a simple miscellaneous item. No idea what to do though. Sprig of edelweiss? I dunno
Well, It's been a fun competition gentlemen. I have a few days worth of work left to do and 0 spare time before Midnight PST, so I'll have to get this stuff sorted and hand it in when I can after the due date.
Thanks for the support and best of luck to the rest of you
Time to concept up the next weapon.
My plan is to combine the blood letting and snake oil ideas into one device. Something that collects blood from enemies and processes it into a therapeutic elixir. Which is more or less what the Ubersaw does already, mine will just have a more elegant design with a decidedly different shape.
It's mostly just cubes stuck together at the moment, but I think as a design it works reasonably well. I don't have a lot of time to ruminate so it might have to do. I'll work in a bunch of elements from existing antique medical tools along with a some inspiration from Doctor Grordbort's weapon designs.
EDIT: Got a few crits that the design is too complicated. might try to strip it back a bit.
Streamlined it down to the essentials. Still needs a few little bits and pieces- something to hold the boiler onto the main structure and perhaps a dial thing to sit on top.
On a side note, Are you going to have the bottle fill up with liquid? (like how the syringe on the ubersaw grows in proportion to your ubercharge)
It made me shiver when I first saw it.
Awesome. Perfect for the Medic.
I'll have a bit more of a think about it. Time wise, I'm probably going to have to go with something simpler anyway, so we'll see what happens.
This kinda sucks.
Still got about 150 polys to play with
This or a stethoscope around Medic's neck is probably the best way to go for misc.
I dunno, just looks weird having all of those leeches sticking out of the wall.
Thanks for the support and best of luck to the rest of you