Slowly progressing on the cart, maybe someone will comment on it this time. Added some stuff to fill up the space between the crate and fireplace (battery and what is going to be a control panel, but now is just some rought blockout), put some placeholder junk where it's supposed to be, added few nails and a chimney with the hatch/flap/cap, no idea what it's called. There's also an address sticker on the front, but it's not too visible on these renders. It's now at about 10k tris and some of it can be optimized, leaving a fair bit for the rest of the details: some wiring, christmas lights, stockings, switches and stuff on the panel. Perhaps some eggnog bottles too.
for now I just know how to replace hats.. I think replace C_weapons is as easy as hats. but the gunslinger is THE engineer, and I don't know how to replace player models. the first google link is me asking here how the gunslinger submodel works
trying to replace the engineer just because the gunslinger is part of it must be a pain in the ass:poly122:
Renders are only AO, so it may be a bit hard to read them but I'm too lazy to set up anything else for a quick preview. For me, slapping AO on instanly makes it look better than the plain standard render. Anyway, here they are.
It's looking nice. I have a few tips for your renders though. Try to include the entire model in view in all of the renders. It's very annoying to me to not be able to process the entire model in one picture because only certain parts are visible in the zoomed in shot. Also you should never use a black background. It's too harsh of a contrast. Try using a 48, 48, 48 grey. That's the most used color for backgrounds in renders.
That's my engineer recompile scripts, you need to unpack the folder inside in your "sourcesdk_content\tf\modelsrc\player" folder. After that, open the engineer_low_recompile.qc file and replace the lines for robotarm and robotarm_lod with your model.
Then you are good to go, compile that .qc and you should have a working player model, given I didn't fuck up when I packed everything together.
If it gives you any problems, just post it here and I'll get to you tomorrow.
RoqueDemon: It's a cool concept, but I'd warn you that the further your designs stray from the original Valve designs, the less likely they are to be accepted (or at least the more work you'll have stacked against yourself to get them accepted). That being said, best of luck finishing the weapon and getting it working; the spy could definitely use some kind of dart-based weapon
Hey guys. I'm in the final stages of my hat and was wondering what you think? This image has the original bells hanging off the 'crown' and the whole model is 790 tris:
And this one uses the large bell model instead of the triangular looking ones and the whole model is 860 tris, so 70 more tris:
Do you guys think the texture is looking ok?
I'm going to start playing around with jiggle bones in Maya now while I wait for feedback, any crits are appreciated.
A question to the guy making the Christmas tree hat, I was wondering how far along you are? Seems like the hat could use some red to balance out the green since it's a Christmas hat.
I think it's meant to look like stone, given the whole sundial thing, but I agree that it's too noisy and rough for the TF2 style - a smoother and less detailed stone would fit better and also avoid drawing attention away from the awesome sundial in the middle
I don't know what you guys are on about with the band but I guess I'll spread out the cracks a bit later.
Unnamed Watch: A beautiful piece of artistic design, I'm a little worried about the visual's "usefulness", as in how is a sundial going to make you invisible :P? Perhaps add some simple wires just barely visible under the watch or something, just to give it a little bit more of a"concealed high-tech"
There are many things you can do with a low-tech watch. You could also just pull the magic card to explain any abilities away like with the Eyelander. Anyway, along with the hood, it's going to be a part of a medieval item pack so I don't want to break the theme with gadgetry and stuff.
PerfectChaos: Nice, really starting to shape up, it's an all-class right? It feels a little small on the heavy, I know they do that a bit themselves but it might look better if it were just a little bigger and further down the forehead, just an idea, nice hat
Mnemo-: Nice hat/scarf/hood, and I respect your decision.
Wow, you pulled off the hood very well, awesome
I have on question though, why is the bottom left (from front view) the only area with a strand-like texture?
I'm starting to think you guys are just ignoring me
Anyway, here's the current stage of my project.
I still need to resolve some minor issues on my gun and add some small details but the model won't change much from this (sorry for the huge image)
Any ideas on how to improve it?
Is it any good? :shifty:
It's currently at 1487 polys
Now that I see your model your previous pictures make alot more sence. I think it's a great concept and you seem to have a good start so far. I would suggest making the end of the barrel a bit wider (just the part that isn't retracted into the gun).
Also, are you planning on making the animations for it?
PerfectChaos: Nice, really starting to shape up, it's an all-class right? It feels a little small on the heavy, I know they do that a bit themselves but it might look better if it were just a little bigger and further down the forehead, just an idea, nice hat
Mnemo-: Nice hat/scarf/hood, and I respect your decision.
It will be an all class, and so I will play around with the size a bit. I was wondering, if you are submitting for all classes, do you create a seperate model for each class? Because otherwise it won't fit properly. Also, I haven't done rigs in a long time and had a couple questions:
-If you have already rigged a model, can you still resize it and have the bones resize in tandem with the model? (I'm using Maya).
-Also, is there a way in Maya to add a bone to a skin if it already has bones added to it, well, I know there is a way but how do you do it?
That's about it, I've decided to go with the round bells for the model and extruded the base edges inwards so there's no area where you can see inside the hat. So the model is 900 tris total now, should be ok for submission I think.
This is a Medic hat I've been working on in the past 2 days.
I call it the "Surgeon General". (see wat I did tharr? :poly142:)
Just got done with the AO bake!
I don't have much experience in texturing, but 'ere goes nothing
I'm most definitely going to reconsider the colors when I start texturing it, suggestions are welcome! (Excuse the big picture, too lazy to resize it.)
I'm literally stumped. I thought ear muffs would be a simple thing to do for a small winter item. But I just don't like the way it looks! It seems so boring, and this is without the textures.
Here are a couple wires just to show you how plain this is. There needs to be something to make it look better, any ideas?
That's my engineer recompile scripts, you need to unpack the folder inside in your "sourcesdk_content\tf\modelsrc\player" folder. After that, open the engineer_low_recompile.qc file and replace the lines for robotarm and robotarm_lod with your model.
Then you are good to go, compile that .qc and you should have a working player model, given I didn't fuck up when I packed everything together.
If it gives you any problems, just post it here and I'll get to you tomorrow.
Oh my! many thanks Idletard. I'm going to be away from my computer for a few days but as soon as I can sit here for more than two minutes I'm going to try your scripts. thanks again.
just a quick question, this will replace only the gunslinger world model or it also swaps the view model ?
Edit: ok, more questions after a quick read of the code:
when you use this:
Well the bones arent going so well for me. Can i just send the model to Valve without the bones and just let them add them ? Or do i need to finish it with bones ?
Oh man that would look awesome on the medic, too bad he has his glasses on though.
My intent was to do *that* version for the demo man's eye patch, but it might work for any of the classes as well. I will just have to try it and see how it works.
Oh my! many thanks Idletard. I'm going to be away from my computer for a few days but as soon as I can sit here for more than two minutes I'm going to try your scripts. thanks again.
just a quick question, this will replace only the gunslinger world model or it also swaps the view model ?
Edit: ok, more questions after a quick read of the code:
when you use this:
are those ".." just a placeholder and I have to overwrite them with my path or they are some kind of code syntaxis.. or something...
It will only replace the world model. The view model is in the engineer c_arms so you would have to decompile that one and mess with it.
The ".." on the paths is just the standard "go a folder up from the current work path" notation. This only works assuming you have the sourcesdk_content folder all set up (downloading and installing the SDK should suffice) and you unpacked the scripts and everything in their respective folders.
Just so you know:
Both folders inside the zip must go to "[STEAM FOLDER]\steamapps\[YOUR STEAM ACCOUNT]\sourcesdk_content\tf\modelsrc\player\engineer"
So, to replace the robotarm and robotarm_lod lines inside the .QC, you can store them inside the "parts" folder and use the ".." notation or write the full path to wherever you have your .SMD, either way works.
Not really sure how you went to do it, but you can use the engineer_morphs_low_fixed.SMD provided to check if you have the positioning for your arm right and, if you don't have it done already, rig it properly.
And now for a little something of me:
I always wanted a welding mask like the one showed in the engineer update teaser and I wasn't very fond of the hotrod, so I made this:
Now that I see your model your previous pictures make alot more sence. I think it's a great concept and you seem to have a good start so far. I would suggest making the end of the barrel a bit wider (just the part that isn't retracted into the gun).
Also, are you planning on making the animations for it?
I actually thought of doing the end of the barrel wider but I forgot to actually try it out. Right now I'm on my 5 year old laptop so I can't work on it, I'll try that later.
About the animations, I'm going to try to do them myself but has I said I have 0 experience so it might take a while.
I'm also thinking about adding some in-gravings to the gun by using normals
To-Do list:
Finish the model
Test it in-game
^ that's a lot of tutorials to read :poly117:
@IdleTard I think you should increase the thickness of the mask, it just looks too thin
I have worked out how to add the bandit as a misc item. However it does have a few issues. I can easily replace any misc item (i.e. whiskered gentlemen, medic mask) but that only covers a few classes. I can replace the id badge, but it would replace on every character. Since each character has his own version of the bandit this isn't really a solution.
The best solution would be to replace the earbuds. However not many people have them, I myself don;t have them either.
Any suggestions on which version/versions to post?
Panos: I have considered doing a polycount pack and have allot of ideas rolling around which I'd rather disclose with something to show. For now though I dont have a ton of time so I made the bandit to see how people reacted to my stuff before putting time into a bigger project like a class pack.
Any suggestions on which version/versions to post?
I don't think it matters what item you have swapped out while testing your custom stuff; if you just say it should be a misc item when you contribute I'm sure they'll have it working as intended. Being a misc item for all classes, the only real concern should be making sure it works well with hats that already cover parts of the face (Hotrod, Pugilist's Protector, Bombing Run, and Football Helmet come to mind). Unless someone knows of a way to load two hats at once in the model viewer, you may have to do it the hard way and import the SMDs of problem hats into your modeling program along with the Smoking Bandit to see how things work
Also, for the pyros version, I think it would look funnier if you had it draped over top of the side part of the mask the same way you have it hanging over the front cylinder. That's just me nitpicking though; the item is awesome and I think it has a really good chance of getting accepted as it stands already
...the only real concern should be making sure it works well with hats that already cover parts of the face (Hotrod, Pugilist's Protector, Bombing Run, and Football Helmet come to mind).
Thanks for the input, I'll have to check those hats. So far its low profile has worked ok with things such as the Halloween bags and it goes behind the spy disguise mask. Defiantly something to look at though, thanks.
This is a Medic hat I've been working on in the past 2 days.
I call it the "Surgeon General". (see wat I did tharr? :poly142:)
Just got done with the AO bake!
I don't have much experience in texturing, but 'ere goes nothing
I'm most definitely going to reconsider the colors when I start texturing it, suggestions are welcome! (Excuse the big picture, too lazy to resize it.)
I would wear this with pride! I love the name too! You're planning on submitting this right? Once it's done I mean.
notacomputer your video is banned here because it has content from Sony Music Entertainment
Davision3D I like the model but the texture seems too busy in the front. Good idea for the team colored projectiles much better than your previous idea eventhough I don't think black is very good for them
Ok, ages later, ive finally getting to a point where I can nearly call this thing done. Ive fixed up the clipping and added in a texture:
There is still some work to be done on it, but its nothing really major, just general tidying up. So is there any thing really wrong with it that I have overlooked, or any other suggestions?
Ok, ages later, ive finally getting to a point where I can nearly call this thing done. Ive fixed up the clipping and added in a texture:
There is still some work to be done on it, but its nothing really major, just general tidying up. So is there any thing really wrong with it that I have overlooked, or any other suggestions?
Wow, I really like this saw! But flaked paint looks a bit weird for me. Maybe paint that still holds should be not so solid..
About my hat: I optimized it a lot after I figured up that it contains more than 1200 polys.. And also added a shoulder strap on his left shoulder and drew a basic texture for it:
What do you think? Is it better with this strap or not?
I think you should make that strap a bit more interesting. I don't know how they work, but isn't one of a higher ranking more ornamented?
@Idletard: your script! worked. But it's now imported without textures. I noticed this in other of your scripts (engineer_recompile.QCI, which is referred in the QC I have to use to compile)
@Terzalo: I wouldn't worry about tricount too much, there are hats with way more than 800 tris which made it in. Nonetheless, it's good to try and keep it as low as possible, without sacrificing the looks, of course. I'm not sure about the shoulder strap, it's sort of hard to judge from this angle, but it feels small to me.
@Nordahl: Surgeon General is an awesome name for this hat, which also happens to be pretty cool itself. I especially like the mixed crosses emblem. Not really sure what the stars are supposed to symbolize, but I'll assume they're there just to look good. And it works.
Now, about my work. I sized the control panel up and started thinking about some stuff to put there. Atm, I'm not too satisfied with the lower switches and I think I might've been a bit too wasteful on the keypad. I don't like the right part of it as well, so everything may be a subject of changes. Suggestions and criticism are welcome.
Mad Mike, I like your cart but I'm kind of confused as to what it is exactly - why is it gift wrapped and what does the control panel control?
As for your geometry, if you'd like to revise the keypad, I'd make the buttons roughly the same width/height... what I mean is think of them as on a grid system, a large button would take up the space of exactly two small buttons.
On the lower switches the first and third ones I would take out the bevel so that you have one casing thing for the button to come out from like how you have it on the second.
An update on my xmas tree hat - flat color and AO (yes it's on backwards - going to fix that )
@nordahl154 Even though a lot of models of that same kind of hat have been made, I really like yours. The Cross-in-a-cross aspect is pretty cool, but most of all I really like the name. It's great The medic could use a hat like that
Thinking of doing something with the white band, so I guess it's still a WIP.
Pretty proud of myself
Thanks for the nice comments RedSheep, Panos, and Mad Mike!
Well I got to go now good luck
trying to replace the engineer just because the gunslinger is part of it must be a pain in the ass:poly122:
It's dangerous to recompile player models alone, take this.
That's my engineer recompile scripts, you need to unpack the folder inside in your "sourcesdk_content\tf\modelsrc\player" folder. After that, open the engineer_low_recompile.qc file and replace the lines for robotarm and robotarm_lod with your model.
Then you are good to go, compile that .qc and you should have a working player model, given I didn't fuck up when I packed everything together.
If it gives you any problems, just post it here and I'll get to you tomorrow.
And this one uses the large bell model instead of the triangular looking ones and the whole model is 860 tris, so 70 more tris:
Do you guys think the texture is looking ok?
I'm going to start playing around with jiggle bones in Maya now while I wait for feedback, any crits are appreciated.
A question to the guy making the Christmas tree hat, I was wondering how far along you are? Seems like the hat could use some red to balance out the green since it's a Christmas hat.
I don't know what you guys are on about with the band but I guess I'll spread out the cracks a bit later.
There are many things you can do with a low-tech watch. You could also just pull the magic card to explain any abilities away like with the Eyelander. Anyway, along with the hood, it's going to be a part of a medieval item pack so I don't want to break the theme with gadgetry and stuff.
Mnemo-: Nice hat/scarf/hood, and I respect your decision.
I have on question though, why is the bottom left (from front view) the only area with a strand-like texture?
Now that I see your model your previous pictures make alot more sence. I think it's a great concept and you seem to have a good start so far. I would suggest making the end of the barrel a bit wider (just the part that isn't retracted into the gun).
Also, are you planning on making the animations for it?
It will be an all class, and so I will play around with the size a bit. I was wondering, if you are submitting for all classes, do you create a seperate model for each class? Because otherwise it won't fit properly. Also, I haven't done rigs in a long time and had a couple questions:
-If you have already rigged a model, can you still resize it and have the bones resize in tandem with the model? (I'm using Maya).
-Also, is there a way in Maya to add a bone to a skin if it already has bones added to it, well, I know there is a way but how do you do it?
That's about it, I've decided to go with the round bells for the model and extruded the base edges inwards so there's no area where you can see inside the hat. So the model is 900 tris total now, should be ok for submission I think.
I call it the "Surgeon General". (see wat I did tharr? :poly142:)
Just got done with the AO bake!
I don't have much experience in texturing, but 'ere goes nothing
I'm most definitely going to reconsider the colors when I start texturing it, suggestions are welcome! (Excuse the big picture, too lazy to resize it.)
The video beginning got messed up somehow, but you'll still get the idea.
I've also posted it for download.
Here are a couple wires just to show you how plain this is. There needs to be something to make it look better, any ideas?
Engie Lou Who?
Is it going to be a hat or a misc?
A misc couldn't really work, seeing as how it would be blocked by most hats.
An all class misc like the old Valve logo would be really cool.
WIP. I think some people can know about my reference.
Samurai Pizza Cats in my TF2?
just a quick question, this will replace only the gunslinger world model or it also swaps the view model ?
Edit: ok, more questions after a quick read of the code:
when you use this: are those ".." just a placeholder and I have to overwrite them with my path or they are some kind of code syntaxis.. or something...
Oh man that would look awesome on the medic, too bad he has his glasses on though.
My intent was to do *that* version for the demo man's eye patch, but it might work for any of the classes as well. I will just have to try it and see how it works.
Yes indeed! For all the little Twos down in TF2-ville.
It will only replace the world model. The view model is in the engineer c_arms so you would have to decompile that one and mess with it.
The ".." on the paths is just the standard "go a folder up from the current work path" notation. This only works assuming you have the sourcesdk_content folder all set up (downloading and installing the SDK should suffice) and you unpacked the scripts and everything in their respective folders.
Just so you know:
Both folders inside the zip must go to "[STEAM FOLDER]\steamapps\[YOUR STEAM ACCOUNT]\sourcesdk_content\tf\modelsrc\player\engineer"
So, to replace the robotarm and robotarm_lod lines inside the .QC, you can store them inside the "parts" folder and use the ".." notation or write the full path to wherever you have your .SMD, either way works.
Not really sure how you went to do it, but you can use the engineer_morphs_low_fixed.SMD provided to check if you have the positioning for your arm right and, if you don't have it done already, rig it properly.
And now for a little something of me:
I always wanted a welding mask like the one showed in the engineer update teaser and I wasn't very fond of the hotrod, so I made this:
I actually thought of doing the end of the barrel wider but I forgot to actually try it out. Right now I'm on my 5 year old laptop so I can't work on it, I'll try that later.
About the animations, I'm going to try to do them myself but has I said I have 0 experience so it might take a while.
I'm also thinking about adding some in-gravings to the gun by using normals
To-Do list:
Finish the model
Test it in-game
^ that's a lot of tutorials to read :poly117:
@IdleTard I think you should increase the thickness of the mask, it just looks too thin
What hat does it replace? Thanks so much for doing this! Any other ideas we can be looking forward to without giving away too much?
Panos: As of now it replaces the ellis cap.
I have worked out how to add the bandit as a misc item. However it does have a few issues. I can easily replace any misc item (i.e. whiskered gentlemen, medic mask) but that only covers a few classes. I can replace the id badge, but it would replace on every character. Since each character has his own version of the bandit this isn't really a solution.
The best solution would be to replace the earbuds. However not many people have them, I myself don;t have them either.
Any suggestions on which version/versions to post?
Panos: I have considered doing a polycount pack and have allot of ideas rolling around which I'd rather disclose with something to show. For now though I dont have a ton of time so I made the bandit to see how people reacted to my stuff before putting time into a bigger project like a class pack.
I don't think it matters what item you have swapped out while testing your custom stuff; if you just say it should be a misc item when you contribute I'm sure they'll have it working as intended. Being a misc item for all classes, the only real concern should be making sure it works well with hats that already cover parts of the face (Hotrod, Pugilist's Protector, Bombing Run, and Football Helmet come to mind). Unless someone knows of a way to load two hats at once in the model viewer, you may have to do it the hard way and import the SMDs of problem hats into your modeling program along with the Smoking Bandit to see how things work
Also, for the pyros version, I think it would look funnier if you had it draped over top of the side part of the mask the same way you have it hanging over the front cylinder. That's just me nitpicking though; the item is awesome and I think it has a really good chance of getting accepted as it stands already
Thanks for the input, I'll have to check those hats. So far its low profile has worked ok with things such as the Halloween bags and it goes behind the spy disguise mask. Defiantly something to look at though, thanks.
P.S. I have updated the post @ fpsbanana with an earbuds replacement.
I would wear this with pride! I love the name too! You're planning on submitting this right? Once it's done I mean.
Davision3D I like the model but the texture seems too busy in the front. Good idea for the team colored projectiles much better than your previous idea eventhough I don't think black is very good for them
There is still some work to be done on it, but its nothing really major, just general tidying up. So is there any thing really wrong with it that I have overlooked, or any other suggestions?
Wow, I really like this saw! But flaked paint looks a bit weird for me. Maybe paint that still holds should be not so solid..
About my hat: I optimized it a lot after I figured up that it contains more than 1200 polys.. And also added a shoulder strap on his left shoulder and drew a basic texture for it:
What do you think? Is it better with this strap or not?
@Idletard: your script! worked. But it's now imported without textures. I noticed this in other of your scripts (engineer_recompile.QCI, which is referred in the QC I have to use to compile)
I guess I have to replace that with the name of my own VMT and VTFs
Do you know where I have to paste my own materials and how to call them?
I think it would look awesome with the Modest Pile of Hat or Back Bitter's Billycock.
It would be like a 1920's gangster.
@Terzalo: I wouldn't worry about tricount too much, there are hats with way more than 800 tris which made it in. Nonetheless, it's good to try and keep it as low as possible, without sacrificing the looks, of course. I'm not sure about the shoulder strap, it's sort of hard to judge from this angle, but it feels small to me.
@Nordahl: Surgeon General is an awesome name for this hat, which also happens to be pretty cool itself. I especially like the mixed crosses emblem. Not really sure what the stars are supposed to symbolize, but I'll assume they're there just to look good. And it works.
Now, about my work. I sized the control panel up and started thinking about some stuff to put there. Atm, I'm not too satisfied with the lower switches and I think I might've been a bit too wasteful on the keypad. I don't like the right part of it as well, so everything may be a subject of changes. Suggestions and criticism are welcome.
As for your geometry, if you'd like to revise the keypad, I'd make the buttons roughly the same width/height... what I mean is think of them as on a grid system, a large button would take up the space of exactly two small buttons.
On the lower switches the first and third ones I would take out the bevel so that you have one casing thing for the button to come out from like how you have it on the second.
An update on my xmas tree hat - flat color and AO (yes it's on backwards - going to fix that
This is an old render, i would show it in game, but I don't have any heavy hats.
btw I have updated the mod files with badge replacement.
Just practice, i suck at low poly modeling
Pretty proud of myself
Thanks for the nice comments RedSheep, Panos, and Mad Mike!