Hello ancient thread! sorry to bump this but I just completed mass effect 2 for the first time and I loved the game but emotionally I'm a little disappointed in the narrative flow/crew relationship side of things. I made some really good choices and often did what I thought was the most right thing to do regardless of my own ambitions and you know what - the game screwed me over! all the characters I cared about hated me and a lot of my crew died in the end scene as a result.
Did you complete all the side quests before going for the final quest? If I recall correctly that was the basic requirement for the crew's survival.
You also need to upgrade everything and assign the right people to tasks. Don't put the biotic on a tech task, or the lone mercenary as a team leader, etc.
I got everyone out alive on my first playthrough, so it's not too hard.
When Jack and Miranda have their fight you need to make sure that you paragon/renegade points are very high or you will lose one of their loyalties. You need to get all loyalty missions done before doing the reaper IFF mission. This way when you get boarded you can go directly to the reaper homebase and save your crew from being melted.
so far as assignments go I sent Tali into the pipes. Mirand led the second fire team. Jacob escorted the live crew members back to the normandy. Samara was my biotic.
Its also a good idea to take Mordin with you to fight the reaper as he seems to be a likely character to die if left to watch your back.
With this setup I got everyone out first go. like dfacto says its not too hard.
Ace: Anyone wont work at all. certain members will die if you send them on the wrong job. Also who the hell is legio
Did you complete all the side quests before going for the final quest? If I recall correctly that was the basic requirement for the crew's survival.
yup all exept 1 quest , my crew died mostly because of the argument with miranda over jack coming from a cerberus test site and the argument with tali over her societys issues with what her father did.
tali was my tech, jack my bio and zaeed my leader of the crew heading back to base, miranda helped me and thane against the end boss. miranda died, tali died and zaeed died.
I wasnt very paragon or very renegade because I would do good things a lot but occasionaly punch a news reporter in the face or something just for the lols. So I couldnt really say the things I wanted to as they were often grayed out.
Did you complete all the side quests before going for the final quest? If I recall correctly that was the basic requirement for the crew's survival.
I got everyone out alive on my first playthrough, so it's not too hard.
so far as assignments go I sent Tali into the pipes. Mirand led the second fire team. Jacob escorted the live crew members back to the normandy. Samara was my biotic.
Its also a good idea to take Mordin with you to fight the reaper as he seems to be a likely character to die if left to watch your back.
With this setup I got everyone out first go. like dfacto says its not too hard.
Ace: Anyone wont work at all. certain members will die if you send them on the wrong job. Also who the hell is legio
Also, Mordin, I always send him as escort for the civilians, he always survived on that.
yup all exept 1 quest , my crew died mostly because of the argument with miranda over jack coming from a cerberus test site and the argument with tali over her societys issues with what her father did.
tali was my tech, jack my bio and zaeed my leader of the crew heading back to base, miranda helped me and thane against the end boss. miranda died, tali died and zaeed died.
I wasnt very paragon or very renegade because I would do good things a lot but occasionaly punch a news reporter in the face or something just for the lols. So I couldnt really say the things I wanted to as they were often grayed out.