If I'm making an all-class hat, how do I fit it around each class's head with one file? Or is there one for each class? I doubt this would be the case.
If I'm making an all-class hat, how do I fit it around each class's head with one file? Or is there one for each class? I doubt this would be the case.
You compile it uniquely for each class. So 1 .SMD and 1 .MDL and so forth for each class. This is how I did it and this is how Valve does it.
You compile it uniquely for each class. So 1 .SMD and 1 .MDL and so forth for each class. This is how I did it and this is how Valve does it.
This is slightly incorrect as of now. It's true they once did it that way, but since the inclusion of the Alien Swarm Parasite, all-class hats share one model across all classes. This caused the Voodoo Juju clip with the back of the sniper's head quite noticeable until they changed it a couple of weeks ago.
They even changed the Gibus, formerly using separate models for each class, to use the same model for everyone after the halloween update.
So you can assume they will want only a single model for everyone if possible.
So what, act like a L4D jockey and ride an enemy heavy into battle? I doubt that was what you had in mind, but damn, if that ain't good enough for valve IDK what is.
Hi everyone. This is my first time posting anything I have done on here. This has probably been done, but I decided to make a proton pack like weapon for the medic. After thinking about it for awhile, I figured that it probably won't be accepted by Valve because it's a bit to modern, but I decided to give it ago anyway. This is still a WIP and I only have wire frames at the moment. The tri count at the moment is 2306. I just have the pack at the moment. Any critique is greatly appreciated
That's looking pretty cool! I like it. I think you're right valve will probably kick it back but it would be fun practice and depending on how far you take it you could probably release it on your own and people could have some fun with it. At the bare min it would be good practice.
I think someone already did do a proton pack medigun replacement and even a trap? I remember seeing something around the time of the polycount contest...
The cabling is super dense compared to the rest of the model. The vertical edges running down the middle of the cable could be gotten rid of without much impact to the silhouette of the model.
Yeah, that is quite a nice one. Could I see some comparison shots, and maybe some ingame? If you don't know how, pretty much anyone could do it for you, or better yet teach you. need to patch it on to the medic, because I'm pretty sure that the pack is part of the medic.
Gawd, I'm still at the stage where I don't have a clue what all the tools do or which one manipulates sub-divs. Trying to teach myself, really.
Why would you need a laser sight or scopes on a shotgun?
That's the idea: Why would you ever need such aiming tools on a shotgun? You're right, there is really no point, it is clearly ridiculous :poly142: But it looks cool and gives the whole thing a kind of ironic feeling in my opinion Never think too serious about TF2.
Bill's hat still has a model for each class, and so do the caps iirc.
That's why I added "if possible".
Earbuds have their own model for each class too, but when Dement contributed the Wiki Cap, he made 9 separate models but they only picked 1 for all classes.
I have some nice ideas, and I'm trying to get them done myself just to log in some experience in how things work in my modelling. Let me try and flesh out an idea I want to start working on now that I've done some warm-ups in it to get a hang of the control.
I was thinking of a kind of wizard hat for the engineer, with lots of doodads on it. Not too many, but a few to give it character. I was thinking a little box on the side, with a wire trailing to an antenna atop the apex of the hat. Is this a good idea, in your opinions? Well, good enough?
Name wise, I was thinking "Tech Wizard", or something to that effect, because that's the phrase that gave me the idea.
Thanks for the comments guys! The cables are still lines, in case I need to move them I don't have to move a whole bunch of verts. I don't think I will throw it in the engine. After I got a hold of the model, I did realize that the medic and his pack are one object. I'm treating it as a just for fun type of thing, but I'll keep posting my progress on here.
I am a bit lost on what to do for the gun. I was thinking of combining the tip of the medic gun with the end and handle of the proton pack gun, but I wasn't really happy with what I came up with. Any ideas?
@Muffinking, that's an awful nice bonesaw chainsaw. It's definitely unique to Noors, especially since his is giant and for Heavy. Looking forward to progress on it.
I've finally started work on a pack I've been planning for a while yesterday. I'll post up some silhouette tests later today or tomorrow for you guys to comment on. Looking to finish this thing in 2 or 3 weeks in my spare time.
I was thinking of a kind of wizard hat for the engineer, with lots of doodads on it. Not too many, but a few to give it character. I was thinking a little box on the side, with a wire trailing to an antenna atop the apex of the hat. Is this a good idea, in your opinions? Well, good enough?
Name wise, I was thinking "Tech Wizard", or something to that effect, because that's the phrase that gave me the idea.
This was posted by Genic a little while ago here on this thread
Holy shit those jockey scout items are perfect, can't believe that hasn't been done yet
Actually the little whip thing has been done before in this thread and there was a jockey hat made by the same person but it was the thing that the horse would wear. I like the execution and idea of these new jockey items better though.
Holy man has there been some incredible work since i posted last, really impressive stuff everyone.
Here are a few from me,
[Scout jockey stuff]
I have another one around here that ill drop on the forum once i Fraps it.
I'm really digging the concept. However, did you bake an ambient occlusion map for that helmet? It looks too much one colour imho, maybe you could try making it a bit darker/more faded at the bottom of the striped part to make it look more interesting (subtlety is key here).
All these great projects got me to reinstall Tf2. Vigs Cossack Chipper gave me some great alternative ideas...theres so much this game has to offer the imagination....Great stuff from everyone.
Hey, I'm new to the forums and I'm currently in the process of making hats and weapons with my friend. I come up with the ideas and general designs, he does all the modeling and animating (and I test it). I just wanted some opinions on a few of my current ideas:
Spy Vampire Pack: the Spy is a bloodthirsty, backstabbing, globetrotting, ladykiller. Includes a Widow's Peak with fangs, a wooden stake, a flintlock pistol, and a silver stopwatch.
The F-Bomb: rocket launcher that fires napalm rockets. ignites enemies in blast radius.
Big Tex: big ol' plumbin' wrench (like the one in the Engie's emblem). i figured 2X the build speed, but decreased movement speed
The Rustler: pistol/wrangler replacement. little beacon that attracts enemy sentrys for 5 seconds.
Hurts Donut (wah-wah): sandvich replacement. donut for the Heavy to nom on.
We're also currently working on a Star Wars style rebel pilot helm for the Scout. i'll post concept art as I draw it. I still have a TON of ideas saved, these are just a few of my most recent.
constructive criticism is greatly appreciated
Cronotic / DoomerEX / Yamo - Thanks guys, glad you like. My thoughts were a possible minor run speed increase with melee damage reduction for the set and maybe some gag text on domination
Zipfinator - i did see the Bridal for the jockey way back in one of the first pages but i must have missed the whip/crop?. Ill take a 2nd look through this epic thread anyhow as i am actively looking to avoid doubling up on submissions.
Knuckle - Cheers for the feedback, i did bake a bunch of AO's for this and ended up settling on the one you see after looking over some of the pre existing hats. I did consider adding the short brush strokes mentioned in the TF2 style guide, but it ended up feeling over worked when combined with the character.
Ah yeah no, brush strokes don't generally work that well on hats. I was talking more in the sense of a gradient. I tried editing the red team's texture that you included to give an idea of what I mean, but I'm not really sure how you unwrapped it. Nontheless, what I did was apply a gradient with the bottom teamcoloured tint from the TF2 palette with opacity from 0% to 50% on the left striped part and 0% to 25% on the striped part in the top middle, plus a color overlay with the same colour at 25% on the part I guessed would be the visor, all set to multiply mode, which yielded:
I'm really not sure if I interpreted the UVW correctly, and I can't really test how it looks myself, but it's mostly to indicate what I meant with the darker/more faded at the bottom.
I've added a few more details to my sticky launcher, and got it in game.
The AO and shading is still very WIP at the moment, and there are still some clipping errors, mainly on the front grip. So what do you think? Yay or nay?
It's okay, Noors. You know what they say about great minds thinking alike. We just happened to come up with the same idea around the same time. I just thought I'd let you know. I don't know if I'll ever finish mine, though, because of the normal mapping thing. I'm having issues when I do Render to Texture in 3D Max. No matter how much I adjust the cage, there seems to be overlap. I don't know what's causing it. I even tried asking for help from one of my professors, but they just said to resize the cage. Is it because I have an inner part to my helmet?
This is the Candyman's hook for the Demoman. I requested that it shoot out a bee at whomever the Demoman's aiming at from a distance, and that a whole swarm of bees attack whenever he gets a melee hit and drain the victim's health for about as long as the Shiv does. The swarm can be escaped from if the person being attacked jumps into water, though. The Demoman has a limited amount of bees that come back after a while, and they're always buzzing around his head like the unusual hat effect with the flies. The hook's name is Bee My Victim, because the Candyman says "be my victim" to the main character in the movie. The model I made looks more like a pirate hook, but still has the bloody stump and the nails sticking out. It's suppose to be a replacement for the Demoman's hand. I'm not sure how Valve's going to do that. I hope it doesn't deter them from using it in the game.
Here's another item I made as well. It's a Doozer helmet for the Engie that I modeled out of his default hat. I got the idea for it while watching Fraggle Rock on the Hub. Karen Prell, the voice and puppeteer of Red Fraggle works at Valve as an animator. I hope she sees it.
Ah yeah no, brush strokes don't generally work that well on hats. I was talking more in the sense of a gradient. I tried editing the red team's texture that you included to give an idea of what I mean, but I'm not really sure how you unwrapped it. Nontheless, what I did was apply a gradient with the bottom teamcoloured tint from the TF2 palette with opacity from 0% to 50% on the left striped part and 0% to 25% on the striped part in the top middle, plus a color overlay with the same colour at 25% on the part I guessed would be the visor, all set to multiply mode, which yielded:
I'm really not sure if I interpreted the UVW correctly, and I can't really test how it looks myself, but it's mostly to indicate what I meant with the darker/more faded at the bottom.
Cheers for the Paintover Knuckle,
In all honesty my AO bakes just weren't giving me gradients on the back of the hat, and i felt even though that left some pretty flat color it looked alright once on the character.
Admittedly your paint over looks pretty awsome though, so ill give it a try and get back to you.
This is the Candyman's hook for the Demoman. I requested that it shoot out a bee at whomever the Demoman's aiming at from a distance, and that a whole swarm of bees attack whenever he gets a melee hit and drain the victim's health for about as long as the Shiv does. The swarm can be escaped from if the person being attacked jumps into water, though. The Demoman has a limited amount of bees that come back after a while, and they're always buzzing around his head like the unusual hat effect with the flies. The hook's name is Bee My Victim, because the Candyman says "be my victim" to the main character in the movie. The model I made looks more like a pirate hook, but still has the bloody stump and the nails sticking out. It's suppose to be a replacement for the Demoman's hand. I'm not sure how Valve's going to do that. I hope it doesn't deter them from using it in the game.
References are okay, but that sounds more like blatant plagarism.
Newbie here again, this time with a hat! I present:
Gentlemanne's Thinking Cappe
Concept Art:
Latest Picture:
No pipe yet, still wondering how that's gonna work. The texture being used now is a simple mapping test, I'll make a better one later. I'm quite happy with the results, but it would be nice if I could get some feedback from the community.
I do believe there was some general issue that made it near impossible to replace the Cigarette with a pipe, although many people have thought of that as a good idea and have attempted to do it.
I think that a hat would go excellent with that hat, and should you have issues setting up the pipe then perhaps you could send in the finished model to Valve and request that they make it possible for it to replace the cigarette. (That is, unless you do manage to find a way for it to replace the cigarette)
Newbie here again, this time with a hat! I present:
Gentlemanne's Thinking Cappe
Concept Art:
Latest Picture:
No pipe yet, still wondering how that's gonna work. The texture being used now is a simple mapping test, I'll make a better one later. I'm quite happy with the results, but it would be nice if I could get some feedback from the community.
CURSES, NINJA'D ONCE AGAIN!!! lol, still looks REALLY nice. only possible problem I see is if you DO go with the pipe (note: you totally should, it looks way cooler), the disguise kit taunt may look off... best of luck to you
Oh shoot really? I was thinking I could just make a separate skin for the spy that would replace his cigarette. Ah well, maybe if I submit the pipe with the hat, Valve could put it together.
Oh shoot really? I was thinking I could just make a separate skin for the spy that would replace his cigarette. Ah well, maybe if I submit the pipe with the hat, Valve could put it together.
Might turn the cigarette flicking taunt into a killing taunt.
Getting hit in the head with a Meerschaum has to do SOME damage.
The spy model has a prp_cig bone (or a bone similarly named) which I hoped would automagically make any cigarette mods work with the facial animations when I was making my quaint quellazaire (a quellazaire is one of those pipes with filters that hold cigarettes that people used to use before filter cigarettes were invented; hence the quaint). It didn't
References are okay, but that sounds more like blatant plagarism.
You know, it's likely that they won't even use the stats I requested, or the name I requested. Without those, it's likely that it would just end up being a pirate hook. That's what it would probably look like to someone who's never seen the movie. The brain slug closely resembles the one from Futurama, besides the lack of antennae and having different eyes, and no one's calling that "blatant plagiarism." I'm not accusing anyone of anything...just saying.
You know, it's likely that they won't even use the stats I requested, or the name I requested. Without those, it's likely that it would just end up being a pirate hook. That's what it would probably look like to someone who's never seen the movie. The brain slug closely resembles the one from Futurama, besides the lack of antennae and having different eyes, and no one's calling that "blatant plagiarism." I'm not accusing anyone of anything...just saying.
If my logic is skewed and my hook is too much like the one in the movie, Valve can always decide not to use it...or they can edit it. I can even edit it, since it didn't actually get submitted yet. I wasn't aware I had to enter my Steam ID a second time while submitting, so the submission didn't work. What can I do to it so it's not "blatant plagiarism?" Plagiarism wasn't my intention. I just love the movie and I thought it would be really cool to have the item be in the game. I meant for it to be an homage. I know you don't think of me much, because I'm new here, but I hope your intention isn't to drive me away.
Very nice hat. It's an original idea and I think it goes well with the Demoman. You should get it compiled to see how it looks with the TF2 shading.
You compile it uniquely for each class. So 1 .SMD and 1 .MDL and so forth for each class. This is how I did it and this is how Valve does it.
They even changed the Gibus, formerly using separate models for each class, to use the same model for everyone after the halloween update.
So you can assume they will want only a single model for everyone if possible.
Here are a few from me,
I have another one around here that ill drop on the forum once i Fraps it.
I think someone already did do a proton pack medigun replacement and even a trap? I remember seeing something around the time of the polycount contest...
The cabling is super dense compared to the rest of the model. The vertical edges running down the middle of the cable could be gotten rid of without much impact to the silhouette of the model.
Cool stuff for sure, keep plugging away at it!
Gawd, I'm still at the stage where I don't have a clue what all the tools do or which one manipulates sub-divs. Trying to teach myself, really.
That's the idea: Why would you ever need such aiming tools on a shotgun? You're right, there is really no point, it is clearly ridiculous :poly142: But it looks cool and gives the whole thing a kind of ironic feeling in my opinion
i was working on a bone saw/chainsaw myself
Earbuds have their own model for each class too, but when Dement contributed the Wiki Cap, he made 9 separate models but they only picked 1 for all classes.
I like it! That'll probably be the final name. Thanks
i noticed alot of newbies that want a piece of this action and want to get into this, but they're not very skilled in modelling, programs, etc.
its true. alot of people are all talk and they never really get their hands dirty.
but even if the people that don't manage to produce a finished design via a modelling program...
they should still produce sketches of their ideas via paint or just by posting pictures or sketches.
alot of their ideas can be really radical ideas that end up changing the face of TF2.
I for one have a few ideas....but my comp needs to be reformatted before i even start trying out modelling programs...
I was thinking of a kind of wizard hat for the engineer, with lots of doodads on it. Not too many, but a few to give it character. I was thinking a little box on the side, with a wire trailing to an antenna atop the apex of the hat. Is this a good idea, in your opinions? Well, good enough?
Name wise, I was thinking "Tech Wizard", or something to that effect, because that's the phrase that gave me the idea.
I am a bit lost on what to do for the gun. I was thinking of combining the tip of the medic gun with the end and handle of the proton pack gun, but I wasn't really happy with what I came up with. Any ideas?
I've finally started work on a pack I've been planning for a while yesterday. I'll post up some silhouette tests later today or tomorrow for you guys to comment on. Looking to finish this thing in 2 or 3 weeks in my spare time.
This was posted by Genic a little while ago here on this thread
Actually the little whip thing has been done before in this thread and there was a jockey hat made by the same person but it was the thing that the horse would wear. I like the execution and idea of these new jockey items better though.
Will be following this
I'm really digging the concept. However, did you bake an ambient occlusion map for that helmet? It looks too much one colour imho, maybe you could try making it a bit darker/more faded at the bottom of the striped part to make it look more interesting (subtlety is key here).
Spy Vampire Pack: the Spy is a bloodthirsty, backstabbing, globetrotting, ladykiller. Includes a Widow's Peak with fangs, a wooden stake, a flintlock pistol, and a silver stopwatch.
The F-Bomb: rocket launcher that fires napalm rockets. ignites enemies in blast radius.
Big Tex: big ol' plumbin' wrench (like the one in the Engie's emblem). i figured 2X the build speed, but decreased movement speed
The Rustler: pistol/wrangler replacement. little beacon that attracts enemy sentrys for 5 seconds.
Hurts Donut (wah-wah): sandvich replacement. donut for the Heavy to nom on.
We're also currently working on a Star Wars style rebel pilot helm for the Scout. i'll post concept art as I draw it. I still have a TON of ideas saved, these are just a few of my most recent.
constructive criticism is greatly appreciated
Zipfinator - i did see the Bridal for the jockey way back in one of the first pages but i must have missed the whip/crop?. Ill take a 2nd look through this epic thread anyhow as i am actively looking to avoid doubling up on submissions.
Knuckle - Cheers for the feedback, i did bake a bunch of AO's for this and ended up settling on the one you see after looking over some of the pre existing hats. I did consider adding the short brush strokes mentioned in the TF2 style guide, but it ended up feeling over worked when combined with the character.
I'm really not sure if I interpreted the UVW correctly, and I can't really test how it looks myself, but it's mostly to indicate what I meant with the darker/more faded at the bottom.
The AO and shading is still very WIP at the moment, and there are still some clipping errors, mainly on the front grip. So what do you think? Yay or nay?
This is the Candyman's hook for the Demoman. I requested that it shoot out a bee at whomever the Demoman's aiming at from a distance, and that a whole swarm of bees attack whenever he gets a melee hit and drain the victim's health for about as long as the Shiv does. The swarm can be escaped from if the person being attacked jumps into water, though. The Demoman has a limited amount of bees that come back after a while, and they're always buzzing around his head like the unusual hat effect with the flies. The hook's name is Bee My Victim, because the Candyman says "be my victim" to the main character in the movie. The model I made looks more like a pirate hook, but still has the bloody stump and the nails sticking out. It's suppose to be a replacement for the Demoman's hand. I'm not sure how Valve's going to do that. I hope it doesn't deter them from using it in the game.
Here's another item I made as well. It's a Doozer helmet for the Engie that I modeled out of his default hat. I got the idea for it while watching Fraggle Rock on the Hub. Karen Prell, the voice and puppeteer of Red Fraggle works at Valve as an animator. I hope she sees it.
Cheers for the Paintover Knuckle,
In all honesty my AO bakes just weren't giving me gradients on the back of the hat, and i felt even though that left some pretty flat color it looked alright once on the character.
Admittedly your paint over looks pretty awsome though, so ill give it a try and get back to you.
thanks again
Gentlemanne's Thinking Cappe
Concept Art:
Latest Picture:
No pipe yet, still wondering how that's gonna work. The texture being used now is a simple mapping test, I'll make a better one later. I'm quite happy with the results, but it would be nice if I could get some feedback from the community.
I think that a hat would go excellent with that hat, and should you have issues setting up the pipe then perhaps you could send in the finished model to Valve and request that they make it possible for it to replace the cigarette. (That is, unless you do manage to find a way for it to replace the cigarette)
Might turn the cigarette flicking taunt into a killing taunt.
Getting hit in the head with a Meerschaum has to do SOME damage.