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TexTools 3.0+



  • Mime
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    Mime polycounter lvl 15
    Works great in 2011.

    But in 2009 i get the same error as Cathodeus gets when using checker.

    Also i get an : " type error: call needs function or class, got undefined "
    at line 18.
    function fn_40__unwrap_with_roadkill =(
    	if (fn_00__save_load_settings == undefined)then(
    		fileIn "fn_00__save_load_settings.ms"
    	RoadKillApp = (fn_00__save_load_settings_get "general" "RoadKill_exe") as string;--change this variable to your exe, if you are excluding this script for your own purposes
    	fn killroad_OverwriteGWObjConfig =(
    		local version = (maxVersion())[1];
    		if version == 11000 then( -- max 2009 only
    			local inputCfgPath = ((getDir #plugcfg) + ""+"gw_objimp.cfg")
    			local outputCfgPath =  ((getDir #plugcfg) + ""+"gw_objexp.cfg")
    			[COLOR="Red"]fnWriteBinary inputCfgPath #(5, 0, 0, 0, 39, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, -128, 63, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)[/COLOR]
    			fnWriteBinary outputCfgPath #(16, 0, 0, 0, 86, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -128, 63, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 46, 47, 109, 97, 112, 115, 47, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 60, 78, 79, 78, 69, 62)
    		)else if version >= 12000 then( -- max 2010
    			local iniPath_exportSettings = objExp.getIniName()
    			setINISetting iniPath_exportSettings "Geometry" "FlipZyAxis" "1"
    			setINISetting iniPath_exportSettings "Geometry" "Shapes" "0"
    			setINISetting iniPath_exportSettings "Geometry" "ExportHiddenObjects" "0"
    			setINISetting iniPath_exportSettings "Geometry" "FaceType" "2"--polygons
    			setINISetting iniPath_exportSettings "Geometry" "TextureCoords" "1"
    			setINISetting iniPath_exportSettings "Geometry" "Normals" "0"
    			setINISetting iniPath_exportSettings "Geometry" "SmoothingGroups" "0"
    			setINISetting iniPath_exportSettings "Geometry" "ObjScale" "1.000000"
    			setINISetting iniPath_exportSettings "Output" "RelativeIndex" "0"
    			setINISetting iniPath_exportSettings "Output" "Target" "0"
    			setINISetting iniPath_exportSettings "Output" "Precision" "4"
  • CelebrenIthil
    I get the very same error, myself when trying to launch Roadkill from the textool bar.
    ...I had taken a screenshot:

  • renderhjs
    Offline / Send Message
    renderhjs sublime tool
    fixed all addressed issues:
    download TexTools_3.95.mzp

    addressed and fixed:
    • The faulty Roadkill no import with changes, so now you can assign ANY FOLDER! The problem was with with urls containing spaces - but I fixed that.
    • Max2009 roadkill support, for max2009 some of the OBJ exporter modification was not triggered, can happen if you don't use max 2009 yourself and so can't debug that.
    • Checkermap crash (because of the new customizable tile value), it should come with a tiling value of 1.0 should reading the custom value fail. Hit setup to customize a custom value.

    Further more I added:
    • LSCM or ABF roadkill method, Left Mouse button flattens using LSCM, Right Mouse button using ABF. You might sometimes have more luck with the other one so having booth at your fingertips is nice.
    • Changed the Linear Tool ico_straighten.gif to just align via the Left Mouse Button. On the RMB however it aligns within 90 degree axis like before. Also if you just select 1 edge it auto loops the selection and aligns that selection. This makes it a lot more powerful for aligning stuff.

    sorry for the trouble so far, I hope that it should now work fine for you guys

    updated web splash screen:
  • Mime
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    Mime polycounter lvl 15
    Thanks again for the quick update.

    Just cheched in max 2009 , it works..... most of the time.

    It gives a
    " -- No "map" function for undefined "
    In line 91.

    But his only happens if i dont collapse the stack.

    Also when the mesh comes back from Roadkill it comes back triangulated.
    I cheched my export settings and they get set to "Faces : triangles" Might be the cause of that.
    function killroad_saveOpenEdges obj uv=(
    		uv.unwrap2.setTVSubObjectMode 2;
    		--get a list of all Shells filled with the Bitarary selections for each shell
    		uv.selectFaces #{1..uv.unwrap.numberPolygons()};
    		uv.facetoedgeselect();--all edges are selected
    		local allEdgesSelection = uv.unwrap2.getSelectedEdges();
    		local edgeElemArray = #();
    		for ed in allEdgesSelection do (
    			edgeElemArray[ ed ] = 0;
    		local elem = #();
    		with redraw off;
    		for ed in allEdgesSelection do (
    			if edgeElemArray[ ed ] == 0 then (
    				uv.unwrap2.selectEdges  #{ ed };
    				[COLOR="Red"]local elemEdges = uv.unwrap2.getSelectedEdges() as array;[/COLOR]
    				if elemEdges.count > 2 then (-- Ignore elements with less than 3 UV vertices.
    					append elem (uv.unwrap2.getSelectedEdges());
    					for i in elemEdges do (
    						edgeElemArray[ i ] = elem.count;


    Checked in max 2011 , everything works just fine.
  • onionhead_o
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    onionhead_o polycounter lvl 16
    sry if this is a stupid question. Does the roadkill button exports the object to standalone roadkill or it just does the unwrapping inside max.
  • achmedthesnake
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    achmedthesnake polycounter lvl 17
    wish it had an auto update heh, i blink and you've already made my previous install obselete....

    great work.
  • strn
    renderhjs, your textools are great! I'm using them around an year and very happy :)
    I have downloaded today 3.95 version and tried to use roadkill unwrap, but it doesn't working :(
    I'm using 3ds max 2010 and last roadkill 1.1 RC3 (tried to put it in c:\roadkill and c:\Program Files\roadkill), but when i pressing the button - nothing happens :( Of course, path in textools is setuped.
    What I'm doing wrong? >_<
  • Millenia
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    Millenia polycount sponsor
    BTW, do you mind if I use this for some models at work (finnish army)?

    Technically it's commercial, but in practice we're obviously not making any money out of it, models will be most probably only used in an internal tank simulator.
  • Moosey_G
    I just downloaded this yesterday, I love it!
  • renderhjs
    Offline / Send Message
    renderhjs sublime tool
    Millenia wrote: »
    BTW, do you mind if I use this for some models at work (finnish army)?

    Technically it's commercial, but in practice we're obviously not making any money out of it, models will be most probably only used in an internal tank simulator.
    No it is free as in no boundaries, I don't want to spam people with contracts and license agreements but instead encourage others to share as well. Also feel free to modify, extend or improve some of the scripts.
  • Millenia
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    Millenia polycount sponsor
    Sweet, thanks. This thing saves SO much time and makes my maps much better than I can do manually, it'd be a waste not being able to use it for all my stuff :p
  • dutch
    I've got a bug where if i use the Norm button, all my uv's just go to 99999.
  • othoap
    The video demonstrating the teapot and roadkill -


    Shows selection of an edge then expanded in to a loop. Then it turns in to a seam (HOW).
    I tried the "edge to seams" button under the Unwrap stack. That turns the loop into a seam but roadkill doesn't see it. The teapot is not cut on the seam. It's as if I didn't make a seam.

    What step turns the loop into a seam?

  • dutch
    break -> which is under the tools menu
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Hey Renderhjs, Sorry if this has been asked. Your little project here has grew into something quite massive indeed.
    Anyways, I have always liked how in the edit interface there is a checker background. I don't like that it gets defaulted to 2 or something like that, and I normally change it to 1 in my preferences. This checker background just makes it really really easy for me to see the boundaries of the 1x1 uv block.
    It seems you have taken this checker background out of the Edit interface, and I can't seem to get it loaded in with preferences. I'm probably missing something simple, but if you added that as one of your "Setup" options it would be a huge help to me personally.
    Actually I love everything about Tex Tools, but this is a personal preference thing that has always bugged me.
    As always, thanks for the awesome work and contribution to the 3d community you have made here with tex tools! :)
  • Miguelito
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    Miguelito polycounter lvl 18
    Maybe I am just too stupid, but transfering my maps from Channel 1 to Channel 2 does not work for me if I bake from a MultiSub (Ch 1) to one SingleMap (Ch 2)

    I get this message then there:

    Unknown property: "maps" in #Multi/Sub-Object:Material #bla(Standard:mapname, Standard:mapname, ...)

    It works though, when do the same thing through standard RTT.

    Excellent tool though :)
  • yiannisk
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    yiannisk polycounter lvl 14
    Hey renderhjs

    i am trying 3.95 with RC3 of roadkill on XP and 2011.

    after the object gets collapsed it becomes faceted and there is no way to fix its smoothing although smoothing groups are assigned properly.

    would this be an issue of roadkill or the way the roadkill modifier works on the object? or perhaps some obj settings?
    Offline / Send Message
    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    yiannisk wrote: »
    Hey renderhjs

    i am trying 3.95 with RC3 of roadkill on XP and 2011.

    after the object gets collapsed it becomes faceted and there is no way to fix its smoothing although smoothing groups are assigned properly.

    would this be an issue of roadkill or the way the roadkill modifier works on the object? or perhaps some obj settings?

    probably your export or maybe your import settings in max...had this with the old script in maya
    Offline / Send Message
    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
  • yiannisk
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    yiannisk polycounter lvl 14
    i am using the standard gw OBJ plugin in 3dsmax.anyone can suggest proper settings ? since those suggested in roadkill page are for the old obj exporter which is not as advanced.

    after i applied symmetry on the model it got fixed btw.
    (perhaps it would get fixed with any modifier.. didn't try)
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    I am working again a little bit on TexTools and am rewrapping at the moment the baking scripts into a more convenient panel:
    This lets you either store the result to the clipboard, use as material, save it to the disc or simply display it using the frame buffer in max. Its certainly quicker to setup some materials as a material for example to quickly preview the result in 3d.

    A new rendering method is being added called "worn map" which is a vertex blend material that blends hard edges with a gradient - so that you get the look of worn metal and alike. I got this script from a friend who worked on it for a game studio, so its nice to finally being able to wrap it into TexTools - as it produces very nice results.

    A few other bake scripts are the option to bake a diffuse map into the Vertex Color channel to use it for example for some advanced blending materials that use the 3rd channel (vertex color).
    Another one will be simply a collection of 3D material setups that are baked into a diffuse color. They should provide a nice seamless result with some noise and random control.

    Also guy called John Joker fixed for me the checker map swapping script so that it now works even with multiple objects and a proper reset to the former material.
  • Cathodeus
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    Cathodeus polycounter lvl 15
    Real good news !!! Specially for the last news about checker map :-) Thanks RenderHjs and John Joker.
  • SerdarDesign
    Hi Renderhjs,

    does Textools now work with 3ds Max 2011 x64?
  • CompanionCube
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    CompanionCube polycounter lvl 12
    Hi Renderhjs,

    does Textools now work with 3ds Max 2011 x64?

    textools didn't need an update to work with 2011, been using it with no problems since 2011 came out
  • Millah
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    Millah polycounter lvl 18
    I find that split by smoothing group slows to max to a crawl when I try to split something with a larger number (greater than 10 or 11) of smoothing groups.
    To reproduce make a sphere with a bunch of faces.
    Auto smooth the sphere by angle so that each face is a different smoothing group.
    Try unwrapping using smoothing groups.

    Now, this is obviously because of the stupid number of smoothing groups I have on my mesh which leads me to wondering...

    Is there a script that optimizes smoothing groups for max? I haven't been able to find one but having a script to optimize smoothing groups that I could run before unwrapping by smoothing group might make this feature work better. Something that automatically reduces an object with say 10 or 11 smoothing groups down to 4 or 5 would probably make this part of the tool heaps faster.
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    don't know, never had my hands on 2011 - I assume it does.
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    @Millah: could you send me a example mesh that just slows your computer down?, maybe I can do something about it.
    Certainly most of my tests are rather primitive as I usually care about having it work to some degree - so obviously I haven't tested before editAblePoly's with a lot of custom smoothing groups.
  • SerdarDesign
    @Renderhjs: Well, half of the Buttons are not working @ Max 2011 x64 (fresh install).

    Normalize, Split etc. are not working (after pressing nothing happens).
    Hope it gets fixed.
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    don't have max2011 and the 2010 license (at work) is from early this year so I don't see myself getting hands on it anytime soon. Make sure you do those operations on a editAble Poly (not Mesh or primitive like a teapod or cube) - and of course have a uvUnwrap modifier enabled or just the UV editor opened.
  • SerdarDesign
    ok after some trying, it seems to be working...i will try further and post anything I find.

  • Bones
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    Bones polycounter lvl 15
    the checker button isn't working with several objects :((
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    I know, it will be addressed in the next release, it never worked with multiple objects before.
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    hey renderhjs, love the tool! Is there any chance that you would be able to pull off something like this in the next update? Or do you know of something that would do this in max?
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    i don't get it, isn't that already in? you can define a ratio, balance out all pieces at once and can pick the ratio from onw object and transfer it to another :O
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    hmmm then i think it might be some what broken. I'm still getting parts that are not to scale with others. But it could be because the parts are at different angles than the other parts. Either way it works well enough that i can work around that little bug.

    So never mind my earlier request as you have retroactively done it before i asked for it! Once again proof that your a time traveler!
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    it doesn't go well atm. with merged shells (like when you weld verts that belong to other unique faces). Another bug I assume sometimes is that the dead vert list in the unwrap code from autodesk is not always updated causing the return of useless or wrong UV vert length's in scripts.
    I might have to look into it, but from a personal experience it just works fine if you collapse your poly to just 1 base (which will clean up the dead tVerts caused by 3dsMax) and make sure you don't have stacked and welded shells.

    Hopefully I get some time to revisit some of that stuff soon, for now I am digging into more texture baking related stuff.
  • dutch
    Using the UV<->3d tool to try to hack some shader baking.

    My geometry has 2 uv channels in it.

    When I use the tool, and then look through the channels, it seems to offset the first channel in uv space and moves it to channel 3. The second channel just seems to have disappeared.

    Is it possible to get this tool to preserve uv channels(while keeping the 3d info in channel1?
  • bounchfx
    man, this tool is awesome as hell. the only request I have right now is could you please put in a 'space evenly' function? like if I choose a row of verts, have the selected ones spaced the same distance apart from each other. it's one thing the old unwrapper script had that this doesn't. at least that I can find.

    otherwise, AMAZING work!
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    bounchfx wrote: »
    man, this tool is awesome as hell. the only request I have right now is could you please put in a 'space evenly' function? like if I choose a row of verts, have the selected ones spaced the same distance apart from each other. it's one thing the old unwrapper script had that this doesn't. at least that I can find.

    otherwise, AMAZING work!

    Yeah, I got two UV scripts installed because they both have some good things in them that the other is missing.
  • onionhead_o
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    onionhead_o polycounter lvl 16
    im having troubles with the roadkill uv. i followed the youtube vid u posted. but it triangulates my mesh when i click the roadkill button. im using max 2009 btw
  • Japhir
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    Japhir polycounter lvl 17
    Hey renderhjs, thanks again for all the hard work!
    I thought it would be time to update my version (was running 3.1) and updated to 3.95. But now when I press the "edit uv" button I get an error message saying: "-- Unknown property: "tessTension" is undifined."
    If i click it away another one comes up immediately, running about 10 times untill i click away the uv editor in between.

    Hope you can help me out here :).
    Offline / Send Message
    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    im having troubles with the roadkill uv. i followed the youtube vid u posted. but it triangulates my mesh when i click the roadkill button. im using max 2009 btw

    look at your import/export options had that issue with the maya roadkill script
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    It's probably been brought up before, but I tend to run into issues with non-square textures/uv spaces. Notably at the moment I'm noticing that on a non-square texture, I have to hit Align multiple times, and sometimes even then it won't actually rotate to be fully vertical/horizontal.

    Still, amazing work as always man, keep it up.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Tumerboy wrote: »
    It's probably been brought up before, but I tend to run into issues with non-square textures/uv spaces. Notably at the moment I'm noticing that on a non-square texture, I have to hit Align multiple times, and sometimes even then it won't actually rotate to be fully vertical/horizontal.

    Still, amazing work as always man, keep it up.

    I have a similar issue, but with the LINEAR tool. Sometimes it will flatten to a shallow angle, instead of a flat plane, which can be annoying.

    Also, are the pixel-nudge options in 3.95 only available in max10+ ? They seem to work for me at home on 2010, but don't work here at the office on 2008 :(
  • teaandcigarettes
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    teaandcigarettes polycounter lvl 15
    Vassago wrote: »
    I have a similar issue, but with the LINEAR tool. Sometimes it will flatten to a shallow angle, instead of a flat plane, which can be annoying.

    I'm seconding the issue; I always have to fix my lines by scalling them either on X or Y axis. If that somehow helps, I have started encountering this problem after upgrading to 3.95.
  • fattkid
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    fattkid polycounter lvl 15
    Hey Vassago - (or anyone)

    Can you tell me how to get TexTools working for Max 2008, on Windows Vista 64bit? I just started a job using Max 2008, and I miss my TexTools.....
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Reinstalling TexTools again (at work) fixed the pixel-move toolbar issue. It shows up now :)
    But the LINEAR tool is still doo doo :(

    Fattkid - we're running WindowsServer2008 x64, which is sort of like Windows 7 x64. I haven't had an issue with TexTools not working here. You're just dragging the MZP file into the Max viewport, correct? That's the easiest way to install it.

    Okay I spoke too soon. The pixel nudge tool bar is gone once I started max again. It was there only after It initially started after installation. Is there something else I'm missing here, render?
  • fattkid
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    fattkid polycounter lvl 15
    "Fattkid - we're running WindowsServer2008 x64, which is sort of like Windows 7 x64. I haven't had an issue with TexTools not working here. You're just dragging the MZP file into the Max viewport, correct? That's the easiest way to install it."

    Doh! How embarassing! For some reason I thought I couldn't do that. Works fine.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Renderhjs - do you have any idea what could be causing that top modification bar to stop showing up? The one with the pixel adjustments and scale tools? It was only present the moment I installed. Every time I've opened TexTools since, it doesn't show up :(
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    Hey Vassago & Tea. I used Mop's old scripts to flatten UV verts and stuff to horizontal/vertical. Maybe he can pop in an post a link, otherwise I can send you the scripts I have (old, but still work like a charm)
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