I made an account just so I could reply to this thread (though I do have a nifty flamethrower idea bouncing around in my head, so it may come in handy later), gotta say, really love that gunslinger. But really, the only way to do justice to that awesome hand is to make a clockwork sentry to go with it!
Do we have to triangulate the models before submission?
When you import anything into Source it's automatically triangulated, so no if your model is all tris and quads. If you're still worried about that though, just convert your model to editable patch and back to editable poly and it'll be triangulated, assuming you use 3DS.
Do we have to triangulate the models before submission?
No but I would triangulate it anyways if I were you. Automatic Triangulation can occasionally cause odd shading issues with quads that are shaped obscurely. You may need to flip the Tris on some faces to fix this.
Hello everyone, I have a hat for you! Unfortunately, I also have a problem.
The hat is made out of steam locomotive parts (steam dome and cowcatcher) - it's tentatively called the Cowcatcher until I think of a better name or something to go before it (Conductor's Cowcatcher?) It's part of a steam train-based set that I'm currently making - the melee weapon is almost done being UVed, and the flamethrower is still in the concept phase. (I know there was a guy who drew up his own train-flamer concept in this thread, a couple of days after I came up with my set idea - I'm going to try not to rip off his design, mostly by not going back and looking at his design :poly124:)
Known issues: It's too small, I'm going to re-export it so it doesn't clip; the number plate is jagged and weird, I'm going to resize it in the UVs and throw a subtle normal map on it; there's a stupid edge glow thing happening, you can see it in the pictures.
Here's the hat:
And here's the problem, which is fairly obvious already:
I don't know where that weird sorta-specular-looking white blobby edge glow is coming from. It's not on the specular map, and it doesn't change even when I move the light around to the back of the model in HLMV. Is it rim lighting gone insane, maybe? I'm just using the .VMT for the Attendant with some slightly tweaked phong numbers, but nothing I do to those numbers alters the stupid glow thing, and the Attendant itself has no such problems in HLMV. Anyone know what's wrong here?
Hello everyone, I have a hat for you! Unfortunately, I also have a problem.
The hat is made out of steam locomotive parts (steam dome and cowcatcher) - it's tentatively called the Cowcatcher until I think of a better name or something to go before it (Conductor's Cowcatcher?) It's part of a steam train-based set that I'm currently making - the melee weapon is almost done being UVed, and the flamethrower is still in the concept phase. (I know there was a guy who drew up his own train-flamer concept in this thread, a couple of days after I came up with my set idea - I'm going to try not to rip off his design, mostly by not going back and looking at his design :poly124:)
That's a pretty cool hat, nice name and reference too (It is alluding to Fahrenheit 451 right? either that or an incredibly coincidental set of numbers ). I was the one that drew a design but it was bad :P But if you want to copy parts of it that's be cool. I actually re did the design but haven't posted it, because there has been no need.
That's a pretty cool hat, nice name and reference too (It is alluding to Fahrenheit 451 right? either that or an incredibly coincidental set of numbers ). I was the one that drew a design but it was bad :P But if you want to copy parts of it that's be cool. I actually re did the design but haven't posted it, because there has been no need.
It's definitely a Fahrenheit 451 reference, I was surprised that nobody had done one yet (at least that I've seen) I liked the painted number-plates on a bunch of locomotives I used for reference, and then the number to use was obvious :poly124:
I've narrowed down that weird glow thing - it's definitely rim lighting going a bit nuts, and I think it's because that edge that it's happening next to is just a single edge with nothing on the other side. I joined the visor bit to the helmet bit just by merging the vertices along that one edge, but it seems like that was a bad idea; I'm going to try both detaching the two pieces entirely and putting a face behind that edge, and I'll see if either of those work. This is one of my first models ever, for TF2 or otherwise, so I'm still figuring out how to make things that aren't broken :poly124:
I love it, and I'm assuming you are not going to leave it all white.
however, I don't know how valve would implement that, too big for a Misc item, to... weird for a weapon
Edit: maybe you can make it a replacement for the medigun backpack
@Just a Gigolo, colors are temp @Gobywan : Isn't it just a problem of smoothing group ? You maybe have to split the uv there too.
I've got that edge set to sharp, with the EdgeSplit modifier on the whole object (using Blender), and the UV is split along that edge as well. What sort of smoothing group problem is this, usually? Like I said, I'm very new at this, so I haven't figured out all the ways to screw up yet :poly124:
I know you'll never see the model this close, but I'm wondering if I should send a 1024 world texture and let valve choose if they want to resize it or not.
Contribute page says you must include original TGA or PSD texture and VMT is required too if you have custom shaders.
As Arcaltarion said, you must include QC if you have some custom commands in it..
But about model - I think it's better to include both OBJ and SMD.
Yeah, but it is very stupid to demand all the source files in two zip under 2mb. :poly127:
And I'll never know if my contribution upload have worked because I never see any succes page. Damn contribution page §
Jzeeba: Uhhhhhh, what is that? Looks like a cross between a snake and a beehive.
Anyway I was going to upload some images but photobuckets down, so that fails :poly127:.
I just had an idea about the name, do you think that Overdose or Uberdose sounds better? Its just something I came up with about a minute ago.
And yes Gobywan, if you want smoothing groups in blender you use edge split. You can either do it by angle or by setting sharp edges (ctrl E). Just remeber to duplicate the model before you split, as its a real pain to edit if you don't, I learned that the hard way.
One question about texture compression...
What is the difference between save a TGA with 32 bit/pixel or save it with 16 bit/pixel and compressed?
the main difference between them is the size, 4 MB vs 500 K. is there a quality loss that I'm not noticing?
Yeah, but it is very stupid to demand all the source files in two zip under 2mb. :poly127:
And I'll never know if my contribution upload have worked because I never see any succes page. Damn contribution page §
First of all, you don't have to include the source files. Technically all you have to submit is an OBJ and a TGA, and QC and VMT if you have shaders/jigglers. You definitely shouldn't hit the limit including those 4 files.
Second of all, I've included OBJ, QC, SMD, MDL, VTX, PHYS, etc files and TGA, PSD, VMT and VTF files in every submission I've done, even the ones for every class which means 9 unique SMD and MDL files. I've never had a problem staying under the 2mb in my zip files.
If you're going over, I'm guessing it's from your .PSD in your materials zip.
Not trying to bash on you, just saying that you shouldn't be having issues with it.
Also I know why you're not getting the success page. When it you click Submit, it will go to a screen that says to put in your Steam Community page again. Put it in again and click okay. Then you'll get the success page. If you don't get a success page from that, then your ZIP files are over the filesize limit and you need to slim them down a bit.
@JZeeba, that's a cool hat. Can't believe no one has done that yet. I like the effect you got on the honey.
@Bretmcnee, I don't recall seeing a dunce cap in this thread and I've been following it since page 1. I think it'd work as an all-class hat but if you had to choose one I'd say Pyro or Heavy, although the Pyro comes off as being stupid more because of the "derp put random objects on Pyro's head cuz its crazy" wagon.
I'll jump in the "derp put random objects on Pyro's head cuz its crazy" hat wagon with this one! :poly124:
Ahhhhhhh dammit XD. Well, at least this one is interesting, though I would suggest tidying it up a bit. That hole is bothering me for some reason...like it doesnt look like a legit hole on a beehive. Also have you considered Adding a few bees hovering around the hat as an effect? Similar to an unusual hat with flies. Also maybe make the bottom larger so a few honeycombs are visible under the brim?
Jzeeba: Uhhhhhh, what is that? Looks like a cross between a snake and a beehive.
Anyway I was going to upload some images but photobuckets down, so that fails :poly127:.
I just had an idea about the name, do you think that Overdose or Uberdose sounds better? Its just something I came up with about a minute ago.
And yes Gobywan, if you want smoothing groups in blender you use edge split. You can either do it by angle or by setting sharp edges (ctrl E). Just remeber to duplicate the model before you split, as its a real pain to edit if you don't, I learned that the hard way.
I learned that one the hard way as well, but I also learned that if you add the Edge Split modifier without clicking Apply, you can see your sharp edges without actually cutting the model up, and the edges stay sharp when you export to .SMD. As far as I can tell, you never have to actually apply the modifier at all.
I believe I've narrowed the problem down, though: all the vertices along that edge have their normals pointing diagonally up and inwards, which I think is making the rim lighting say "oh, this normal's pointing away from the camera on an angle, it must be the back edge of something!". I don't know how to fix it, though, short of completely changing the geometry of that area and re-doing the UVs and the texture
Also have you considered Adding a few bees hovering around the hat as an effect? Similar to an unusual hat with flies.
I don't think that's a good idea and I doubt Valve would include the particle in with the hat. It would piss off everyone with unusual hats.
Still a bee particle similar to the flies is a good idea. Maybe Valve should make a Particle submission page to get some more unusual effects in. I might e-mail Robin about that.
Also I know why you're not getting the success page. When it you click Submit, it will go to a screen that says to put in your Steam Community page again. Put it in again and click okay. Then you'll get the success page. If you don't get a success page from that, then your ZIP files are over the filesize limit and you need to slim them down a bit.
Oh ! Thank you !
I will redo the sumit in a few days so...
I alway stopped at the submit buton... Shame on me ^^
I don't think that's a good idea and I doubt Valve would include the particle in with the hat. It would piss off everyone with unusual hats.
Still a bee particle similar to the flies is a good idea. Maybe Valve should make a Particle submission page to get some more unusual effects in. I might e-mail Robin about that.
Really? I mean, I dont think a bee particle would be a good idea for just ANY hat, honestly. It would only be good on this hat. Sort of like how the flies only look good with the plunger.
Really? I mean, I dont think a bee particle would be a good idea for just ANY hat, honestly. It would only be good on this hat. Sort of like how the flies only look good with the plunger.
You're still able to get the flies on any hat though even though it may look silly. I'm 100% sure that people would get pissed if there's a bee particle similar to flies available on every version of the hat. It nullifies the uniqueness of the particles on unusual hats.
So, I've been quite ill last week and didn't work on the cart then, but since today I felt a little better, I decided to redo the control panel and I'm quite satisfied with the results. Now, to answer some of the questions asked, for those who didn't follow from the very beginning, the gift wrap is there because it's a Christmas themed cart, it'll feature some other Christmas things as well (lights, stockings) And the control panel controls... well, the fireplace-dispenser and the explosives and the lights and anything else you'd like it to control. Though actually, I put it there to look good and fill up some space.
@Arcaltarion: I totally dig your Goldfinger (yes, that's what I call it, I think it fits), really good quality you've got there. Can't wait to see it finished.
okay, I've got a serious issue with my medic mask. The textures on parts of it are appearing on the interior of the objects, and I'm not even getting a texture panel option in my tools. I'm using Blender 2.55.
What stupid thing have I done to cause this, and how do I fix it? Please don't tell me I have to start over.
By the way, I don't really get why wheel is sliced. Never seen unicyles like this..
The wheel was replaced by multiple blades. It's not the actual wheel. But the first concept was a normal unicycle with a few broken parts, but it was too much like a hammer than a bladed weapon.
hey guys, i'm uploading a video right now, but it will take a while.
In some maps and under certain lights the hand starts a ugly flickering effect
At first I thought it happened in areas where elements were intersecting, but it also happens in areas where two parts are close but not touching
OK, here is the video
there is also noise everywhere due to my crappy compression skills, but the one I'm talking about is the black one that is noticeable in the buttons and the belt
I dont know if these pictures are gonna show up since im using dropbox.
Heres my engineer Radar Hat
Still not sure what im gonna do about the screen, if i can animate it or i should just place a still image on it.
and then i have the Cornucopia holiday hat i started today
I was originally gonna place fruit pouring out over the brim but that became a collision nightmare so i thought it would prob be better to simplify it anyway
You're still able to get the flies on any hat though even though it may look silly. I'm 100% sure that people would get pissed if there's a bee particle similar to flies available on every version of the hat. It nullifies the uniqueness of the particles on unusual hats.
Yep, I had thought of using particles but someone in another forum told me Valve probably wouldn't accept particles on hats for those same reasons. I had already found the flies particle effect and was playing with the editor to modify it and make it look like bees. I also was planning to modify the dripping jarate effect to make it look like dripping honey...
Yep, that hat needs some more work both on the model and the texture but I haven't figured out exactly what to change so I paused it a bit and started working on another hat.
Yep, it's supposed to be a bee hive, I guess the shape needs more work.
hey guys, i'm uploading a video right now, but it will take a while.
In some maps and under certain lights the hand starts a ugly flickering effect
At first I thought it happened in areas where elements were intersecting, but it also happens in areas where two parts are close but not touching
OK, here is the video
there is also noise everywhere due to my crappy compression skills, but the one I'm talking about is the black one that is noticeable in the buttons and the belt
(and later or tomorrow we'll talk about team colored golden parts)
Edit: because the RED one hadn't the right colors
I like the neutral bluish and neutral redish version
When you import anything into Source it's automatically triangulated, so no if your model is all tris and quads. If you're still worried about that though, just convert your model to editable patch and back to editable poly and it'll be triangulated, assuming you use 3DS.
No but I would triangulate it anyways if I were you. Automatic Triangulation can occasionally cause odd shading issues with quads that are shaped obscurely. You may need to flip the Tris on some faces to fix this.
Awesome job.
If that's the colors you're going with, might I suggest using colors that make it look more like a real chainsaw, and not a toy.
Also, blood on the blades would be awesome.
The hat is made out of steam locomotive parts (steam dome and cowcatcher) - it's tentatively called the Cowcatcher until I think of a better name or something to go before it (Conductor's Cowcatcher?) It's part of a steam train-based set that I'm currently making - the melee weapon is almost done being UVed, and the flamethrower is still in the concept phase. (I know there was a guy who drew up his own train-flamer concept in this thread, a couple of days after I came up with my set idea - I'm going to try not to rip off his design, mostly by not going back and looking at his design :poly124:)
Known issues: It's too small, I'm going to re-export it so it doesn't clip; the number plate is jagged and weird, I'm going to resize it in the UVs and throw a subtle normal map on it; there's a stupid edge glow thing happening, you can see it in the pictures.
Here's the hat:
And here's the problem, which is fairly obvious already:
I don't know where that weird sorta-specular-looking white blobby edge glow is coming from. It's not on the specular map, and it doesn't change even when I move the light around to the back of the model in HLMV. Is it rim lighting gone insane, maybe? I'm just using the .VMT for the Attendant with some slightly tweaked phong numbers, but nothing I do to those numbers alters the stupid glow thing, and the Attendant itself has no such problems in HLMV. Anyone know what's wrong here?
That's a pretty cool hat, nice name and reference too (It is alluding to Fahrenheit 451 right? either that or an incredibly coincidental set of numbers
Well here's your problem! The Pyro has too many hats already!
Dohoho but seriously thats a very unique and interesting hat!
And it isn't another "derp put random objects on Pyro's head cuz its crazy" hat, which is good!
It's definitely a Fahrenheit 451 reference, I was surprised that nobody had done one yet (at least that I've seen)
I've narrowed down that weird glow thing - it's definitely rim lighting going a bit nuts, and I think it's because that edge that it's happening next to is just a single edge with nothing on the other side. I joined the visor bit to the helmet bit just by merging the vertices along that one edge, but it seems like that was a bad idea; I'm going to try both detaching the two pieces entirely and putting a face behind that edge, and I'll see if either of those work. This is one of my first models ever, for TF2 or otherwise, so I'm still figuring out how to make things that aren't broken :poly124:
@Gobywan : Isn't it just a problem of smoothing group ? You maybe have to split the uv there too.
I like the team colored-ish version, but I think the key should have a diffrent color for red because the silver is more of a blue team color.
Hope you guys like it!
however, I don't know how valve would implement that, too big for a Misc item, to... weird for a weapon
Edit: maybe you can make it a replacement for the medigun backpack
I've got that edge set to sharp, with the EdgeSplit modifier on the whole object (using Blender), and the UV is split along that edge as well. What sort of smoothing group problem is this, usually? Like I said, I'm very new at this, so I haven't figured out all the ways to screw up yet :poly124:
I know you'll never see the model this close, but I'm wondering if I should send a 1024 world texture and let valve choose if they want to resize it or not.
In the pic a comparison:
Contribute page says you must include original TGA or PSD texture and VMT is required too if you have custom shaders.
As Arcaltarion said, you must include QC if you have some custom commands in it..
But about model - I think it's better to include both OBJ and SMD.
Yeah, but it is very stupid to demand all the source files in two zip under 2mb. :poly127:
And I'll never know if my contribution upload have worked because I never see any succes page. Damn contribution page §
I'll jump in the "derp put random objects on Pyro's head cuz its crazy" hat wagon with this one! :poly124:
Anyway I was going to upload some images but photobuckets down, so that fails :poly127:.
I just had an idea about the name, do you think that Overdose or Uberdose sounds better? Its just something I came up with about a minute ago.
And yes Gobywan, if you want smoothing groups in blender you use edge split. You can either do it by angle or by setting sharp edges (ctrl E). Just remeber to duplicate the model before you split, as its a real pain to edit if you don't, I learned that the hard way.
What is the difference between save a TGA with 32 bit/pixel or save it with 16 bit/pixel and compressed?
the main difference between them is the size, 4 MB vs 500 K. is there a quality loss that I'm not noticing?
First of all, you don't have to include the source files. Technically all you have to submit is an OBJ and a TGA, and QC and VMT if you have shaders/jigglers. You definitely shouldn't hit the limit including those 4 files.
Second of all, I've included OBJ, QC, SMD, MDL, VTX, PHYS, etc files and TGA, PSD, VMT and VTF files in every submission I've done, even the ones for every class which means 9 unique SMD and MDL files. I've never had a problem staying under the 2mb in my zip files.
If you're going over, I'm guessing it's from your .PSD in your materials zip.
Not trying to bash on you, just saying that you shouldn't be having issues with it.
Also I know why you're not getting the success page. When it you click Submit, it will go to a screen that says to put in your Steam Community page again. Put it in again and click okay. Then you'll get the success page. If you don't get a success page from that, then your ZIP files are over the filesize limit and you need to slim them down a bit.
@Bretmcnee, I don't recall seeing a dunce cap in this thread and I've been following it since page 1. I think it'd work as an all-class hat but if you had to choose one I'd say Pyro or Heavy, although the Pyro comes off as being stupid more because of the "derp put random objects on Pyro's head cuz its crazy" wagon.
Ahhhhhhh dammit XD. Well, at least this one is interesting, though I would suggest tidying it up a bit. That hole is bothering me for some reason...like it doesnt look like a legit hole on a beehive. Also have you considered Adding a few bees hovering around the hat as an effect? Similar to an unusual hat with flies. Also maybe make the bottom larger so a few honeycombs are visible under the brim?
I have a feeling if it was submitted for scout or heavy, Valve would put it on the Pyro
I learned that one the hard way as well, but I also learned that if you add the Edge Split modifier without clicking Apply, you can see your sharp edges without actually cutting the model up, and the edges stay sharp when you export to .SMD. As far as I can tell, you never have to actually apply the modifier at all.
I believe I've narrowed the problem down, though: all the vertices along that edge have their normals pointing diagonally up and inwards, which I think is making the rim lighting say "oh, this normal's pointing away from the camera on an angle, it must be the back edge of something!". I don't know how to fix it, though, short of completely changing the geometry of that area and re-doing the UVs and the texture
I don't think that's a good idea and I doubt Valve would include the particle in with the hat. It would piss off everyone with unusual hats.
Still a bee particle similar to the flies is a good idea. Maybe Valve should make a Particle submission page to get some more unusual effects in. I might e-mail Robin about that.
Oh ! Thank you !
I will redo the sumit in a few days so...
I alway stopped at the submit buton... Shame on me ^^
Really? I mean, I dont think a bee particle would be a good idea for just ANY hat, honestly. It would only be good on this hat. Sort of like how the flies only look good with the plunger.
You're still able to get the flies on any hat though even though it may look silly. I'm 100% sure that people would get pissed if there's a bee particle similar to flies available on every version of the hat. It nullifies the uniqueness of the particles on unusual hats.
@Arcaltarion: I totally dig your Goldfinger (yes, that's what I call it, I think it fits), really good quality you've got there. Can't wait to see it finished.
What stupid thing have I done to cause this, and how do I fix it? Please don't tell me I have to start over.
Your normals look flipped.
Select entire model in face select mode
CTRL-N ( This recalculates normals )
Individual faces that are displaying inside out
CTRL-F - Flip normals
The wheel was replaced by multiple blades. It's not the actual wheel. But the first concept was a normal unicycle with a few broken parts, but it was too much like a hammer than a bladed weapon.
In some maps and under certain lights the hand starts a ugly flickering effect
At first I thought it happened in areas where elements were intersecting, but it also happens in areas where two parts are close but not touching
OK, here is the video
there is also noise everywhere due to my crappy compression skills, but the one I'm talking about is the black one that is noticeable in the buttons and the belt
Heres my engineer Radar Hat
Still not sure what im gonna do about the screen, if i can animate it or i should just place a still image on it.
and then i have the Cornucopia holiday hat i started today
I was originally gonna place fruit pouring out over the brim but that became a collision nightmare so i thought it would prob be better to simplify it anyway
Yep, I had thought of using particles but someone in another forum told me Valve probably wouldn't accept particles on hats for those same reasons. I had already found the flies particle effect and was playing with the editor to modify it and make it look like bees. I also was planning to modify the dripping jarate effect to make it look like dripping honey...
Yep, that hat needs some more work both on the model and the texture but I haven't figured out exactly what to change so I paused it a bit and started working on another hat.
Yep, it's supposed to be a bee hive, I guess the shape needs more work.
Wow that looks really nice