Arcaltarion: I color picked the orange from the pryo, squared the UV's up and did a few AO bakes of varying shades(brown). It ended up being a trade off of poly/texture space to have the wrap around text but i like how it breaks it up.
Noors/Autokey/Yamo: Thanks!
Sharkisss: Nice idea with the glow, ill try it out.
Yamo, that's normal, they ve cheated to make the view more interesting.
Wow I had no idea. I mean I knew they shortened the barrel but I didn't know they had the pieces placed like that
I've even been playing with a 90 degree FOV this entire time and never noticed how it revealed the weird clipping and missing wrist. They didn't even model the fingers!
nice, how do you people use the AO?
I just put the finished texture in 3d with a Skylight and then I make a Render To Texture.
basically I follow this tutorial steps:
im going to be taking a break from my coal miners pack for a little while, going to be working on a small project with some friends in the mean time. but i put together a video, both the hat and the shovel are almost done, and im already aware that the shovel still needs to be positioned right.
Arcaltarion: I color picked the orange from the pryo, squared the UV's up and did a few AO bakes of varying shades(brown). It ended up being a trade off of poly/texture space to have the wrap around text but i like how it breaks it up.
Noors/Autokey/Yamo: Thanks!
Sharkisss: Nice idea with the glow, ill try it out.
Is there any reason you wrote MANN CO on it? It's very out of place.
At the moment the logo needs to be toned down/shrunk/both as it seems a bit overpowering. Otherwise the pump and the paint chipping need work, and a proper phongmask when all that's done (to stop the super-shiny wood).
@Nzdjh Those are some dang fine hats... mmmm tasty
Also the spy pack is very good, I hope it all gets in game or at least most of it. I think the F-bomb looks cool, model and all, but it's a shame that the view model looks pretty much like a gray elipse.
@Elbagast you are very good at texturing, It looks awesome. Texturing is hard for me, so I have large respect for anyone that can do it well (which there's a lot of people on this thread that can).
Since it's going to be a while until i learn how to 3D model, I'll post here some old designs I never had the chance to see in 3D. (CLICK THE PIC TO SEE THE WHOLE THING)
Here there are 3 pyro hats, 1 pyro meelee weapon and 1 demoman weapon.
This is an odd idea i had. A few months ago it didn't seem like working out in the game, but now, after the polycount update, i think it can be done.
If somebody feels like making the 3D design, I'll be glad. If not, I'll just have to hurry up and learn how to model faster.
I pretty much only signed up to participate in the old contest but since everyone has been hyping this thread to me lately, here's some of my crap!
The Accelerated Regulation Kit (ARK). An oil can for the Engineer. The nozzle thing uses the pistol holding animation and the bucket thing goes on his belt. A little weird? You bet your ass it's a little weird!
The Sir Tavish Set for the Demoman. The textures have been updated a little since this picture. Also, the sword does some cool stuff but I don't feel like typing out another essay about ghosts!
Here's an unnamed watch I'm working on for a new pack. It's going to be super!
@Mnemosynaut I've been excited for the demo man pack every since I saw it on the emporium. Same with the watch, it's freaking gorgeous. I haven't seen the ARK before and it actually seems like a neat idea. Not sure what it would do, but still cool.
I think that spy watch is overall pretty sweet on design but one big problem is the wristband. It's too noisy for TF2. I think it would be better with just a dark gray swatch and maybe a little gradient in its specular.
Is there any reason you wrote MANN CO on it? It's very out of place.
Thanks for the feedback NeoDement, i added the text as i felt it added some kind of commercial branding onto what is usually a mass produced product. I also wanted to see some more detail and mostly i just liked the way it looked.
I submitted this a week or so ago so i wont be making changes at this point, but out of curiosity why do you feel mann co is out of place?
Introducing the Gibbing Goalie. Designed to be a defense class hat the gibbing goalie strikes attackers with an all too familiar fear. Don't bother running your already gibbed.
Skizot: I really like it, although the beard feels a little single-colored, perhaps add shades of gray here and there.
It also feels a bit like it's sticking too "naturally" to the heavy, I can't see the backside, but perhaps you could add a string around his neck that ties the beard to it :P?
Maybe you could do the lip "ridge" a little less deep :P?
Alright enough with the criticism, it really looks great, you did submit it even though it's already been done right :P? Hope you did
Mnemo: Those are awesome! Every one of them!
And here comes the criticism :P
Gas Can: No complaints here, looks fantastic
Demo set: It looks fantastic, but what I'm worried about is that it's too "English medieval" and not enough "Scottish"
Why would I want to bore you with my suggestions when you can just go watch Braveheart though?
Unnamed Watch: A beautiful piece of artistic design, I'm a little worried about the visual's "usefulness", as in how is a sundial going to make you invisible :P? Perhaps add some simple wires just barely visible under the watch or something, just to give it a little bit more of a"concealed high-tech"
Notacomputer: Liking your work, but what are you using to render it? Feels very odd, just looking at the texas ten gallon it feels like a completely different hat... and the scout's eyes... :S
I'd love to see how your work looks like in the TF2 engine :P
a gentlman: I havent had too much time to play with getting them into tf2 yet, i've been just doing some quick renders see how people like them. But the next step for me is getting it in engine.
1. This part will be flex-boned.
2. An interesting thing. Looks good from a distance, but in close we can see problems. Do you think this is good ? The bolo tie has to go around the collar, but there is no spot there so i just made it like this.
What are your thought about it now ? (Still not finished)
Sharkisss, I don't think you have the choice since the shirt collar is faked, but i guess the shirt texture is a bit dark there, so just put a bit of black at the end of the string. Also maybe it was wip, but you have way too much subdiv on those strings.
Arcaltarion : I use the below method, although in saying this its been a few years since i used max so im completely open to adjustments
In Render To Texture (0), under output, add a Ambient Occlusion(MR) map like you would a normal, diffuse, or height map and render like you would a normal map.
woah!, what did you use to get that look with the shader? I just got a crappy overexposed plain texture
I used the tf2 ramp texture that you can find in rollins ramp texture pack somewhere on his site. Also, you need to have a diffuse and normal applied. For the specmap i used a simply just grey tex as a placeholder.
I like how it is looking Davision! Is that a velcro ball?
Question - I just noticed the notch in the top bar/rail. What is the purpose of that?
no velcro ball, just a big round bomb, the red makes it look kinda out of place but i think i need that because the projectiles need to have teamcolors. The notch is for being able to reload the bombs from the side, should make it much faster then having to reload it by putting a new bomb in the front. The whole launch pad will be normally to the back.
well, I think a good classic golden hand needs fine engravings, do you guys like them?
brighter or darker than the hand? or even leave the diffuse plain and add them with the specular?
the beard is a misc item... so stuff like this can happen!
Noors/Autokey/Yamo: Thanks!
Sharkisss: Nice idea with the glow, ill try it out.
I just put the finished texture in 3d with a Skylight and then I make a Render To Texture.
basically I follow this tutorial steps:
Wow I had no idea. I mean I knew they shortened the barrel but I didn't know they had the pieces placed like that
I've even been playing with a 90 degree FOV this entire time and never noticed how it revealed the weird clipping and missing wrist. They didn't even model the fingers!
someone actually USES my tutorial! awesome!
BTW: Happy 100 Pages!
Is there any reason you wrote MANN CO on it? It's very out of place. That's not awesome.
Use method 2:
Skizot's one is sometimes better if you want softer shadows and don't have any intersecting geometry.
At the moment the logo needs to be toned down/shrunk/both as it seems a bit overpowering. Otherwise the pump and the paint chipping need work, and a proper phongmask when all that's done (to stop the super-shiny wood).
Also the spy pack is very good, I hope it all gets in game or at least most of it. I think the F-bomb looks cool, model and all, but it's a shame that the view model looks pretty much like a gray elipse.
@Elbagast you are very good at texturing, It looks awesome. Texturing is hard for me, so I have large respect for anyone that can do it well (which there's a lot of people on this thread that can).
Here there are 3 pyro hats, 1 pyro meelee weapon and 1 demoman weapon.
This is an odd idea i had. A few months ago it didn't seem like working out in the game, but now, after the polycount update, i think it can be done.
If somebody feels like making the 3D design, I'll be glad. If not, I'll just have to hurry up and learn how to model faster.
The Accelerated Regulation Kit (ARK). An oil can for the Engineer. The nozzle thing uses the pistol holding animation and the bucket thing goes on his belt. A little weird? You bet your ass it's a little weird!
The Sir Tavish Set for the Demoman. The textures have been updated a little since this picture. Also, the sword does some cool stuff but I don't feel like typing out another essay about ghosts!
Here's an unnamed watch I'm working on for a new pack. It's going to be super!
I think that spy watch is overall pretty sweet on design but one big problem is the wristband. It's too noisy for TF2. I think it would be better with just a dark gray swatch and maybe a little gradient in its specular.
Thanks for the feedback NeoDement, i added the text as i felt it added some kind of commercial branding onto what is usually a mass produced product. I also wanted to see some more detail and mostly i just liked the way it looked.
I submitted this a week or so ago so i wont be making changes at this point, but out of curiosity why do you feel mann co is out of place?
And even if they do, Mann Co is kind of a weapons manufacture company, I'm not sure they'd dabble into road furniture :P
Introducing the Gibbing Goalie. Designed to be a defense class hat the gibbing goalie strikes attackers with an all too familiar fear. Don't bother running your already gibbed.
Comments and Suggestions please.
Not sure about the mask's nose though, looks a bit odd. It also feels slightly over-detailed, red marking and all the other dents.
Not with me - i stopped my project, because i can not set bone's mass on that damnit fur coat.
P.S.Your beard is better.
I gotta step up my game and get back to workin' on my spy hat! 'Tis been so long since I've made any TF2 - I'm really out of it.
It also feels a bit like it's sticking too "naturally" to the heavy, I can't see the backside, but perhaps you could add a string around his neck that ties the beard to it :P?
Maybe you could do the lip "ridge" a little less deep :P?
Alright enough with the criticism, it really looks great, you did submit it even though it's already been done right :P? Hope you did
Mnemo: Those are awesome! Every one of them!
And here comes the criticism :P
Gas Can: No complaints here, looks fantastic
Demo set: It looks fantastic, but what I'm worried about is that it's too "English medieval" and not enough "Scottish"
Why would I want to bore you with my suggestions when you can just go watch Braveheart though?
Unnamed Watch: A beautiful piece of artistic design, I'm a little worried about the visual's "usefulness", as in how is a sundial going to make you invisible :P? Perhaps add some simple wires just barely visible under the watch or something, just to give it a little bit more of a"concealed high-tech"
(Sorry I couldn't turn "bold" off btw)
I'd love to see how your work looks like in the TF2 engine :P
Nzdjh - I love the pipe! Craving it now
Blegh, was bored this morning. It clips, the texture sucks, its un-stylised and I could shave some more of those polys off but I'm too tired.
Love the Smoking Bandit, notacomputer. Can't help but feel it'd look best on the Sniper :P
1. This part will be flex-boned.
2. An interesting thing. Looks good from a distance, but in close we can see problems. Do you think this is good ? The bolo tie has to go around the collar, but there is no spot there so i just made it like this.
What are your thought about it now ? (Still not finished)
Sorry for mage pic size
Question - I just noticed the notch in the top bar/rail. What is the purpose of that?
(Is my avatar not showing up for anyone else? Can't see it in threads, only my profile)
no velcro ball, just a big round bomb, the red makes it look kinda out of place but i think i need that because the projectiles need to have teamcolors. The notch is for being able to reload the bombs from the side, should make it much faster then having to reload it by putting a new bomb in the front. The whole launch pad will be normally to the back.
brighter or darker than the hand? or even leave the diffuse plain and add them with the specular?