Open it with Notepad and see if the texture is called the same as your .vmt
I think that should help
Do you mean checkerboard instead of regular texture?
Hey Mr Scrub.
In maya i assign the VTF texture and export as smd and edit the qc. Still unable to view the texture in SDK-model viewer, but under the model it shows that VMT are loaded.
Well then if that didn't help, check your vmt to see if you properly assigned the vtf but after that the noob tech support ends (as in I am the noob as I can't even get two bones to work with a hat) as I have no more advice or you could just ask anyone else
agreed, its rather bland without it, its just cloth usually don't look like that in TF2.
Well, the beak is made of leather and I kind of looked at the Cloak and Dagger's textures, since the CnD's bands are made of leather as well. They had brushstrokes. Blame Valve!
How do you guys recompile weapon since all animations are broken by the mdldecompiler ?
I try to replace the heavy's minigun. It works for the world model but it goes funky with the viewmodel.
Don't replace the minigun. You're making it harder than you have to. Compile the weapon as its own model (No animations required) and then replace Natascha's model by changing the path in the items_game.txt, located in Scripts/Items.
Don't replace the minigun. You're making it harder than you have to. Compile the weapon as its own model (No animations required) and then replace Natascha's model by changing the path in the items_game.txt, located in Scripts/Items.
Does it matter which weapon you work from as a reference? I've been building my replacement around w_minigun.mdl (couldn't find the Natascha files)
Does it matter which weapon you work from as a reference? I've been building my replacement around w_minigun.mdl (couldn't find the Natascha files)
Not sure if that will matter. You should just do it based off of Natascha though. I can't seem to find the file either. Just looked and the only thing I think it would be is c_ludmilla located in tf/models/weapons/c_models/c_ludmilla.
My first post was delayed by my account not being validated. Here is was
The Smoking Bandit is designed for all classes. It can be used with other hats just like the medic mask. Also it should be paintable. Comments and suggestions please.
Not sure if that will matter. You should just do it based off of Natascha though. I can't seem to find the file either. Just looked and the only thing I think it would be is c_ludmilla located in tf/models/weapons/c_models/c_ludmilla.
Yea I just looked myself, apparently the Natascha is a little weird and basically adds an attachment model onto the preexisting minigun. Even though it's placed with the rest of the c_models in the GCF, it has a c_v_ludmila and a c_w_ludmila, which I assume is because they decided to flip the Natascha's ammo belt in the first person view
The ludmila SMDs are just the belt's themselves, and the Natascha's entry in items_game.txt combines both meshes. Starting to think this is going to be a pain in the ass to get working lol
edit: the smoking bandit looks great! Definitely need more misc items. Did you find any problems with clipping when the characters talk?
Yea I just looked myself, apparently the Natascha is a little weird and basically adds an attachment model onto the preexisting minigun. Even though it's placed with the rest of the c_models in the GCF, it has a c_v_ludmila and a c_w_ludmila, which I assume is because they decided to flip the Natascha's ammo belt in the first person view
The ludmila SMDs are just the belt's themselves, and the Natascha's entry in items_game.txt combines both meshes. Starting to think this is going to be a pain in the ass to get working lol
edit: the smoking bandit looks great! Definitely need more misc items. Did you find any problems with clipping when the characters talk?
Ah yeah... I forgot about that. You're probably going to have to do the annoying viewmodel compile then if you really want to see it in game and not just in model viewer.
Okay, after tinkering with items_game.txt, it looks like swapping the Natascha is actually really easy.
In the Natascha's entry you can simply comment out the "attached_model" sections to remove the ammo belt (1st and 3rd person views). Then if you change "skin" from 2 to 1 it restores the minigun's original black and silver texture
Heres the visuals section if anyone wants to copy and paste
Messed around with idle.smd, managed to fix the barrel.
As for changing the minigun around, I found it easier to just modify the minigun itself instead of Natascha. If you do a search in the items_game.txt for mini, the first result should be the minigun itself. All you have to do there is change the model, and you're good to go.
Anyone have any ideas as to why my minigun looks as though its been dipped in a tub of oil? Something in the .vmts? .tgas?
It's probably due to your vmt Did you copy the vmt of the minigun ?
I doubt replacing only one of the models will work.
The view model and the world model of the minigun are different, probably because of fov purpose. On the view model, the handle is very close to the barrel, and that big cylinder is a lot more on the front. They have cheated so we could see all that stuff in view mode. It explains why the heavy hand goes through the handle on your weapon. Anyway, i will tweak the qc, and make some animation, and it will "probably" work.
Should I add anything to the red crown like part? Maybe a little shading?
Any help would be greatly appreciated, do you guys think the texture matches the TF2 style enough?
OK, I'll play around with a simpler colored string, the one with lines has a bit too much 'detail' for the TF2 style. Thanks Smack. I see a lot of areas of the overall hat texture to change but do you guys think it's close to the TF2 style? Should I maybe get rid of some of the noise in the green texture (it's supposed to make it look like felt but it seems to take away from the simplicity of most TF2 textures)?
Messed around with idle.smd, managed to fix the barrel.
As for changing the minigun around, I found it easier to just modify the minigun itself instead of Natascha. If you do a search in the items_game.txt for mini, the first result should be the minigun itself. All you have to do there is change the model, and you're good to go.
Anyone have any ideas as to why my minigun looks as though its been dipped in a tub of oil? Something in the .vmts? .tgas?
How exactly did you get it to show up in first person mode? I compiled a trial run just to check proportions/clipping/whatever, and while the third person works fine, the first person still shows up as the original minigun
Did you recompile your gun as both v_minigun and w_minigun ?
Here's my second installment. I realize that the soldier already has a stainless pot, but I thought I'd throw this one out there. It's a strainer, y'know, for spaghetti noodles. Complete with the tongs! I've made it all jiggly to emphasize that it doesn't quite fit proper-like. JIGGLE JIGGLE!
Looks great to me, very clean looking. Nothing to critic really, although I was wondering if there a spec map? Doesn't look shiny, if it's a metal strainer; although it may be because it's dark in the environment there.
@Yamo: That bottom corner of the picture isn't exactly firstperson, just thirdperson simulating first person. What happens is if you die while in thirdperson, you respawn in thirdperson, but it looks firstperson. Hope that makes sense.
@PerfectChaos Hmmm... you're right... I gave it a bit of a phong exponent and it seems to help convey metal a little better. I'm not using a seperate map for specularity although I probably should, because the holes shouldnt be shiny. I'll give that a whirl tomorrow.
Thought it was about time i started throwing these up here, they are mostly a productive way for me to learn the tf2 process. Jigglebones, better shader understanding and weapons are next on the list.
Cheers to zipfinator for answering my completely random stranger pm's
So, because christmas is coming i thought why not to create a misc item for all classes. So here is my idea CHRISTMAS LIGHT NECKLACE. Started working on it but haven't done very much.
Maybe someone has some ideas on how i can upgrade it or maybe just suggestions (its not finished so this foto is just a preview)
Oh and I love how everyone's making Christmas stuff, I'd love to see them make a christmas event
Sharkiss, looking good dude, know you just started so you've probably already thought of this but colorful "glowing effect" (Cheater's Lament) and jigglebones would make this awesome
PerfectChaos: I love it, it's just one of those hats that feel very christmas-y even though you don't see them everywhere (Santa Hat), very creative and distinctive (Oh, and jigglebones, jigglebones, jigglebones)
@notacomputer: Looking good The only thing that I notice is that it looks like the mask goes up a bit too much at the bridge of the nose. I think it would be more of a straight line if it were just a normal bandanna pulled tight. Granted, there are some bandannas made for the face that have an elevated piece like that for the nose @Sharkisss: Good start I think you should add a bulb in the middle, the gap looks strange @Lennyagony: While I'm sure we have all seen the road cone done before, you have added much more detail that I've ever seen before Very nice material too. And the horns are very simple, but great looking Nice work!
Some have seen this in the TF2 forums. But since it has been submitted, I will put this here for your viewing pleasure for those that have not seen it.
Ya, i see those things too. I will update it tomorrow. Maybe start with the same idea but just in a different spot. I thought about the glow effect but i dont know how to make it do it, what map is needed, plz tell me, i will try to do it.
Ya, i see those things too. I will update it tomorrow. Maybe start with the same idea but just in a different spot. I thought about the glow effect but i dont know how to make it do it, what map is needed, plz tell me, i will try to do it.
If you decompile one of the hats with the glow effects, you will see it in the QC
Sharkiss: Nice idea, I think to improve it, if polys allow, maybe add more lights and have them coming off in different directions maybe (some up some down or something like that) also maybe the actual bulbs should have a little point like most christmas lights have. Also sorry for ending up making the same model, me and a guy from work were originally planning on making a whole christmas pack but it looks like everyone's doing christmas stuff now so it's going to be hard not to duplicate some things (although I never build something if I already saw someone made it).
a gentlman: Thanks for the kind words, still lots left to do, And yes there will be jiggle bones. Looking at tutorials while at work to see if I can figure them out.
I already posted this in my sketchbook but thought I'd throw it in here. Don't know if anyone's done this already but I decided to quickly model the valve from the Valve Logo for the back of the Heavy's head. About 10-15 mins modelling so far, very WIP (doesn't really match the style yet) but I'll finish it off once the Elf Hat is done. I sorta just made it to take a break from texturing.
Here are some that I submitted. Unfortunately, the white one with the scream was too late for Halloween.
but I hope you like'em!
And sorry Guys, for the super large one.
EArkham: love the roman candle, I think a fireplace poker is a great weapon idea for the pyro, and the shading you have going on matches the TF2 style perfectly
Lennyagony: damnit, another hat idea I have to cross off my list! The cone looks great, maybe have it cocked to one side just a bit on his head? (might already be tilted, a little hard to tell from the angle you used)
Sharkisss: fun idea, I realize it's still an early WIP, but you have plenty of poly's to spare to round out that cable!
Testing proportions... suprisingly little clipping for a first pass!
I got Blender to work today and quickly set about learning how to do things.
After probably hours, I've managed to make some rectangles.
Its a bit naff atm, but when I'm done it will (hopefully) be a nice engy shotgun replacement, based on his pistol. As you can see from my bad paintover I'm going to add a stock (probably) and something to lengthen the barrel a bit, all in all making it look like he's converted the pistol to some sort of weird bullpup machine pistol. Hopefully.
Builders Bullpup is the name I've got in mind for it should I ever finish.
I suggest making the horns glow in the dark, just like the Halo
With a red glow
Now this is my first post and will be about my first try at a complete 3D model (my previous ones don't have textures because I don't know how to wrap the UV's :poly124:)
Hopefully I'll learn everything I need to know during this project.
It's a concealable single shot dart gun for the spy.
Here are my first sketches all done in Paint :poly124:
PS: All feedback and tips are welcome
First (really fast) sketch of the reloading system
You basically pull the knob which slides out the "rail" and opens the backside of the gun so you can more easily insert the dart.
Then I had the idea of making it foldable for easy concealment.
This is what I came up with
When you take it out it looks like the first drawing, and during that period of time in which you can't shoot it will fold out and look like the second drawing, giving you a visual representation of when it's ready to fire.
Now to my final sketch
The thickness of the black lines is roughly the thickness of the metal, the rest is pretty self explanatory I think.
I just noticed that I forgot to place the ring that you pull to reload on the top view... sorry about that
Yamo: That is one badass minigun, nice work... Wait is that a community sparkle I see on the pugilist? (Looks up tf2wiki) Oh it is
Just got your hat with gold paint yesterday, thanks, love it
Earkham: Looks very good, both of them, there was just one thing I was thinking about. How would the rockets affect the weapon's attack, it feels weird to strap rockets onto something without them doing anything ever, so I was thinking..
It's for the pyro right? How about turning the rockets around so they're facing the thing you're bashing, then as a part of the attack animation the rockets would get set on fire, burning the opponent.
Perhaps it could be an optional attack, like with the sandman, you can either hit regularly or hit a baseball.
For the Roman candle it would translate as:
You can either hit regularly or set it on fire, dealing additional fire damage for the next 10 seconds, it would then get set on a cooldown (of a minute or so).
Would make a pretty cool side grade
I would suggest just making alt-fire launch it which is even better than my previous idea but I'm not sure how valve would feel leaving the player without a melee weapon, perhaps it could be replaced by fists while on cooldown?
I will also work on a engie misc item. A bolo tie ! I was surprised when i realized that this idea wasn't taken, so I decided to work on it.
So now I will be working on 2 misc items.
This bolo-tie is also a preview. I HAVENT FINISHED IT YET, BUT I WILL FINISH IT SOON.
I dont have enough time to finish the whole model, so i just do the start, to show what will i finish later. It is just to claim it so that someone else wont make the same model.
I don't know if anyone saw this the first time, it took a long time to post since it was my first post.
The Smoking Bandit is designed for all classes. It can be used with other hats just like the medic mask. Comments and suggestions please.
Well, the beak is made of leather and I kind of looked at the Cloak and Dagger's textures, since the CnD's bands are made of leather as well. They had brushstrokes. Blame Valve!
Don't replace the minigun. You're making it harder than you have to. Compile the weapon as its own model (No animations required) and then replace Natascha's model by changing the path in the items_game.txt, located in Scripts/Items.
Does it matter which weapon you work from as a reference? I've been building my replacement around w_minigun.mdl (couldn't find the Natascha files)
Then why are there 2 tricorne hats for demo
Not sure if that will matter. You should just do it based off of Natascha though. I can't seem to find the file either. Just looked and the only thing I think it would be is c_ludmilla located in tf/models/weapons/c_models/c_ludmilla.
Yeah, but his is nicer. Really hope it makes it.
The Smoking Bandit is designed for all classes. It can be used with other hats just like the medic mask. Also it should be paintable. Comments and suggestions please.
I also did some more mockups
Comments and suggestions please.
Yea I just looked myself, apparently the Natascha is a little weird and basically adds an attachment model onto the preexisting minigun. Even though it's placed with the rest of the c_models in the GCF, it has a c_v_ludmila and a c_w_ludmila, which I assume is because they decided to flip the Natascha's ammo belt in the first person view
The ludmila SMDs are just the belt's themselves, and the Natascha's entry in items_game.txt combines both meshes. Starting to think this is going to be a pain in the ass to get working lol
edit: the smoking bandit looks great! Definitely need more misc items. Did you find any problems with clipping when the characters talk?
Ah yeah... I forgot about that. You're probably going to have to do the annoying viewmodel compile then if you really want to see it in game and not just in model viewer.
In the Natascha's entry you can simply comment out the "attached_model" sections to remove the ammo belt (1st and 3rd person views). Then if you change "skin" from 2 to 1 it restores the minigun's original black and silver texture
Heres the visuals section if anyone wants to copy and paste
As for changing the minigun around, I found it easier to just modify the minigun itself instead of Natascha. If you do a search in the items_game.txt for mini, the first result should be the minigun itself. All you have to do there is change the model, and you're good to go.
Anyone have any ideas as to why my minigun looks as though its been dipped in a tub of oil? Something in the .vmts? .tgas?
I doubt replacing only one of the models will work.
The view model and the world model of the minigun are different, probably because of fov purpose. On the view model, the handle is very close to the barrel, and that big cylinder is a lot more on the front. They have cheated so we could see all that stuff in view mode. It explains why the heavy hand goes through the handle on your weapon. Anyway, i will tweak the qc, and make some animation, and it will "probably" work.
Uploaded with
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Uploaded with
Should I add anything to the red crown like part? Maybe a little shading?
Any help would be greatly appreciated, do you guys think the texture matches the TF2 style enough?
How exactly did you get it to show up in first person mode? I compiled a trial run just to check proportions/clipping/whatever, and while the third person works fine, the first person still shows up as the original minigun
Did you recompile your gun as both v_minigun and w_minigun ?
DAMN, I was working on this one too, but it looks like you have beaten me
Hmmm... you're right... I gave it a bit of a phong exponent and it seems to help convey metal a little better. I'm not using a seperate map for specularity although I probably should, because the holes shouldnt be shiny. I'll give that a whirl tomorrow.
Cheers to zipfinator for answering my completely random stranger pm's
Maybe someone has some ideas on how i can upgrade it or maybe just suggestions (its not finished so this foto is just a preview)
Oh and I love how everyone's making Christmas stuff, I'd love to see them make a christmas event
Sharkiss, looking good dude, know you just started so you've probably already thought of this but colorful "glowing effect" (Cheater's Lament) and jigglebones would make this awesome
PerfectChaos: I love it, it's just one of those hats that feel very christmas-y even though you don't see them everywhere (Santa Hat), very creative and distinctive
@Sharkisss: Good start
@Lennyagony: While I'm sure we have all seen the road cone done before, you have added much more detail that I've ever seen before
These are already submitted, but I'll post WIPs for any other projects I do for feedback.
The Lethal Injection
Originally modeled in Solid Works 2009 (Da Clown Teehee) then imported to blender via .wrl for deconstruction and optimization (ICanHaZZombys).
In order to veiw the finished project you may need to download the Unity Player.
And if your just lazy here is a quick pic
Blue pen v3
a gentlman: Thanks for the kind words, still lots left to do, And yes there will be jiggle bones. Looking at tutorials while at work to see if I can figure them out.
I already posted this in my sketchbook but thought I'd throw it in here. Don't know if anyone's done this already but I decided to quickly model the valve from the Valve Logo for the back of the Heavy's head. About 10-15 mins modelling so far, very WIP (doesn't really match the style yet) but I'll finish it off once the Elf Hat is done. I sorta just made it to take a break from texturing.
but I hope you like'em!
And sorry Guys, for the super large one.
Lennyagony: damnit, another hat idea I have to cross off my list! The cone looks great, maybe have it cocked to one side just a bit on his head? (might already be tilted, a little hard to tell from the angle you used)
Sharkisss: fun idea, I realize it's still an early WIP, but you have plenty of poly's to spare to round out that cable!
Testing proportions... suprisingly little clipping for a first pass!
I suggest making the horns glow in the dark, just like the Halo
After probably hours, I've managed to make some rectangles.
Its a bit naff atm, but when I'm done it will (hopefully) be a nice engy shotgun replacement, based on his pistol. As you can see from my bad paintover I'm going to add a stock (probably) and something to lengthen the barrel a bit, all in all making it look like he's converted the pistol to some sort of weird bullpup machine pistol. Hopefully.
Builders Bullpup is the name I've got in mind for it should I ever finish.
With a red glow
Now this is my first post and will be about my first try at a complete 3D model (my previous ones don't have textures because I don't know how to wrap the UV's :poly124:)
Hopefully I'll learn everything I need to know during this project.
It's a concealable single shot dart gun for the spy.
Here are my first sketches all done in Paint :poly124:
PS: All feedback and tips are welcome
First (really fast) sketch of the reloading system
You basically pull the knob which slides out the "rail" and opens the backside of the gun so you can more easily insert the dart.
Then I had the idea of making it foldable for easy concealment.
This is what I came up with
When you take it out it looks like the first drawing, and during that period of time in which you can't shoot it will fold out and look like the second drawing, giving you a visual representation of when it's ready to fire.
Now to my final sketch
The thickness of the black lines is roughly the thickness of the metal, the rest is pretty self explanatory I think.
I just noticed that I forgot to place the ring that you pull to reload on the top view... sorry about that
So, what do you guys think?
I'll start modelling soon.
Just got your hat with gold paint yesterday, thanks, love it
Earkham: Looks very good, both of them, there was just one thing I was thinking about. How would the rockets affect the weapon's attack, it feels weird to strap rockets onto something without them doing anything ever, so I was thinking..
It's for the pyro right? How about turning the rockets around so they're facing the thing you're bashing, then as a part of the attack animation the rockets would get set on fire, burning the opponent.
Perhaps it could be an optional attack, like with the sandman, you can either hit regularly or hit a baseball.
For the Roman candle it would translate as:
You can either hit regularly or set it on fire, dealing additional fire damage for the next 10 seconds, it would then get set on a cooldown (of a minute or so).
Would make a pretty cool side grade
I would suggest just making alt-fire launch it which is even better than my previous idea but I'm not sure how valve would feel leaving the player without a melee weapon, perhaps it could be replaced by fists while on cooldown?
(Loved your mayan theme btw, shame it died
So now I will be working on 2 misc items.
This bolo-tie is also a preview. I HAVENT FINISHED IT YET, BUT I WILL FINISH IT SOON.
I dont have enough time to finish the whole model, so i just do the start, to show what will i finish later. It is just to claim it so that someone else wont make the same model.