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Team Fortress 2: Polycount Pack - Questions and Answers



  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
    yeah but your a showoff who probably painted it all perfectly in a single layer to begin with...
    Pain Train: 10 layers
    Nadelwerfer: 20 layers
    Painkiller: 17 layers
    Loch-N-Load: 18 layers

  • ScudzAlmighty
    aww now you're just askin for it...

    seriously though, 18 layers for the Loch? you've only got two colours!
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
    aww now you're just askin for it...

    seriously though, 18 layers for the Loch? you've only got two colours!

    1 AO layer
    2 directional light overlay layers (one lights, one darks)
    2 shape layers
    1 base wood layer
    1 wood wear layer
    1 rubber layer (for the butt of the stock)
    2 base metal layers, one for light metal and one for dark
    4 metal wear and tear layers (each affecting different areas)
    2 base color layers (for color-based selections)
    1 solid base layer (for UV island-based selections)
    1 specular layer to be plugged into the alpha channel

    So aside from the two extra metal wear and tear layers and one extra color-based selection layers, I'm actually using a reasonable number of layers. I suppose I could use fewer layers, but that would mean less control over how I paint the textures.
  • ScudzAlmighty
    you win you win!

    Y_M if your still trying to fit it I was just re-reading the rules and what it actually say's there is:
    "You must be able to supply all source files of the finished products"
  • Y_M
    Offline / Send Message
    Y_M polycounter lvl 10
    I don't think flattening them is the best solution as I'm already sending the vtf, a flattened psd is just the same thing really. So I've added a note "email me of you want them"
    Since email address is supplied on the submit form I'm not too worried.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Please make sure you guys add in the additional information required when you submit your entry.

    It's on the Contest page.
  • re.wind
    What Y_M said. source files they can get when they ask for it via email. additional info filled in, all items uploaded successfully. Now i can rest...finally.

    Q: can i keep updating my textures/models post-contest in this thread? Rules say i can send updated textures/models at later dates, but just wanted to make sure. :)
  • 1Fort 2Fort
    I think so. Only updates i will do are for kill icons and fixes location of the hat.
  • RossC
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    RossC polycounter lvl 9
    Alright so I'm having a insane amount of trouble trying to get my medigun replacement to work ingame. It appears in the Model Viewer, or atleast the World Model does. Infact, the World Model works perfectly. THe View Model on the other hand has glitched animations which makes no sense because I'm pretty sure I followed the correct method of replacing the other medigun in the viewmodel.

    Yet, when I run the game, none of either work or appear. Instead I just get the original medigun, somehow.

    I also have this spammed into the console:

    SetupBones: invalid bone array size (1 - needs 9)
    SetupBones: invalid bone array size (1 - needs 9)
    SetupBones: invalid bone array size (1 - needs 9)
    SetupBones: invalid bone array size (1 - needs 9)
    SetupBones: invalid bone array size (1 - needs 9)
    SetupBones: invalid bone array size (1 - needs 9)

    Would I be able to just submit my Medigun part with its source files only, because this is really bringing me down. My other two entries work perfectly, it's just the medigun which is stubborn.

    Anyone who would like to help me post in my thread or here. I'm going to make the finishing touches on my weapons and forget about compiling the medigun for now until I can figure out how to get through these problems.


    Wait, the actual Medigun model is in the c_weapons folder? Ooooooohhhhhh come on.

    Someone help me out here. I see the c_model Medigun makes the world model work and the viewmodel work IF you're using the Kritzkrieg. if you're using the normal Medigun the viewmodel just reverts to the original one. How can I replace the Medigun viewmodel?
  • RossC
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    RossC polycounter lvl 9
    Would that "send bug fixes" allow for submitting compiled viewmodel for my medigun? It's strictly just a viewmodel compile if I'm able to figure it out later. Would that be allowed?
  • GoLDeN
    Items shoud be submited together or separetely?
  • Mico27
  • StickFigs
    Offline / Send Message
    StickFigs polycounter lvl 6
    If I improve the texture on one of my items and send it in do I have to send the entire package with the model.zip and material.zip again or can I just send the new texture?

    EDIT: Also, do I have to re-write up my additional notes or can I just put in the bare minimum info? I don't remember all the additional notes I wrote and I'm afraid it might get overwritten.
  • Fragus
    StickFigs wrote: »
    If I improve the texture on one of my items and send it in do I have to send the entire package with the model.zip and material.zip again or can I just send the new texture?

    EDIT: Also, do I have to re-write up my additional notes or can I just put in the bare minimum info? I don't remember all the additional notes I wrote and I'm afraid it might get overwritten.
    Yes, you need to re-submit everything again because they will just replace the already submitted one.
  • 1Fort 2Fort
    RossC wrote: »
    Alright so I'm having a insane amount of trouble trying to get my medigun replacement to work ingame. It appears in the Model Viewer, or atleast the World Model does. Infact, the World Model works perfectly. THe View Model on the other hand has glitched animations which makes no sense because I'm pretty sure I followed the correct method of replacing the other medigun in the viewmodel.

    Yet, when I run the game, none of either work or appear. Instead I just get the original medigun, somehow.

    I also have this spammed into the console:

    SetupBones: invalid bone array size (1 - needs 9)
    SetupBones: invalid bone array size (1 - needs 9)
    SetupBones: invalid bone array size (1 - needs 9)
    SetupBones: invalid bone array size (1 - needs 9)
    SetupBones: invalid bone array size (1 - needs 9)
    SetupBones: invalid bone array size (1 - needs 9)

    Would I be able to just submit my Medigun part with its source files only, because this is really bringing me down. My other two entries work perfectly, it's just the medigun which is stubborn.

    Anyone who would like to help me post in my thread or here. I'm going to make the finishing touches on my weapons and forget about compiling the medigun for now until I can figure out how to get through these problems.


    Wait, the actual Medigun model is in the c_weapons folder? Ooooooohhhhhh come on.

    Someone help me out here. I see the c_model Medigun makes the world model work and the viewmodel work IF you're using the Kritzkrieg. if you're using the normal Medigun the viewmodel just reverts to the original one. How can I replace the Medigun viewmodel?

    I think you have to make a w_model and a v_model. Theres some tutorials out there, but I didnt use any. You might be better off replacing the kritskrieg.
  • MattQ86
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    MattQ86 polycounter lvl 15
    Trying to compile my Homburg to overwrite the Gibbus I keep getting this:
    writing c: \program files\steam\steamapps\some_jerk\team fortress 2\tf\models/player\items\spy\spy_domination.mdl:
    Error opening c: \program files\steam\steamapps\some_jerk\team fortress 2\tf\models/player\items\spy\spy_domination.mdl! (Check for write enable)
    I keep seeing:
    Studiomdl won't create folders that don't exist; you must manually create a path to your .mdl before compiling.
    I'm assuming they mean write a path in your qc file...

    in which case the second line in my qc file is:
    $modelname "player\items\spy\spy_domination.mdl"
  • Mico27
    MattQ86 wrote: »
    Trying to compile my Homburg to overwrite the Gibbus I keep getting this:

    I keep seeing:

    I'm assuming they mean write a path in your qc file...

    in which case the second line in my qc file is:

    no. That means you have to create the subfolders yourself in you tf folder, because studiomdl/guistudiomdl wont create them for you.
  • Swizzle
    Offline / Send Message
    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
    StudioMDL cannot create the folders that items go in, so you have to create them manually. In this case, you'd need to create nested folders inside your models folder that follow this structure:


    The MDL for the item will be placed in that spy folder.
  • MattQ86
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    MattQ86 polycounter lvl 15
    Ah, thanks guys, now I just have to figure out which of the several reasons there's no texture on the model I'm dealing with here.
  • Spazzo
    I had a fair bit of trouble getting my models to be textured ingame, so I should be able to offer some help in getting that sorted out.

    alright, open up the uncompiled model with notepad or something along those lines(the .smd), you'll notice several lines saying the same thing over and over - that is the texture the model wants to use. either use a program to replace each entry to what you've named the .vmt or simply change the .vmt to match.

    once that is done - double check that the .vmt is correctly done.

    an example .vmt from one of my entries
    	"$basetexture" "models\weapons\c_items\Peppershot"
    	"$surfaceprop" "Metal"

    in this case the .vtf is located in \tf\materials\models\weapons\c_items and is named Peppershot.vtf

    hope that helps.
  • MattQ86
    Offline / Send Message
    MattQ86 polycounter lvl 15

    Fine job gentlemen. Thanks for all the help. Now to edit my items so they look extra snazzy and polished.
  • BANG!
    Hey i am trying to compile my items, right now the Bat for the scout, i noticed the hit box gets messed up or at least it looks like so in the half life model viewer, is is just the model viwer or while compiling with studio mdl?

    Also i am not able to get the team colors working, on studio mdl it displays the skin 1 and 2 as well as the two vmt's for each color but when i switch to skin2 it doesn't change the texture or vmt.

    Here's my qc code:
    $cd "C:\tf2_models\c_wooden_bat\"
    $modelname "weapons\c_models\c_wooden_bat\c_wooden_bat.mdl"
    $model "c_wooden_bat_reference" "c_wooden_bat_reference.dmx.smd"
    $cdmaterials "models\weapons\v_bat\"
    $cdmaterials ""
    $texturegroup skinfamilies
    { "models\weapons\v_bat\v_wooden_bat.vmt" }
    { "v_wooden_bat_blu.vmt" }
    $hboxset "default"
    $hbox 0 "weapon_bone" -0.820 -2.620 5.000 1.210 5.380 25.000
    // Model uses material "models\weapons\v_bat\v_wooden_bat.vmt"
    // Model uses material "models\weapons\v_bat\v_wooden_bat_blu.vmt"
    $surfaceprop "metal"
    $illumposition 11.519 0.382 13.049
    $sequence idle "idle" fps 30.00
    $collisionmodel "phymodel.smd" {

    $mass 1.6
    $inertia 1.00
    $damping 0.00
    $rotdamping 4.00
    VMT (red) for the blue only the basetexture changes to blu
    "$basetexture" "models\weapons\v_bat\v_wooden_bat"

    "$normalmapalphaenvmapmask" 1
    "$envmap" "env_cubemap"
    "$envmaptint" "[.02 .02 .02]"

    "$phong" "1"
    "$phongexponent" "1"
    "$phongboost" "2.5"
    "$lightwarptexture" "models\lightwarps\weapon_lightwarp"
    "$phongwarptexture" "models\weapons\v_bat\v_bat_phongwarp"
    "$phongfresnelranges" "[.25 .5 1]"
    "$basemapalphaphongmask" "1"

    "$rimlight" "1"
    "$rimlightexponent" "5"
    "$rimlightboost" "3"

    "$glowcolor" "1"

    // Cloaking
    "$cloakPassEnabled" "1"
    "resultVar" "$glowcolor"
    "srcVar1" "$glowcolor"
    "resultVar" "$selfillumtint"
    "srcVar1" "$glowcolor"
    "resultVar" "$color2"

  • EVIL
    Offline / Send Message
    EVIL polycounter lvl 18
    try changing
    $cdmaterials "models\weapons\v_bat\"
    $cdmaterials ""
    $texturegroup skinfamilies
        { "models\weapons\v_bat\v_wooden_bat.vmt" }
        { "v_wooden_bat_blu.vmt" }

    $cdmaterials "models\weapons\v_bat\"
    $texturegroup skinfamilies
  • BANG!
    Gahh thanks! but still not working, doesn't change of color when i select the secondary skin on the model viwer.

    Ingame strange, in first person it always uses the red texture, in world model its the proper one (blue if on blu team), note that i am using a "c" model so i guess its using the same model for view model and world model.
  • Pogo
    for the first person you need to update the ctx file. this has a line called "has team colours" and needs to be set to 1.
    you can do it yourself with help from the sdk docs, or rip the ctx from http://www.fpsbanana.com/skins/61281
  • BANG!
    Woo! thanks that worked =D i had to decompile the ctx to rename materials and compile back and its perfect now i have to fix the hit box and physics model :/
  • Pogo
    BANG! wrote: »
    Woo! thanks that worked =D i had to decompile the ctx to rename materials and compile back and its perfect now i have to fix the hit box and physics model :/

    Glad to help, it's something that took me weeks to find :D
  • BANG!
    Allright i think the bat is now properly compiled, hitbox, physics model, materials =D

    Now i am trying to compile the hat model, replacing the scout's gibus, but once compiled i get an error, it does compile but when i open the model viwer its totaly invisible =O and ingame its still displaying the original Gibus.

    Here's the error

    qdir: "c: \tf2_models\scout_domination\"
    gamedir: "c: \steam\steamapps\steamaccount\team fortress 2\tf\"
    g_path: "C: \tf2_models\scout_domination\mdldecompiler.qc"
    Building binary model files...
    Working on "mdldecompiler.qc"
    SMD MODEL C: \tf2_models\scout_domination\decomp/scout_domination.dmx.smd
    SMD MODEL C: \tf2_models\scout_domination\decomp/idle.smd
    SMD MODEL C: \tf2_models\scout_domination\decomp/phymodel.smd
    WARNING: @idle : bounding box out of range : 9999 -2 -5 : 8 12 8
    Model has 1 convex sub-parts
    Collision model completed.
  • Pogo
    You need to create a new idle animation, your current one is broken.
  • BANG!
    Yes it was that Treythepunkid helped me with that on, big thanks =D
  • Menty
    I missed this contest, are there going to be any more in the future? It would have been really cool to develop some content for TF2 as well as get to rock a Polycount badge in the game. Great work you guys!
  • StickFigs
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    StickFigs polycounter lvl 6
    EDIT: Nevermind.
  • aNarchy
    i know the contest is over, i just have a few questions, ( im doing this for fun and get my skills up)

    when modelling a shotgun in max, would i do the handle as one object, then the barrel as another, then combine them to make one object, that will work ok?

    also, say i was modelling a revolver, where the gun needs to 'snap' so you can reload, you would make that halve another object so its easier to animate or would you leave it as one object?

    thanks guys
    Is it only 1 winner? or 1 winner of every class?... quick answer plz ^^
  • Mico27
    There will be more than one winner but no confirmation about the "1 winner for every classes".
  • Pogo
    They haven't even said if the packs will be implemented as a whole or not, they could pick and choose per item rather than per pack
  • Mico27
    Pogo wrote: »
    They haven't even said if the packs will be implemented as a whole or not, they could pick and choose per item rather than per pack
    That would probably be the case.
    Like if for example someone made a really good weapon but the others are meh.
  • :Duh
    Where do you get TF2 Update Templates from that are empty?
  • Norron
    Offline / Send Message
    Norron polycounter lvl 13
    :Duh wrote: »
    Where do you get TF2 Update Templates from that are empty?

    There is no template, I'm pretty sure that everyone just mocked them up on their own from the official update pages. Although I used Swizzle's pages as ideas since they're simple and effective.
  • Konras
    Offline / Send Message
    Konras polycounter lvl 12
    There is one template, here is a link:
  • Tumerboy
    Offline / Send Message
    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    Man, I wish I hadn't fallen off of PC for the last few months, I would have liked to take part in this. Amazing work, all of you.
  • RossC
    Offline / Send Message
    RossC polycounter lvl 9
    So I guys, I realized I just submitted my files in .rar format when I thought I had made them zips. Should I resubmit them or zip and rar close enough for Valve?

    I think I should probably resubmit them to be safe, right?
  • Swizzle
    Offline / Send Message
    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
    I don't think it's going to be a problem. Most programs that can open .zip files can also open .rar.
  • Fat Man With A Cigar
    Hey I just joined and yes i dont have lots of time for this but what the hell ill try. I need to know what program you create this stuff on thanks
  • RossC
    Offline / Send Message
    RossC polycounter lvl 9
    Hey I just joined and yes i dont have lots of time for this but what the hell ill try. I need to know what program you create this stuff on thanks

    Well uh, sadly the contest is over. Infact, Valve is announcing the winners tomorrow!

    Don't worry though, I'm sure they'll be another contest later on. Or you could just submit something to the contribute site. But first I suggest you learn how to model and texture items before that happens.

    Any 3D modeling programs will do, it's better to do some research. The best suggestion for someone who's new at modeling is to try out Blender. It's free and fairly simple to use.

    There's plenty of tutorials you can search for on Google as well.
  • Shashank
    Offline / Send Message
    Shashank polycounter lvl 13
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