Fake achievements just for fun took me a while to make them all, tell me what ya think Scudz - From Hell's Heat I Stab at She! - Kill a Pyro with Hell's Heart while you are on fire.
Wailer - Kill a player you're dominating with the White Wailer.
Ye Damned Wanker - Taunt over a fallen enemy with Hell's Heart.
Literary Revenge - Get revenge on your Nemesis and taunt with the White Wailer.
Metaphor Master - Kill 25 enemies with the White Wailer, Harpooner's Handgun and Hell's Heart combined.
Ocean Devotion - Kill 50 enemies with the White Wailer, Harpooner's Handgun and Hell's Heart combined.
Married to the Sea - Kill 1000 enemies with the White Wailer, Harpooner's Handgun and Hell's Heart combined.
Man Versus Nature - Kill 3 enemies while they are in water and you are not.
Non-Albino Wino - Kill 15 Demomen with the White Wailer.
Har-Boom Gun - Kill a 25 Demomen and Soldiers with the White Wailer.
Only One Captain Per Ship - Kill a Sniper using the White Wailer with the White Wailer.
Sea Legs Beat Pee Legs - While Jarateed, kill the enemy Sniper that jarateed you with the White Wailer.
Admirable Admiral - Kill 3 enemies in one life with the White Wailer, Harpooner's Handgun and/or Hell's Heart.
Hurtmann MelKille- Kill 12 enemies in one life with the White Wailer, Harpooner's Handgun and/or Hell's Heart.
The Seven Seas Versus The Nine Ninnies - Kill one of each class with the White Wailer.
Go to Hell - Kill a Spy with Hell's Heart who has damaged you or broken your Razorback in the last 5 seconds.
A Noble Craft, Most Melancholy - Taunt with Hell's Heart after 10 kills.
Ignorance is the Parent of Fear - Spy-check 20 people with Hell's Heart who aren't Spies.
S.ubmarine M.achine G.unner - Kill 10 enemies with the Harpooner's Handgun.
Whale Hunting - Kill 10 Heavies with the White Wailer.
Nuke The Whales - Kill 25 Heavies with the White Wailer.
Marine Mammal Mastery - Kill 50 Heavies with the White Wailer.
Blowhole Steamroll - Dominate 3 people at once while using the White Wailer.
Peg Legs vs Fast Legs - Kill 5 Scouts with the White Wailer.
Tadpole Terrorizer - Kill 15 Scouts with the White Wailer.
Scout Skewer - Kill 25 Scouts with the White Wailer.
Call Me Pishmael - Kill 10 jarateed enemies (doesn't have to be your jarate) with the White Wailer.
20000 Leagues Under the Pee - Kill 20 jarateed enemies (doesn't have to be your jarate) with the White Wailer.
Ahab's Ace - Hit an enemy with the White Wailer then kill them with the Harpooner's Handgun.
Ahab's A+ Aim - Kill an enemy with an unscoped shot from the White Wailer.
Captain Cooperation - Assist in killing 25 enemies with the Harpooner's Handgun and Hell's Heart.
Captain Aide-hab - Assist in killing 50 enemies with the Harpooner's Handgun and Hell's Heart.
Oh, man, your just great! I love the hat and burns. Too much great compitition between the sniper packs. Friad only thing I can get is Rookie Allstar or something like that.
I think I painted that one right at 512, I did most of em final size and the only reason the wailer was 1024 was cause I wasn't paying attention and saved the uv's at 1024. I don't know if want the hassle of trying to upscale the res without it getting all blurry only to have valve scale it back down to 512 anyway.
trey: thanks man that's much too kind. and I don't even want to get into how wishfull that thinking is :poly122:
Hm. I accidently saved my furcap.TGA at 512 and scaled it back down to 256 okay. I went to image>scale image> and I changed the dpi higher and scaled it down. You post your map as a tga i can scale it for you, and it you like it, you can keep it.
i could be horribly wrong, but I don't think dpi really matters. The most you'll get out of a 512x2 is a 512x2. Simple putting the dpi higher would only affect the document size in inches since dpi means "dots per inch*, which is only a worry for print really.
that's much too kind. and I don't even want to get into how wishfull that thinking is :poly122:
You really believe that? You have one of the most cohesive themes, you have great models, a bottomless well of humor in the form of Moby Dick references...I don't see your stuff NOT getting in if Valve has any brains, to be honest. :poly142:
Sparkwire, I included all the smd's you sent me along with my models and listed you as compiler/animator on them. Your Help has been phenominal.
Psyke, I included your kill icons with the mat pack and listed you as creator, you rock sir.
Khthon, your support and idea's have been a great source of inspiration through this whole crazy affair, cheers mate!
oh and for the record (from my readme):
So what the heck does a 19th century literary character have to do with an australian marksman anyway?
While the connection may not seem apperant at first, it's the spirit of character our sharpshooter connects with.
The single-minded passion that guides Ahabs fury towards his target. His ability to focus on one goal above all others,
and his unquenchable need for revenge against "the thing behind the mask". With the 1956 Gregory Peck film fresh
in theater's around the world, the Sniper has found a sense of kinship where Ahabs vengeance against the whale
is analogous to his own struggle against our large pale russian. While most of the items are failrly obvious
in orgin, the Wailer came out of a long standing desire to create a gas powered harpoon gun reminiscent of the one used
in the introduction of Captain Nemo in Alan Moore's League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.
Man thats awesome. I think you deserve to win. Really. I dont want to be mean to the others, but youve come pretty far during this, man, Its just awesome. Valves gotta be a numbnut to not pick this for the creativity and art.
nrek: y'know, it took me about 2 hours and 6 re-writes to put those words together, and I still forgot the whole air-pirates of the 1950's angle to the visual design that was supposed to tie this and several future idea's together. thanks for stopping by though, hopefully will be able to compare knives at some point;)
'Skudz', I applaud you. You're an industrious, energetic, cheerful labourer.
You've fashioned a number of remarkable 3D models for a video game, during a contest. You did, as the 'Heavy Weapons Guy' will say, well.
However.. people such as yourself.. there is a pattern to them which may be left to the word 'shortsighted' or 'blinkered' to describe.
As they say: do not get me wrong. Your crafts are terrific but, to use the base colloquial for a moment, and please forgive me:
What the fuck does mid-nineteenth-century New England and nautical endeavour have to do with the strong, wholesome idiom of the nineteen-sixties midwest? What the fuck were you thinking?
Bioshock this ain't, darling.
I will apologise.
One could hesitantly advance a word of praise that this is all rather 'clever' but what it seems to be more than 'clever' is pretentious.
You're imposing a pronounced individual lens onto an amorphous caricature.
If it is not arrogant, it is only because your naivete absolves you.
Further: you've gone to great lengths to accommodate the business of admittance. People have drawn kill-icons, sketched achievements, et cetera. I would not find surprise had your friends rallied to submit a series of sounds and animations or beyond.
Do you realise the amount of pressure, of nearly rude, tasteless weight this puts on the shoulders of those who must decide who is to have their items of this contest seized and those who will not?
I hope Valve is comfortable with the prospect of deflating exhaustingly the spirits of people such as yourself or, better yet, that you never took this that seriously in the first place to be too bothered by refusal.
In any event, in the case that the Team Fortress Two development team approves, it would be doubtless amongst severe trepidation and reluctance, nearly by the force of sheer insistent coercion on your part, ruthless disinhibition on theirs.
Meanwhile, the thesis here is: moderation. Don't invest too much time in these things and always remember to yourself to understand the 'big picture', if you will, if you can.
It's cute, your project and I mean not to insult it. It'd be wisely uploaded to the databases of client modification websites such as the 'Banana' series but certainly not to the Steam Cloud servers. Forgive me.
I will hope this is of aid, if not: 'Oh, well.'
P.S.: This is all written by one protective of the integrity of canvasses to which any rogue tampering threatens to stain. The game is beginning to be steered from its original idea and something as wildly radical as this would serve only to cross the threshold into a plane of absurd pageantry.
Any hostility ought to be precieved primarily through the prism of authoritarian demand that what might be called 'art' by some be respected and not tarnished by the throes of the proud impresario's restlessness.
In more concrete language: You aren't merely expanding the game's narrative aesthetically as many others do, you are imperiously flooding the themes with a wholly disparate idea connected to the true body by the most tenuous of associations and this declares a sort of disrespect -- a danger obnoxious.
I think if you honed your habits to conform a bit more to a project's identity, you could do spectacular things.
'Skudz', I applaud you. You're an industrious, energetic, cheerful labourer.
You've fashioned a number of remarkable 3D models for a video game, during a contest. You did, as the 'Heavy Weapons Guy' will say, well.
However.. people such as yourself.. there is a pattern to them which may be left to the word 'shortsighted' or 'blinkered' to describe.
As they say: do not get me wrong. Your crafts are terrific but, to use the base colloquial for a moment, and please forgive me:
What the fuck does mid-nineteenth-century New England and nautical endeavour have to do with the strong, wholesome idiom of the nineteen-sixties midwest? What the fuck were you thinking?
Bioshock this ain't, darling.
I will apologise.
One could hesitantly advance a word of praise that this is all rather 'clever' but what it seems to be more than 'clever' is pretentious.
You're imposing a pronounced individual lens onto an amorphous caricature.
If it is not arrogant, it is only because your naivete absolves you.
Further: you've gone to great lengths to accommodate the business of admittance. People have drawn kill-icons, sketched achievements, et cetera. I would not find surprise had your friends rallied to submit a series of sounds and animations or beyond.
Do you realise the amount of pressure, of nearly rude, tasteless weight this puts on the shoulders of those who must decide who is to have their items of this contest seized and those who will not?
I hope Valve is comfortable with the prospect of deflating exhaustingly the spirits of people such as yourself or, better yet, that you never took this that seriously in the first place to be too bothered by refusal.
In any event, in the case that the Team Fortress Two development team approves, it would be doubtless amongst severe trepidation and reluctance, nearly by the force of sheer insistent coercion on your part, ruthless disinhibition on theirs.
Meanwhile, the thesis here is: moderation. Don't invest too much time in these things and always remember to yourself to understand the 'big picture', if you will, if you can.
It's cute, your project and I mean not to insult it. It'd be wisely uploaded to the databases of client modification websites such as the 'Banana' series but certainly not to the Steam Cloud servers.
Forgive me.
I will hope this is of aid, if not: 'Oh, well.'
P.S.: This is all written by one protective of the integrity of canvasses to which any rogue tampering threatens to stain. The game is beginning to be steered from its original idea and something as wildly radical as this would serve only to cross the threshold into a plane of absurd pageantry.
Any hostility ought to be precieved primarily through the prism of authoritarian demand that what might be called 'art' by some be respected and not tarnished by the throes of the proud impresario's restlessness.
In more concrete language: You aren't merely expanding the game's narrative aesthetically as many others do, you are imperiously flooding the themes with a wholly disparate idea connected to the true body by the most tenuous of associations and this declares a sort of disrespect -- a danger obnoxious.
I think if you honed your habits to conform a bit more to a project's identity, you could do spectacular things.
well first of all you spelt my name wrong there Webster,
secondly: what?
did you actually dig this thread up from page 8 where it was happily buried awaiting it's trip to obscutiry just to tell me how terrified you are that the developers of the game are going to feel pressured into releasing this pack because a couple other pleople supported it? (and not to put to fine a point on it but they've contributed to more than a couple of these entries) I'm not even going to mention how it barely even shows up more than once or twice outside of this thread itself (well except the last couple news updates, thanks pc )
seriously? this is how you spend your time?
hey do you remember that scene in Highlander 2 when Micheal Ironside is getting all pissy at Chris Lambert about how he'll never make it back to whatever-the-fuck planet they were from? and then Chris is like, "listen you fucking moron, I was happy here, I didn't want to go, and then you sent your little goons over and now I have to!" and then Micheal Ironside just stands there with his mouth hanging open looking like the stupidest fucker ever??
do you?
I absolutely love tf2, it's one of the only multiplayer games I play on any system and wether you believe it or not (because you obviously care) I did actually consider the ramifications of how this would, or could work within tf2's asthetic. If you look at how the weapons are designed, they are most certainly not...
Actually no, you know what? Spend half the time it took you to write all that and actually flip through the thread cause I've explained quite clearly how it connects to the world and even Simski isn't complaining.
I really am sorry that the fear of this pack getting in has you so worried, but dude if you don't want it that badly then all I can say is:
Don't use it. Find a vanilla server of like-minded gamers and play the game the way you think it was intended.
Well, the game WAS intended to be played in his first version, whithout the goofy hats and new weapons. And I think the game had more personnality back then.
But I do like the way it is now.
And right now, if valve is ok with giving a sword and a shield to the demoman, I don't see why they would refuse giving a harpoon gun to the sniper. I personnaly think it's really cool, original and funny.
I suggest you aim your hostility towards the very creators of this art direction that is to you most dear, for it is THEY who have slowly but carefully stridden off the artistic path they so carefully paved in years past. They, and only they have to power to decide what does and what does not enter the world of Team Fortress 2, and as such they are the only ones to blame for this "rogueish tampering" that has brought the aesthetic feel of the game from its initial condition to its present.
Do not condemn the bounty hunter just because you do not approve of his ways! The reward is a hefty one, and one to be claimed by any means necessary.
well first of all you spelt my name wrong there Webster,
I'm sorry, 'Scudz'.
secondly: what?
did you actually dig this thread up from page 8 where it was happily buried awaiting it's trip to obscutiry [No, this thread was actually the third featured in a recent 'blog' post surveying the course of the contest. That such abscess would be selected as exemplary was for my discomfit.] just to tell me how terrified you are that the developers of the game are going to feel pressured into releasing this pack because a couple other pleople supported it? (and not to put to fine a point on it but they've contributed to more than a couple of these entries) I'm not even going to mention how it barely even shows up more than once or twice outside of this thread itself (well except the last couple news updates, thanks pc )
seriously? this is how you spend your time?
Sure. Is this how you spend yours?
hey do you remember that scene in Highlander 2 when Micheal Ironside is getting all pissy at Chris Lambert about how he'll never make it back to whatever-the-fuck planet they were from? and then Chris is like, "listen you fucking moron, I was happy here, I didn't want to go, and then you sent your little goons over and now I have to!" and then Micheal Ironside just stands there with his mouth hanging open looking like the stupidest fucker ever??
do you?
No, I don't remember that.
I absolutely love tf2, it's one of the only multiplayer games I play on any system and wether you believe it or not (because you obviously care) I did actually consider the ramifications of how this would, or could work within tf2's asthetic. If you look at how the weapons are designed, they are most certainly not...
Actually no, you know what? Spend half the time it took you to write all that [Two and a half minutes this thread deserves not thrice but I pity it, hence this whole affair.]and actually flip through the thread cause I've explained quite clearly how it connects to the world and even Simski isn't complaining.
I read your reasons. I addressed them. See: 'connected to the true body by the most tenuous of associations'.
I really am sorry that the fear of this pack getting in has you so worried, but dude if you don't want it that badly then all I can say is:
Don't use it. Find a vanilla server of like-minded gamers and play the game the way you think it was intended.
I won't have to worry about that inconvenience. The arbiters of this contest are not fools and though you may tickle them, obscenities of this order will never prevail as long as common sensibilities survive.
About the other posts: only the following beckons an aside:
...who have slowly but carefully stridden off the artistic path they so carefully paved in years past.
I'm glad you two are practicing the etiquette of the lesser, the servant, in asking for excuse to leave for your trifles, but my pleasure ends here, for otherwise the gesture insults me. We're equals. You're not my subordinate: there's no need. Please. I blush.
However my complaints are not with the quality of his models, textures or anything like that.
I feel this pack suffers the same issue as the "Big Chief" entry, the models are really good... but the theme's relation to the character is extremely vague.
I hate to be a party-pooper, but I just don't like when the themes are far-fetched.
Man, you just don't get high-class trolls like this too often.
You don't mean me right though ?
I don't want to troll... I just can't bring myself to not be honest about how I feel.
I'm terribly sorry Scudz, I just feel that the theme needs to work without a backstory.
It should fit the character without having to have an explanation to us why it fits, it needs to be more obvious.
You don't mean me right though ?
I don't want to troll... I just can't bring myself to not be honest about how I feel.
I'm terribly sorry Scudz, I just feel that the theme needs to work without a backstory.
It should fit the character without having to have an explanation to us why it fits, it needs to be more obvious.
No not you, I mean this Spectator dude. I made my post a little too late, shoulda quoted.
No I don't mean your a troll Simski, I was just refering to you having a strong and vocal oppinion about what you feel belongs in the game and what doesn't. Clearly there are camps on both sides of the issue and while I've rolled my eye's more than once at some of your replies to various entries (ie the engie using a revolver) you're absolutely entitled to your oppinion; which has always been pretty clear and concise
Ultimately it entirely irrelevant anyway because it's Valve's decision what goes in and what doesn't.
Y'know Norron, I honestly don't think I have ever felt so validated as an artist before this.
Spectator: oof, internet spell-checking, i guess you win.
well first of all you spelt my name wrong there Webster,
I'm sorry, 'Scudz'. Thanks:)
secondly: what?
did you actually dig this thread up from page 8 where it was happily buried awaiting it's trip to obscutiry [No, this thread was actually the third featured in a recent 'blog' post surveying the course of the contest. That such abscess would be selected as exemplary was for my discomfit.]Those bastards! just to tell me how terrified you are that the developers of the game are going to feel pressured into releasing this pack because a couple other pleople supported it? (and not to put to fine a point on it but they've contributed to more than a couple of these entries) I'm not even going to mention how it barely even shows up more than once or twice outside of this thread itself (well except the last couple news updates, thanks pc )
seriously? this is how you spend your time?
Sure. Is this how you spend yours? Replying to a comment in a thread I started? Yup:)
hey do you remember that scene in Highlander 2 when Micheal Ironside is getting all pissy at Chris Lambert about how he'll never make it back to whatever-the-fuck planet they were from? and then Chris is like, "listen you fucking moron, I was happy here, I didn't want to go, and then you sent your little goons over and now I have to!" and then Micheal Ironside just stands there with his mouth hanging open looking like the stupidest fucker ever??
do you?
No, I don't remember that. You should check it out.
I absolutely love tf2, it's one of the only multiplayer games I play on any system and wether you believe it or not (because you obviously care) I did actually consider the ramifications of how this would, or could work within tf2's asthetic. If you look at how the weapons are designed, they are most certainly not...
Actually no, you know what? Spend half the time it took you to write all that [Two and a half minutes this thread deserves not thrice but I pity it, hence this whole affair.]Well clearly you gave it some thought then.and actually flip through the thread cause I've explained quite clearly how it connects to the world and even Simski isn't complaining.
I read your reasons. I addressed them. See: 'connected to the true body by the most tenuous of associations'. You read 12 pages in 2 and a half minutes?
I really am sorry that the fear of this pack getting in has you so worried, but dude if you don't want it that badly then all I can say is:
Don't use it. Find a vanilla server of like-minded gamers and play the game the way you think it was intended.
I won't have to worry about that inconvenience. The arbiters of this contest are not fools and though you may tickle them, obscenities of this order will never prevail as long as common sensibilities survive. So, wait a minute here and lets see if my offensive little brain can figure this out, lest I forget the "big picture".
Ok, now these are your words here: "you've gone to great lengths to accommodate the business of admittance. People have drawn kill-icons, sketched achievements, et cetera. I would not find surprise had your friends rallied to submit a series of sounds and animations or beyond.
in the case that the Team Fortress Two development team approves, it would be doubtless amongst severe trepidation and reluctance, nearly by the force of sheer insistent coercion on your part, ruthless disinhibition on theirs."
So, you're worried that I'm going to pester them with so much humour and audience participation that they will feel bullied into picking my entry? Even though: "The arbiters of this contest are not fools and though you may tickle them, obscenities of this order will never prevail as long as common sensibilities survive."
About the other posts: only the following beckons an aside:
...who have slowly but carefully stridden off the artistic path they so carefully paved in years past.
I'm glad you two are practicing the etiquette of the lesser, the servant, in asking for excuse to leave for your trifles, but my pleasure ends here, for otherwise the gesture insults me. We're equals. You're not my subordinate: there's no need. Please. I blush.
You leave them the fuck alone and deal with me big guy.
edit- I'll probably come up with some fake achievements later for fun
From Hell's Heat I Stab at She! - Kill a Pyro with Hell's Heart while you are on fire.
Wailer - Kill a player you're dominating with the White Wailer.
Ye Damned Wanker - Taunt over a fallen enemy with Hell's Heart.
Literary Revenge - Get revenge on your Nemesis and taunt with the White Wailer.
Metaphor Master - Kill 25 enemies with the White Wailer, Harpooner's Handgun and Hell's Heart combined.
Ocean Devotion - Kill 50 enemies with the White Wailer, Harpooner's Handgun and Hell's Heart combined.
Married to the Sea - Kill 1000 enemies with the White Wailer, Harpooner's Handgun and Hell's Heart combined.
Man Versus Nature - Kill 3 enemies while they are in water and you are not.
Non-Albino Wino - Kill 15 Demomen with the White Wailer.
Har-Boom Gun - Kill a 25 Demomen and Soldiers with the White Wailer.
Only One Captain Per Ship - Kill a Sniper using the White Wailer with the White Wailer.
Sea Legs Beat Pee Legs - While Jarateed, kill the enemy Sniper that jarateed you with the White Wailer.
Admirable Admiral - Kill 3 enemies in one life with the White Wailer, Harpooner's Handgun and/or Hell's Heart.
Hurtmann MelKille- Kill 12 enemies in one life with the White Wailer, Harpooner's Handgun and/or Hell's Heart.
The Seven Seas Versus The Nine Ninnies - Kill one of each class with the White Wailer.
Go to Hell - Kill a Spy with Hell's Heart who has damaged you or broken your Razorback in the last 5 seconds.
A Noble Craft, Most Melancholy - Taunt with Hell's Heart after 10 kills.
Ignorance is the Parent of Fear - Spy-check 20 people with Hell's Heart who aren't Spies.
S.ubmarine M.achine G.unner - Kill 10 enemies with the Harpooner's Handgun.
Whale Hunting - Kill 10 Heavies with the White Wailer.
Nuke The Whales - Kill 25 Heavies with the White Wailer.
Marine Mammal Mastery - Kill 50 Heavies with the White Wailer.
Blowhole Steamroll - Dominate 3 people at once while using the White Wailer.
Peg Legs vs Fast Legs - Kill 5 Scouts with the White Wailer.
Tadpole Terrorizer - Kill 15 Scouts with the White Wailer.
Scout Skewer - Kill 25 Scouts with the White Wailer.
Call Me Pishmael - Kill 10 jarateed enemies (doesn't have to be your jarate) with the White Wailer.
20000 Leagues Under the Pee - Kill 20 jarateed enemies (doesn't have to be your jarate) with the White Wailer.
Ahab's Ace - Hit an enemy with the White Wailer then kill them with the Harpooner's Handgun.
Ahab's A+ Aim - Kill an enemy with an unscoped shot from the White Wailer.
Captain Cooperation - Assist in killing 25 enemies with the Harpooner's Handgun and Hell's Heart.
Captain Aide-hab - Assist in killing 50 enemies with the Harpooner's Handgun and Hell's Heart.
thanks Psyke
What's with the Sniper getting so much awesome?
boof, and 'yer done
This pack would go great with a few new lines from the Sniper's voice actor and some of those achievements Khthon was suggesting!
trey: thanks man that's much too kind. and I don't even want to get into how wishfull that thinking is :poly122:
so top is 1024, 72dpi. bottom is 512 128 dpi. both psd's
You really believe that? You have one of the most cohesive themes, you have great models, a bottomless well of humor in the form of Moby Dick references...I don't see your stuff NOT getting in if Valve has any brains, to be honest. :poly142:
Sparkwire, I included all the smd's you sent me along with my models and listed you as compiler/animator on them. Your Help has been phenominal.
Psyke, I included your kill icons with the mat pack and listed you as creator, you rock sir.
Khthon, your support and idea's have been a great source of inspiration through this whole crazy affair, cheers mate!
oh and for the record (from my readme):
So what the heck does a 19th century literary character have to do with an australian marksman anyway?
While the connection may not seem apperant at first, it's the spirit of character our sharpshooter connects with.
The single-minded passion that guides Ahabs fury towards his target. His ability to focus on one goal above all others,
and his unquenchable need for revenge against "the thing behind the mask". With the 1956 Gregory Peck film fresh
in theater's around the world, the Sniper has found a sense of kinship where Ahabs vengeance against the whale
is analogous to his own struggle against our large pale russian. While most of the items are failrly obvious
in orgin, the Wailer came out of a long standing desire to create a gas powered harpoon gun reminiscent of the one used
in the introduction of Captain Nemo in Alan Moore's League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.
Awesome pack!
nrek: y'know, it took me about 2 hours and 6 re-writes to put those words together, and I still forgot the whole air-pirates of the 1950's angle to the visual design that was supposed to tie this and several future idea's together. thanks for stopping by though, hopefully will be able to compare knives at some point;)
'Skudz', I applaud you. You're an industrious, energetic, cheerful labourer.
You've fashioned a number of remarkable 3D models for a video game, during a contest. You did, as the 'Heavy Weapons Guy' will say, well.
However.. people such as yourself.. there is a pattern to them which may be left to the word 'shortsighted' or 'blinkered' to describe.
As they say: do not get me wrong. Your crafts are terrific but, to use the base colloquial for a moment, and please forgive me:
What the fuck does mid-nineteenth-century New England and nautical endeavour have to do with the strong, wholesome idiom of the nineteen-sixties midwest? What the fuck were you thinking?
Bioshock this ain't, darling.
I will apologise.
One could hesitantly advance a word of praise that this is all rather 'clever' but what it seems to be more than 'clever' is pretentious.
You're imposing a pronounced individual lens onto an amorphous caricature.
If it is not arrogant, it is only because your naivete absolves you.
Further: you've gone to great lengths to accommodate the business of admittance. People have drawn kill-icons, sketched achievements, et cetera. I would not find surprise had your friends rallied to submit a series of sounds and animations or beyond.
Do you realise the amount of pressure, of nearly rude, tasteless weight this puts on the shoulders of those who must decide who is to have their items of this contest seized and those who will not?
I hope Valve is comfortable with the prospect of deflating exhaustingly the spirits of people such as yourself or, better yet, that you never took this that seriously in the first place to be too bothered by refusal.
In any event, in the case that the Team Fortress Two development team approves, it would be doubtless amongst severe trepidation and reluctance, nearly by the force of sheer insistent coercion on your part, ruthless disinhibition on theirs.
Meanwhile, the thesis here is: moderation. Don't invest too much time in these things and always remember to yourself to understand the 'big picture', if you will, if you can.
It's cute, your project and I mean not to insult it. It'd be wisely uploaded to the databases of client modification websites such as the 'Banana' series but certainly not to the Steam Cloud servers.
Forgive me.
I will hope this is of aid, if not: 'Oh, well.'
P.S.: This is all written by one protective of the integrity of canvasses to which any rogue tampering threatens to stain. The game is beginning to be steered from its original idea and something as wildly radical as this would serve only to cross the threshold into a plane of absurd pageantry.
Any hostility ought to be precieved primarily through the prism of authoritarian demand that what might be called 'art' by some be respected and not tarnished by the throes of the proud impresario's restlessness.
In more concrete language: You aren't merely expanding the game's narrative aesthetically as many others do, you are imperiously flooding the themes with a wholly disparate idea connected to the true body by the most tenuous of associations and this declares a sort of disrespect -- a danger obnoxious.
I think if you honed your habits to conform a bit more to a project's identity, you could do spectacular things.
So did you break out the dictionary just for that post? I haven't read something more clumsy and excessively worded in a long time.
Quite the dubious amount content within your almost dullard-like ramblings quite so!
quite so!
if you will excuse me i'm off to shoot a fox
well first of all you spelt my name wrong there Webster,
secondly: what?
did you actually dig this thread up from page 8 where it was happily buried awaiting it's trip to obscutiry just to tell me how terrified you are that the developers of the game are going to feel pressured into releasing this pack because a couple other pleople supported it? (and not to put to fine a point on it but they've contributed to more than a couple of these entries) I'm not even going to mention how it barely even shows up more than once or twice outside of this thread itself (well except the last couple news updates, thanks pc
seriously? this is how you spend your time?
hey do you remember that scene in Highlander 2 when Micheal Ironside is getting all pissy at Chris Lambert about how he'll never make it back to whatever-the-fuck planet they were from? and then Chris is like, "listen you fucking moron, I was happy here, I didn't want to go, and then you sent your little goons over and now I have to!" and then Micheal Ironside just stands there with his mouth hanging open looking like the stupidest fucker ever??
do you?
I absolutely love tf2, it's one of the only multiplayer games I play on any system and wether you believe it or not (because you obviously care) I did actually consider the ramifications of how this would, or could work within tf2's asthetic. If you look at how the weapons are designed, they are most certainly not...
Actually no, you know what? Spend half the time it took you to write all that and actually flip through the thread cause I've explained quite clearly how it connects to the world and even Simski isn't complaining.
I really am sorry that the fear of this pack getting in has you so worried, but dude if you don't want it that badly then all I can say is:
Don't use it. Find a vanilla server of like-minded gamers and play the game the way you think it was intended.
But I do like the way it is now.
And right now, if valve is ok with giving a sword and a shield to the demoman, I don't see why they would refuse giving a harpoon gun to the sniper. I personnaly think it's really cool, original and funny.
I suggest you aim your hostility towards the very creators of this art direction that is to you most dear, for it is THEY who have slowly but carefully stridden off the artistic path they so carefully paved in years past. They, and only they have to power to decide what does and what does not enter the world of Team Fortress 2, and as such they are the only ones to blame for this "rogueish tampering" that has brought the aesthetic feel of the game from its initial condition to its present.
Do not condemn the bounty hunter just because you do not approve of his ways! The reward is a hefty one, and one to be claimed by any means necessary.
Now, excuse me, I'm off to play the grand piano.
Which is a pretty big deal.
I'm sorry, 'Scudz'.
secondly: what?
did you actually dig this thread up from page 8 where it was happily buried awaiting it's trip to obscutiry [No, this thread was actually the third featured in a recent 'blog' post surveying the course of the contest. That such abscess would be selected as exemplary was for my discomfit.] just to tell me how terrified you are that the developers of the game are going to feel pressured into releasing this pack because a couple other pleople supported it? (and not to put to fine a point on it but they've contributed to more than a couple of these entries) I'm not even going to mention how it barely even shows up more than once or twice outside of this thread itself (well except the last couple news updates, thanks pc
seriously? this is how you spend your time?
Sure. Is this how you spend yours?
hey do you remember that scene in Highlander 2 when Micheal Ironside is getting all pissy at Chris Lambert about how he'll never make it back to whatever-the-fuck planet they were from? and then Chris is like, "listen you fucking moron, I was happy here, I didn't want to go, and then you sent your little goons over and now I have to!" and then Micheal Ironside just stands there with his mouth hanging open looking like the stupidest fucker ever??
do you?
No, I don't remember that.
I absolutely love tf2, it's one of the only multiplayer games I play on any system and wether you believe it or not (because you obviously care) I did actually consider the ramifications of how this would, or could work within tf2's asthetic. If you look at how the weapons are designed, they are most certainly not...
Actually no, you know what? Spend half the time it took you to write all that [Two and a half minutes this thread deserves not thrice but I pity it, hence this whole affair.] and actually flip through the thread cause I've explained quite clearly how it connects to the world and even Simski isn't complaining.
I read your reasons. I addressed them. See: 'connected to the true body by the most tenuous of associations'.
I really am sorry that the fear of this pack getting in has you so worried, but dude if you don't want it that badly then all I can say is:
Don't use it. Find a vanilla server of like-minded gamers and play the game the way you think it was intended.
I won't have to worry about that inconvenience. The arbiters of this contest are not fools and though you may tickle them, obscenities of this order will never prevail as long as common sensibilities survive.
About the other posts: only the following beckons an aside:
...who have slowly but carefully stridden off the artistic path they so carefully paved in years past.
I'm glad you two are practicing the etiquette of the lesser, the servant, in asking for excuse to leave for your trifles, but my pleasure ends here, for otherwise the gesture insults me. We're equals. You're not my subordinate: there's no need. Please. I blush.
However my complaints are not with the quality of his models, textures or anything like that.
I feel this pack suffers the same issue as the "Big Chief" entry, the models are really good... but the theme's relation to the character is extremely vague.
I hate to be a party-pooper, but I just don't like when the themes are far-fetched.
I don't want to troll... I just can't bring myself to not be honest about how I feel.
I'm terribly sorry Scudz, I just feel that the theme needs to work without a backstory.
It should fit the character without having to have an explanation to us why it fits, it needs to be more obvious.
No not you, I mean this Spectator dude. I made my post a little too late, shoulda quoted.
Ultimately it entirely irrelevant anyway because it's Valve's decision what goes in and what doesn't.
Y'know Norron, I honestly don't think I have ever felt so validated as an artist before this.
Spectator: oof, internet spell-checking, i guess you win.