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Team Fortress 2 - Workshop Thread



  • crazy-g
    ianucci, awesome minigun! i really like the cage around everything, it's got a beautiful and functional shape. the whole thing has an industrial feel which is perfect. definitely go with the desat or red shift, too.

    Neodement, thank you for the paintover, that was a big help! i fixed the blood and pattern/gem color as suggested. the gem is still a little light, i think it might be that i am using $additive to make it translucent

    Arcaltarion, thanks I adjusted the gem straps

    PowerPlumber, that blood style is used on the uber/vita saw too, but for this weapon i prefer the style on the barbaric weapons like the eyelander, targe, and axtinguisher.

    Sickmedic, i appreciate the feedback, too. i made the blade less yellow, but it is still yellowish since that's what matches weapons like the eyelander and kukri. the lightness on the black part was a combination of lighting and me editing the geometry without fixing the uvws :) - it has been corrected. finally, i tried the suggestion about simplifying the pattern and the more i look at it the more i like it. I'll try them in game and get a better idea.

    and doing that medic mask of yours in a TF2 style but based off of the TFC mask would be amazing. the procedure mask for the medic already in game is like the mask for the original TFC medic model, so that works out perfectly.

  • Colossal

  • Noors
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    Noors greentooth
    Does it bake and fire mini pizza pies ? You might need a bigger thingy to store the dough and include some kind of more evolved mechanism then.

    The call of Khufu.
    Did it on the snipah because of -Em'- sword model, but might be another class.
  • Sharkisss
    How to fix that the viewmodel so it would show up ? I cant make it work. Can you help me ?
  • SandvichInYerFace
    Wow, you guys here at Polycount know how to create amazing custom items! Purely awesome, the ideas and their realization, the creativity and skill you people show is just stunning!

    Well, as my first post here, I just wanted to show some concept art. I took a closer look at the FAN and it REALLY is low-poly. Since the FAN is a c_model (and I've never animated a model), I thought of creating kind of a scoped shotgun. And because the FAN has got two barrels, my FAN replacement should also have two - and two scopes!

    The new model main characteristics should be these two scopes, slightly longer barrels, a much shorter handle, a clich
  • Svdl
    I'm sure it's not the official valve solution, since they like c_models for community contributions, but v_model editing needs some QC trickery thanks to the decompiler breaking something important animation wise or something.

    You'll need to delete all the $sequence lines, then make a copy of the MDL file of the original weapon you're replacing, put it wherever, then put the line $includemodel "path to the original weapon .mdl" after the $modelname line. You might also need to delete the $hbox lines, but not the $hboxset line.

    As an example this is a QC file of an old minigun viewmodel replacement I made, see if it helps.
    $cd "C:\Users\Admin\Documents\tf2\scenes\minigun\minigunv"
    $modelname "weapons\v_models\v_minigun_heavy.mdl"
    $includemodel "weapons\v_models\minigunfix.mdl"
    $model "v_minigun" "maxineviewmod.smd"
    $texturegroup skinfamilies
    $cdmaterials "models\weapons\w_maxine\"
    $cdmaterials "models\player\hvyweapon\"
    $hboxset "default"
    $attachment "muzzle" "v_minigun_body" 12.68 -30.71 -2.90 rotate -0 -107 180
    $attachment "eject_brass" "v_minigun_body" 20.00 3.00 5.00 rotate -45 0 0
    $surfaceprop "default"
    $illumposition 29.616 -11.278 -8.773
  • Just a Gigolo
    Someone needs to make a Mike Nesmith Hat.

  • Noors
    Offline / Send Message
    Noors greentooth
    Did someone ever succeed to deal with a "real" beard with all morph issues ?
  • IdleTard
    BenHenry wrote: »
    Hey there,
    I just made a shotgun for heavy in tf2, and I need help.
    I made custom animations, and they show up like they should after I compile them. But when I go in-game, it puts the animations back to default...WTH?

    Here is my .qc


    A bit late, but hope it helps:

    Valve recently switched all the shotguns to c_models, and you are replacing the v_model, that's why it's not showing up in-game. You'll need to decompile the Heavy's c_arms and override the separate animation file including your sequence commands in the QC when you recompile.

    EDIT: That's if you want your custom anims to be used. If not, just recompile your shotgun as the c_shotgun and it's done.
  • AGuyCalledSpyke
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    AGuyCalledSpyke polycounter lvl 7
    Colossal, they're good ideas, but maybe try yourself in Blender?
  • NBLM
    Offline / Send Message
    NBLM polycounter lvl 13
    A quick questions:
    When you sent your item to valve, did you get an acknowledgement then? I
    just got thrown back to the "enter your steam id" page as I pressed the submit
    button. Is it now sent or timed out or broken or whatever?
  • Mad Mike
    No, you just have to enter your Steam ID once again to confirm and then you should get the success page.
  • NBLM
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    NBLM polycounter lvl 13
    ohh I'll see, thanks

    Hopefully they accept it.
  • Colossal
    Noors wrote: »
    Does it bake and fire mini pizza pies ? You might need a bigger thingy to store the dough and include some kind of more evolved mechanism then.

    The call of Khufu.
    <awesome hat>
    Did it on the snipah because of -Em'- sword model, but might be another class.

    It spews out hot pizza sauce that burns the flesh of his enemies. Basically a bleed effect. :P

    Also, that is one smexy decorative head device right thur. :O
  • Cronotic
    A simple sailor hat to start with modo (needs some textures)


    I'm also working on a bat replacement to match with the sailor hat, pics coming soon :)
  • Arcaltarion
    some WIP and the first silhouette test

    general shape, and the pump




    In game


    This is a test with the pyro, it looks even better on him


    I like the general shape, I had to make the tank smaller than the one in the concept because it obscured too much the player view, I also added more detail and ornamentation to make it more interesting
  • Noors
    Offline / Send Message
    Noors greentooth
    lookin' good ! Yeah your proportions work better with the pyro.

    Modeling almost done. Tired T_T

  • Cronotic
    You guys are awesome at this D:
  • Arcaltarion
    If VALVe doesn't pick your chainsaw I will take it as a personal offense, It's so swesome it hurts.

    btw, the more I look at my design the more stupid it looks to me... the ornamentation is noisy and not necessary, the shotgun itself and the tank looks good and have sense, but that "exhaust tube" looks absurd placed in the front, and if it works as flamethrower.. why a shotgun-flamethrower? I have to redesign it to look more... not exactly real... but useful and functional.
  • Contrails
    I'm having trouble getting transparency to work - I put the mask (black transparent, white opaque) into the alpha of my basetexture and added $translucent 1 and $alphatest 1 in my .vmt below, but no transparency :( . Am I missing something?
    	"$basetexture" "models/player/items/sniper/snowshoes"
    	"$bumpmap" "models/player/items/sniper/snowshoes_normal"
    	"$translucent" "1"
    	"$alphatest" "1"
    	"$nocull" "1"
    	"$halflambert" "1"
    	"$detail" "effects/tiledfire/fireLayeredSlowTiled512.vtf"	
    	"$detailscale" "5"
    	"$detailblendfactor" .01
    	"$detailblendmode" 6
    	"$yellow" "0"
    	"$phong" "1"
    	"$phongexponent" "70"
    	"$phongboost" "0.5"
    	"$lightwarptexture" "models/lightwarps/weapon_lightwarp"	
    //	"$lightwarptexture" "models/weapons/c_items/c_ambassador_lightwarp"
    	"$phongfresnelranges"	"[.25 10 4]"
    //	"$basemapalphaphongmask" "1"
    	"$rimlight" "1"
    	"$rimlightexponent" "35"
    	"$rimlightboost" "2"
    	// Cloaking
    	"$cloakPassEnabled" "1"
    			"animatedtexturevar" "$detail"
    			"animatedtextureframenumvar" "$detailframe"
    			"animatedtextureframerate" 30
    			"resultVar" "$detailblendfactor"
    			"resultVar" "$yellow"
    			"srcVar1"  "$yellow"
    			"resultVar" "$color2"
  • Szark
    Offline / Send Message
    Szark polycounter lvl 12
    Contrails: If you disable phong it should work. I'm not sure how you would get phong and alpha working at the same time.
  • CWalkthroughs
    Offline / Send Message
    CWalkthroughs polycounter lvl 6
    Noors wrote: »
    lookin' good ! Yeah your proportions work better with the pyro.

    Modeling almost done. Tired T_T


    Isn't there meant to be a trigger on the handle?
  • Noors
    Offline / Send Message
    Noors greentooth
    yup will do it, ty :)
    I'm not very happy with the handle anyway.
  • Sharkisss
  • Tobii
    Made this some time ago, was more like a test to see if i could compile ETC..
    Just want to share, might get into making stuff again.. ;)
  • Contrails
    Looks good :) could benefit from a good specular - bring out the blade and scratches and screws - the grain is really subtle - I'd increase the opacity a bit - and to me it feels like something is off about it - is it aligned to the handle? I'd also add something more to the blade and the handles, give them some character - scratches, paint, a logo, or some dirt on the bottom

    Finally compiled my snowshoes, starting the texture - also need to fix up the skinning on the straps :) Thanks for that hint szark... did some more searching and the jarate gets around the issue by using $additive and an environment map - I'll fiddle around with that

  • EVIL
    Offline / Send Message
    EVIL polycounter lvl 18
    If VALVe doesn't pick your chainsaw I will take it as a personal offense, It's so swesome it hurts.
  • Mad Mike
    Alright, here's some recent progress on my cart, quite a bit of stuff added, like: stockings, christmas lights, plugs, wires, tape and more. Pretty much done with modelling, unless someone has some good suggestions.
    Links to wires under every picture in order not to make an overly big post.




    Comments, crits and advice very welcome.
  • ColonelBD
    That is REALLY nice, however, this is just me but I think the present bumb should go in the middle of the cart, it just looks a bit wierd to me there, but apart from that, really good, can't wait to see the final thing.

    Recently i've been working on a sticky launcher replacement, which I'm thinking of calling the "Grand Slammer". Its based off a M79 grenade launcher (just like Swizzles one). So its still very WIP and I'm not even sure about what direction to go with it in, I'm leaning to a scottish resistance style ATM.

    Heres a basic render a did in Blender, just solid colours with AO and basic smoothing.


    The main thing I haven't added in is a laser sight which will be taped to the side of the barrel, just like on the SR, and the main, iron sights.
  • NBLM
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    NBLM polycounter lvl 13
    ..made a .gif for fun:
  • DoomerEX
    That is one sweet hat, I'd want to wear it!

    I think the lollipop could do with a slightly more watered-down colour. It seems a bit too bright, even by TF2 standards. Of course, that's just my opinion, you can keep it that way if you want. Maybe it could be a team-coloured lolli instead, but again, just an IMO thing.
  • Cronotic
    A sketch of a knife for the spy: l'artiste sanglant
  • Dr.cube
    Some progress on the flamethrower guitar.


    The talk about valve removing bump maps makes me think I should just go all out and just spend the whole 8,000 poly budget on the model. I'm sitting at around 6,000 right now with a few high poly objects in there like the bolts and such.
  • DoomerEX
    How about making a high poly and a low poly version so you can go to town with one, and save some polys on the other.

    Paintbrush of doom is epic. 'Nuff said. What effects would you apply to it?
  • dire_luck
    The more I look at my design the more stupid it looks to me... the ornamentation is noisy and not necessary, the shotgun itself and the tank looks good and have sense, but that "exhaust tube" looks absurd placed in the front, and if it works as flamethrower.. why a shotgun-flamethrower? I have to redesign it to look more... not exactly real... but useful and functional.

    I agree about the exaust pipe in the front, but the ornamentation only needs to be toned down, not removed. Also, are you seriosly considering making it a flame thrower? It's great as a shotgun, don't go changing it about unless you have to (or really want to).
  • Colossal
    Dr.cube wrote: »
    Some progress on the flamethrower guitar.

    <awesome model>

    The talk about valve removing bump maps makes me think I should just go all out and just spend the whole 8,000 poly budget on the model. I'm sitting at around 6,000 right now with a few high poly objects in there like the bolts and such.

    I'm pretty sure the whole bump map thing is just hats.
  • Dr.cube
    Ah, well doesn't that new mini gun that just got released not use normal maps and has an odd file format to it? I also saw somewhere saying that another weapon also had its normal map textures removed.
  • Mark Dygert
    So much good stuff happening in this thread... so much awesome... Finish it all!


    I added a battery to the back, did some work on the texture and worked on the animations. For straight model swaps I like the ease of C models, but once you get into changing or adding animations... its pretty much a pain in the ass, if they pick it up they'll have to do some work, there are some of the player model animations I just can't get to decompile =/
  • ComfyCushion
    Dr. cube, that looks crazy awesome. I would not be surprised if they picked it.

    I got around to texturing this spy knife replacement. The Stalker's Stiletto:

  • BenHenry
    Offline / Send Message
    BenHenry polycounter lvl 11
    Mad Mike wrote: »
    Alright, here's some recent progress on my cart, quite a bit of stuff added, like: stockings, christmas lights, plugs, wires, tape and more. Pretty much done with modelling, unless someone has some good suggestions.
    Links to wires under every picture in order not to make an overly big post.




    Comments, crits and advice very welcome.

    Dude, That it awesome, but the UVW unwrapping is going to be a F$@(!)#* Pain. :P
  • nordahl154
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    nordahl154 polycounter lvl 9
    Not sure which one to use... I like the first 2 sets better than the third. (from left to right)
  • Mad Mike
    BenHenry wrote: »
    Dude, That it awesome, but the UVW unwrapping is going to be a F$@(!)#* Pain. :P

    Yeah, the cables are made from splines so hopefully spline mapping will work. Rest of it, well... gonna be fun.

    @nordahl: I'd go for the needle attachment from the 1st one (top left) and use the fluid casing of the 3rd one but with a bigger window.

    Sorry for repost, but I didn't want it to get buried too fast.


    Comments, crits and advice very welcome.
  • ColonelBD
    @Nordahl: I would also go with the needle attachment of 1, however I do like the style of window in 5 and 6.
  • Invader Fluff
    Hi. I'm new here. This is my Kurgan skull helmet. I started mine on either the 10th or 11th of October, before Noors posted his, but all evidence of that was erased when TF2chan crashed and had to be completely rebuilt from scratch. I'm nearly done with it. All I have to do is find some way to get the low poly version to look like the high poly version. I'm not familiar with normal mapping, so I have no idea how to do this. Mine was made in 3D Max. These are also just working textures. I'll try to improve them later. After I figure out the whole normal mapping thing, I'm planning on adding jiggle bones to the fur if I can even figure out how to.

    The stats I want it to have are that it works as the Eyelander's partner and takes away the health reduction the Eyelander does to the Demoman and makes him even faster when obtaining heads. However, it makes you a percentage more vulnerable to attacks. I also want the eyes of the skull to glow when the Demoman has a head count. I'm hoping Valve will do this.

    I don't have much experience with making items for TF2, or for games in general, so please go easy on me. I've also only got about maybe one and a half years experience working with 3D, so I might not understand everything you suggest, but I'll try.
  • SandvichInYerFace
    @Nordahl: I too think that number 1 would fit best, but I think that windowed-style of 3 and 4 more would make the weapon look less "fragile"-looking.
  • Mizzymizzy
    Noors wrote: »
    lookin' good ! Yeah your proportions work better with the pyro.

    Modeling almost done. Tired T_T


    The only thing this game doesn't have is a chainsaw. If this will not be accepted and put into game we will never get one.
  • DoomerEX
    I liked that new minigun replacement, it has a good balance between the Homemade" aspect and the professional aspect.
  • Mark Dygert
    I just finished submitting these a few min ago.

    The Cossack Chipper (replaces the heavy primary weapon specifically the Iron Curtain c model, plus some new animations)
    This processes logs into stakes.
    Fire and Reload Animations (using an old v model)
    6,032 tris 1x512 Diffuse

    Lumberjack Helmet (pretty sure this one will get bounced as people have already submitted similar)
    728 tris 1x64 Diffuse

    Soviet Stump Thumper (melee weapon for the heavy, sort of replaces the boxing gloves)
    1,102 tris 1x256 Diffuse

    Stack O' Flapjacks (replaces the sandvich)
    606 tris 1x64 Diffuse
  • Y_M
    Offline / Send Message
    Y_M polycounter lvl 10
    That looks more like a stack of pancakes than flapjack???
  • Yamo
    Y_M wrote: »
    That looks more like a stack of pancakes than flapjack???

    In the US, flapjacks are another name for pancakes
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