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Team Fortress 2 - Workshop Thread



  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Sorted out the skin issue and submitted.

  • The Scrub
    Zipfinator wrote: »
    Sorted out the skin issue and submitted.
    [image removed]

    That looks nice :D

    Hope it gets in

    "Not intended for Snorkeling in lukewarm martial arts forms"
  • Yamo
    I would have went with "Superfluous Scuba Goggles", but they look great man

    Did you set up the alpha at all to work with the new paint buckets?
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Yamo wrote: »
    I would have went with "Superfluous Scuba Goggles", but they look great man

    Did you set up the alpha at all to work with the new paint buckets?

    Yup. I had to use 2 diffuses to do this but it should be fine. I used a 256x256 to texture everything but the glass and the tint map is in that textures alpha. Then I used a 64x64 to texture the glass/floppy plastic transparent piece with an alpha map to control its transparency. I tested out painting it with a black paint bucket and it looked fine but the model was at a very strange angle in the preview so I couldn't really see the glass to check if it was painted or not. I'm 90% sure that it won't be painted though!
  • AGuyCalledSpyke
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    AGuyCalledSpyke polycounter lvl 7
    Oh hey, cool googles
  • Jedah
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    Jedah polycounter lvl 8
    Update on Mad hatter. Need to fix up the noise on the hat and might get rid of the extra line detail on top but overall nearing completion.

    Was quite difficult getting the Scout models UVs to line up with blender. For some reason the scout UV's are slightly offset so I had to manually adjust their X position until I got what I wanted.

  • AGuyCalledSpyke
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    AGuyCalledSpyke polycounter lvl 7
    ouch, that looks really blocky. How many polys?
  • CWalkthroughs
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    CWalkthroughs polycounter lvl 6
    I'm working on a custom killicon set, to replace some of the "broken" killicons in TF2.

    Currently I have:

    Backburner Killicon

    Gloves of Running Urgently Killicon

    Frying Pan custom Killicon

    Combat Sentry Killicon

    Any problems viewing the images, click the links underneath them.
  • Mad Mike
    Well, looks like the time has come for me to contribute to this thread.

    What I'm working on is a replacement for the cart, christmas themed. I'm going to make the dispenser look like a fireplace/chimney and put a gift-wrapped crate of dynamite instead of the regular bomb. And something cool to fill up the empty space between them.
    I tried to make some decent concept art, but with moderate results. I don't really feel content with my drawings (and other creations) whatsoever. Why I'm writing this big piece of text right here, is because I want to improve and I need advice for that to happen. I'm posting, because I'm totally out of ideas how to make it look good and coherent with TF2 style.
    And I know the crate is a bit different from TF2 ones, I couldn't find the one I wanted in HLMV so I did not have reference while modelling it(bad), found something similar after I finished it.

    And please forgive the somewhat messy writing, I just threw all sorts of thoughts I've had at the moment.
  • Jedah
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    Jedah polycounter lvl 8
    ouch, that looks really blocky. How many polys?

    Only 600. Was trying to keep it under the 800...but then again I see alot of people making stuff with over a thousand or more.

    The next subd level of this makes a little over 2k poly. Looks a lot less blocky but isn't that way over budget or did I miss a memo somewhere where valve stated they really don't care that much?
  • oobersli
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    oobersli polycounter lvl 17
    Jedah wrote: »
    Update on Mad hatter. Need to fix up the noise on the hat and might get rid of the extra line detail on top but overall nearing completion.

    Was quite difficult getting the Scout models UVs to line up with blender. For some reason the scout UV's are slightly offset so I had to manually adjust their X position until I got what I wanted.


    texture needs work. it just looks like noise right now. Simplify the colors and try not to use black. A simple Gradient and ao map is all you need.

    Also, could you post a wireframe maybe? Its a pretty simple hat, so with 600 tris I'm sure you could get more out of it in the shape. The checker band could be the same geo as the hat but just use a seperate smoothing group and some geo to make it look like its a seperate object.
  • CWalkthroughs
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    CWalkthroughs polycounter lvl 6
  • spetch
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    spetch polycounter lvl 11
    lots of cool stuff happening on this thread...I want those scuba goggles, lol. I said I would finish it so here it is. I wanted some feedback before I submitted. It's around 2100 polys and I decided to go gripless. This is definitely the last scout weapon I will make for some time.


  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
    Looking good, Spetch. I'd suggest going back into the end of the bat with some more opaque brush strokes, though; right now it looks kind of mushy and it could use some well-defined details up there, probably in the form of lightening the wood around the cracks. I'd also fix the smoothing on the nails while you're at it.
  • spetch
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    spetch polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks swizzle for the feedback. I'll hit some highlights around the cracks and try to pull out some more defined brush strokes. The lack of smoothing on the nails was done purposely. I liked the way it caught the light. Let me put a smoothing group on it and see how they look. I'll post the changes soon.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    I like your payload variant, Mad Mike. How about some christmas stockings to hang over that fireplace?
  • Cbast
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    Cbast triangle
    Hello everyone, I'm new in there and there's my first model that I try to import in a real-time engine. (And this is one of my first models in fact).
    I'm currently looking for informations about the "How to make your v_model" coz' i don't know how to simulate the FoV (to delete the hidden faces).

    Then, here's the "stuff".


    I hope you enjoy it :3
  • AGuyCalledSpyke
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    AGuyCalledSpyke polycounter lvl 7
    @Spetch Aw damn, there goes my idea. I would be so mad if it weren't for the fact it looks so awesome. Well done :D
  • Arcaltarion
    Hi again guys!

    I'm still working on my gunslinger replacement but in the last few days I couldn't use any computer.
    Which after all was a good thing, I needed more concepts and sketches before all the modeling and texturing stuff. I scribbled a lot with paper and pencil and I have now a clearer idea of what I want.

    A couple of sketches and variants in the fingers design.


    the original leather stripes in the knuckles made it difficult to read and a bit of a mess, but I'm still in the "leather and gold" theme, but I yet have to figure where I need to put the leather.

    I'm now working in the Forearm part, I will post concepts later
  • RedSheep
    That's a pretty sweet bat, definitely one of my favorites I've seen (yours and the one by Reklas are my favorites).

    @Arcaltarian I think you should go with A-2 (if not, then A-1), B-1, and C-3.
    I like B-1 the best because the others look as if they would be flimsy and not as durable, A-1 and A-2 because the look the most like fingers, and I just think C-3 is more visually appealing.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    A 1/2, B 1 and C 1/3.
  • spetch
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    spetch polycounter lvl 11
    latest and probably last update-

    added smoothing and defined brush strokes

  • Arcaltarion
    Great job, I think this time you nailed it!

    ok, pun aside...
    maybe if you expand the broken area with lines in the texture the bat will look a bit better. following the patterns of the wood

  • Cbast
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    Cbast triangle
    Hello everyone, i'm new in the wonderful world of modeling :o (And new in there too).

    So here's my first concept/model/stuff-that-i-am-really-motivate-to-finish


    I hope you will enjoy it, have a nice day :o
  • BlvdNights
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    BlvdNights polycounter lvl 8
    This friend's weapon was just accepted by Valve today and will be officially in the game soon!

  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    BlvdNights wrote: »
    This friend's weapon was just accepted by Valve today and will be officially in the game soon!

    How do you know? If it was that e-mail about the payment terms ANYONE who's submitted an item EVER got that.
  • Base
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    Base polygon
    Okay guys, I'm helping my friend Neelpos with his helm, and I'm having some major issues with doing the normals for a segment of it. I know normals aren't normally done but the helm itself isn't too intensive in terms of polycount or texture, so we decided this would be the best route for doing it (he originally modeled it directly into the helm and it was way over poly and looked atrocious, so...)

    First, a snapshot of the hat and the medallion I'm trying to bake:


    And now, the normals (increased in size to fit the original UV's, and also to clean up the rest of the messy normals-- lots of random squares everywhere, I don't know why!):


    As you can see, There is something very wrong here! I'm using xnormal if that helps. Does anyone know how I can fix this?

    Also, slightly unrelated, how precisely are we supposed to do the diffuse textures for the new paint options? Am I right in assuming I should do the textures in grayscale and have an alpha overlay that applies the secondary color? I'm sorry if it's been answered before, I'm completely lost on this part...
  • MattQ86
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    MattQ86 polycounter lvl 15
    Hats and misc items rarely have normals. You would be better served by painting that emblem on.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Yeah, you shouldn't use normals on the hat. If you submit with normals I doubt Valve will use it.

    On the diffuse textures, just do a Red and Blue version like you would have before. If you don't know how to make it paintable then Valve will do it for you like they did all of the other hats.
  • Base
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    Base polygon
    Hmm, well I suppose we could live with just painting it on. He really wanted it to have depth to it, but I guess it can't be helped either way-- those normals are useless, and it's probably not worth the effort fixing them if they're not going to be used anyways.

    Well, at least I can just add some more geometry to the rest of the model and make it look smoother.

    I'll post up some of my own projects once I get them more completed, but hey, at least I'm making progress with this!
  • BlvdNights
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    BlvdNights polycounter lvl 8
    Zipfinator wrote: »
    How do you know? If it was that e-mail about the payment terms ANYONE who's submitted an item EVER got that.

    I'm not sure of the specifics, all he told me was that he was contacted by Valve and they said they were preparing to put it in the game.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    BlvdNights wrote: »
    I'm not sure of the specifics, all he told me was that he was contacted by Valve and they said they were preparing to put it in the game.

    Eh I think he might have just gotten a bit too excited about that e-mail. They sent out a ton of e-mails earlier today at the same time to anyone who's submitted before these new terms so I'm guessing it was one of those since they generally don't e-mail submitters to tell them their item was chosen.
  • Elbagast
    I found my email about the new terms and conditions for contributing in with my junk mail...:shifty:

    Regarding normal maps, they've gotten even more brutal about them recently. The Frontier Justice and the Wrangler both had them at release, but they were removed with the Mann-conomy update. For something basic like a logo, I don't think they'd bother with one (e.g. see the badges). It'd be worth considering setting aside more texture space for it like the logo on the Engineer's Cap.

    In unrelated news I'm testing the waters by releasing that scattergun I made a while back, I know some of you around here were interested in using it. Grab it here.
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    The fact that they sent the terms update to everyone makes me wonder if they are planning to release a bunch of purely cosmetic items. If they were going to continue as selectively as they have been, it seems like they could have just sent it out to people they choose. Maybe I'm just blinded by optimism.:)
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Frump wrote: »
    The fact that they sent the terms update to everyone makes me wonder if they are planning to release a bunch of purely cosmetic items. If they were going to continue as selectively as they have been, it seems like they could have just sent it out to people they choose. Maybe I'm just blinded by optimism.:)

    It was just an update on the terms that they had to send out by law. Usually you agree to these terms when you submit your item (It says "By clicking on Submit you agree to our terms blah blah) but since we've already submitted they had to send out these e-mails. The reason they updated these terms was for the Mann Co Store so they can put your items in the store if they choose your item.
  • RedSheep
    The Surgeons Stahlhelm

    256 x 256 texture
    978 tris
    also the straps are jiggle boned.


    crits and comments wanted
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    That hat looks nice but I've already seen at least 2 nearly exactly like it. Besides that, did you mean for the Blue skin to have a Red cross on it or is that just a skinning error? They should definitely be team colored.
    yeah, i know it has already been done multiple times. but I have yet to see one released publicly. also i dont remember any other versions having straps or jiggle bones.

    and yes the red texture on the blue team is an error, thanks for pointing that out.
  • Simski
    Looks a bit too white, if I see it right.
    Would probably look better in a team colored white matching Medic's garment.
    i used the off white color on the pallet for the helm, and it perfectly matches the color of his under shirt as well as the backpack. but i can make a version that looks like his coat and see how it compares.
  • spetch
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    spetch polycounter lvl 11
    Great job, I think this time you nailed it!

    ok, pun aside...
    maybe if you expand the broken area with lines in the texture the bat will look a bit better. following the patterns of the wood


    Thanks for the suggestions. I'd do this but it would have to be in the geometry and I'm already pushing the amount of polys. Because of the tf2 half lambert shader, the crack would not read in the texture. You would loose it completely and it would look like a bright line with a dark shadow on the side. The linework would potentially take away from any of the details I have up top.
  • BlvdNights
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    BlvdNights polycounter lvl 8
    Just had a spark of inspiration during lunch:

    Tiki hats!


    Really quick sketch, still going to explore the shape and shilouette later on.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    That could be pretty fancy. Maybe there could be an entire set, one for each class, with something to make each one unique.
  • BlvdNights
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    BlvdNights polycounter lvl 8
    Zipfinator wrote: »
    That could be pretty fancy. Maybe there could be an entire set, one for each class, with something to make each one unique.

    Yea, I'm thinking of a few ideas like weapons as well. Coconut blasters and bamboo swords.

    As soon as you said unique to each class, I just thought of a tiki with an eye patch.
  • Gobywan
    Hello TF2 thread :) I finally decided to sit down and beat Blender into submission so I could start turning ideas into models, and I very nearly managed to get a working hat into TF2. Unfortunately, even though the textures show up properly in the model viewer (excuse the crappiness, I spent all of 2 minutes on these):


    the hat shows up as a straight black texture in-game:


    I'm not sure what would cause this - it's not the purple checkerboard for a missing texture, and it renders ok in the model viewer. I followed InteractiveBUD's tutorial on youtube to make this thing, and I double-checked that I had all the same settings and did all the same steps as he did; the only difference was that his hat worked properly. Anyone know what the problem is?
  • Arcaltarion
    well, I'm done with the initial design of the rest of the arm.


    Let 's see what do you guys think about it
    I think I'm going to name it the "Texan Typewriter"
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Design looks great! Not a fan of the current name though. Also what are you planning for this arm to do? Are you going to model a new type of sentry/building that it can place?
  • Arcaltarion
    I'm hoping the final model looks thougher and less fancy than the original arm, less precise but stronger.

    Stats-wise I would suggest something like a Normal gunslinger that doesn't add extra life to the engie but removes the walking penalty while carring buildings. for the offensive engineers who wanna be more dodgy.

    Also, as it's made of golden parts I can suggest to valve that it triggers the "turn gold effect" in ragdolls
  • Elbagast
    Did you happen to be influenced by some of these? Was the first thing I thought of when I saw your original pics and now even more so...

    I think if you want to build something more sturdy looking a solid palm may work - it would mean making it so that it doesn't work with the Gunslinger taunt but the lack of engine parts in your design has probably already made that taunt unsuitable.
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