Nice work! I was just running through the new posts. When I saw your hat called Rome's Burning Spirit I almost got a heart attack. I submitted this to Valve on 15 Nov. It's designed for the Sniper.
Next time just after exporting my model I will rush here and post it out:)
Rendered with Blender
And some in-game screenshots:
Sorry for the crossahair on image 3!
And after the demoman melee sketch. here is the first concept of the shotgun I'm going to do:
the only thing I really like is the tank, the rest of the weapon needs a lot of thinking and drawing. (the ornamented pump sounded like a good idea in the theory.. but it doesn't work at all)
@crazy-g The texture on the blade is good and fits in nicely with the TF2 style (nice paint strokes) but the handle and blood, not so much. I would opt to get rid of the blood, myself. The handle is too detailed, You could make larger solid straps with noise, paint strokes, and a bit more contrast on the edges and it would look great.
@colossal The uni-sickle turned out nicely, but what did you do exactly? I know snipa made the model, did you do the texture? If so, then props, because it is a nice looking texture. With the party popper, I have to say I am still confused as to how it works or even what it is (although I am pretty sure that it is some sort of roman candle, correct?). Also why is there so much contrast? It looks like some sort of smoothing errors or holes, but I'm not sure.
@Arcaltarian That is a pretty cool looking shotgun, and it looks like it would fit in nicely with your pack, but what concerns me is the functionality. The bullets that would be loaded seem as if they would have no means of exit. Also the muzzle flash would not match up unless you altered it. Maybe you could move the barrel to the front (maybe make it shorter) and add a pipe connecting the it to the tank. Even though I like the stubby-ness of the gun and the ornamentation on the pump, I think it would be better to have the gun look and seem more functional.
I have been present for much of this thread, in the sense that Ive been reading it daily. I can say that there is a good deal of meaningful, and most importantly -- educated -- criticism happening here. And strangely enough, it is for the same reason that I enjoy this thread (the meaningful, educated criticism), that I am also reluctant to post my work. Being judged by peers can be a scary process, you know. Yet, were all here to improve as artists, and being judged is an important part of that.
So... Here are a couple of items i've been working on the past two weeks, adapted from my original post within steam forums (see the original post for additional discussion and screenshots)[FONT="] [/FONT]http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1563083
This is the first item that i have submitted through TF2 Contribute. The idea was to create a Thor-inspired pickelhaube. Honestly i'm a little surprised that nobody has created this yet. I mean, nobody has created this yet, right?
Please let me know if this is something that you would ultimately like to see in TF2(and if it isn't, what you would do differently)!
I really struggled with whether or not to submit this one to TF2 Contribute... I think it looks cool, but i'm concerned that it may not fit within the TF2 universe. I also think it would go great bundled with "Fallout: New Vegas" purchases.
Haha the sprite I think? I'm reworking the belt right now so its not the same, and part of that would be different colored ammunition (among other things)
The Natascha belt has its own VTF, though now that you mention it it really does look a lot like the dispenser belt. Though I guess most ammo belts look alike to some degree
@Yamo, at the moment I like the black and yellow belt the best but I can't be sure until I see at least a start on the texturing for the rest of the gun.
And after the demoman melee sketch. here is the first concept of the shotgun I'm going to do:
the only thing I really like is the tank, the rest of the weapon needs a lot of thinking and drawing. (the ornamented pump sounded like a good idea in the theory.. but it doesn't work at all)
Well, if you make the ornamental part of the pump smaller it would work. I'm thinking you could make it more of a part that was carved out of a normal shaped pump, like as in an ornate engraved peice. Even with the pump as it is it still looks really awesome.
Btw, are you making it for the engi only? Because right now it seems to also fit the pyro ( not so much the soldiger or the heavy), and a new shotgun for the pyro would be epic. Either way, keep up the good work!
sickmedic, pretty nice tesla gun, but it's rather bland especially from the side - add some more detail (what do those plugs plug into?) the gun overall also reminds me a little of a pump you'd use at a gas station
the boxing belt looks pretty good although it is a bit too busy and detailed to fit the TF2 style - cut down on your words and make them bigger as well as the pictures - simplify it - it also looks oversized to me but I guess that's a matter of personal preference
Yamo, I'm going to echo zip and say that the belt color should depend on the color of the rest of the weapon - but I'll add that I'd chose a color that makes it contrast and stand out more too.
Vig: wow that thing is majorly intimidating, love the look! might I ask what the red protrusion on the side is? a warning light or halt button maybe?
Arcaltarion: nice original concept and the finished shotty's gonna look even better. it kind of feels like it is missing a barrel though. it looks like the grey part on top is too big to be a barrel and is maybe a compressor that connects to the storage tank. the tank would release its air and propel a bullet down a barrel which would be below the tank, connected with the pipe. so maybe have a short barrel sticking out, in-line with the ejection port. the overall stoutness is good and i really like the detailed pump.
Sickmedic: overall awesome work, please bear with me as i give some feedback
hat: love the style, but the front band looks a bit too detailed, maybe make it all that solid metal color or reduce the patterning somehow. you can cut some tris from the stepped hexagonal pattern on the sides too maybe by making it a hemisphere or less stepped
respirator: it's nice that the trapezoidal shape of the filter is distinguished from the pyro, but round out some of the angles and remove the detail from the texture since it looks too futuristic. you might want to try playing with the position of the filter, too since older respirators/gas masks had it in the center to help make it look more period appropriate.
tesla gun: slick design, reminds me of the alien blaster from fallout 3. the wires on the side look like they have a disproportionate amount of polys in there compared, to say, the coil. also from the picture you posted in the link you gave, the grip is too detailed. this is just a personal preference, but i think it could use some asymmetry in the wires to distinguish the sides, either in direction, length, or number. it looks like it would be an awesome gun though!
belt: great idea and execution! cutting out some of the detail, such as the mann co. building may help with readability. the stitching is so fine you may want to drop that too. for the buckle part the size looks good as long is there minimal clipping, but it might be a little tall.
also if submitting, the 800 count refers to triangles since .smd triangulates everything, however there is quite a bit of leeway it seems. well, you say being judged by peers can be a scary process, i say judging is scary - i hope i did not come off as patronizing; it is hard to tell what people know and don't know. i hope you found my comments useful and i hope to see some more
ok here's what i got. i simplified the grip texture and tried a few variations with the blade, combining designs 1 and 2 from my earlier post. i am reluctant to remove the blood since i think it goes with the weapon style. that pattern of blood, while kind of noisy, is used on weapons like the eyelander, targe, and axtinguisher. maybe i am not reproducing it as faithfully as i intended
The Natascha belt has its own VTF, though now that you mention it it really does look a lot like the dispenser belt. Though I guess most ammo belts look alike to some degree
I'm saying the belt in the dispenser is supposed to represent the ammunition for the Minigun, so if you use a mesh that looks like that, or even the Natascha's belt, it's perfectly acceptable, because there's a precedent for it.
Anyway, I have some work done on another hat. It's inspired by French fur-trappers and French-Canadians. I call it the Quebec Casquette. It's for the Spy, believe it or not.
I'm thinking I need to map the normals to be a bit curvier. Emphasize the seams.
That's usually called a deer stalker, isn't it? If you're giving it to the spy, you could do a play on the "stalking" aspect for the name as an alternative.
French(canadian)ness aside, the hat looks more like something the sniper would wear, so you could try and see how he looks with it on.
Also, my medic gun's pretty much ready now. I decided not to change the skull since I think this one fits the gun best. I also colored the uppermost tube green so there would be some in first person.
Here's a few ingame shots.
The texture is currently the valve recommended 512x512, so hopefully it's not too distractingly muddy.
Very nice model, but I personally just don't think it fits Spy all that well.
I think it would look better on either Heavy or Pyro.
Heavy because of his large muscled body and for the possibility that he will receive a Chainsaw.
Pyro because of the reference to Monty Python, because he has a Lumberjack achievement, and because he commonly uses an Axe as his melee.
I see how you feel the hat fits Spy because of the French Canadian thing, I just feel that Spy's personality doesn't fit very well with it. He seems more like an upper-class snob person who would spend his time doing very sophisticated things rather than being outside in the wildlife where his suit could get dirty. It doesn't look "snobby and sophisticated" enough for Spy.
I'm saying the belt in the dispenser is supposed to represent the ammunition for the Minigun, so if you use a mesh that looks like that, or even the Natascha's belt, it's perfectly acceptable, because there's a precedent for it.
Anyway, I have some work done on another hat. It's inspired by French fur-trappers and French-Canadians. I call it the Quebec Casquette. It's for the Spy, believe it or not.
I'm thinking I need to map the normals to be a bit curvier. Emphasize the seams.
Okay now I REALLY wouldn't make normal maps for anything. Valve removed the Pugilist's Protector (Heavy's boxing helmet) normal map, and that absolutely required it.
Simski, it wasn't built for the Heavy or Pyro's head, so it would take a lot of work to modify it to fit them, and they both already have plenty of hats as it is.
To me the spy is a latinian mix (french/italian/spanish) so, pick up something in those cultures (it's wide :q)
Also i was planning to do that kind of cap for the heavy (:
but still, if you want it to be accepted as a spy hat, it should match their personalities. this hat does not scream "french rogue spy"
Yeah, this is what I think of it.
I just don't imagine the Spy thinking of that hat as looking mysterious, sophisticated, or upperclass. Traits that are typical to Spy's personality.
I do agree with that Pyro and Heavy already have A LOT of hats though, Pyro more so than Heavy. (I think I'm going to leave this argument for you to decide from here on though, I'm quite sure a lot of people know I can get rather obnoxious to listen to when I don't agree with someone's fashion sense)
@redsheep: I'm working now on the barrel position, I'll post results soon.
@dire_luck: the ornaments are something I like and I would say a signature of the "pack" I will try different shapes and positions of it as well.
the problem of making pyro shotguns is that they can't have cool butts, they always clip with pyro's elbow. I'll do a pyro versions with the butt of the vanilla shotgun.
@crazy-g: as stated above, working in it with the advices of all you in mind. cool knife, but the diamond ropes look loose
But when i compiled the view model it just does not show anything. There is nothing in the view model after i compile it. Maybe you know what makes it like that ?
I really struggled with whether or not to submit this one to TF2 Contribute... I think it looks cool, but i'm concerned that it may not fit within the TF2 universe. I also think it would go great bundled with "Fallout: New Vegas" purchases.
i'm not sure if you're aware of this but that little bit of face-gear strikes a resemblance to the hold face respirator of the TFC medic, something i'm sure a lot of fans would love to see in game
The Natascha belt has its own VTF, though now that you mention it it really does look a lot like the dispenser belt. Though I guess most ammo belts look alike to some degree
Nah I think that's the belt from the scrapped nailgun
Here is an update of where I am with my minigun replacement. Not far off being finished.
I have a few questions for you folks.
Firstly Noors and Vig how exactly do you replace the Iron Curtain if you dont have that item? Loving the chainsaw and the woodchip gun.
When I load my minigun in game the muzzle flash is appearing about another guns length from the end of my gun and the brass ejects from around the end of the gun, anyone have any ideas what might cause this?
Does anyone know of a better way of getting screenshots in game aside from the thirdperson maya console command? I cant get the camera as close to the weapon as I would like.
@Zipfinator, Contrails: You're right, here's some flat diffuse to show what I'm going for. The black belt definitely pops the best against the green box (which I may nudge a little more toward brown)
@NeoDement, ComfyCushion: Originally the Pugilist's just had a specmap in the diffuse alpha, but was submitted before the paint update so they just got rid of it . And I agree, without the spec it looks pretty flat, even worse if you use the new team color paint. Still your point stands, you should probably avoid using normals with hats Comfy
@ianucci: Badass! Too many good minigun replacements all of a sudden. My only critique would be that the metal has a bit of a cool tone, and might match the blue team moreso than the red. I don't know what causes the muzzle flash and brass ejection to be offset, but if it's any consolation the same thing has always happened to me when I use the thirdperson commands
Don't know what I should do with the bandage to get more structure into it. I
did some broad strokes with slightly color changes, but it still looks plain white.
Also, where I can get a working .SMD exporter for max 2010?
So... I'm thinking of making a weapon for the Heavy. But I haven't done any weapon before, just hats. And I see many of you talk about world model and view model, and I suspect it has something to do with the "c_models", "w_models", "v_models"... so I guess world model is the one you see in third person camera, and view model is the one you see when in first person camera and carrying the weapon, right? so if "w_models" stand for world model, and "v_models" stand for view model.. what does "c_models" stand for?.
Good job on the hat!, I was actually surprised not to see that kind of hat in this thread already. So, you're Mexican too? :poly124:
The c_models are a mix of the world and view models, so they're detailed enough to be shown in first person but are also used in third person. I'm guessing the "c" means composite model or combined model, but I really have no idea
@Neo: No problem man, you were right about using the Natascha's textures; the belt is really the only thing that makes the Natascha what it is and it was lazy to copy it.
@NBLM: All of the stuff you'll probably need should be here at the Steam forums
New "custom" weapons aren't using a view model and a world model anymore. They only use one model for both view, the c_model. So basically all old weapons are stored in v_models and w_models, and the new ones in c_models.
Though, when you use 1 model for each view, you can cheat by moving/scale parts of a model, so it looks more intersting in the first view (with all fov issues)
For example, the minigun. You can clearly see that big grey metal cylinder in first view. But with the iron curtain (c_model), which has the same shape as the minigun in world view, you cant see it, and you just see the barrel and it doesn't look as great as the minigun/natasha
So imo, it looks better to make 1 v_model and w_model to replace the minigun. (i didn't compile it yet but i assume it's possible) but it's more work. Would explain why not so much ppl did a minigun replacement.
Did you ask Robin ?
Maybe the guy from poker night didn't model 2 models so they have implemented it this way, but tbh, it's not looking half good (but half sized ) I'll ask though, coz my chainsaw looks shit if i use the same model.
Made a completely different idea, I present the Bushman's Bounty.
(For the Sniper, since he IS a bushman.)
Right now the blade is the hardest part, and the problem I have with it is probably texturing it. I UV mapped it terribly...
... but now the problem I have is when I save the texture and apply it black spots appear all over my weapon is 3dsmax. They're only around the seams, though. I tried both the required 512x512 and the 1024x1024 but the dots stay. I did 100 quality and large file size and no smoothing and it still remains. I probably have to flatten the image in photoshop, but I'm not sure.
Hey Yamo thanks I'm glad you like it. Look forward to seeing yours completed .
You make a good point about the colour. I did a quick test to compare some variations, be interested to hear anyone's thoughts. I dunno that its worth having two texture sheets for just the small change in hue, so I guess I might just have to go for the desaturated version.
valve will have a hard time chosing all this heavy primary replacements! I hope they implement all of them in the several months! (and my robot-arm too :P)
Ianucci: I like the hue red as a neutral for both teams, but I think you should do something with all the black parts, you hace to look it carefuly, otherwise, it just looks like a black mess.
Adding straps or bandages could help, or different colours, or specular variations
Thanks for the feedback! Youve made some great suggestions and you did so graciously
To repay the feedback: Blade
-Im going to echo what seems to be the consensus by saying the bloodstain needs to be re-worked. Right now it looks more like dirt splatter, and slightly deliberate; a truer likeness would have more of a smeared quality blended in (check cgtextures.com category splatters for a few decent alphas). Also may use w_ubersaw.vmt / c_battleaxe.vmt / c_claymore.vmt as reference here. Neos mock-up is also a good reference.
-In my opinion the hue seems to heavily favor yellow; Id shoot for a more steely-blue. Turn down the yellow, up the blue, and make it a teensy bit darker and see what you think. Id match color with c_claymore, c_battleaxe here (match the blood as well).
-I think youve been bitten by the same over-do-it bug that bit me with this one (not as badly bitten as I have been, if thats any consolation). The stencils are not an entirely bad idea but right now theyre too elaborate. You could try doing just a single broad stroke by merging the three strokes together (and lose the spacing) and see if that helps.
-The black portion appears to be absorbing a lot of light here, and bleeding through quite a bit. It may just be that you had your light source right there but just in case you may want to increase your $phongexponent to tighten down that highlight a little bit.
-The handle texture looks great to me, I personally dont find it to be overdone; same goes for the bloodstone.
So, those are a few things I found under GREAT scrutiny. As a whole, I think its a great piece and it definitely feels like a TF2 item.
Dig the hat! Definitely captures the holidays for me, without being overly cheesy.
The gun looks awesome but, as someone has already brought up (if I remember), the bottle is too tall. It overwhelms the piece. The color of the bottle is the only part of the weapon with color which says look at me; it nice and round, look at me; and its tall, look at me. I am only offended by this because Im in love with the rest of the gun, and I dont think its fair that the bottle is the center of attention Is it that the bottle is this tall in a reference image?
I dont think I could get you to scale it 1/3 of its height, so maybe you could compromise with 50% ? Do that and I am 100% in-love with this gun.
Woah, I wasnt even thinking of that. Very cool. Think I will make another version with that as a reference. Thanks for pointing that out!
By far my favorite minigun-replacement so far. Good stuff. I do see a lot of cylinders, heavily-beveled, nicely-smoothed edges here though which makes me paranoid that youre too far over on your poly allowance.
Okay now I REALLY wouldn't make normal maps for anything. Valve removed the Pugilist's Protector (Heavy's boxing helmet) normal map, and that absolutely required it.
My themes is : The summer hollyday !
I think , i will start texturing.
Nice work! I was just running through the new posts. When I saw your hat called Rome's Burning Spirit I almost got a heart attack. I submitted this to Valve on 15 Nov. It's designed for the Sniper.
Next time just after exporting my model I will rush here and post it out:)
Rendered with Blender
And some in-game screenshots:
Sorry for the crossahair on image 3!
the only thing I really like is the tank, the rest of the weapon needs a lot of thinking and drawing. (the ornamented pump sounded like a good idea in the theory.. but it doesn't work at all)
(Credit towards SNIPA/Ben Henry for model)
First render of the Party Popper. It's also been changed to be a miniature air blast cannon rather than a clown doll launcher.
@colossal The uni-sickle turned out nicely, but what did you do exactly? I know snipa made the model, did you do the texture? If so, then props, because it is a nice looking texture. With the party popper, I have to say I am still confused as to how it works or even what it is (although I am pretty sure that it is some sort of roman candle, correct?). Also why is there so much contrast? It looks like some sort of smoothing errors or holes, but I'm not sure.
@Arcaltarian That is a pretty cool looking shotgun, and it looks like it would fit in nicely with your pack, but what concerns me is the functionality. The bullets that would be loaded seem as if they would have no means of exit. Also the muzzle flash would not match up unless you altered it. Maybe you could move the barrel to the front (maybe make it shorter) and add a pipe connecting the it to the tank. Even though I like the stubby-ness of the gun and the ornamentation on the pump, I think it would be better to have the gun look and seem more functional.
Ok heres what i have with my Cornucopia holiday season hat
I need to figure out some jigglebones for it now
do you guys prefer Harvest Hat or Cornucopia Cap?
So... Here are a couple of items i've been working on the past two weeks, adapted from my original post within steam forums (see the original post for additional discussion and screenshots)[FONT="]
This is the first item that i have submitted through TF2 Contribute. The idea was to create a Thor-inspired pickelhaube. Honestly i'm a little surprised that nobody has created this yet. I mean, nobody has created this yet, right?
Please let me know if this is something that you would ultimately like to see in TF2(and if it isn't, what you would do differently)!
I really struggled with whether or not to submit this one to TF2 Contribute... I think it looks cool, but i'm concerned that it may not fit within the TF2 universe. I also think it would go great bundled with "Fallout: New Vegas" purchases.
Teslas Teleportation Gun
Title Belt
Not much to say here. I decided that for this weeks contribution I would play it safe and ride the boxer theme.
Sorry for the lengthy post : / Hope you guys have some great feedback for me!
The sprite you mean, or the actual particle?
Also quickest response ever
Belt versions
Well, if you make the ornamental part of the pump smaller it would work. I'm thinking you could make it more of a part that was carved out of a normal shaped pump, like as in an ornate engraved peice. Even with the pump as it is it still looks really awesome.
Btw, are you making it for the engi only? Because right now it seems to also fit the pyro ( not so much the soldiger or the heavy), and a new shotgun for the pyro would be epic. Either way, keep up the good work!
the boxing belt looks pretty good although it is a bit too busy and detailed to fit the TF2 style - cut down on your words and make them bigger as well as the pictures - simplify it - it also looks oversized to me but I guess that's a matter of personal preference
Yamo, I'm going to echo zip and say that the belt color should depend on the color of the rest of the weapon - but I'll add that I'd chose a color that makes it contrast and stand out more too.
Arcaltarion: nice original concept and the finished shotty's gonna look even better. it kind of feels like it is missing a barrel though. it looks like the grey part on top is too big to be a barrel and is maybe a compressor that connects to the storage tank. the tank would release its air and propel a bullet down a barrel which would be below the tank, connected with the pipe. so maybe have a short barrel sticking out, in-line with the ejection port. the overall stoutness is good and i really like the detailed pump.
Sickmedic: overall awesome work, please bear with me as i give some feedback
hat: love the style, but the front band looks a bit too detailed, maybe make it all that solid metal color or reduce the patterning somehow. you can cut some tris from the stepped hexagonal pattern on the sides too maybe by making it a hemisphere or less stepped
respirator: it's nice that the trapezoidal shape of the filter is distinguished from the pyro, but round out some of the angles and remove the detail from the texture since it looks too futuristic. you might want to try playing with the position of the filter, too since older respirators/gas masks had it in the center to help make it look more period appropriate.
tesla gun: slick design, reminds me of the alien blaster from fallout 3. the wires on the side look like they have a disproportionate amount of polys in there compared, to say, the coil. also from the picture you posted in the link you gave, the grip is too detailed. this is just a personal preference, but i think it could use some asymmetry in the wires to distinguish the sides, either in direction, length, or number. it looks like it would be an awesome gun though!
belt: great idea and execution! cutting out some of the detail, such as the mann co. building may help with readability. the stitching is so fine you may want to drop that too. for the buckle part the size looks good as long is there minimal clipping, but it might be a little tall.
also if submitting, the 800 count refers to triangles since .smd triangulates everything, however there is quite a bit of leeway it seems. well, you say being judged by peers can be a scary process, i say judging is scary - i hope i did not come off as patronizing; it is hard to tell what people know and don't know. i hope you found my comments useful and i hope to see some more
ok here's what i got. i simplified the grip texture and tried a few variations with the blade, combining designs 1 and 2 from my earlier post. i am reluctant to remove the blood since i think it goes with the weapon style. that pattern of blood, while kind of noisy, is used on weapons like the eyelander, targe, and axtinguisher. maybe i am not reproducing it as faithfully as i intended
I'm saying the belt in the dispenser is supposed to represent the ammunition for the Minigun, so if you use a mesh that looks like that, or even the Natascha's belt, it's perfectly acceptable, because there's a precedent for it.
Anyway, I have some work done on another hat. It's inspired by French fur-trappers and French-Canadians. I call it the Quebec Casquette. It's for the Spy, believe it or not.
I'm thinking I need to map the normals to be a bit curvier. Emphasize the seams.
Also, my medic gun's pretty much ready now. I decided not to change the skull since I think this one fits the gun best. I also colored the uppermost tube green so there would be some in first person.
Here's a few ingame shots.
The texture is currently the valve recommended 512x512, so hopefully it's not too distractingly muddy.
Very nice model, but I personally just don't think it fits Spy all that well.
I think it would look better on either Heavy or Pyro.
Heavy because of his large muscled body and for the possibility that he will receive a Chainsaw.
Pyro because of the reference to Monty Python, because he has a Lumberjack achievement, and because he commonly uses an Axe as his melee.
I see how you feel the hat fits Spy because of the French Canadian thing, I just feel that Spy's personality doesn't fit very well with it. He seems more like an upper-class snob person who would spend his time doing very sophisticated things rather than being outside in the wildlife where his suit could get dirty. It doesn't look "snobby and sophisticated" enough for Spy.
Lovin' the final syringe gun Svdl.
Crazy-g, here's what I'm thinking:
*Darker gems (with bright edge highlights)
*Darker design
*Blood covers the edge
Also i was planning to do that kind of cap for the heavy (:
I just don't imagine the Spy thinking of that hat as looking mysterious, sophisticated, or upperclass. Traits that are typical to Spy's personality.
I do agree with that Pyro and Heavy already have A LOT of hats though, Pyro more so than Heavy. (I think I'm going to leave this argument for you to decide from here on though, I'm quite sure a lot of people know I can get rather obnoxious to listen to when I don't agree with someone's fashion sense)
@dire_luck: the ornaments are something I like and I would say a signature of the "pack" I will try different shapes and positions of it as well.
the problem of making pyro shotguns is that they can't have cool butts, they always clip with pyro's elbow. I'll do a pyro versions with the butt of the vanilla shotgun.
@crazy-g: as stated above, working in it with the advices of all you in mind. cool knife, but the diamond ropes look loose
@svdl: I would call that finished, nice work!
But when i compiled the view model it just does not show anything. There is nothing in the view model after i compile it. Maybe you know what makes it like that ?
This is the qc file (dont know if it helps you)
$cdmaterials "\models\player\spy\"
$texturegroup skinfamilies
$hboxset "default"
$hbox 0 "bip_upperArm_R" -2.150 0.000 -3.420 2.880 14.560 1.990
$hbox 0 "bip_lowerArm_R" -2.200 0.000 -2.620 2.620 13.180 3.260
$hbox 0 "weapon_bone" -1.500 -0.500 -2.000 12.500 0.500 1.000
// Model uses material "models\player\spy\spy_hands_red.vmt"
// Model uses material "models\weapons\viewknife\Texture2.vmt"
// Model uses material "spy_hands_blue.vmt"
$attachment "weapon_bone" "weapon_bone" 0.00 0.00 0.00 rotate -0.00 0.00 -0.00
$surfaceprop "default"
$illumposition 19.078 -6.452 -12.038
$sequence draw "draw" ACT_VM_DRAW 1 fps 30.00 node raised {
{ event 5004 1 "Weapon_Knife.Draw" }
{ event 5004 10 "Weapon_Knife.Open1" }
{ event 5004 16 "Weapon_Knife.Open5" }
{ event 5004 22 "Weapon_Knife.Open8" }
$sequence idle "idle" loop ACT_VM_IDLE 1 fps 30.00 node raised
$sequence stab_a "stab_a" ACT_VM_HITCENTER 2 fps 30.00
$sequence stab_b "stab_b" ACT_VM_HITCENTER 1 fps 30.00
$sequence stab_c "stab_c" ACT_VM_HITCENTER 1 fps 30.00
$sequence backstab "backstab" ACT_VM_SWINGHARD 1 fps 30.00 node raised
$sequence backstab_up "backstab_up" ACT_BACKSTAB_VM_UP 1 fps 30.00
$sequence backstab_down "backstab_down" ACT_BACKSTAB_VM_DOWN 1 fps 30.00
$sequence backstab_idle "backstab_idle" loop ACT_BACKSTAB_VM_IDLE 1 fps 30.00 node raised
$sequence stun "stun" ACT_MELEE_VM_STUN 1 fps 30.00 node raised
i'm not sure if you're aware of this but that little bit of face-gear strikes a resemblance to the hold face respirator of the TFC medic, something i'm sure a lot of fans would love to see in game
Nah I think that's the belt from the scrapped nailgun
I have a few questions for you folks.
Firstly Noors and Vig how exactly do you replace the Iron Curtain if you dont have that item? Loving the chainsaw and the woodchip gun.
When I load my minigun in game the muzzle flash is appearing about another guns length from the end of my gun and the brass ejects from around the end of the gun, anyone have any ideas what might cause this?
Does anyone know of a better way of getting screenshots in game aside from the thirdperson maya console command? I cant get the camera as close to the weapon as I would like.
@NeoDement, ComfyCushion: Originally the Pugilist's just had a specmap in the diffuse alpha, but was submitted before the paint update so they just got rid of it
@ianucci: Badass! Too many good minigun replacements all of a sudden. My only critique would be that the metal has a bit of a cool tone, and might match the blue team moreso than the red. I don't know what causes the muzzle flash and brass ejection to be offset, but if it's any consolation the same thing has always happened to me when I use the thirdperson commands
Don't know what I should do with the bandage to get more structure into it. I
did some broad strokes with slightly color changes, but it still looks plain white.
Also, where I can get a working .SMD exporter for max 2010?
I really like your minigun btw Yamo, realised I've just been critting it in a negative manner
Grey might be a bit too bright, that's about it for your base colours.
Good job on the hat!, I was actually surprised not to see that kind of hat in this thread already. So, you're Mexican too? :poly124:
Looks great man!
@Neo: No problem man, you were right about using the Natascha's textures; the belt is really the only thing that makes the Natascha what it is and it was lazy to copy it.
@NBLM: All of the stuff you'll probably need should be here at the Steam forums
Though, when you use 1 model for each view, you can cheat by moving/scale parts of a model, so it looks more intersting in the first view (with all fov issues)
For example, the minigun. You can clearly see that big grey metal cylinder in first view. But with the iron curtain (c_model), which has the same shape as the minigun in world view, you cant see it, and you just see the barrel and it doesn't look as great as the minigun/natasha
So imo, it looks better to make 1 v_model and w_model to replace the minigun. (i didn't compile it yet but i assume it's possible) but it's more work. Would explain why not so much ppl did a minigun replacement.
Maybe the guy from poker night didn't model 2 models so they have implemented it this way, but tbh, it's not looking half good (but half sized
I'll ask though, coz my chainsaw looks shit if i use the same model.
(For the Sniper, since he IS a bushman.)
Right now the blade is the hardest part, and the problem I have with it is probably texturing it. I UV mapped it terribly...
... but now the problem I have is when I save the texture and apply it black spots appear all over my weapon is 3dsmax. They're only around the seams, though. I tried both the required 512x512 and the 1024x1024 but the dots stay. I did 100 quality and large file size and no smoothing and it still remains. I probably have to flatten the image in photoshop, but I'm not sure.
You make a good point about the colour. I did a quick test to compare some variations, be interested to hear anyone's thoughts. I dunno that its worth having two texture sheets for just the small change in hue, so I guess I might just have to go for the desaturated version.
Ianucci: I like the hue red as a neutral for both teams, but I think you should do something with all the black parts, you hace to look it carefuly, otherwise, it just looks like a black mess.
Adding straps or bandages could help, or different colours, or specular variations
Thanks for the feedback! Youve made some great suggestions and you did so graciously
To repay the feedback:
-I think youve been bitten by the same over-do-it bug that bit me with this one (not as badly bitten as I have been, if thats any consolation). The stencils are not an entirely bad idea but right now theyre too elaborate. You could try doing just a single broad stroke by merging the three strokes together (and lose the spacing) and see if that helps.
-The handle texture looks great to me, I personally dont find it to be overdone; same goes for the bloodstone.
Dig the hat! Definitely captures the holidays for me, without being overly cheesy.
The gun looks awesome but, as someone has already brought up (if I remember), the bottle is too tall. It overwhelms the piece. The color of the bottle is the only part of the weapon with color which says look at me; it nice and round, look at me; and its tall, look at me. I am only offended by this because Im in love with the rest of the gun, and I dont think its fair that the bottle is the center of attention
I dont think I could get you to scale it 1/3 of its height, so maybe you could compromise with 50%
Woah, I wasnt even thinking of that. Very cool. Think I will make another version with that as a reference. Thanks for pointing that out!
By far my favorite minigun-replacement so far. Good stuff. I do see a lot of cylinders, heavily-beveled, nicely-smoothed edges here though which makes me paranoid that youre too far over on your poly allowance.
Dont make another weapon for the heavy.
I would suggest making the blood more cartoony, like the knife and suit in Meet the Spy
This and the medic's mask looks awesome, but they don't have TF2's style *shrug*