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Team Fortress 2 - Workshop Thread



  • DerDude
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    DerDude polycounter lvl 10
    bloodmoon, collest hats ever :D
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    personally, I'd go with cream and have the feathers change to the team color.

  • ant
    hahahaha...whats that taken from? arabian nights?

    cream........why didn't i think of that! i was so busy avoiding white.
    and the gem ..cool!

    thanks man!
  • doc rob
    Offline / Send Message
    doc rob polycounter lvl 20
    Why is a Scotsman wearing a turban?

    At least do a feathered highland bonnet. It will have more or less the same shape and actually have some kind of relevance to the character. . .

    Here: allow Ian and Glenn to model some for you:


    I mean, you can do what you want, it just seems that Valve favors designs that fit the character.
  • AgeNt_
    here is some updated pictures of my progress. I am not sure if I should go on with this hat but I will take it as a learning experience with the color and what not.

  • Karkasmolenklok
    I like it. Are you going to have jigglebones for the tassle?
  • Ryuza
    Some awesome stuff in this thread. Anyway, I'm new here and I figured I'd give a quick post with something I submitted:
    I call it the Obscure Career hat, for the Spy, took me a few hours to make. I submitted it along with the idea of it either being a weapon or a hat, although I doubt it would become a weapon if it were accepted.
  • AgeNt_
    I like it. Are you going to have jigglebones for the tassle?

    I would love too, but I don't really know how but I would love looking into it.
  • Noggin
    Heres my first attempt in Softimage, I have zero idea how to texture or do much really.

    Any suggestions as to how I should add the spikes so that they are symmetrical/uniform?

    If I can make the basic mace I may try the ball + chain version.

  • Xx_KiLLeR_xX
    AgeNt_ wrote: »
    here is some updated pictures of my progress. I am not sure if I should go on with this hat but I will take it as a learning experience with the color and what not.


    It looks neat and nice. I'd wish you to continue on this :)
  • The Jamster

    Here's my concept, it's basically the guitar from the meet the team video.
    It's not the most practical weapon and is aimed at the less serious players as the best part about it is being able to play music.

    It would have a charge meter and when it's full, you sit down and play it - like a taunt. Anyone in its radius would regenerate health and maybe get a crit boost or something. When it's on your back it works a bit like the razorback. The major downside is that you can't upgrade your buildings, but other engis still can though.
    I would use this as it would give me something to do whilst I'm camping in my nest.

    If i get enough support, I may give it a try with hammer, but I've never properly used it before. I'm more than happy if someone else wants to give it a try.

    The picture doesn't seem to be working, heres's a link. http://yfrog.com/f/0jengineerwithguitarp/ I just wipped it up in MS paint in 10 seconds though.
  • ant
    doc rob-

    originally i was modeling a scimitar fro the demo...it is the stereotypical means of beheading next to an axe before highlander the movie came out..

    while i finished the scimitar and submitted i thought well a novelty hat could be a turban to match ( this is not the poly pack thread just to let U know so themed hats dont really matter)
    the turban has about as much relevance to the demo as the american football helmet has to a russian heavy weapons expert or a pot has to a soldier,, maybe a little more
    my train of thought as a concept artist was that the moors did make their way around spain and portugal and could be a possible origin for someone of northern african descent to be integrated into celtic culture..

    plus its funny..
  • Simski
    ant wrote: »
    or a pot has to a soldier
    I disagree with that, a pot is a very stereotypical makeshift helmet.
    Often in cartoons you will see characters wearing pots and pans and other kitchen wear on their heads when they're getting ready for battle.

    The American football doesn't fit Heavy's background that well, but it's a reference to the Achievement where the helmet is featured, and it is as well a joke about how mentally disabled people sometimes wears helmets to avoid damaging their heads if they fall down...
  • ant
    oh i'm not saying its not relevant ...I said it has as much relevance, given the demo's cultural descent/possible origin....not cultural identity
    its not that big a deal, and MANY thanks to doc rob for providing a more " well recognised current cultural artifact and less abstract alternative to a turban. " I was simply answering a question

    "Why is a Scotsman wearing a turban? " :
    answer: "cause he is black and is a reference to northern african empire ( the moors) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moors
    who used scimitar like swords to behead people and in war (and is piss funny when running around cutting peoples heads off in tf2 )
    it is true the turban is more " persian" in feel but the influence of this style was found within moorish culture

    I do admit that within the greater North American popular culture the relevance may be less than the previous examples of the pot and NFL football helmet , but to people who have traveled and studied this area and to countries less inclined to insulate..it is an association as common as mud maybe more so than a norman rockwell image of a boy playing soldier with a corkgun and pot on his head

    in the end its a 30 min model so...


    in times like this it is good to remember the special olympics and the internet.:poly142:
  • Simski
    ant wrote: »
    "Why is a Scotsman wearing a turban? " :
    answer: "cause he is black and is a reference to northern african empire
    I just don't think it is a good idea to base a weapon/hat on skin color rather than personality >.>

    By giving him the Hallmark we implied that he's a pimp... now that would be very racists if the only implication was his skin color, but he also has a very strong and confident personality, making it not completely just racist profiling.

    However saying implying the Demoman is an Arab based on the fact that he's black... sorry, that's just taking it too far.
    I don't mean to be rude or crush your dreams... I just think it would have very unfortunate implications.
  • Wells
    Offline / Send Message
    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    Simski, let it go.

    he just wants to make an Arabian set of props for a character. stop trying so damn hard to make it racist or inappropriate. You've explained your point of view multiple times - he understands and disagrees. Let that be the end of it.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Are people really pulling the racism card in TF2, a title that takes the piss about pretty much everything regardless, because thats its "theme"? Jesus christ, the demoman was dark skinned, so a turban fitted him more. Anybody would think he wrote ""ni**a lover" on the front and painted a dead baby on the back. Never mind that its damn good art and pretty darn cool.

    TF2 isn't exactly not taking the mick, remember the solider is a big ass dumb guy, pretty much a stereotypical retard, complete with the hat over the eyes. Should people take offence to that? Nah, hes white, nobody cares.

    Guys theres som damn, damn, damn good art in here, and its made me chuckle no end. Don't let daft stuff get in the way. I only wish I could copy TF2's art style, I have a few ideas myself, meh :(

    ant wrote: »
    plus its funny..

    This. A billion times this. Never lose track of what your doing... In this case, entertaining with over the top props, The whole point is that your being over the top. Have you not noticed that the ones that work the best, and the ones that people like the most, are the ones with the most character?

    Worlds gone PC mad...
  • ScudzAlmighty

    oh wait Thank the spiritual deity and/or naturalist philosophy of your choosing here...
  • Simski
    Sectaurs wrote: »
    Simski, let it go.

    he just wants to make an Arabian set of props for a character. stop trying so damn hard to make it racist or inappropriate.
    Then why did he choose to do it for the Demoman?
    It doesn't make sense on any TF2 character, and the only reason it would make "sense" on Demoman would be due to racist profiling or a very far fetched reference that not a lot of people will see.

    The reason I personally would not like it isn't because it's "racist" as I do after all like the Hallmark, the reason is that it makes no sense at all with Demoman's personality and nationality.

    Also, why are you acting so hostile >:
    Sectaurs wrote: »
    You've explained your point of view multiple times - he understands and disagrees. Let that be the end of it.
    I'm saying this as constructive criticism.
    I am personally not offended, the only thing that offends me is cruelty to fuzzy animals.

    I'm saying that a lot of other people are likely to take offense to these items, and that Valve is unlikely to accept this idea because it doesn't build on his personality, just his skin color.
  • Noggin
    Demo Mace update...

    Very slow process for me and Ive no idea how to make a metal material - there doesnt seem to be any preset materials in Softimage.

  • ScudzAlmighty
    Simski wrote: »
    I'm saying that a lot of other people are likely to take offense to these items, and that Valve is unlikely to accept this idea because it doesn't build on his personality, just his skin color.

    dude let it go, you've played the game right? you've heard half of what the soldier has to say about the french? I don't think they're that concerend.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    To be fair, if the guy was running around with an explosive strapped to his chest screaming "ADMIRAL ACKBAR!!! ADMIRAL ACKBAR!!!" THEN I could understand people being a bit fishy about it... But your actually saying people can't be Scotish and also wear that... That makes no sense? In effect, the only thing people should be offended by is the possibility that YOU think that combination isn't "correct". The worlds a diverse place mate.
  • Simski
    dude let it go, you've played the game right? you've heard half of what the soldier has to say about the french? I don't think they're that concerend.
    Joking about countries is a whole lot different than implying that the only black person in the game even though obviously Scottish, is probably an arab because he has the same skin color as them.

    TF2 loves using stereotypes, and among those stereotypes is the patriotic drill sergeant who hates everything and everyone who isn't American, the stereotype Soldier is based on.
    The Spy is an uptight French person who smokes.
    The Heavy is a big "dumb-muscle" Russian with a big gun.
    The Sniper is a rugged Aussie with a big knife and hunting gear.
    The Demoman is a mad Scottish drunk (made less generic by being black and one-eyed)
    The Engineer is a laidback American hick, although very intelligent.
    The Scout is an overconfident American teenager who likes baseball.
    The Pyro is an anonymous person that nobody knows anything about other than that he's a pyromaniac.

    Demoman already have a stereotype, he's Scottish.
    Him being black and a cyclops are only visual traits to make him less generic, he's obviously a lot more proud of being Scottish than he is of being black.
    His parents show no signs of being proud of anything but being Demomen and Scottish, nowhere have there ever been any hints that Demoman might be from any other country than Scotland. To imply that he's an arab, is racist profiling.

    It would make no more sense than to imply that Spy is jewish because he's got a big nose.
    odium wrote: »
    To be fair, if the guy was running around with an explosive strapped to his chest screaming "ADMIRAL ACKBAR!!! ADMIRAL ACKBAR!!!" THEN I could understand people being a bit fishy about it... But your actually saying people can't be Scotish and also wear that... That makes no sense? In effect, the only thing people should be offended by is the possibility that YOU think that combination isn't "correct". The worlds a diverse place mate.
    Why would he use this?
    He's Scottish, Scottish people don't stereotypically use Turbans.
    Sure he COULD use it even though he's Scottish, but that would be like Sniper wearing a Roman soldier's helmet.

    It makes absolutely no sense because Sniper have no at all background that have anything to do with the Roman empire, and it doesn't build on the stereotype of him as an Australian.
    For the same reason a Turban makes absolutely no sense on Demoman because we have absolutely no background history of Demoman as an arab, and it doesn't at all build on the Scottish stereotype.
  • felipefrango
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    felipefrango polycounter lvl 9
    Simski wrote: »
    Demoman already have a stereotype, he's Scottish.
    Him being black and a cyclops are only visual traits to make him less generic, he's obviously a lot more proud of being Scottish than he is of being black.
    His parents show no signs of being proud of anything but being Demomen and Scottish, nowhere have there ever been any hints that Demoman might be from any other country than Scotland. To imply that he's an arab, is racist profiling.

    Isn't this good, though? The character ISN'T focused on his skin, it'd be pretty lame if he was all "black pride" or something. Skin color is a non-factor here and, since he's obviously scottish, I don't see how a turban would imply he's an arab, a scimitar nad turban send me more of a Prince of Persia vibe than anything. I'd be concerned if he had Osama-ish beard and dynamite attached to his chest. ]

    Plus, it's not like all other hats fit their characters nationality exclusively:


    Just sayin'.
  • Simski
    I personally never thought those hats made a lot of sense, but at least they weren't just based on skin color.

    Then again you have shown proof that Valve are in fact dumb enough to break their own art style sometimes for the "rule of cool" :/
    I think it's dumb as hell, but Valve might like it because they are themselves that dumb sometimes.

    So by all means, make that Turban for the only black guy in the game.
    Don't expect me to think of it as anything more than a victory for "random humor" and racism if it's made official though.
  • Vrav
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    Vrav polycounter lvl 11
    Well, the soldier is probably a historian for ancient warriors. I mean, he quotes Sun Tzu.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Simski wrote: »
    I personally never thought those hats made a lot of sense, but at least they weren't just based on skin color.

    Then again you have shown proof that Valve are in fact dumb enough to break their own art style sometimes for the "rule of cool" :/
    I think it's dumb as hell, but Valve might like it because they are themselves that dumb sometimes.

    So by all means, make that Turban for the only black guy in the game.
    Don't expect me to think of it as anything more than a victory for "random humor" and racism if it's made official though.

    OMG he gave a black man a turban, he must be racist towards niggas. Really man?! Grow up.

    Team Fortress 2 is valves goofy odd ball multiplayer frag fest. I like that they have serious games (Half life) and more relaxed games (portal & TF2), it just shows they don't take themselves too seriously and like to have fun and be silly sometimes. If they decided to add unlockable hats to the half life 3 single player, I might not be for it. But with the goofy animations and cartoony physics/weapons/play-style, I'm all for hats that don't fit 100% with the original game.
  • Simski
    ZacD wrote: »
    OMG he gave a black man a turban, he must be racist towards niggas. Really man?! Grow up.

    Team Fortress 2 is valves goofy odd ball multiplayer frag fest. I like that they have serious games (Half life) and more relaxed games (portal & TF2), it just shows they don't take themselves too seriously and like to have fun and be silly sometimes. If they decided to add unlockable hats to the half life 3 single player, I might not be for it. But with the goofy animations and cartoony physics/weapons/play-style, I'm all for hats that don't fit 100% with the original game.

    I'm not for hats that don't make sense in the TF2 universe, because it will in the end turn TF2 into a crap game like Battlefield Heroes.

    I'm all for goofy and wacky, but I'm only for it when it isn't just insanely stupid random humor that only really funny to the most immature of people.

    Also, stop being so bloody hostile.
    I am not racist, but I know racism when I see it.

    The hat has no basis on Demoman's personality, and people always want to know how the new things make sense on the character.
    When the Hound Dog was made official, people started speculating that Heavy was in love with american culture.
    If this hat was implemented, people would start speculating that Demoman is an Arab, and many people would think the creator is racist because he assumed the Demoman was an Arab even though he had no proof other than Demoman's skin color.

    This hat is terrible for 2 reasons:
    1. People only like it because it looks "cool".
    2. It's only justifying trait is that "Demoman is black".

    It's well modeled, it's awesome looking, but it makes no sense at all on Demoman and it's racist.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Wasn't calling you racist, just overly politically correct. :P

    I don't think a Celtic black man makes much sense character/personality wise.
  • achmedthesnake
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    achmedthesnake polycounter lvl 17
    When the Hound Dog was made official, people started speculating that Heavy was in love with american culture...

    Dude.... you serious?
    for christ's sake guys keep this on track - this is an tf2 hat art thread...not your soapbox
  • Simski
    Dude.... you serious?
    for christ's sake guys keep this on track - this is an tf2 hat art thread...not your soapbox

    Then you guys could simply have avoided making this a big deal with me by answering my criticism with something other than "You're wrong, shut up". Never try to end an argument with an insult, it usually just fuels the fire.

    I will stop talking about how much of a bad idea I think it is, provided that nobody replies to me with an attempt to change my mind.
  • Moosey_G
    It's good you guys are into the game, but this is purely the modeling aspect of it. Take the rest of your conversation to facepunch.
  • Emil Mujanovic
    Offline / Send Message
    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Okay guys... It's always a bad thing when a mod/admin has to step in and break up this bullshit.
    This is a thread to pimp your custom TF2 hats and items. Please let's not make this about "racial profiling" or whatever. If you think something is racist, report the post and let us mods/admins deal with it.

    Can we stick to posting art and constructive crits and comments, otherwise go back to 4chan and post your bullshit there because it doesn't belong here.
  • JoshuaC
    Offline / Send Message
    JoshuaC polycounter lvl 13
    A Ka-Bar for the Soldier.

    1512 polygons.


    EDIT: Some older stuff I submitted to the TF2 contribution site.

  • Noggin
    I like that Joshua, I speculated before the soldier update he would get a bayonet like this...

  • JoshuaC
    Offline / Send Message
    JoshuaC polycounter lvl 13
    Yeah I was thinking the same thing. Once I'm done with it I'll have to think of some interesting thing for it to do before sending it in.
  • Noggin
    Yeah you shoudl! I dont have the skills to make a worthy model of that.

    Are you using SoftImage?
  • JoshuaC
    Offline / Send Message
    JoshuaC polycounter lvl 13


    I rather dislike softimage.
  • NeoDement
    Knife doesn't look very cartoony, but I guess mucking around with proportions wouldn't really do a lot. The texture's going to sell this one.

    Here's my latest offering, figured I'd post it here before I submit it incase somebody here has a clever suggestion Facepunch doesn't.



    The colourful one is an alternative one for downloading, not for submitting.
  • JoshuaC
    Offline / Send Message
    JoshuaC polycounter lvl 13
    I absolutely love that hat!

    Heh, yeah, it's gonna be a bit of a challenge getting it to TF2 spec. I'm not all that good in the texturing department.
  • Noggin
    Maybe use the demos bomb icon or team logo on the hat?

    Or have it folded back a bit?
  • RobNels
    this is my idea for a demoman hat unfortunetly i do not know how to make it so i was wondering if anyone would like to make it and share the credit if it gets put in the game. or if someone would make a tutorial on how to make it .my idea is dread locks for demoman (i made pictures but for some reason cant upload them) thank you
  • Simski
    Nice Rasta hat Neo, be aware that Royzo did one very similar to your far right one in his Island update though.
    Maybe that was you though... I'm not sure... where you in on the Island update >.>?
  • Gerre
    Offline / Send Message
    Gerre polycounter lvl 10
  • NeoDement
    Noggin wrote: »
    Maybe use the demos bomb icon or team logo on the hat?

    Or have it folded back a bit?
    Although that seems like a great idea, folding it back a bit doesn't reveal his forehead, it reveals the original Demoman hat which can't be removed.

    Gonna fiddle with alt logos now though.
    Simski wrote: »
    Nice Rasta hat Neo, be aware that Royzo did one very similar to your far right one in his Island update though.
    Maybe that was you though... I'm not sure... where you in on the Island update >.>?
    That was his, but by his own admission it's not very good.
  • JoshuaC
    Offline / Send Message
    JoshuaC polycounter lvl 13
    UVing this thing wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.


    Got the AO baked, now I just need to figure out how I'm gonna texture it.

    EDIT: I added some nicks to the blade. Should I keep them?

  • NeoDement
    Keep the one lower down the blade, and maybe thin it down a bit.

    I'm keeping the TF logo on the dreads hat by the way, nothing else looked quite as good.
  • JoshuaC
    Offline / Send Message
    JoshuaC polycounter lvl 13
    That looks a lot better, thanks!

  • Simski
    NeoDement wrote: »
    That was his, but by his own admission it's not very good.
    Ah, never mind then.
    I never got to see it in game myself so I wouldn't know much about it's quality.

    I don't know if there's any more you could add to it.
    The only thing I could think of might be to give it a more "knitted" texture or something alone the lines of that. I'm assuming your hat is based on the knitted variants?

    Then again the Toque is knitted but doesn't have a very unique texture, so you might still get away with it as it is.
  • Old Painless
    I think the turban would be hilarious on the spy since when they disguise or cloak they puff smoke, which I always though made them look like genies.
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