Yeah, it did. I think you should add a few more spikes, or at least give the present spikes more substance than just a pure pyramid shape.
If you do that and manage to do jigglebones I think you have gotten yourself a nice start (as I take it you are relatively new at modeling, as am I). I actually didn't get anything working for a while in game. I would help you if I could, but I still don't know how to do jigglebones myself xD
Yeah, it did. I think you should add a few more spikes, or at least give the present spikes more substance than just a pure pyramid shape.
If you do that and manage to do jigglebones I think you have gotten yourself a nice start (as I take it you are relatively new at modeling, as am I). I actually didn't get anything working for a while in game. I would help you if I could, but I still don't know how to do jigglebones myself xD
I'm studying jigglebones (the hat I'm working on now will use a lot of them actually, just to sort of test and get into doing them) but if I do finish this mohawk, I'll definitely jigglebone them. I'm not sure if I want more spikes, but making them bigger might look better... Thanks for the crits
RELEASE THIS, PLEASE! I have attempted to make the same thing and failed. Also can we get more angles? And good luck with the jigglebones, that'll make this hat PERFECT!
i think five spikes is enough.
It looks awesome, if you upload it i could see for myself if anything needs to be done... as for jigglebones, know that allot of Mohawks are pretty solid, at least if you do like most people and use sugar + water to keep it up, so IF you put jigglebones only make them jiggle a little bit.
it looks awesome but i think five spikes is enough, and for details it would be good if you could upload it so i could try it out myself, it looks pretty done IMO and in that case i want it like this. As for jiglebones know that most mohawks are pretty solid, especially if you do like most people and use sugar + water, so IF you give it jigglebones don't jiggle them to much, but like i said i would prefer a simple solid mohawk...
due to the new paint feature, will you have to include different textures for the paint skins?
No. You should include a plain white skin of the model when you submit though, possibly along with Red and Blue skins. I'm not exactly sure how Valve wants us to submit them now but including Red, Blue and White would make it easiest for them I'd think.
The way the coloring works is Source will color the model based off of the alpha map in the diffuse. White will be colored and black will not. Using this method you can just have one skin for the model and get pretty much any color you want instead of having to make a new skin for every color.
Loads more to work on, gonna pose him and add some more details. I feel like a beer mug is pretty much standard, so I'm trying to think of some cool ideas for the base/pose
(Because I feel like this is the best place to ask) After the newest TF2 patch my pistol model stopped working for the scout, I've seen people posts models before saying something like "fixed for the update" but how do you fix it? I would really like to get my model working again for the scout.
Hello all, I am not new to this forum, nor am I new to mods, but I am new to modeling.
I've just recently gotten into learning to model, and my college allows me to download 3DS Max 10 and keep it for 3 years instead of 6 months! So I figure it will be the perfect time to learn.
I know my work (especially the modeling) is no where near up to par with some of the items here, but that is why I have come for help.
I am working on a putter for the Scout to replace the Sandman(and possibly an Eyelander replacement later on,) and when I made the head section, I split it up into 5 boxes and a cylinder, since I could not obtain the shape with just one, and when I went to smooth it, I got this:
If anyone could help my problem, or explain an easier, more efficient way of modeling, it would be greatly appreciated. Replies here would be great, but if you feel like explaining things more in detail PM me and I will hit you up on Steam.
Loads more to work on, gonna pose him and add some more details. I feel like a beer mug is pretty much standard, so I'm trying to think of some cool ideas for the base/pose
Oh man, while really awesome and well done from a technical point of view, I have to say his stare is really creeping me out and unnerving in this image. It's like he's about to flip out and axe someone at a moments notice. Everything else looks awesome, is the rim lighting not as strong as in TF2 though?
Each of the yellow dots should be a single merged vertex and each of the blue lines is a polygon boundary. You shouldn't have multiple boxes just smooshed together because it wastes polygons and gives you smoothing errors, not to mention it'd be a pain in the ass to work with.
Each of the yellow dots should be a single merged vertex and each of the blue lines is a polygon boundary. You shouldn't have multiple boxes just smooshed together because it wastes polygons and gives you smoothing errors, not to mention it'd be a pain in the ass to work with.
Thank you for the help. Would you be opposed to adding me to your Steam list? I know I'll have more questions along the way and I'd love for them to be answered.
Well, hello there polycount. I've been lurking the site since your community hats were released. It's amazing the quality of the works shown here.
On topic; I want to do a Gunslinger replacement contribution, but it doesn't follow the rules for the other weapons, which act as "props" attached to the model. I extracted the egineer model into 3ds Max but only the glove is there, neither can I find the First Person model.
I'm just started last week with all this modding stuff and I feel like a fish out of water.
Is it possible to make a working gunslinger replacement? how do I extract it?
thanks in advance
Well if you're using 3DSMax and have your smd import script working, this shouldn't be too hard.
Use GCFscape (google it) and open your Team fortress 2 Models gcf found in your steam folder. Find the model you want to open (should have a descriptive name), it'll likely be inside models>players>weapons. Should be named something like c_gunslinger. Extract all the files that have that name to some folder, then use MDLDecompiler from Cannonfodder to decompile them into SMD's. From there, you can open it via 3dsmax with your import script! If you don't have 3DSMax, or if you use a newer version of Maya (those scripts only work up to 2009), then you can use Blender. Make sure it's an earlier version of 2.5 or else the scripts won't work.
You can get the textures if you need them through the materials gcf. Will be named the same thing as the models, essentially.
Hope that helps! If you have trouble with it, I can help you out if you need it.
The issue with the gunslinger is that it's supposed to be in the Engineer model, similar to the hardhat or the wire cord according to what I could find about the topic in google, I read things about "sub-models" or something
but when I import the SMD in Max, the robot arm isn't there.
@madmuffin thanks man appriciate your comments, and agree about the stare! Working on fixing this.
@Arc decompile the engineer model, and look for robotarm_bodygroup.dmx.smd. This file contains the bones and model of the gunslinger. Note that the engie model references either this file or the glove bodygroup when used in game. You could replace either of these files with a different model. Good luck
Hello polypeeps, I have reworked the minigun replacement I did for the polycount contest. I'm hoping it is an improvement and would love to hear any comments you guys have. Please ignore the texturing in the original as it was a rush job.
This is the original gun
This is the new version. I wanted to make the barrel section more intimidating and also made the whole thing shorter as there was clipping issues with the original when taunting.
I have the Gunslinger open in Max, thank you all.
I also found the .vml textures, and here comes my second question, besides the diffuse color there is also the Phong Texture, what is it for and where should I place it? specular color or specular level.
I'm mainly a rigger/animator, it has been years since the last time I modeled or textured anything, I basically have to re-learn everything.
I also decompiled files in .mvt and .res format, what are they?
Recent News: While I was writting this post I received an E-mail from Robin Walker saying:
Hi Alberto. Unfortunately, you’re correct - It’s definitely harder for us to do gunslinger replacements. Still, we might make an exception for something incredible.
well, there goes almost all my hope; still, a gunslinger replacement is what I want to do and I will try my best. I better start the brainstorm!
As a footnote I want to apologize if my english is a bit lacking or incorrect, it's not my native language and sometimes I'm express myself as a monkey hitting a keyboatd with a banana
ianucci Looking good man. like the changes you have made so far, reads much better now I think. Have a question though, will the barrel mechanism turn? I think a BFG type cannon could be really interesting, with a backpack that powers it! o.O
Made a test base which is pretty much a blob at the moment. Going for a treasure map theme along with gold bars and other paraphernalia. Not really sure what size to have it, will probably make it a fair bit bigger.
Finally submitted my pack and trap. about 30% sure it would pass copyrights, but atleast it was fun to make.
hadn't touched either model for months, thought it was time to clean them up for submission and get them out. If I find the time later to do more polish I may re-submit again.
@Ianucci That's pretty awesome. I do like the new front and back better. This is just a small thing, but I think it would look good if you slightly enlarged the bottom, um, barrel-drum thing (I have no idea what that is called) so that it fills up some more of the empty space around it (like how it looks on the first one).
xD That would make a true Medic Ghost Buster (it's for the medic right?), although I have no idea what it would do.
Also could you post the original skin for the Dr. Dapper's Topper? I'd much rather see people with that version rather than looking a psychotic Cat in the Hat fan.
What you guys think of the texture? I didn't make the model. Only the texture.
The texture on the smaller side cogs look odd/ too flat to me, it's hard to say when it's not moving. I assume most of all that turns consistently, might not be noticeable at all when it is. Other than that i think you done a great job getting the weapon to look like it fit tf2, the small details are nice. One more thing, the brass cogs make me think the texture will suit RED much more than BLU, will there be team-coloured skins?
The model is unwrapped quite badly so i couldn't do any ao on it which sucks because it makes it look bad. Its a shot from the TF2 viewport shader and it does funny things to textures, like making greys too light and adding too much contrast. In game i think it will look much better though.
Couldn't you just re-UV it instead of working with crappy UVs? It'd be time-consuming, but it'd save texuring hassle. Especially if you're then able to bake AO normally.
I could but really i only worked on it from generosity, besides whats the point in putting all the hard work in, for someone else when it clearly has no chance getting in game or anything because of copyright stuff. I suppose that is no excuse from slacking off though.
Hey there Ladies and Gents, I've been trying to figure out how to model, as I am a Heavy player who would very much like to see a WWII Aviator cap for the Heavy.
I think it would suit him, as they were worn by bombers in WWII and the Heavy loves Payload carts, and he's very interested in American culture, so why wouldn't he be interested in American history too?
Any thoughts or tips on how to help me model this?
xD That would make a true Medic Ghost Buster (it's for the medic right?), although I have no idea what it would do.
Also could you post the original skin for the Dr. Dapper's Topper? I'd much rather see people with that version rather than looking a psychotic Cat in the Hat fan.
here ya go. it might look funky for anyone using paints though.?
here ya go. it might look funky for anyone using paints though.?
If anyone uses paint on that it'll just color the entire thing since I'm guessing you didn't create a new tint map, which is stored in the diffuses alpha channel. Of course the settings for the tint in the VMT will probably make it look strange.
Hello Polycount Forum! I am new and need YOUR help!
I'm rather new to modeling, I have done some miscellaneous tutorial stuff and small crap like chess pieces and stuff along the lines of junk, this is my first project that has past a month of work. I've been working on a gunboat mod I named The Helljumpers. Right off the bat I'm going to list my mistakes.
Lack of Pryor knowledge.
Zero references.
On-The-Fly designs and thoughts.
I need your Critiques, and I need your creativity to get me out of a bind!
I need YOU to come up with some level of detail or direction for the majority of the boot, I'm at a complete loss, I've even considered scrapping the whole thing. Hopefully you guys can help me out of some nice armor detail.
Also, I need help creating a tear in the armor that looks like it came from old age, no explosions, no gun fire, and no bears.
I want it to look tougher and less "electronical" than the current arm, make just a "cooler" robot arm wouldn't be enough, it needs to inspire new ways to play, the kind of robot arm a Texan would wear while searching for gold in an old and dangerous mine
The pieces are going to be mostly "australium" gold with leather reinforcements.
I also want the arm and control panel look like an old typewritter.
But at the same time I'm trying to avoid it feeling too steampunk.
behold the first screen cap (the grey part is still from the Original Gunslinger)
I'm happy with the leather straps but not so much with the fingers themselves, they look a bit plain and boring despite the joints being more complex than the gunslinger ones, maybe it's due to the lack of a proper texture
Also, I don't know what add to the inside of the hand to make it interesting.
what do you guys think?
I really like how it looks so far. If you could just make the bottom more like the fingers, like flatter and thicker, i think it would improve the hand alot. Keep up the good work!
I want it to look tougher and less "electronical" than the current arm, make just a "cooler" robot arm wouldn't be enough, it needs to inspire new ways to play, the kind of robot arm a Texan would wear while searching for gold in an old and dangerous mine
The pieces are going to be mostly "australium" gold with leather reinforcements.
I also want the arm and control panel look like an old typewritter.
But at the same time I'm trying to avoid it feeling too steampunk.
behold the first screen cap (the grey part is still from the Original Gunslinger)
I'm happy with the leather straps but not so much with the fingers themselves, they look a bit plain and boring despite the joints being more complex than the gunslinger ones, maybe it's due to the lack of a proper texture
Also, I don't know what add to the inside of the hand to make it interesting.
what do you guys think?
Nice Job partner
as for something to make the fingers more interesting how about some springs in the joints to make the hand snap back into shape BOING
well depending on how you plan on making the hand function of course
(might be something a Golddigger would use after all a tightly wound metal spring is quite simple and what not)
Hello again,
I have the compiling issues worked out with 3DS Max, etc. But when I went to compile when I went in game I didn't get anything on the screen. No model, no hands, nothing. Although I don't think it's good I don't think its completely bad either. My qc for the bat is this:
$cd "C:\Documents and Settings\Steve\Desktop\viewbat\Output"
are you sure the root joint inst rotated weird? i know that has happened to me, the root joint was rotated 180 degrees so it appeared like their was no view model, but in actuality they were just rotated behind the camera.
it could also be an issue with the .vmt file, if it dosnt start with VertexLitGeneric it will appear invisible
also i don't know if it really matters, but your "v_bat_scout.dmx.smd" file that you exported from the modeling program should not have the .dmx extension. it should just be "v_bat_scout.smd"
The include model makes it use the animations from v_bat_scout_anims.mdl which is actually just a file you make by duplicating the original bats .mdl file and renaming it (make sure to put it in the right folder)
also you don't have to name it v_bat_scout_anims that was just an example, just make sure you have the correct name in the qc to whatever you choose it to be (sometimes it helps to name it something specific, like if it were a banana I'd name it v_scout_banana_anims)
all of that is to do with when sounds are played during animation (the number right after 5004 in all of them tells the game at what frame to play each sound)
havent compiled anything in a little while but im fairly sure adding
just forces it to use animations that are in the .GCF which will fix the problem in itself if it is to do with bone rotation etc.
also, you may need to write it like this:
could be wrong about this, as its been a while since i've compiled anything... in any case good luck
- Tex
@AAA_BATTERY - you dont need to remove the .dmx as long as the name matches with the .qc and actual file and ends with .smd ie you cant just have something.dmx (if i remember correctly) i always kept it in there anyway ;P
If you do that and manage to do jigglebones I think you have gotten yourself a nice start (as I take it you are relatively new at modeling, as am I). I actually didn't get anything working for a while in game. I would help you if I could, but I still don't know how to do jigglebones myself xD
I'm studying jigglebones (the hat I'm working on now will use a lot of them actually, just to sort of test and get into doing them) but if I do finish this mohawk, I'll definitely jigglebone them. I'm not sure if I want more spikes, but making them bigger might look better... Thanks for the crits
RELEASE THIS, PLEASE! I have attempted to make the same thing and failed. Also can we get more angles? And good luck with the jigglebones, that'll make this hat PERFECT!
It looks awesome, if you upload it i could see for myself if anything needs to be done... as for jigglebones, know that allot of Mohawks are pretty solid, at least if you do like most people and use sugar + water to keep it up, so IF you put jigglebones only make them jiggle a little bit.
due to the new paint feature, will you have to include different textures for the paint skins?
No. You should include a plain white skin of the model when you submit though, possibly along with Red and Blue skins. I'm not exactly sure how Valve wants us to submit them now but including Red, Blue and White would make it easiest for them I'd think.
The way the coloring works is Source will color the model based off of the alpha map in the diffuse. White will be colored and black will not. Using this method you can just have one skin for the model and get pretty much any color you want instead of having to make a new skin for every color.
Loads more to work on, gonna pose him and add some more details. I feel like a beer mug is pretty much standard, so I'm trying to think of some cool ideas for the base/pose
edit: I forgot to mention it's only the v_model
I've just recently gotten into learning to model, and my college allows me to download 3DS Max 10 and keep it for 3 years instead of 6 months! So I figure it will be the perfect time to learn.
I know my work (especially the modeling) is no where near up to par with some of the items here, but that is why I have come for help.
I am working on a putter for the Scout to replace the Sandman(and possibly an Eyelander replacement later on,) and when I made the head section, I split it up into 5 boxes and a cylinder, since I could not obtain the shape with just one, and when I went to smooth it, I got this:
If anyone could help my problem, or explain an easier, more efficient way of modeling, it would be greatly appreciated. Replies here would be great, but if you feel like explaining things more in detail PM me and I will hit you up on Steam.
Thanks in advance.
Oh man, while really awesome and well done from a technical point of view, I have to say his stare is really creeping me out and unnerving in this image. It's like he's about to flip out and axe someone at a moments notice. Everything else looks awesome, is the rim lighting not as strong as in TF2 though?
Thank you for the help. Would you be opposed to adding me to your Steam list? I know I'll have more questions along the way and I'd love for them to be answered.
On topic; I want to do a Gunslinger replacement contribution, but it doesn't follow the rules for the other weapons, which act as "props" attached to the model. I extracted the egineer model into 3ds Max but only the glove is there, neither can I find the First Person model.
I'm just started last week with all this modding stuff and I feel like a fish out of water.
Is it possible to make a working gunslinger replacement? how do I extract it?
thanks in advance
Use GCFscape (google it) and open your Team fortress 2 Models gcf found in your steam folder. Find the model you want to open (should have a descriptive name), it'll likely be inside models>players>weapons. Should be named something like c_gunslinger. Extract all the files that have that name to some folder, then use MDLDecompiler from Cannonfodder to decompile them into SMD's. From there, you can open it via 3dsmax with your import script! If you don't have 3DSMax, or if you use a newer version of Maya (those scripts only work up to 2009), then you can use Blender. Make sure it's an earlier version of 2.5 or else the scripts won't work.
You can get the textures if you need them through the materials gcf. Will be named the same thing as the models, essentially.
Hope that helps! If you have trouble with it, I can help you out if you need it.
but when I import the SMD in Max, the robot arm isn't there.
@madmuffin thanks man appriciate your comments, and agree about the stare! Working on fixing this.
@Arc decompile the engineer model, and look for robotarm_bodygroup.dmx.smd. This file contains the bones and model of the gunslinger. Note that the engie model references either this file or the glove bodygroup when used in game. You could replace either of these files with a different model. Good luck
This is the original gun
This is the new version. I wanted to make the barrel section more intimidating and also made the whole thing shorter as there was clipping issues with the original when taunting.
I also found the .vml textures, and here comes my second question, besides the diffuse color there is also the Phong Texture, what is it for and where should I place it? specular color or specular level.
I'm mainly a rigger/animator, it has been years since the last time I modeled or textured anything, I basically have to re-learn everything.
I also decompiled files in .mvt and .res format, what are they?
Recent News: While I was writting this post I received an E-mail from Robin Walker saying:
well, there goes almost all my hope; still, a gunslinger replacement is what I want to do and I will try my best. I better start the brainstorm!
As a footnote I want to apologize if my english is a bit lacking or incorrect, it's not my native language and sometimes I'm express myself as a monkey hitting a keyboatd with a banana
Made a test base which is pretty much a blob at the moment. Going for a treasure map theme along with gold bars and other paraphernalia. Not really sure what size to have it, will probably make it a fair bit bigger.
Oh wow, I always liked your minigun but you've made it look 10 times better, love it!
hadn't touched either model for months, thought it was time to clean them up for submission and get them out. If I find the time later to do more polish I may re-submit again.
xD That would make a true Medic Ghost Buster (it's for the medic right?), although I have no idea what it would do.
Also could you post the original skin for the Dr. Dapper's Topper? I'd much rather see people with that version rather than looking a psychotic Cat in the Hat fan.
The texture on the smaller side cogs look odd/ too flat to me, it's hard to say when it's not moving. I assume most of all that turns consistently, might not be noticeable at all when it is. Other than that i think you done a great job getting the weapon to look like it fit tf2, the small details are nice. One more thing, the brass cogs make me think the texture will suit RED much more than BLU, will there be team-coloured skins?
I think it would suit him, as they were worn by bombers in WWII and the Heavy loves Payload carts, and he's very interested in American culture, so why wouldn't he be interested in American history too?
Any thoughts or tips on how to help me model this?
here ya go. it might look funky for anyone using paints though.?
If anyone uses paint on that it'll just color the entire thing since I'm guessing you didn't create a new tint map, which is stored in the diffuses alpha channel. Of course the settings for the tint in the VMT will probably make it look strange.
I'm rather new to modeling, I have done some miscellaneous tutorial stuff and small crap like chess pieces and stuff along the lines of junk, this is my first project that has past a month of work. I've been working on a gunboat mod I named The Helljumpers. Right off the bat I'm going to list my mistakes.
- Lack of Pryor knowledge.
- Zero references.
- On-The-Fly designs and thoughts.
I need your Critiques, and I need your creativity to get me out of a bind!I need YOU to come up with some level of detail or direction for the majority of the boot, I'm at a complete loss, I've even considered scrapping the whole thing. Hopefully you guys can help me out of some nice armor detail.
Also, I need help creating a tear in the armor that looks like it came from old age, no explosions, no gun fire, and no bears.
Thank you!
I started the Gunslinger replacement yesterday.
I want it to look tougher and less "electronical" than the current arm, make just a "cooler" robot arm wouldn't be enough, it needs to inspire new ways to play, the kind of robot arm a Texan would wear while searching for gold in an old and dangerous mine
The pieces are going to be mostly "australium" gold with leather reinforcements.
I also want the arm and control panel look like an old typewritter.
But at the same time I'm trying to avoid it feeling too steampunk.
behold the first screen cap (the grey part is still from the Original Gunslinger)
I'm happy with the leather straps but not so much with the fingers themselves, they look a bit plain and boring despite the joints being more complex than the gunslinger ones, maybe it's due to the lack of a proper texture
Also, I don't know what add to the inside of the hand to make it interesting.
what do you guys think?
add the leather and it'll have that nice aged look. maybe make the studs/bolts out of austrailiam gold bits to accent the black cast iron.
Oh, this is for the inside BTW
Nice Job partner
as for something to make the fingers more interesting how about some springs in the joints to make the hand snap back into shape BOING
well depending on how you plan on making the hand function of course
(might be something a Golddigger would use after all a tightly wound metal spring is quite simple and what not)
I have the compiling issues worked out with 3DS Max, etc. But when I went to compile when I went in game I didn't get anything on the screen. No model, no hands, nothing. Although I don't think it's good I don't think its completely bad either. My qc for the bat is this: The directory for the textures is tf/materials/models/viewbat/bat.
Help would be greatly appreciated.
it could also be an issue with the .vmt file, if it dosnt start with VertexLitGeneric it will appear invisible
also i don't know if it really matters, but your "v_bat_scout.dmx.smd" file that you exported from the modeling program should not have the .dmx extension. it should just be "v_bat_scout.smd"
The include model makes it use the animations from v_bat_scout_anims.mdl which is actually just a file you make by duplicating the original bats .mdl file and renaming it (make sure to put it in the right folder)
also you don't have to name it v_bat_scout_anims that was just an example, just make sure you have the correct name in the qc to whatever you choose it to be (sometimes it helps to name it something specific, like if it were a banana I'd name it v_scout_banana_anims)
p.s. red sheep
you commented out some stuff you really didnt need to(unless adding that last line includes all of this :P i dont remember) :
//$sequence draw "draw" ACT_VM_DRAW 1 fps 30.00 node raised {
//{ event 5004 1 "Weapon_Bat.Draw" }
//{ event 5004 8 "Weapon_Bat.DrawSwoosh2" }
//{ event 5004 16 "Weapon_Bat.DrawSwoosh1" }
//{ event 5004 20 "Weapon_Bat.DrawCatch" }
all of that is to do with when sounds are played during animation (the number right after 5004 in all of them tells the game at what frame to play each sound)
havent compiled anything in a little while but im fairly sure adding
includemodel "weapons\v_models\v_bat_scout_anims.mdl"
just forces it to use animations that are in the .GCF which will fix the problem in itself if it is to do with bone rotation etc.
also, you may need to write it like this:
$includemodel "weapons\v_models\v_bat_scout_anims.mdl"
could be wrong about this, as its been a while since i've compiled anything... in any case good luck
- Tex
@AAA_BATTERY - you dont need to remove the .dmx as long as the name matches with the .qc and actual file and ends with .smd ie you cant just have something.dmx (if i remember correctly)
@gymnopedia nice, but why is it so blocky?
@arcaltarion are the textures going to be changed