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Team Fortress 2: Polycount Pack - Questions and Answers



  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    DeBoo wrote: »
    Hey guys. I have one question. Which program, Max or Maya, are easier to use, because I'm new to 3D modeling world. And which program are better to create items for TF2? :)

    That's just fuel for a fire you don't want to light, man :P

    Neither of them is "easier" to learn. They both have good and bad features and I believe there are SMD importer/export plugins for both.
  • Betty Hime
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    Betty Hime polycounter lvl 9
    DeBoo wrote: »
    Hey guys. I have one question. Which program, Max or Maya, are easier to use, because I'm new to 3D modeling world. And which program are better to create items for TF2? :)

    There are a lot more tutorials for the tf2 modelling in max, so i'd go with that.
  • StickFigs
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    StickFigs polycounter lvl 6
    "Hey guys whatever you do don't you go ruining our consistent 50's Spy-Fi art direction!" *Puts disembodied cartoon rabbit head hat and iPod earbuds into the game*

  • Mico27
    It seems that making exclusive item for promoting events/games can be exception of this rule :/
  • Simski
    Mico27 wrote: »
    It seems that making exclusive item for promoting events/games can be exception of this rule :/
    Bah, a lot of other things Valve have implemented have been extremely far-fetched or downright out of character as well.
  • Kakashi
    do i have to model my hats or weapons? can i draw the instead? i don't know hot to model and i don't get the tutorial on the TF2 forums!
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
    do i have to model my hats or weapons?
    can i draw the instead?

    This contest is for making things that will go in the game. If you don't make something that can go in the game, you can't exactly get something in the game, now can you?
  • StickFigs
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    StickFigs polycounter lvl 6
    Swizzle wrote: »

    This contest is for making things that will go in the game. If you don't make something that can go in the game, you can't exactly get something in the game, now can you?

    What if they just put his drawing into the game as a texture on a wall or something? That would work!

    I say go for it man.
  • itsmadman
    I wanted to know the chances of my "exotic" entry in to the contest. Seeing as this is a rules and regulation thread. Do i breack the rules to much with my engineer sentry idea. Tell me what you think http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=73817
  • Gab

    Yesterday i opened a thread (and a second one afterwards "accidentally"), but i still do not see it available on the forum. Can you please help me to make it visible, or guide me what did i wrong, so i can raise a proper thread. Or does it takes some days to get it processed?

  • unfinite
    How loose are the "loose numbers" for triangle counts? I've gone over 800 for my hat. It was well over 900 but I've got it down to 836 tris. Think that's fine? Can I start texturing?

    [edit] Forget it. I'm looking at some of the hats already in the game and a few of the more detailed ones are in the thousands of tris. BACK TO WORK
  • Spazzo
    yeah, I'd say a more exact limit would be around about 1350 odd, anything over that and you should trim it back. but there are even exceptions to this rule.

    as for the limits on weapons, anything over 8000 and you've put way too much detail into it.
  • 1Fort 2Fort
    ...Okay, one of my items had three textures, one for the knife blade, one for the handle, and one for the guard. Is this allowed? The reason I did this was because when ever i texture the dang thing in blender(the only 3d program i have) it leaves these things i call "blender blurs" where the pixels on one edge of something fall over to the other edge of a seam. It looks way better then the "all in one texture"...so I think if I cant use it, im hurtin'. Im trying my best here to make things work for Valve.
  • Pogo
    ...Okay, one of my items had three textures, one for the knife blade, one for the handle, and one for the guard. Is this allowed? The reason I did this was because when ever i texture the dang thing in blender(the only 3d program i have) it leaves these things i call "blender blurs" where the pixels on one edge of something fall over to the other edge of a seam. It looks way better then the "all in one texture"...so I think if I cant use it, im hurtin'. Im trying my best here to make things work for Valve.

    Probably okay, but the total size (if they were stitched together) would still have to be within the 512x512 limit
  • 1Fort 2Fort
    Oh shiz, theyre each 512x512. Hurrrr... I can scale em to 256x256, but I dont know how far i can go. I wish Valve had an actuall employee here to help us. It make it easier for every one
  • Simski
    StickFigs wrote: »
    What if they just put his drawing into the game as a texture on a wall or something? That would work!

    I say go for it man.
    Lol, you're not going to win this contest simply by making new textures for walls in TF2.
  • sgtsweetwater
    let's say i made a hat and 2 people helped me. Is it possible that this 2 people get a copy of this hat like "they made it" with me?
  • sgtsweetwater
    1 question: I am a noob at max and want to try doing 3 items for the polycount pack. Do you people think i could make it all in 6 days?
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    derailing here for a moment -

    How the hell do you get another "sandvich" if you've accidentally crafted it? I want to test my model, but I don't have the damn thing unlocked anymore :|
  • Pogo
    Vassago wrote: »
    derailing here for a moment -

    How the hell do you get another "sandvich" if you've accidentally crafted it? I want to test my model, but I don't have the damn thing unlocked anymore :|

    random unlock is the only way i guess
  • Mico27
    I think there's a way to "unlock" them on a private server. however, I am not sure.
  • 1Fort 2Fort
    I do not know how to comple my models, ive followed a few tutorials, and nothings wokring. its for my hat for sniper, to replace ghastly gibbous. I have my .smd, .vtf, .vmf, and my .qc files, but i cant get the stupid .mdl. Help would be nice ^_^
  • 1Fort 2Fort
    On top of my problems GCFScape wont open "team fortress 2 content.gcf"
    it says
    corrupt file
    The file map is not within file bounds.

    It works just fine with portal and everything else, I was listenign to GLaDOS nag. NEED A LITTLE HELP HERE BECAUSE IVE BEEN WAITIN FOR 2 FN HOURS FOR HELP. I CANT WAIT won't be here tomarrow most likely but ill get back to yall..
  • Sukotto
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    Sukotto polycounter lvl 8
    Since the deadline is coming up, what do we have to do to submit our pack? Do we just go to the Contribute page or what and do we need to make an 'update' page like Valve does for all the new stuff?
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
    It's all there in the rules, Sukotto.
    You must submit all the raw model & texture files for your items at the Team Fortress 2 Contribute Page. Each item from your set is to be submitted individually. If you know how to create them, including the Source engine compilation files for your items is very helpful as it allows us to easily test your items. However, this is not required for your submission.

    * Required:
    o Model source formats: .QL, .OBJ, or .MT
    o Materials source formats: .TGA/.PSD
    o Correctly completed Notes Template
    o “Anything else we should know?” section of the Contribute Page filled out properly. See notes below for information.

    IMPORTANT: Copy & paste this template for the “Anything else we should know?“ section of your submission. There is important information your notes MUST contain to be eligible for this contest. Using this template will ensure those details are given properly.

    Polycount username:
    Work in Progress Thread URL:
    Theme name:

    * Optional Source compilation files:
    o Model compilation format: .DMX, .SMD, .QC (required if your item has jigglebones, or other custom .QC commands)
    o Materials compilation formats: .TXT
    * Optional compiled files:
    o Model compiled formats: .MDL and all associated .VTX, .PHY, and .VVD files
    o Materials compiled format: .VTF, .VMT (required if your materials have custom shaders)

    NOTE: Updates and fixes to items may be re-submitted at any point after the contest. Be sure to specify that you are submitting a fix in the “Anything else we should know?” section of the Team Fortress 2 Contribute Submissions Page and the older item will be replaced.
  • Sukotto
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    Sukotto polycounter lvl 8
    Ok thanks, I guess I must have missed that part
  • Ravidge
    How much of a limit is the 512x512 texture for weapons? I see a lot of people using larger sizes, and I'm wondering if this is okay?

    When I read the rules it seems to me as if the triangle count is the only thing we can stretch a little, and I want to make sure I've understood. Because I could always use larger textures, it makes things look better. But if people aren't competing on the same terms it just makes things a bit weird?
  • Psyke
    Ravidge wrote: »
    How much of a limit is the 512x512 texture for weapons? I see a lot of people using larger sizes, and I'm wondering if this is okay?

    When I read the rules it seems to me as if the triangle count is the only thing we can stretch a little, and I want to make sure I've understood. Because I could always use larger textures, it makes things look better. But if people aren't competing on the same terms it just makes things a bit weird?

    do one of each and let valve choose
  • Konras
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    Konras polycounter lvl 12
    They always can shrink your texture from 1024 to 512. Of course you could lose small 1 pixel details, but hey its TF2 so for this textures it should work just fine. Submit 1024 or even larger and don't worry :)
  • Pogo
    Sukotto wrote: »
    Since the deadline is coming up, what do we have to do to submit our pack? Do we just go to the Contribute page or what and do we need to make an 'update' page like Valve does for all the new stuff?

    Just use the contribute, and give the information on the contest page. It's all pretty simple. theres a file limit of 2MB for textures is all that might go wrong
  • pyanodon
    Pogo wrote: »
    ....theres a file limit of 2MB for textures is all that might go wrong

    what kind of file limit? 2mb for each texture or for the entire .zip file for textures?
  • 1Fort 2Fort
    Um. What is the notes template? this thing?
    Polycount username: 1Fort 2Fort
    Work in Progress Thread URL: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=73552
    Theme name: Outback Aussie
  • Pogo
    pyanodon wrote: »
    what kind of file limit? 2mb for each texture or for the entire .zip file for textures?

    separate zips for textures and model, model isn't likely to go near 2mb.
  • 1Fort 2Fort
    Um. I says im over 2mb limit. But my zips are 828KB for materials and 103KB for models. Is it because I used WINRAR to compress em into ZIPs?
  • pyanodon
    Pogo wrote: »
    separate zips for textures and model, model isn't likely to go near 2mb.


    Im my case, i've made 3 levels of a sentry. But different from weapons i needed to do gibs and the blueprint.

    Level1- blueprint-gibs

    and materials for every part of it. So, i cant send it all togheter because it's bigger than 2mb. How can i send it?
  • 1Fort 2Fort
    Hm. Send them each in as seperate contibutions, and in "Anything we should know" Add that they are the gibs and maps for your items.
  • ScudzAlmighty
    2 questions:

    Do you submit all the items in 1 zip (or 1 for models 1 for textures) or each one individually? it seems like things could get lost this way but would be easier to keep under 2mb

    What's the difference between Correctly Completed Notes Template and the "Anything else we should know?” section of the Contribute Page?
  • 1Fort 2Fort
    What's the difference between Correctly Completed Notes Template and the "Anything else we should know?” section of the Contribute Page?

    Ya, that would be nice to know.
    I have readme files! yay!
  • Swizzle
    Offline / Send Message
    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
    The notes go in the Anything Else We Should Know field of the submission form.
  • Mico27
    you have to send 2 zip, each must be below 2MB

    1 zip: model, compilation stuff, compilated models, custom sounds, custom particle files
    1 zip: materials, texture, compiled textures, bucket/sprite for slots, death icons, custom particle texture.

    anything we should know?:
    Polycount username: blablalba
    Work in Progress Thread URL: blabla
    Theme name:bla
  • ScudzAlmighty
    the bucket/sprite is the "you have found pic" yes?
  • EzMeow
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    EzMeow polycounter lvl 10
    Dunno if they changed anything but I've been able to upload a file that was bigger than 2mb (2.69mb)
  • Mico27
    EzMeow wrote: »
    Dunno if they changed anything but I've been able to upload a file that was bigger than 2mb (2.69mb)
    If that is true then robin probably saw my email I sent him reguarding the 2MB limit and increased it... well, speculating of course since he hasnt replyed to the email since a week now...:shifty:
  • Y_M
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    Y_M polycounter lvl 10
    This 2mb limit is a bit strange, I submitted one set of stuff (15MB zip for textures, 600KB zip for models and a 40KB png for the thumbnail) and I get no warnings

    Then I try and submit a set that is 5MB 300KB and 25KB and it gives me this 2MB stuff.

    How the hell are we expected to provide multi-layered .psd files in under 2mb??

    This is a crazy restriction, my smallest source psd is 4mb compressed, my largest is over 20mb.

    How can I be sure my first lot got through since they were over the 2mb limit as well but got me no warning message.
  • EzMeow
    Offline / Send Message
    EzMeow polycounter lvl 10
    That's why i didn't provide my psd, I wanted to, but there's no way with the "more or less" 2mb limit
  • ScudzAlmighty
    I understood it to mean .psd or .tga, as in the uncompiled version of the texture. but even as single layer tga's my mat pack was still 2.7mb.

    went through fine though.
  • Swizzle
    Offline / Send Message
    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
    I just submitted flattened versions of my textures with different layers for the different colors and the specularity. They were each under 1MB.

    EDIT: I should mention that this is the same thing I did for the Pain Train and they didn't give me any fuss over it.
  • ScudzAlmighty
    yeah but your a showoff who probably painted it all perfectly in a single layer to begin with...

    --ok I'll leave you alone now ;)
  • 1Fort 2Fort
    I had to use gimp. No layers. So dont whine people who have layers, yall are lucky.

    Annnnnnnyyyy wayyyy, I already submitted my items but i didnt get the kill icons that Psyke made me until a few minutes ago. Should I resubmit now, or wait and resubmit later?
  • Pogo
    Same as swizzle above, I just merged the layers that could be merged and left blue/red/spec/transparency maps on different layers.

    It's easy enough to get under 2MB with a 512x512 texture in psd
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