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Team Fortress 2 - Workshop Thread


  • CLTincknell
    Offline / Send Message
    I'm looking for comments/critiques of a hat I'm working on.


    Like I said, I'm very new to this. I'm using Blender. How do I make the ugly shadows on parts of it go away?
  • Cloud_Leonheart
    I think the Cheese hat has been done before.....and already in game....
  • mahmoud
    Offline / Send Message
    Mad Mike wrote: »
    This is so awesome that is just screams "You're going to LOVE ME!" Really great model, textures are absolutely fitting as well. I'd love to have a proper crossbow in TF2 especially if it was that one.

    @Roninsmastermix: While I'd rather have a different looking shotgun for the Pyro, I have to say that this paintjob makes it look really fitting. Maybe even to the point of not needing a different model. Great work, as with all your stuff.

    Now, me.

    Here's a very quickly done model for the Halloween (probably too late, but it never hurts to try). Planning to make a ladle as a melee replacement. Base model is 1180 tris with 3 LODs with 944, 600ish and 400ish tris.


    oh boy i've been working on a cauldron too except that i am still working on the texture, and that my computer is too bad to show normal mapped or shaded models

  • Pogo
    Offline / Send Message
    Pogo wrote: »
    Now in the workshop, spooky monsters from another dimension!

    Vote on Workshop!

    Made a demoman version, seems to fit better
  • re.wind
    Offline / Send Message
    yes, that fits quite well xD
  • Habboi
    Offline / Send Message
    Habboi sublime tool
    Submitted the Cutting Edge.



    Oh and Pogo, that Demoman eye make me laugh out loud.
  • Steve Schulze
    Offline / Send Message
    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    Nice work Habooi.

    I probably would have made a reference to the Damascus steel in the weapons title, myself. The "Syrian Steel" perhaps.
  • Habboi
    Offline / Send Message
    Habboi sublime tool
    I asked for names but no one took a bite so I did some googling and read some stories about the steel and the words cutting edge caught my eye in a sentence. I also thought it was a little amusing because the edge of the blade is broken and yet it is said to cut some strong materials.

    Regardless I'll post your name in the comments and see if anyone agrees. Cheers.
  • 3DMark
    Offline / Send Message
    Macgta, The one on the left! great work.

    Carsonova, I really like the Crockett's Coonskin Cap, it might be able to utilize some normal map fur too.

    Habboi excellent textures on your knife.

    Roninsmastermix totally digging the Garrison Cap!

    Here are some of my hats still updating the shader on the Craft Punk model:

    I know that a Groucho disguise is over submitted but I could not resist making one with a more Groucho sized mustache rather than the novelty disguise version that always comes off as Hitler-ish.

  • re.wind
    Offline / Send Message
    I've updated the wolf-skin hat with eyeballs. better than the crap I had before.


    I also uploaded this guy.

  • Arcaltarion
    Offline / Send Message
    that beard would be lovely with jigglebones like the pyro's killing floor tie
  • re.wind
    Offline / Send Message
    It actually is double jiggle-boned, i just paused the animations to get decent screengrabs with some level of control. Damping may also have been too high, but it looks brilliant in-game.

    i'll be revising the submission tomorrow (or the day thereafter) with better picture, and jiggle motion.cba right now.
  • CLTincknell
    Offline / Send Message
    I'm looking for comments/critiques of a hat I'm working on.


    Like I said, I'm very new to this. I'm using Blender. How do I make the ugly shadows on parts of it go away?

    Still looking for comments please. Anything helps.
    I think the Cheese hat has been done before.....and already in game....

    Uh... no? I don't think it has...
  • Pogo
    Offline / Send Message
    Looks like your illum position might be incorrect. Otherwise you might just have some ugly vmt settings
  • CLTincknell
    Offline / Send Message
    Pogo wrote: »
    Looks like your illum position might be incorrect. Otherwise you might just have some ugly vmt settings

    Looked "illum position" up on the Valve Developer Community, not sure what mine should be or how to set it. And I just compiled it with the itemtest thing in the SourceSDK, so I don't know what my VMT settings are. Sorry for being such a noob at this. If you have the patience to help me, I would be extremely grateful. I figured this forum was a good place to look for help since you guys make a lot of the awesome stuff in the game.
  • CidTheNinja
    Offline / Send Message
    I love it. We need a Mercury scout in-game. :)
  • CLTincknell
    Offline / Send Message
    Looked "illum position" up on the Valve Developer Community, not sure what mine should be or how to set it. And I just compiled it with the itemtest thing in the SourceSDK, so I don't know what my VMT settings are. Sorry for being such a noob at this. If you have the patience to help me, I would be extremely grateful. I figured this forum was a good place to look for help since you guys make a lot of the awesome stuff in the game.

    Found my VMT. Here are the settings:
    "$baseTexture" "models/player/items/heavy/0x02676c37/The Big Cheese/The Big Cheese_color_blue"

    "$detail" "effects/tiledfire/fireLayeredSlowTiled512"
    "$detailscale" "5"
    "$detailblendfactor" .01
    "$detailblendmode" 6

    "$yellow" "0"
    "$lightwarptexture" "models/lightwarps/weapon_lightwarp"
    "$rimlight" "1"
    "$rimlightexponent" "4"
    "$rimlightboost" "2"

    "$cloakPassEnabled" "1"


    "animatedtexturevar" "$detail"
    "animatedtextureframenumvar" "$detailframe"
    "animatedtextureframerate" 30

    "resultVar" "$detailblendfactor"

    "resultVar" "$yellow"

    "srcVar1" "$yellow"
    "resultVar" "$color2"
  • RedSheep
    Offline / Send Message
    When submitting an all class item to the workshop, do we need to submit it once per class?

    It seems like doing it all in one submission would be much less of a hassle
  • Pogo
    Offline / Send Message
    if it looks the same for all class, then one submission I expect
  • D-D-D-Demon!
    Offline / Send Message
    I love it. We need a Mercury scout in-game. :)

    Thanks. I want to make the helmet as well, but Ant has already modeled one and I'd feel like I'm copying him by making one. >_>
  • RedSheep
    Offline / Send Message
    Pogo wrote: »
    if it looks the same for all class, then one submission I expect

    Well, my only qualm with doing that is that will make it contain a lot of model files (especially when following the itemtest folder structure)
  • Cloud_Leonheart
    Uh... no? I don't think it has...

    Well after looking at that list... and the ManCo. store, All I can say, is that list is very outdated. And I said "I think". I have seen someone wearing a cheese hat in game before, perhaps it was just something they did, and brought into the game for kicks. Perhaps there is a hat like that in game already, created by a user and not valve. Perhaps you need to not be so snippy with your reply's, perhaps not....
  • Vanlande
    Offline / Send Message
    So, got my hat in today on the steam workshop. Not really sure why I waited this long...

    Would appreciate comments and rates. Thanks :D
  • Baddcog
    Offline / Send Message
    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    Came out looking great Vanlande.

    Finally got my Pyro Lady Liberty set submitted. (I noticed someone else submitted liberty spikes a day or two ago, lol, that's what I get for dragging my feet for 8 months).


    Whoops, I uploaded 512's, but thought they got resized to 256 on steam workshop anyway..
  • CLTincknell
    Offline / Send Message
    Well after looking at that list... and the ManCo. store, All I can say, is that list is very outdated. And I said "I think". I have seen someone wearing a cheese hat in game before, perhaps it was just something they did, and brought into the game for kicks. Perhaps there is a hat like that in game already, created by a user and not valve. Perhaps you need to not be so snippy with your reply's, perhaps not....

    Sorry, I wasn't trying to be snippy. I just knew that the hat didn't exist in the game already. :P Also as far as I can tell that list is up to date (it includes all the Manniversary hats), and you can't see items that another user "brought into the game" unless you have the files for them on your computer. I guess this is ending up sounding snippy again, which I apologize for. Regardless of whether its been done before or not, what do you think of my execution? Here is a new improved image without the black ugliness.

  • eedobaba7726
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    eedobaba7726 polycounter lvl 9
    Baddcog wrote: »
    Came out looking great Vanlande.

    Finally got my Pyro Lady Liberty set submitted. (I noticed someone else submitted liberty spikes a day or two ago, lol, that's what I get for dragging my feet for 8 months).

    Whoops, I uploaded 512's, but thought they got resized to 256 on steam workshop anyway..

    512 is the new thumbnail size actually, they changed it.

    Anyway, I'm wondering what the red variant looks like for these items. Did you go with the Statue of Liberty's original copper color for red?

  • Veko
    Offline / Send Message
    Baddcog wrote: »
    Came out looking great Vanlande.

    Finally got my Pyro Lady Liberty set submitted. (I noticed someone else submitted liberty spikes a day or two ago, lol, that's what I get for dragging my feet for 8 months).


    Whoops, I uploaded 512's, but thought they got resized to 256 on steam workshop anyway..

    Is it me or am I the only one seeing a penis at the end
  • Cloud_Leonheart


    Looks good. I suggest a lighter yellow on the cheese though... But that's just me. I'm no texture artist, as you can see from my previous posts lol.
    But, yes, the hat looks good.
  • BanthaFodder
    Offline / Send Message
    I absolutely love the Pooba.
    and the Disguise looks awesome too.

    can't unsee o_o
  • aivanov
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    aivanov polycounter lvl 5
    Vanlande, that hat came out great!

    3DMark, the Poobah's normal map doesn't suit TF2 - you're pushing too far into realism and it's just plain noisy; take it out and focus on painting some simplistic fur instead.
  • Baddcog
    Offline / Send Message
    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    512 is the new thumbnail size actually, they changed it.

    Anyway, I'm wondering what the red variant looks like for these items. Did you go with the Statue of Liberty's original copper color for red?

    Yeah, The torch in that thumbnail is a copper/brass color, that's what all the red items are.

    Figured someone would see a penis. However that's the shape of the original. And what other shape would a long cylinder be tipped with anyway?

    I tried a model through the itemtest. Just buggy as heel.

    The first one's texture got scrambled (obj) (even though old school compile was just fine), the second one (smd's) I just got an error model.

    It also sucks you can't choose the base paint color, they need an rgb slider for that.
  • Noors
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    Noors greentooth
  • Norman3D
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    Norman3D polycounter lvl 14
    Noors wrote: »
    no one did ?

    I thought of it, but I guess the guy who did the jacket from B2TF is going to do it or maybe it's too risky due to copyright and so on...
  • D-D-D-Demon!
    Offline / Send Message
    Seriously, it's been said before, but unless you're making strictly hats, don't bother with the itemtest function of the SDK. It's far, FAR too limited to actually get any conceivable usage from just about anyone on here. I would wait until they update it (lol Valve time) to try to use it for your items.
  • Monkeez
    Offline / Send Message
    Theft of work on the Workshop is getting annoying, since there's currently no way to report it.

    My hat and glasses I made for heavy:

    A person stealing a render of both, which I posted in this forum:

    His explanation for stealing it (and deleting my comments saying it's stolen):
    "u didnt make nothing u made the hat alone and the gals and mustach alone so i just made it together"

    I just had another look at the stolen submission and it looks like they're deleting any comments saying that it's stolen. So lame, though I guess it won't matter too much as he wouldn't have actually submitted anything lol. I guess you could always report his account by going to his steam profile.
  • re.wind
    Offline / Send Message

    Might want to check again before he finds out.

    note: I normally don't condone, support, approve of, commit, or otherwise spam content of any kind, but this guy deserves it. Give the thief some work to do :3. i stopped at comment 100, if that's any help.

    it also makes me fuzzy and warm inside, while i suppress my giggles.
  • achmedthesnake
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    achmedthesnake polycounter lvl 17
    haha - saw that re.wind - nice work
  • CidTheNinja
    Offline / Send Message
    Thanks. I want to make the helmet as well, but Ant has already modeled one and I'd feel like I'm copying him by making one. >_>
    True, Ant's Mercury helm is badass. He said he was changing it somehow a while back, but hasn't said anything about it in a while. And this time thanks to "Bonk Boy" they can't say it looks too much like golden age Flash.
    nicely done :\
  • Norman3D
  • Monkeez
  • Seba
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    Base colours maybe... I don't like the part where the hose connects with the nozzle (colour-wise). Ideas?
  • aivanov
    Offline / Send Message
    aivanov polycounter lvl 5
    Sample the darks from the Pyro's default flamethrower texture?

    Don't be afraid to make the nozzle a different color altogether, I noticed TF2's stock weapons largely differentiate shapes through sudden hue/color shifts - regardless if the weapon is colored that way in real life.
  • Baddcog
    Offline / Send Message
    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    Finally got my brass knuckles in game correctly.

    Actually rigged them to the middle finger bone so they'd stay in place, that halloween anim was killing my with the clipping.

    needs a little tweaking but too much of a good thing today...
  • Barlim
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    A question for those of you familiar with character modeling for Source: is there any way, currently, to export a model to the DMX format? I'm just trying to export a version of the medic without legs (to test another model), but replacing medic_morphs_low.dmx with an .smd causes compiling errors. Actually, I'm not positive if that's even the file I want to be replacing... glancing through the QC's suggests that it is, but I'm not 100% on that.

    Suggestions? I've only ever added animations to characters, and using SMD's worked fine there. Never tried modifying a character's mesh in Source.
  • Arcaltarion
    Offline / Send Message
    Hi guys.
    Reuploaded the invisible head adding ComfyCushion as a contributor for his amazing texture work.

    Please upvote it if you liked the old one:


  • PrOOf
    Offline / Send Message
    My version of the idea from "Full metal jacket". In this hat the soldiers become more Aggressive and violent (much-much more).
  • Nano XS
    Offline / Send Message
    This is a TF2 themed weapon for the Pyro I have been working on lately.

    It's a petrol pump used as a grenade launcher:-



    It's not finished yet.

    The petrol pump will shoot Incendiary grenades in the form of Cans, I thought this fitted into TF2 rather than using genuine Molotov like petrol bombs. :-


    This is not finished yet either.

    I have been doing 3D modeling for roughly 5 months, I am struggling with finding a good way to unwrap UV's and texturing in maya, I would be glad if somebody could point me in the right direction through tutorials or advice :)

    ~ Nano .
  • Cloud_Leonheart

    It's nice to see someone else using Maya for their modeling on this forum. Most people seem to use 3DStudio Max, Blender or Lightwave.

    But in regards to your question, when I was in college, I was given a book called Advanced Maya Textureing and Lighting. This book is perfect for creating different types of texture maps in the Hypershade.

    Now UV mapping on the otherhand, is actually quite simple (if not a minor headache) once you get used to it.

    Simply fallow these steps to create a basic UV map, and export it out so you can texture it, in your choice of Photo editing software. I suggest Adobe Photoshop.

    1: open your can (as an example) model in Maya. Make sure you are in the Polygons sub menu, which if you have only been modeling in maya for 5 months, you are probably in that menu and havent seen how to change that yet (assumption) Select your Can.

    2. at the top of the screen locate the Create Uv's button, click it. Select the cylindrical mapping button, not the options box, just the words Cylindrical Mapping.

    3. at this point you should see the UV mapping tool around your can. At the top of the window, select the Window button, and choose UV Texture Editor. There you will see the unfolded UV's for your selected Mesh. It is important to know, that your UV map must fit within the Positive section of the grid in the UV Texture Editor.

    4. After positioning the uvs of the can to fit in the positive section of the grid, go back to your perspective window (minimize the UV Texture Editor) and select the faces on the Top of your can.

    5. After selecting the faces on the top of your can, click on the Create UVs button on the top of the maya window. This time you will choose the little Square next to the Planar Mapping option. This new window is the Planar Mapping Options Box.

    6. in the Planar Mapping Options box, check the fallowing options:

    Fit Projection to: Bounding Box

    Project from: With this option, select the up and down axis for your project. Maya Default is the Y axis.

    after changing those two options, press the Project button.

    7. Go back to the UV texture Editor. your window will now only show the Faces you have selected. Move this selection (with the uv editor tool) outside of the grid, click off of the uvs.

    Now do the same as the above for the bottom faces of your can.

    The same can be done for the pull tab of your can, however a new step must be added. Before you project the uv's, focus on the pull tab, by selecting the faces on the tab, and pressing the f key on your keyboard. Then when you open the Planar Mapping Options Box, choose to project from Camera. This will project the best angle for your pull tab.

    8. Now, select the object in the orthographic camera view and open up the UV Texture Editor Window. you will notice that all of the uvs for your can (and pull tab if they are a combined object) are now visable in the UV Texture Editor. You will need to arrange these to fit inside of the Positive section of the Grid displayed. To do this, hold down the right mouse button and selecting the UV option. this will allow you to select the uv's as you would vertices. You can use the Rotational tool, movement tool and the scale tool to arrange the uv's to fit into the positive section of the grid without overlapping.

    9. Once you are happy with the placement of your UV's, you have two options to choose from.
    1. export out your uv's so you can texture.
    2. further refine your uvs, so that they are more uniform in the editor.

    9.1. in orde to export out your uv's make sure you are in the UV texture Editor, hold down the right mouse button, and select the UV option. Now highlight select all of the Uv's on the grid. After this, press the Polygons button at the top of the UV Texture Editor Window, and select the very last option, UV Snapshot... In this options window, select the location for where you wish to save your UV's and file name by pressing the Brows button next to the File name Option. Then, select the size of both the x and y value. Source uses 512x512, so I recommend both are changed to that. Have the Keep Aspect ration button checked, color value as white, anti-alias lines button checked and change the image format to your particular choice. I prefer to use .tif format, but source uses .tga format, but at this stage in the game, there is not need to match the format of source. after these options are changed, press the ok button. and your UV snapshot will be saved.

    9.2. to further refine your UV's, you can do manythings. Select the different faces on the sides and botton of the different models, and project these as seperate shells to be textured in more detail.
    you can also relax the uv's to make them more uniform to each other. to do this, select one uv on say, the top of your can in the Uv Texture Editor. hold down the Right mouse button, and hover over the select option in the drop down box. then select the Select Shell option. This will select all connected Uv's to the one you selected before. Next, choose the Polygons option at the top of the UV Texture Editor, and select the Options box next to the Relax option. You want to have the Pin Uv Border option checked but not the Pin Uvs: option. In the Othe Settings section, you want World Space checked, and for maximum iterations, this is defaulted to 2, but you can change this to taste. Press the Relax button.

    After you are happy with the layout of your Uv's, you can create your Uv Snapshot as I described in point 9.1.

    Texturing is all based on which options you choose for your file format and photo editor you use. .tif has an Alpha channel that will need to be removed prior to texturing.

    Hope This very vague relay of my knowledge has helped you.
  • Steve Schulze
    Offline / Send Message
    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    Well, that was certainly detailed.

    A couple of points. I'd use a 256*256 at most for a projectile like the can. Depending on what you're planning to do with it you may be able to reduce that further.

    Team Fortress uses the alpha channel of the targa to store specular information, so you'll need one if you don't want your entire object to be one uniform level of very shiny.

    Also for what it's worth, Maya is only a little behind makes in terms of number of users here, both of which are a long, long way ahead of Blender. I've only ever heard of one Lightwave user here.
  • Pogo
    Offline / Send Message
    It may also be worth baking and texturing at a higher resolution 512x perhaps and scaling down the result afterwards 256x is plenty.
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