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TF2 - Polypack - Treythepunkid


Hey guys. I'm no master at Photoshop, but i decided to give one of those fake update pages a try. I suck at writing so if i make any spelling mistakes/bad jokes just ignore them.

Anyway here it is!

NOTE: I have been having image trouble lately. If my promo does not show up below please wait, chances are i'm trying to fix it.

Also, make sure you fix up your urls if you posted it anywhere!


Thanks Jonny6 for the time you could host my image on your website and sorry about your bandwidth!

The Didgeri-Die



The Australian Toothache



Damn Valve and there upside down worldmodel sorcery


The Bushmans Rule

Hey hey, look at these pearly whites!



Well here it is,



Side Projects

The Demomans Bagpipes



Youtube video of Jigglebones.

Download here!



Hey guys, thought i might take a stab at this contest.

Im going to be doing a full aboriginal update to the Sniper.

The Bushmans Rule
Plays off the taunt he yells some times.
Will look similar to this
But with teeth strung from it.

I will be a misc item.

Didgeri-Doom or Didgeri-Die Rifle
Basiclly it will be a didgeridoo sniper rifle with cool patterns on it like this.

And last but not least.

Yet to be named hat
This hat will be a cool aboriginal headdress he can wear.
It will look something like this

Thanks for checking it out, and expect more updates soon!


  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Could perhaps use the didg as a blow-pipe variant on the Huntsman.
  • treythepunkid
    Jackablade wrote: »
    Could perhaps use the didg as a blow-pipe variant on the Huntsman.

    Hmm I like the idea, maybe have him hold it like the huntsman (Have some sort of handle at the end then have some sort of plunger and rubber system at the other end) so I can use the existing animations. I will have to play around with it :)
  • treythepunkid
    Hey Guys, time for update 1!


  • treythepunkid
    Hey again. Lets just call this update 1.5


    Basically i have finished will all the major mesh work. Now i will go in a detail abit.

    I have also fixed it up so it should work smoothly with the original sniper rifle animations.
  • treythepunkid
    Hey guys,

    Time for update two.

    I have been playing around with some of the sounds for the Didgeri-Die. Here they are!

    Normal Shot

    Crit Shot

    Also here is a idea of perks for the rifle.

    -No Bullet Charge Up

    -Can Penetrate Multiple Enemies

    -Damage is given based on how far you are from the victim. The farther away you are from the enemy the more damage you will do (only applys to zoom)

    Tell me what you think?
  • treythepunkid
    Hey guys, could someone answer this question for me?

    Does a Misc item count as a hat? I don't mind doing a machete replacement if it does, but i want to know now if its worth doing.
  • Fragus
    Hey guys, could someone answer this question for me?

    Does a Misc item count as a hat? I don't mind doing a machete replacement if it does, but i want to know now if its worth doing.
    emmm...misc is a misc,as with the new Pyro hat (whiskered Gentleman) it was a hat first, but then it became a misc.
  • The One Free-man
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    The One Free-man polycounter lvl 8
    Hah, bloody hell, i was about to make a blow-pipe 'n all!
    It was going to have a similar name and everything, good to know it's going to be made by someone skilled!
    All of my sketches for one never had a handle, so it's interesting to see your solution for attaching one.
    I guess my design was a little unusual because of my added "extra" which i'm sure you could use should a stroke of madness strike you, and that is instead of the sniper blowing into it, why not have a leaky potentially dangerous lung-emulating gas canister on the side, delivering shots of air through a pipe? (maybe with joke-shop styled lips on the end?)
    I had imagined the darts to be fed through the front during reloading to compensate for this, and a trigger or a button to fire it.
    For the design i had also thought that the slightly rusty brackets for the canister would hide the beautifull art work, to tf2 style humorous effect.
    Oh and the name for mine was "The Didgerideath"
    In fact i'd sent this idea to robin a while ago, yet he never replied, probably in pure disgust.
    Anyway sorry for flooding you with my possibly-horrible ideas, it's just cool to see someone doing this.
  • treythepunkid
    Hah, bloody hell, i was about to make a blow-pipe 'n all!
    It was going to have a similar name and everything, good to know it's going to be made by someone skilled!
    All of my sketches for one never had a handle, so it's interesting to see your solution for attaching one.
    I guess my design was a little unusual because of my added "extra" which i'm sure you could use should a stroke of madness strike you, and that is instead of the sniper blowing into it, why not have a leaky potentially dangerous lung-emulating gas canister on the side, delivering shots of air through a pipe? (maybe with joke-shop styled lips on the end?)
    I had imagined the darts to be fed through the front during reloading to compensate for this, and a trigger or a button to fire it.
    For the design i had also thought that the slightly rusty brackets for the canister would hide the beautifull art work, to tf2 style humorous effect.
    Oh and the name for mine was "The Didgerideath"
    In fact i'd sent this idea to robin a while ago, yet he never replied, probably in pure disgust.
    Anyway sorry for flooding you with my possibly-horrible ideas, it's just cool to see someone doing this.

    No problem man, flood away.

    To be honest i love your idea, the gas canister detail is genius! I'm thinking of reworking my rifle to use less copy and paste from Valves models (Even though they have said they don't mind it).

    Btw guys, im also going to go ahead and plan to make a machete replacement. Just incase!
  • treythepunkid
    Hey guys, i need some opinions on this one.

    I'm thinking of redoing the Didgeri-Die and making it all by hand instead of copying and pasting from Valve.

    So which one looks better?

    This one?


    Or the other one?
  • MacD11
    Hey guys, i need some opinions on this one.

    I'm thinking of redoing the Didgeri-Die and making it all by hand instead of copying and pasting from Valve.

    So which one looks better?

    This one?


    Or the other one?

    picture wont load,ill just say stick with the valve one,maybe add a few details like no flipup for scope and make the stock have a hole in it.it might be a bit different then.maybe some recoloring in the original sniper parts too?
  • treythepunkid
    Is the image loading for anyone else?
  • Ya Mum Nz
    trey i like this me and you have been bringing up ideas i dont think it needs a change apart from the didgery doo to be a bit thicker like the hole where the barrel is i think we need to use some of the ideas that we have been thinking about i wish i could show you but im not good at making things on this but i really think you could win with what you got i think the sniper needs a story for this one like even a valve made movie! because the story i was thinking is like it starts of with him in a chair looking threw his scope but he has his kuriki as a mirror then he sees that a demo man with his sword is comming up behind him and is about to swing but then the sniper turns around and puts the sniper up then the barrel gets cut off the sniper then the demo man goes for another swing but the sniper rolls out of the way but the scope gets cut off so the sniper keeps running till he gets to his campervan then he gets into it and closes the door and then the sniper is looking around and sees a didgery doo on the ground in his campervan then you see the sniper smile and then it cuts to a shot of the camervan outside with the demo and you hear sawing noises and stuff then the demo is trying to look inside to see whats happening then the demo man goes to the front of the campervan and looks through the front window then you hear boom headshot then you hear the shooting noise or even blow the demos head away
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    I can see it.

    You'll definitely need to run with the rebuilt one if you want it to be eligible for the competition.
  • treythepunkid
    Jackablade wrote: »
    I can see it.

    You'll definitely need to run with the rebuilt one if you want it to be eligible for the competition.

    Coolieo. I felt so dirt just copying the rifle and putting a Didgeridoo on it.

    Here is the progress of the rebuilt one.

  • treythepunkid
    One last update before i head off to bed.

    Playing with some damage to the Didgeridoo

    Cutting out the shell ejector
  • treythepunkid
    Another update




    Now time to unwrap that UV...
  • Khthon
    A thought: what about no 'scope'? You could put a smaller didgeridoo jury-rigged onto the larger one with a glass scope stuck in it. It could even just be cosmetic and the weapon could be scope-less.

    I really like the sounds you edited together, would make for very distinctive gameplay. If there is no laser dot/arrows in the wall to warn players a sniper is about, there should be some other warning. Perhaps a droning didgeridoo noise could emanate from the sniper's position when he's aiming with the Didgeri-Die.
  • treythepunkid
    Hey guys, most mesh work for the viewmodel is done, i will probably add in some type of detail on the boring bits of the Didgeridoo later.

    Here are some images!


    Shell ejection area

    Grip for the sniper to hold
  • treythepunkid
    Yeahhh update. Texture time!!!



    Sure some of the edges normals are hard where they should be soft, and some of the seems are visible (Thanks to the baked AO) but its still a WIP so bear with me.
  • Karkasmolenklok
    Looking nice. The stock seems kind of plain by comparison though. I really do like the trigger guard and shortened scope.
  • treythepunkid
    Looking nice. The stock seems kind of plain by comparison though. I really do like the trigger guard and shortened scope.

    Thanks man, and I do agree the stock does seem plain compared to the gun itself. I will put that at the top of my list of things to pretty up.
  • Snex
    I really like the name of your gun, very clever. I think you should reduce the circumference of the didgeridoo it seems a bit to fat for the rifle inside it.
  • treythepunkid
    Snex wrote: »
    I really like the name of your gun, very clever. I think you should reduce the circumference of the didgeridoo it seems a bit to fat for the rifle inside it.

    Thanks for the feedback!

    How do you mean? I felt that making it any smaller would make it feel congested. I think the proportions for the Didgeridoo are close enough to being a realistic scale.
  • Snex
    Well the Digeridoo is made to fit around the mouth and is roughly around 25cm in circumference, so around the size of your fist. Your design seems that you could probably fit your arm down it. just my observation :)
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    They do vary quite a bit given that they're usually made from a hollowed out tree branch. You should be concerned more about silhouette than realism anyway when it comes to TF2 items. I think it's looking rather good as it is.
  • EvilShadow777
    Loving how the Scope fits onto the Digeridoo. As said before, I think you should just do something to the Stock and you'll have a nice, complete weapon on your hands.
  • re.wind
    That's a lovely bamboo-sniper >;-)

    No really, its a very nice model & texture. Fits the crazy Australian sniper very well.
  • treythepunkid
    Hey, thanks guys.

    Had some complaints of it seeming a little bland on the barrel so i tryed to "Aboriginal" it up a bit.


  • treythepunkid
    Hey, thanks guys.

    Had some complaints of it seeming a little bland on the barrel so i tryed to "Aboriginal" it up a bit.



    Hmm just noticed that the lizards outline is a bit thick, I will thin that out in a bit.

    Ahh why did i quote myself i meant to hit edit. My bad.
  • Psyke
    maybe indicate the end of the barrel with some of those white dots in a singular "loop" painted near the end?
  • Kirb
    The lightning-shaped hole closest to the stock seems a little too manufactured, maybe if you added some additional damage detail on the maps around the hole it would look a bit better.

    I like the dots and the aboriginal detail added to it.
  • treythepunkid
    Psyke wrote: »
    maybe indicate the end of the barrel with some of those white dots in a singular "loop" painted near the end?


    Like this?
  • Psyke
    that looks better!

    man i'd love to see how this looks in game.
  • EvilShadow777
    Yea, the barrel is looking rather nice. However by the stock I meant the back of the weapon, like where the handle and such is. Right now it's just very plain looking, even putting a small bit of damage on it would spruce it up.
  • treythepunkid
    Psyke wrote: »
    that looks better!

    man i'd love to see how this looks in game.

    I can't wait either! Btw, you know if there is any rule against uploading these skins to Fpsbanana ask re-skins before the contest is up? I would love to let people use it as a reskin of the sniper rifle as soon as i have a working viewmodel and worldmodel.
    Yea, the barrel is looking rather nice. However by the stock I meant the back of the weapon, like where the handle and such is. Right now it's just very plain looking, even putting a small bit of damage on it would spruce it up.

    Yeah yeah yeah, im on it!!!:poly124:

    In fact i will work on it now! :)
  • Psyke
    i'd play it safe and wait until the contest is over. just incase it effects your chances of being chosen

    plus if it was a skin, then an item..well...then you'd have folk with 2 of the same view model haha
  • treythepunkid
    Yea, the barrel is looking rather nice. However by the stock I meant the back of the weapon, like where the handle and such is. Right now it's just very plain looking, even putting a small bit of damage on it would spruce it up.

    Here you go, i will probably wait untill the final AO bake before i add AO to those cuts in the stock.

    Psyke wrote: »
    i'd play it safe and wait until the contest is over. just incase it effects your chances of being chosen

    plus if it was a skin, then an item..well...then you'd have folk with 2 of the same view model haha

    True, true. Better safe than sorry I guess. I will contact one of the officials of the contest and make sure its ok.
  • EvilShadow777
    Alright, it's coming along nice. A few chips like that seems to be enough to give it a more complete feel.
  • Steve Schulze
    Offline / Send Message
    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Had some complaints of it seeming a little bland on the barrel so i tryed to "Aboriginal" it up a bit.
    How about making the animals in team colours.
  • treythepunkid
    Alright, it's coming along nice. A few chips like that seems to be enough to give it a more complete feel.

    I see what you mean, it does really give it a nice touch.

    Btw i lied about the AO bake, i couldn't resist.


    Looks kinda funny close up
  • EvilShadow777
    Yea, the texture looks a bit odd but the simplicity fits TF2.
  • treythepunkid
    Yea, the texture looks a bit odd but the simplicity fits TF2.

    I just meant how the AO leaked out of the cuts. Thats all fixed now, i had to increase the texture from 512x512 to 1024x1024. 512 was just too little space on my UV.

    If anyones interested i have gotten help animating the Didgeri-Die from a friend named Sparkwire.

    He made a quick video of the animations ingame along with the jigglebones.

  • EvilShadow777
    Beautiful, definitely seems complete. I'd wait for more feedback from other people unless no one else responds, however, I think it's safe to move on to something else for now and come back if you feel it needs anymore work.
    Offline / Send Message
    POFFINGTON polycounter lvl 11
    wow the in game looks fantastic! Good job mate!
  • nrek
    Offline / Send Message
    nrek polycounter lvl 14
    Wow dude that looks great in the game, the jiggle bones on the scope really make it awesome. Is the black stuff sticking out near his thumb on the front just some skinning errors?
  • treythepunkid
    Thanks guys, but i cant take all the credit. Sparkwire was the one who rigged, animated and added jigglebones to that beast!

    EvilShadow is right, i think its time i move onto the next weapon. The machete.

    I might try my hand at those fancy silhouettes people seem to be showing off with.
  • EvilShadow777
    Now that you point it out, that black wire wasn't in any of your models or drawings, but it looks great either way stamps on a bit of interest and the way it goes in gives the wonder that some of the old TF2 weapons had, like the Soldier's rocket launcher design and how the Sniper Rifle scope was charged.

    At least, it looks like a wire. Could be a handle or something.

    Edit: Silhouette idea sounds great, that tends to work out most of the time for early concept.
  • treythepunkid
    nrek wrote: »
    Wow dude that looks great in the game, the jiggle bones on the scope really make it awesome. Is the black stuff sticking out near his thumb on the front just some skinning errors?

    Thanks man, the black thing is supposed to be a Spys knife that has been dug into the didgeridoo.

    I'm going to get Sparkwire to make a septate version that does not have it, seeing as;

    A. There is a rule against using Valves models and coping and pasting.

    B. As it is now, its kinda funny looking

    C. Having it removed was one of the only things people seemed to agree on in the last stages of feedback.

    I love the idea of it, but it think it might just complicate the model further.
  • SixTwoSixFour
    To be honest, when I first heard your idea, the whole aboriginal theme, I didn't really care for it. I come back on a whim to see how it's going... and hot damn that rifle... dart... thing... looks awesome! Way to totally prove me wrong =)
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