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Team Fortress 2 - Workshop Thread



  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    hey guys, i'm uploading a video right now, but it will take a while.
    In some maps and under certain lights the hand starts a ugly flickering effect

    At first I thought it happened in areas where elements were intersecting, but it also happens in areas where two parts are close but not touching

    That's Z Fighting. I think probably the only way you'll solve that is to make the flickering elements a little thicker and move them away from the polygons that they're fighting against.
  • ComfyCushion
    Thanks, Jedah. That solved it.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    JZeeba wrote: »
    Yep, I had thought of using particles but someone in another forum told me Valve probably wouldn't accept particles on hats for those same reasons. I had already found the flies particle effect and was playing with the editor to modify it and make it look like bees. I also was planning to modify the dripping jarate effect to make it look like dripping honey...

    If you had already made the particle then by all means submit it. I'm just saying there's a very very high chance that they won't use it. You could put in the notes that they could possibly use it for a new unusual effect.

    A honey jar sounds pretty cool, although I'm not sure what class it would be for. Also it would probably look way too similar to the Jarate, a yellow tinted liquid in a jar. Perhaps you could do an entire honey set for Pyro. A honey jar that slows people down when it's on them so you can burn them easier.
  • Arcaltarion
    Jackablade wrote: »
    That's Z Fighting. I think probably the only way you'll solve that is to make the flickering elements a little thicker and move them away from the polygons that they're fighting against.
    oh didn't think of that.
    I've tried several maps and it only happens in CP_gorge and PLR_Hightower. but I don't notice a huge differente between those two spawns and the other ones...
  • Mad Mike
    Can I have some opinions on my control panel? Please? It's right here.
    Btw, Trey, how did you make the animated texture? I'm kinda curious.
    Oh, and while I'm asking questions, which site would you suggest for photo hosting?
  • UNCCheezy
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    UNCCheezy polycounter lvl 10
    @mad mike get a dropbox account. it's pretty great.
  • Arcaltarion
    oh madmike! I was going to tell you how cool that looked but my own problems made forget about it.
    I like it, but if have to say something you should break the symmetry between similar buttons that are side by side, one of them switched, one wheel slightly rotated, I think you understand what I mean
  • Colonel88
    Scrappin the grenade launcher, working on hats.
    I think I need a model file of the character models, you know, the models of the classes, to model my hat around them.

    Also, and I really need to know this.

    How do you make wires and tape?
    Like as in tape handles, or straps around a weapon, or even just handgrips.

    This has baffled me for a long time, I found a tutorial once, but it only worked well for cylinder. What if I wanted a rectangular strap on my pistol's grip?

    It involved Pathdeform and making a line, etc. I looked into loft but it seems to be the same thing. Pathdeform makes the rectangular box really twisted out and it makes it not go around the contour of the weapon. Maybe I should use a cloth modifier or something?

    Help, please?
  • Doughnut Bear
    Jedah wrote: »
    Quick question for those of you who have submitted something: Did it just return you to the main submit page when you uploaded something? I was half expecting to see a "Submission succeeded" page but I got returned. Not sure if this is normal although I am pretty sure it is since the end of the url was success=1. Just double checking.

    One thing you may wish to do that can help is a better UV layout. All that black space in between your UV's is wasted space. The trick to UV's is to try and fill the space as much as you can while maintaining pixel ratio ( IE roughly the same resolution ). Somewhat like a puzzle. Your AO map will look better as well. As for getting rid of the yellow you would have to ask blender foundation since you are using the 2.5 Beta ( I use blender 2.49 and have never seen that bug before )

    lol the yellow is were i outlined the problem in photoshop, the actual problem is the weird blotchy blue areas
  • Contrails
    Testing out the snowshoe positions on the sniper :) - tons of stuff still to do, modelling the strap that will hold them to the body, rigging to bones, not to mention UV'ing and texturing...


  • Sgt Pepper
    Can someone link me to the Capotain fix? I seem to have misplaced it.
  • a gentlman
    Sgt Pepper wrote: »
    Can someone link me to the Capotain fix? I seem to have misplaced it.
  • UNCCheezy
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    UNCCheezy polycounter lvl 10
    What do you guys think about placement/size?

  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    It should be a bit taller and a bit lower on his head. It doesn't look like it has enough to grip onto at that height.

    Also just so you know, someone has made one of those before, but I'm not sure if they finished it. It was one of the first hats in this thread if I remember correctly.
  • Yokai
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    Yokai polycounter lvl 11
    So this is one of my first TF2 hats. Give me some feedback and let me know if you have any clever name ideas / themes. I think most people can see my inspiration. ;-)


    Oh, and when I try to record my hat using fraps, for some reason the hat will start to glitch out and unattatch itself from bip_head. The belt however remains normal. There's also no errors in the console. Does anyone know what's going on?
  • ComfyCushion
    Hoses going to backpack: good idea or bad idea?

  • Yamo
    Definitely good idea if its skinned well and moves correctly when the head turns, though there might be issues when a player dies and the hat is supposed to fall off. I wonder if there's a way to keep hats from detaching from the characters after being killed?
  • NeoDement
    Yes plenty of hats do it
  • ComfyCushion
    Here it is with texture, sans tubes. Of course, if I put in the tubes, that'll mean re-UVing, and that means re-texturing.


    Is it good enough without the tubes? Or do the tubes put it over the edge into awesome?
  • dire_luck
    @ComfyCushion: I think it looks alot better without the tubes. If you do end up going with the tubes, you might want to try one tube insted of two.
  • Just a Gigolo
    @ComfyCushion I like the hat, but I personally wouldn't wear it. I like my medic mask too much, and I wouldn't want to cover it up with a big mask.
  • Mark Dygert
    I would ditch the tubes, its going to be a nightmare to get them to do anything but deform poorly. In general its a bad idea to have things that bridge highly mobile pieces like torsos and and heads, or torsos and arms. There is just so much movement possible (head moving the opposite way the body does) that its hard to do correctly without some extra rigging. If you leave the rigging to Valve they're going to probably chop the tubes out.
  • nordahl154
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    nordahl154 polycounter lvl 9
    NeoDement wrote: »
    Yes plenty of hats do it

    That would be hilarious if his afro fell off :poly136:
  • Colonel88
    How do you make wires and tape?
    Like as in tape handles, or straps around a weapon, or even just handgrips.

    This has baffled me for a long time, I found a tutorial once, but it only worked well for cylinder. What if I wanted a rectangular strap on my pistol's grip?

    It involved Pathdeform and making a line, etc. I looked into loft but it seems to be the same thing. Pathdeform makes the rectangular box really twisted out and it makes it not go around the contour of the weapon. Maybe I should use a cloth modifier or something?

    Help, please?

    (Second post, because nobody cares D: )
    just extrude the cloth out from the weapon handle, add a few random splits to imply that the cloth wraps
  • Evil_Knevil
    This is my first hat i'm working on. It's a gondolier hat for the scout or sniper. I'm not sure which class to choose. The textures aren't finished yet
  • Dr.cube
    Colonel88 wrote: »
    How do you make wires and tape?
    Like as in tape handles, or straps around a weapon, or even just handgrips.

    This has baffled me for a long time, I found a tutorial once, but it only worked well for cylinder. What if I wanted a rectangular strap on my pistol's grip?

    It involved Pathdeform and making a line, etc. I looked into loft but it seems to be the same thing. Pathdeform makes the rectangular box really twisted out and it makes it not go around the contour of the weapon. Maybe I should use a cloth modifier or something?

    Help, please?

    (Second post, because nobody cares D: )

    I'm sure this isn't the best way to do it but what I did for the guitar I'm working on is i made two copies of whatever needed the strap. Then i cut into the 2nd copy of the object and extruded the strap out. Next I removed everything but the strap and placed it back on the original model.
  • Gobywan
    Success! I've fixed my hat's stupid rim lighting issues. Only a bit of tweaking left before this thing is finished. I need some fresh eyes and opinions, though - I'm not sure if I should redo the UVs to make the number plate sharper or leave it as-is, and I am a bit skeptical about the normal map on the number plate because I'm pretty sure Valve tends to ignore submitted normal maps. Thoughts?


    In related news, I am mostly done the textures for the weapon that goes with this hat - I'm going to add some edge wear on the handle, among other things. This thing is tentatively called the rail axe, slapped together in finest TF2 fashion out of a drive rod from a steam locomotive, some railway spikes, a piece of a train crossing barrier and a steam whistle:


    Again, I would appreciate input from someone who hasn't been staring at this thing for hours on end. I'm not sure about the team coloured bits - I feel like the handle, the train crossing barrier and the strip on the whistle is one thing too many, and if I had to ditch anything I'd just turn the whistle strip black or something, but I like how each individual thing looks. Is the current setup team colour overload, or is there no such thing in a game this colourful? Also, would an envmap on the whistle be a bit overkill, considering how much phong it already has?
  • RustySpannerz
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    RustySpannerz polycounter lvl 14
    I personally feel that the team-colouring is completely unnecessary, but other than that I absolutely adore these items! Bravo.
  • Gobywan
    @RustySpannerz Thanks :) I'm thinking of making the striped bit red for both textures (because who's ever seen a blue train crossing barrier?), scrapping the colour band on the whistle and leaving the handle as the only team-coloured bit. I like the look of the locomotives that I based these things on, with the big bands of colour, and I think team colours look better in that context than green or yellow or neutrals.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    @Gobywan, take the 451 normal off of the hat and apply the flat normal from models/effects/flat_normal.vmt. Valve will do the same if they choose your hat, might as well save them some work.
  • AGuyCalledSpyke
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    AGuyCalledSpyke polycounter lvl 7
    If it wasn't already taken, I'd suggest the Pain Train for that axe :P
  • lampekap
    gobywan, you might want to change how the railspikes are connected. it looks like they are just floating there without any connection, in huge contrast with the bands and straps and even bolts that connect with the stick. other than that, looks quite nice. keep it up
  • ColonelBD
    Ok, Photobuckets finally co-operationg, so I can get my pictures up.


    I have two final questions before I release it:

    One, as you can see here:

    Theres these annoying black lines which streak down the middle, which appear when I get too far away from it. I know something like that happens with texture seams, but they aren't there, which is wierd.

    And 2, the world model is still clipping, no matter where I move it, it always stays in the same position in his hand. Which is REALLY annoying. I position it in milkshape if thats any help.
  • ComfyCushion
    Yeah, the more I look at it, the more the tubes make it look like a scuba mask. Anyway, I 'm gonna see if I can compile it, because I've never done that before. Wish me luck!

  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    ColonelBD wrote: »

    Theres these annoying black lines which streak down the middle, which appear when I get too far away from it. I know something like that happens with texture seams, but they aren't there, which is wierd.

    And 2, the world model is still clipping, no matter where I move it, it always stays in the same position in his hand. Which is REALLY annoying. I position it in milkshape if thats any help.

    1. That's mipping. The further you are away the more it's going to compress the texture. It making it black because the pixels surrounding those areas on the texture are black I'm guessing. Either just ignore this or change the background of the texture to more closely match the texture.

    2. I'm not sure how it works in Milkshape, but in 3DS you have to remove your skin modifier to be able to make changes in the position of the model stay permanent. Try removing the connection between your model and the bone and then move the model and reattach the bone.
  • Hawt Koffee
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    Hawt Koffee polycounter lvl 13
    I'm guessing you read Fahrenheit 451 too?
    edit: nevermind read earlier
  • Mico27
  • Jedah
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    Jedah polycounter lvl 8
    Ever since the recent update, the models>player folder seems to be missing when I use gcfscape.

    Very odd. Anyone else have this issue?

    EDIT: Found it. Seems like player content was moved to team fortress materials.gcf

    Either that or that stuff was always there and I am losing it.
  • Hawt Koffee
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    Hawt Koffee polycounter lvl 13
    Mico27 wrote: »
    Ah yes mecha bowser
    a great friend of the mfgg forums
    we had the awesome opportunity of testing tf2 ware with him
    good times
  • Gobywan
    @Zipfinator I figured that'd be the case. I'll miss the effect, but I don't like the alternative of modeling it into the hat, it'd be way more trouble than it's worth.

    @lampekap You're right, it does look odd and flat. I think I'm going to alter the texture on the striped barrier chunk to make it clear that the spikes have been hammered through it, rather than adding more geometry to it.
  • ComfyCushion
    Gobywan, an Abient Occlusion map on the texture would really help with the texture.
  • Gobywan
    Gobywan, an Abient Occlusion map on the texture would really help with the texture.

    On the rail axe? I have one as the base of the whole texture, actually, but I think I painted over it too much :( I'll try to bring it out more somehow. I have one on the hat, too, but I think it's similarly hidden by the rest of the texture.
  • ComfyCushion
    Try multiplying the AO into the texture.
  • PolyCracker
    Jedah wrote: »
    Ever since the recent update, the models>player folder seems to be missing when I use gcfscape.

    Very odd. Anyone else have this issue?

    EDIT: Found it. Seems like player content was moved to team fortress materials.gcf

    Either that or that stuff was always there and I am losing it.
    Same here....I was like WTF did the player folder go....I think I looked in every folder there....haha

    Although I'm all for consolidation, it's weird that the models now reside in the "materials" gcf file!! o_O
  • Svdl

    Here's an mp-40 style syringe gun I made. Not entirely sure about the overall color scheme, the little leaking details or the tank label.
    I'd rather stay away from team colors, especially when it comes to the tank. Red tanks look like fuel tanks and blue tanks look like oxygen tanks.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    That's a dang nice syringe gun. I definitely didn't think of it as a syringe gun until you said it was though. It looks more like a dart gun or some sort of gas sprayer with the tank attached there.
  • Hawt Koffee
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    Hawt Koffee polycounter lvl 13
  • KevinLongtime
    @Svdl I love the syringe gun but my one suggestion would be to maybe try and change up the tank texture as it seems to look really simular to the Demomans bottle with the skull and such in my oppinion. Then again it looks awsome as it is but im just throwing it out there just incase you think those two textures might collide together with too much simularitys if that makes sense. Other than that she is a beaut!
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