So...does valve accept my OBJ without skin modifier and the SMD with it?
why do they need the OBJ at all?
SMDs are always triangulated. Decompiled models are always triangulated. If it's quads it proves you made it. (though yes, it is possible to turn tris back to quads it is hard)
So i still dont get it. i keep getting an error like this "Error opening d:\program files\steam\steamapps\NOPE\team fortress 2\tf\models/weapons\w_models\w_knife.mdl!"
Make those folders - it can't find them because they're nonexistent...
Arcaltarion, when I've submitted I never bothered with changing it since they'll probably change it anyways. I might also submit the source file from your 3d program that contains the skinning like neodement said that will also help prove that you made it
A very simple hat I've just finished, referencing Emperor Nero and the 'Great Fire of Rome'.
I know the colors don't really match the TF2 color swatch but I wanted a green metallic look for the leaves... maybe it would look good with a yellow color... I like how it looks with Whiskered Gent. :P
Tri count is almost 800 so there's no much room for modeling improvement.
Would it be possible to put them on Soldier instead, or would that look too weird?
I just don't really see how it's supposed to fit with Pyro's personality or background.
However with Soldier it would fit with his love for war and it would fit in the same way as the Chieftain/Kabuto/Tyrants, as Julius Ceasar is commonly portrayed wearing those vines and he seems like a prime example of the kind of people Soldier admires.
Would it be possible to put them on Soldier instead, or would that look too weird?
I just don't really see how it's supposed to fit with Pyro's personality or background.
However with Soldier it would fit with his love for war and it would fit in the same way as the Chieftain/Kabuto/Tyrants, as Julius Ceasar is commonly portrayed wearing those vines and he seems like a prime example of the kind of people Soldier admires.
While you bring up some interesting points I think you're forgetting about the Great Fire of Rome and Emperor Nero...
As for the hat I think the leaves cover up too much of his head, it looks a bit more like a artichoke hat or a turtle shell. If you scaled then down so you could see more of the top of his head it might read a little better.
Interesting thought... I will try it on the Soldier to see how it looks. I thought it would fit the Pyro because the 'Great Fire of Rome' thing, but I certainly will try it on the Soldier, and also on the Medic (somebody else suggested that). :thumbup:
Well, I'm a bit nervous.
I just submited my hat and I think I did it right. The "submission success" page appeared, I uploaded the right files...
If I'm this nervous for a hat I can't imagine the tension submitting my golden glove
I'll do it another day...
Thank you guys, I finished them because you helped a lot, from little tips and advice to whole compiling scripts
It weighs in at about 3444 tris (I'm going to bake the mesh on the snowshoes and also the shoelaces) and I'm planning to still add a little something tying the two snowshoes together on his back probably on the handles but other than that it's pretty much done
also considering adjusting the strap coming down from his left shoulder to overlap a little with the already existing strap from his arrow pouch since it does feel a little cluttered to me with that many straps... would like some opinions on this
Fairly sure it's 2mb per zip file. If your files are over the limit you won't get the success page when you enter your Community page for a second time.
and does Valve want me to submit six TGA, six VTF and four VMT in 2mb?
I have to mail Robin again and ask him if I can submit my view and world hand separately.
@arcaltarion : you shouldn't be worried, your glove is excellent.
@Simski : looks good, maybe it could be just a tad bit larger
@ communist cake: WOW , so simple and yet detailed, that pretty much describes TF2, i disagree on the buttons too, i think the yellow goes good with the grenades on the demo.
OK before i attach my hat i need to know if this is normal for the Sniper, i have no other of the classes do this. I opened the Maya MA file directly into Maya like i did with the other ones.
Its fine if its normal, i just wanna make sure before i set up my hat so Valve gets it in the correct position.
Working on my first TF2 weapon, so need some constructive criticism. Basically the concept is a napalm-fueled watergun-esque weapon for pyro, complete with pump to build up pressure for farther spraying.
Atm I have not textured the thing but I usually apply some simple colours to have a basic idea of how it's going to look.
Sorry? What do you mean? That higher skull is a file I've had kicking around for a while.
Definitely. I only advise sending VTFs because I like to include EVERYTHING.
I was just saying the one that's in the game fits the texture perfectly, so there's really no need for an HD one (not saying it was a bad idea, just wasn't needed).
Working on my first TF2 weapon, so need some constructive criticism. Basically the concept is a napalm-fueled watergun-esque weapon for pyro, complete with pump to build up pressure for farther spraying.
Atm I have not textured the thing but I usually apply some simple colours to have a basic idea of how it's going to look.
okaaaaaaay guys, a friend said that if in photoshop I go to IMAGE>MODE>INDEXED the tga size will be drastically reduced. and yes it is... but.. there is anything I will regret if I submit that tgas in indexed color mode? I can't notice anything different or a quality loss. even the "specular alpha" in the Normal.tga is fine.
but you know, better safe than sorry
just don't give them the VTFs (though that method sounds fine)
ah, forgot to say that, the file even without the VTF was still above 2 mb( I didn't zip everything) so this indexed thing is imperative to fit all in 2 mb, I'm going to start a couple of tests in game, I'll tell you the results later
I have a question: a hat can be made of several combined objects ?
e.g the scout's default headset.
I'm making this question because I'm modeling a sailor hat and i want to add some stuff like badges to make it look interesting . If you know the answer, SPEAK!!!!!
I have a new question: If I don't want a normal map in my worldmodel but I have a specular(which usually goes in the normal's alpha) do I need to put it in a flat normal map?
If you're not using your diffuse's alpha, it could go in there or just make it its own texture - no sense in making a flat normal since the reason it's put in the alpha is to save space
why don't you tie them around the arrow pouch instead of across the chest? it will use a more discrete, barely noticeable strap.
Well looking at it from a usability standpoint, he probably wouldn't want to tie them to the arrow pouch - it's much weaker and less stable than his chest.
If you're not using your diffuse's alpha, it could go in there or just make it its own texture - no sense in making a flat normal since the reason it's put in the alpha is to save space
how would the VMT be if the spec is out of the alpha?
this is my current VMT, what things would I need to change to remove normal map but keep the specular?
"$basetexture" "models/player/Engineer/Goldfinger_W_RED.vtf"
"$bumpmap" "models/player/Engineer/Goldfinger_W_Normal.vtf"
"$envmap" "env_cubemap"
"$envmapcontrast" 1
//"$envmaptint" "[1.0 1.0 0.5]"
"$normalmapalphaenvmapmask" 1
"$phong" "1"
"$phongexponent" "5"
"$phongboost" "10"
"$phongfresnelranges" "[.25 .5 1]"
// Rim lighting parameters
"$rimlight" "0.5" // To enable rim lighting (requires phong)
"$rimlightexponent" "2" // Exponent for phong component of rim lighting
"$rimlightboost" "0.25"
well... I tested every possible way to fit my textures in a 2mb zip keeping an acceptable quality. I found two ways:
-Save the diffuse colors as JPG and keep just the normals as TGAs
-Use a neutral color scheme.
I mailed Robin walker asking if I can submit jpg, if it's not allowed, I guess neutral texture will do the job.
I have a question: a hat can be made of several combined objects ?
e.g the scout's default headset.
I'm making this question because I'm modeling a sailor hat and i want to add some stuff like badges to make it look interesting . If you know the answer, SPEAK!!!!!
Yes you can have "floating geometry" as part of the mesh
So, got the model in the game but im still confused with the material. Can't seem to make it work. Can ya help me ?
Check the name of the material in the diffuse slot assigned to your model (in the 3d app) that needs to match the name VMT/VTF files. You don't need to worry about the extension just that the name matches.
For example if you have myweapon.psd assigned to the diffuse slot in 3dsmax or maya, your vmt and vtf files need to be called and point to myweapon.vmt & myweapon.vtf
one last thing
in my .QC there is this line:
because I tested it replacing ellis hat. I guess I have to submit something like this
Make those folders - it can't find them because they're nonexistent...
Arcaltarion, when I've submitted I never bothered with changing it since they'll probably change it anyways. I might also submit the source file from your 3d program that contains the skinning like neodement said that will also help prove that you made it
if I worked with a 512 size for the hat, do you recommend me send that size? or should I resize it to 256??
I just don't really see how it's supposed to fit with Pyro's personality or background.
However with Soldier it would fit with his love for war and it would fit in the same way as the Chieftain/Kabuto/Tyrants, as Julius Ceasar is commonly portrayed wearing those vines and he seems like a prime example of the kind of people Soldier admires.
Hoodoo the Voodoo JuJu
Warning: We are not responsible for the release of angry Voodoo spirits!
I think that this is one of my best hats I've made.
Same with the texture.
As for the hat I think the leaves cover up too much of his head, it looks a bit more like a artichoke hat or a turtle shell. If you scaled then down so you could see more of the top of his head it might read a little better.
But the skin / mask contrast is too brown, we don't see the limit of the hat with the face...
Maybe the wood could be brighter IMO
Also, this model is very sextastic...
Thanks!, I've submitted it.
Interesting thought... I will try it on the Soldier to see how it looks. I thought it would fit the Pyro because the 'Great Fire of Rome' thing, but I certainly will try it on the Soldier, and also on the Medic (somebody else suggested that). :thumbup:
I will certainly try that, thanks!
Awesome mask!!!
I just submited my hat and I think I did it right. The "submission success" page appeared, I uploaded the right files...
If I'm this nervous for a hat I can't imagine the tension submitting my golden glove
I'll do it another day...
Thank you guys, I finished them because you helped a lot, from little tips and advice to whole compiling scripts
It weighs in at about 3444 tris (I'm going to bake the mesh on the snowshoes and also the shoelaces) and I'm planning to still add a little something tying the two snowshoes together on his back probably on the handles but other than that it's pretty much done
also considering adjusting the strap coming down from his left shoulder to overlap a little with the already existing strap from his arrow pouch since it does feel a little cluttered to me with that many straps... would like some opinions on this
Here's a higher res one if you want to see how it looks anyway (don't bother crediting me):
New doubt about the contribution site!: what's the maximun filesize that can be uploaded in each section? (model and material)
and does Valve want me to submit six TGA, six VTF and four VMT in 2mb?
I have to mail Robin again and ask him if I can submit my view and world hand separately.
@Simski : looks good, maybe it could be just a tad bit larger
@ communist cake: WOW , so simple and yet detailed, that pretty much describes TF2, i disagree on the buttons too, i think the yellow goes good with the grenades on the demo.
OK before i attach my hat i need to know if this is normal for the Sniper, i have no other of the classes do this. I opened the Maya MA file directly into Maya like i did with the other ones.
Its fine if its normal, i just wanna make sure before i set up my hat so Valve gets it in the correct position.
This is a direct front view
Here is a download link of anyone wants it!
Is the screen animated?
EDIT: Nevermind.
What it is, Neo?
When are you releasing more shite? :P
Also, the skull I got from the game's files fits onto the skin PERFECTLY.
That one's a little too stylized to my liking.
the .rar just for the Viewmodel materials has a filesize of 3,5 mb
that's what I deserve for work with 1024x 1204 image size.
If I delete the VTFs it has a filesize of 1,7mb.. do you think they will accept it if I only submit the tgas and vmts?
Atm I have not textured the thing but I usually apply some simple colours to have a basic idea of how it's going to look.
Also, new concept for SNIPA:
Sauce Slapper
Sorry? What do you mean? That higher skull is a file I've had kicking around for a while. Definitely. I only advise sending VTFs because I like to include EVERYTHING.
I was just saying the one that's in the game fits the texture perfectly, so there's really no need for an HD one (not saying it was a bad idea, just wasn't needed).
You should make it look like a giant douche.
but you know, better safe than sorry
Sauce Slapper (final concept)
e.g the scout's default headset.
I'm making this question because I'm modeling a sailor hat and i want to add some stuff like badges to make it look interesting
We're actually slaves of each other. He models my Pyro pack and I concept his other stuff. :P
You can hop in the pool if you want...
Well looking at it from a usability standpoint, he probably wouldn't want to tie them to the arrow pouch - it's much weaker and less stable than his chest.
Error Vertex File for 'weapons/w_models/w_fireaxe.mdl' checksum -553666173 should be -763214640
Any idea where I can find out where this is coming from? Or what to do about it?
how would the VMT be if the spec is out of the alpha?
this is my current VMT, what things would I need to change to remove normal map but keep the specular?
-Save the diffuse colors as JPG and keep just the normals as TGAs
-Use a neutral color scheme.
I mailed Robin walker asking if I can submit jpg, if it's not allowed, I guess neutral texture will do the job.
This is what happens
And this is the qc.
$cd "C:\Users\user\Desktop\worldknife\output"
$modelname "weapons\w_models\w_knife.mdl"
$model "w_knife" "w_knife_reference.dmx.smd"
$lod 14
replacemodel "w_knife_reference.dmx.smd" "lod1_w_knife_reference.dmx.smd"
$cdmaterials "models\weapons\worldknife\"
$hboxset "default"
$hbox 0 "weapon_bone" -0.555 -6.008 -1.793 0.566 13.331 1.372
// Model uses material "models\weapons\worldknife\knife.vmt"
$surfaceprop "metal"
$illumposition -0.211 0.005 3.661
$sequence idle "idle" fps 30.00
$collisionmodel "phymodel.smd" {
$mass 1.0
$inertia 1.00
$damping 0.00
$rotdamping 0.00
Yes you can have "floating geometry" as part of the mesh
they seem neater
For example if you have myweapon.psd assigned to the diffuse slot in 3dsmax or maya, your vmt and vtf files need to be called and point to myweapon.vmt & myweapon.vtf